The Plane Truth

June 13, 2016

This was me, a little over a year ago. Completely besotted.


I am still besotted by that formerly teeny wee baby who is inexplicably turning into a one-year-old this Thursday. How can that be?

She is such a doll baby.  Love this girl.  Love her mama.


Although (sadly) we weren’t able to be present for her party yesterday, Sarah, Steve and I are planning to  drive to Florida the last part of July so that we can spend a few days soaking up grandparent-ness.  And also parent-ness. And also Florida heat-ness. (Because we are all about choosing the hottest time to visit!)

And then, two weeks after we get home, Sarah will leave for college!  (Leaving date is August 15.)

Speaking of granddaughters and daughters, I thought you might get a kick out seeing this sign Steve got as a gift.


It hangs in a place of honor in his man cave/garage/airplane building hanger.


Steve did his best to choose a pilot for his plane that looks a little like me. As he told me, “That way you won’t mind me spending so much time with my plane.”  Ha. A funny man.

See? There I am.  I had to go on quite the reducing diet to fit into that little spot but hey, I’m all about trying new adventures.


His RC Club had a Club Fly on Saturday and for the first time, he took Big Red out there. It was a little too windy to actually take to the air but he did taxi up and down the runway a bit, much to the delight of all the watching Club Fly Fellas.  It will be a big, big day when that plane finally lifts off for the first time.


In the meantime, Steve is making sure Big Red earns his keep and doesn’t just loll around in the garage. He put the plane to work last Wednesday, much to the delight of the crowd of preschoolers and their parents who had gathered for our annual preschool graduation. (The preschool is part of our church.)

His brief devotional was based on the fact that the radio-controlled transmitter that he holds sends signals to the plane to turn right, turn left, go higher or go lower.  The transmitter has authority over the plane and if the plane doesn’t listen to the transmitter, it will get in all sorts of trouble–the worst of which would be to dive straight to the ground and crash.

He told the kids that there are people in authority over each of them—teachers, parents, policeman and most importantly, God.  If they don’t listen to those people in authority over their lives, then they will make poor decisions that could make their lives crash.

And that is the plane truth!


Everyone–kids and parents alike–listened intently and they also oohed and ahhed when he made the wings and the tail move up and down with the transmitter.


He even got a couple of teachers to help with his demonstration.  I especially wanted to use this picture because the woman on the right is Terry, who is the worship leader at our church and has a fabulous voice.  I know she reads the blog so I’ll say, “Hi Terry!”


Sarah Update

A few of you have emailed to check how Sarah is doing with her weight.  She has been trying to drink an 850-calorie protein shake most days and has been able to gain a couple of pounds back.  She will go back to see her doctor again next Tuesday for a follow-up visit and we’ll see how things go from there.

She should also have her hearing aids in the next two weeks, so that will exciting!  

In the meantime, she is working on getting her computer ordered, and (with Steve’s help) dealing with a lawyer and our insurance company in the aftermath of her fender bender.  Good times!

In Closing 

I forgot to post this video when Steve had his birthday a month ago. It is so funny because Noah keeps on wanting to say, “Happy birthday, Grandma,” instead of “Grandpa.”  He is just too cute.






10 comments so far.

10 responses to “The Plane Truth”

  1. Jan Reuther says:

    Happy birthday, Madison! (Still don’t have correct glasses to see close up.)

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Thought that the 1 year picture of Madison was sooo cute, but thought she looked a little like Sarah.

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Plane looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy hearing about the Smiths both here and in FL. Thanks for the pictures. Happy Birthday to Madison.

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Oh Noah….nothing melts a grandparent’s heart quicker than hearing that sweet voice sing! Becky and Steve, Noah and Maddie are both just completely adorable!! Celebrate your sweet one-year-old when you get there. It’s all about being together, not the specific day.
    I’m glad that Sarah is regaining some weight and I hope that the car issue gets resolved smoothly and quickly. What a pain. 🙁

  5. beckylp says:

    thanks for the plane pictures. I had no idea until I saw it with the 2 ladies that it was so big. you can do a birthday when you get to Florida – my grandparents always said it didn’t matter which day it was – it was the day we were together.

    • Becky says:

      Yes, it is hard to tell the size of that plane until you see it with people around it. It’s really big–barely fits into our mini van for transport. And I agree, celebrations can be done anytime, anywhere. That’s what makes them celebrations!

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