The Recalcitrant Birthday Gal. And The Cake Kisser.

March 5, 2012

I am a quiet, behind-the-scenes person who does not suffer spotlights gladly and does not really love parties, especially if I have to be the focus of attention.  So when Steve sat me down two weeks ago and asked what I would like to do for my 50th birthday,  I was ready with a stunning plan.  “Well, we could just order in a pizza and you and Sarah and I could have a little cake and rent a DVD to watch together.”

Party Animal, I ain’t.

Well, Steve was not about to let that non celebratory scenario suffice for his wife’s Fiftieth Celebration so he suggested some (bigger and bigger) plans even as I started suggesting some (smaller and smaller) plans.

We were getting nowhere fast.

Finally we hit upon a compromise: we would have a simple, informal gathering at our house where people from our congregation could drop in, say hello and have some cake.  No pressure to have organized activities,  speeches, massive decorations or major expenses.   Just the things that mattered most: People.  And food.

And so that’s what we did.

If you read yesterday’s post, you know that I was sent to my room ninety minutes before the beginning of the party so that Steve and his lovely party planning assistant, Sarah, could get things whipped into shape.  (They had already spent three hours Saturday afternoon shopping for all the supplies and decorations.)

May I just say that as a recovering control freak and veteran organizer of dozens of dinners and gatherings at our house, it was just a wee bit disconcerting to sit in my room and twiddle my thumbs while all the preparations went on downstairs.  Steve did stick his head in the door a couple of times to inquire as to the whereabouts of certain items:  toothpicks, the glass pitchers, the relish tray,  and of course, the Smith Family Party Hat.   But all in all, he and Sarah were a lean, mean, party planning machine!

When I was finally allowed downstairs, I was greeted with this fun and simple array of birthday loveliness.pulled chicken party 063

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2012-03-04 pulled chicken party

I had to smile when I saw the cake that Steve had ordered.  He said the cake- decorating lady told him she didn’t think she had ever written so small in her whole career but she did manage to fit all the words  he wanted.

Here’s what the cake said, in case you can’t see it all in the picture.

Happy 50th Birthday, Becky.  Wife, mother, published author, photographer, cancer survivor, blogger, award-winning songwriter, singer/musician, Bible speaker, pastor’s wife.  You are a true champion and a renaissance woman.

Steve made me feel very special–as he is wont to do on a regular basis. The man spoils me silly.


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I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take my COPD-afflicted lungs to blow out 50 candles . . .pulled chicken party 078

. . . but since I had plenty of people cheering me on, I figured I’d be okay.pulled chicken party 079

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I was so happy when I finally succeeded in getting them all out that I actually clapped for myself!

Hey, don’t laugh.  We “women of a certain age” can get away with a lot more stuff than when we were younger.pulled chicken party 087

As the cake serving proceeded, some reservations were expressed by various party attendees that they really didn’t want to cut right through my face; as a result, the cutting veered around it for awhile.pulled chicken party 102

Finally though, a certain person got in line and took a certain piece of cake. And before he ate it, he did an unusual thing.pulled chicken party 104

Yep. Only Steve Smith would kiss a piece of cake just because it had his wife’s picture on it.pulled chicken party 109

We had about 60 people come altogether, and they carried with them a varied assortment of cards and small gifts.


I especially loved the wrappings on this one–the paper and the bow were so beautifully coordinated.

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Towards the end of the evening, I received these fresh flowers, beautifully arranged by Linda who owns the gorgeous hair salon I’ve posted picture of here before.

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Linda is one of our volunteer youth workers and so earlier that evening,  she had been over at the church for the weekly youth meeting.  The youth pastor had dismissed her and everyone else a little early so that they could all head over here for the party; as they burst enthusiastically through the front door, they launched into a spirited version of “Happy Birthday.”  Until you’ve heard that sung song by a large group of mostly male adolescents, you haven’t really heard it sung.  It was really dear.

Another special gift I received was this white serving plate.   Our church had a Silent Auction Saturday night and I saw this plate and went over to bid on it.  I saw that another lady had already placed a bid (she was still in the room) and so she and I got involved in a friendly Bidding War.  Finally, she’d had quite enough and she strode over to the table where the plate was sitting and stated firmly, “I am just going to settle this once and for all!”

I walked over to see her new bid (to see if I wanted to top it yet again) and saw that she had written, “Happy Birthday” on the bidding sheet.  She bought the serving plate for me and presented it to me.  What a sweet way to win a bidding war.pulled chicken party 048

With all the birthday-related photos that were taken, this is still my favorite shot of the night.

We have a family in the church with three of the most darling girls under the age of 6.  When they arrived and set their little rain boots all in a row, I couldn’t resist a picture.

Because nothing makes a birthday any better or makes me smile any bigger than sweet friends, thoughtful church people, a loving husband and daughter . . . and pink polka dots and yellow flowers on small rubber boots.pulled chicken party 066

40 comments so far.

40 responses to “The Recalcitrant Birthday Gal. And The Cake Kisser.”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    What a wonderful day for you. So glad you had a great celebration.

    • Becky says:

      Ann, thanks so much! Jim’s phone call yesterday made the celebration extend a few days further. Thanks sooooo very much!

  2. Catherine says:

    Happy 50th Becky!!!!Just to let you know Iam 5 years behind you. Hard to beleive I KNOW!!!For me to. LOL!!! Happy SWEET birthday and may you have as many more. God Bless YOU!!

  3. michele says:

    Happy Birthday Becky! Looks like you had a great one!!

    • Becky says:


      Sunday’s celebration was a great way to kick off my birthday week. Tomorrow ( my actual birthday) will be a big quieter but thankfully, I like quiet.

  4. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    Happy Birthday Becky! Sounds like this was definitely one for the memory books….. love, love, LOVE that you were banished to your room and what Steve had written on the cake…. you guys are such a precious family and it is a blessing and inspiration to follow your life journal/blog.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, this was definitely an example of being banished to my room in a GOOD way! Thanks for your encouraging words; they mean so much to me!

  5. Becky says:


    Thanks for your sweet words! I truly do feel lucky and blessed–especially having my very own cake kisser in my life!

  6. Bridgette says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  7. Anna says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky. May you be blessed with many more to come. Your husband is a very special and thoughtful man.

  8. Norma says:

    Happy, happy birthday to a dear friend!

  9. Liz W says:

    What a terrific party! Love the cake and all its words. Just spelling “renaissance” correctly had to have been a challenge. Obviously, you are well loved. Happy 50th!

  10. Kristina says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky… And way to go, Steve, for refusing to let her hide! Birthdays should always be celebrated, so you can remember what you accomplished over the past year and anticipate what you’ll do with the next one.

    I turn 30 this year (I know, not the same but still a milestone birthday) and I essentially chose my approach shortly after I turned 29. I am SO EXCITED about being 30. It’s a whole new decade; who knows what it might bring?!!

    • Becky says:


      Thirty is definitely a HUGE milestone birthday! Glad to know you’re excited about it. And yes, I’m glad Steve did “force” me to celebrate with a little party. It was fun!

  11. angela says:

    I know your birthday isn’t for a few days but I wanted to wish you a very happy one. What a precious husband and daughter you have to do all that for you! Priceless!

    • Becky says:


      Precious and priceless are definitely two ways to describe the two of them. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  12. Fran Alexander says:

    Happy belated birthday Becky. Everything looked lovely. Many more Birthdays.
    Did you set the smoke alarm off, just kidding I have you by 10 years so I would really set off smoke alarms. LOL Glad you had a wonderful time.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, I think in another 10 years, the smoke alarm will definitely go off. It got pretty close to it this time around!

  13. Patti says:

    Happy Birthday-enjoy and embrace being 50-it is great.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am doing my best to embrace being (almost) fifty and so far I’m doing pretty well with it.

      Just two more days to be in my forties!!

  14. Angela says:

    I’m glad you had such a well-deserved and sweet celebration!

  15. Lesley says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

  16. Shannon says:

    Happy belated Birthday Becky!
    Looks like a great party!!

  17. Mrs. Pam says:

    love that cake! i wonder if the bakery will soon declare a limited # of words/letters per cake!
    having an open house was a perfect and lovely way to celebrate.

    the installation of the new minister at my church is going to be on my birthday… so I told her that I now
    have the perfect excuse for not celebrating this year.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yeah, if they would have charged us for the cake by the letters used, we wouldn’t have been able to afford it! Happy celebration of your birth and happy celebration of the new minister at your church.

  18. Jan says:

    Aren’t you glad Steve didn’t use your driver’s license picture? Glad you had a happy birthday. I had the momentous 62 In January and will be receiving my first Social Security check this month. Earned every gray hair and wrinkle 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I don’t think anyone in the whole world would want their driver’s license picture on their cake! 🙂

      I get my AARP card; you get your SS check. Life is all about milestones, isn’t it?

  19. Mary H says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BECKY! What a perfect celebration for a wonderfully loving person as you. Love the photo of the boots – you should do a collection of photos of shoes, keys on tables, all the little images you capture that tell a story the rest of us would miss! Happy, Happy 50th – it ain’t nothin’ sister, wait until 60!!! AND I LOVE MY AARP Card and magazine.

    • Becky says:


      I was just thinking yesterday that I really love all those little Life Shots, like you’re talking about. It’s the small pictures that tell the big stories.

      Happy AARPing!

  20. d mantik says:

    Oh for pete’s sake. I’m sitting here blubbering over a birthday party. It’s just that I’m so very glad that people made such a wonderful and much-deserved fuss over you but I’m sad that I couldn’t be there to fuss along with them! Steve and Sarah did a magnificant job and you looked beautiful! I loved the pix of Steve kissing the piece of cake–so sweet (both literally and figuratively). 🙂

    I will get a card in the mail today and your present is ordered and on it’s way–from China, no less! It will be late though. However, as you know, if I ever did a birthday thing on time it just wouldn’t be right. I am the Queen of Procrastination and I have a reputation to maintain.

    So will you do the pizza/movie night on your actual birthday day or does Steve have another delightsome plot up his sleeve?

    Happy, happy pre-birthday–love you!


    • Becky says:


      I imagine my actual birthday will be the whole pizza/movie scenario along with some gift opening to accomplish. I am certainly looking forward to my lovely jewelry arriving soon(ish.) Thanks for your sweet sentiments and for being a wonderful sister and friend.

  21. nancy irving says:

    What a wonderful celebration of your “50” years of life. You most certainly have a wonderful husband and daughter (and of course son and daughter-in-law too), to put on such a wonderful surprise (well sort of), you are sooooo loved. The cake was so beautiful and thoughtful and trust Steve to “kiss the cake”. What a lucky lady you are to have all that love surround you for your special day. Here’s hoping that the actual day is as wonderful as the celebration bestowed upon you. Happy Early Birthday Becky……..

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