The Non-Agog Dog.

July 15, 2019

Just in case you wonder what the Smith family does in our spare time for entertainment, I am about to pull back the curtain and enlighten you.

Can you even stand the excitement?

Friday night we had especially raucous plans on the agenda, namely eating a simple family supper and then Steve heading outside in the 230-degree heat to put house numbers on the porch–something he’s been meaning to do for ten years or so.

He is nothing if not precise!

When the tool belt is pressed into service, you know things are about to get serious.

Of course, we three Smith women did not want to be left out of the excitement so we trundled along outside to cheer Steve on and to offer helpful advice. 

Even though Summer went along with the whole going outdoors plan, she was not exactly agog with anticipation. Actually, she was the very opposite of agog.

In fact, I think it would be safe to say that she was the very epitome of a non-agog dog. 

You can tell Sarah loves her just a little.

 After Steve had gotten the three numbers affixed to the porch, he went out into the yard to view his work from a distance to see if everything lined up.


Sarah decided she and Summer should offer their alignment advice as well.

When the three of them had arranged themselves in the yard, Sarah suggested that they should do the squint test, like we do when we’re trying to decide if the Christmas lights are even.

I love the expressions on all three faces and especially love that it looks like Summer is squinting, too!


The final product.

After all the hoopla of the non-agog squinting had died down, we all went back inside, filled this bowl (a gift from Nathan and Meagan) with popcorn and watched a movie together. 

That is one of my favorite places to be–piled on the couch, surrounded by the people and the dog that I love.


Even though our family tends towards being homebodies . . .

occasionally Steve and I will go out and do a little exploring. I mean, we DO live in a fairly lovely place!

On one particular night, we took a walk along the nature path at Pea Island, which is right across the road from the ocean.

Love the loveliness.

A little turtle family swam over to give us a turtle welcome.

It was so nice to spend a quiet evening with this wonderful husband of mine.


Here’s a picture I took on a previous visit there with Sarah; one of my favorite shots.

A little medical news . . .

This ultrasound machine paid a visit to my life recently.


I had found a lump in my silicone implant which had raised some concern that it might be a leak, or some other issue.  Although the ultrasound looked okay the radiologist is still sending me to see my plastic surgeon for a hands-on exam, just to be sure there isn’t anything that needs to be looked into further.

I also had a chest CT scan recently as a follow up to the one I had last September.

The September CT showed the following results:

Following my RA infusion today, I will see my pulmonologist for the latest CT results. He already has the report from the radiologist and since I haven’t gotten any urgent phone calls, I am assuming that all is well.  But as you know, positive-thinking assumptions can’t completely wipe out the worry that always lurks around when this kind of test is done.  I will breathe much easier when that appointment is over.

In closing . . .

some of you have been wondering about Sarah’s future plans. We are happy to report that she has an internship lined up at a church about two hours from us that will start in August. We’ll share more details soon.

And now it’s time for me to head on down the road to Greenville, leaving behind lined up house numbers, a handsome hubby, a charming daughter . . . and a much loved, non-agog dog.

What about you?

When you have a free evening, are you more likely to stay at home or go out and do something?
If you do go out, what is your favorite thing do to?
If you stay in, what is your favorite thing to do there?


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “The Non-Agog Dog.”

  1. krista121799 says:

    Gasp! I forgot to comment on this post. To answer your question, I am a stay at home person. I enjoy the quiet time by myself in the evening after my son and sister go to bed. Get’s me re-charged for the next day.

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Hmmm, squinting, well, summer needs to squint at the numbers, not at a gentleman dog somewhere nearby – at least I think that’s what she’s looking at. As my mother would say, “I think the numbers look goody pud.” We do a lot of walking, so that’s what we do when the weather is nice. If it is not (rain or snow), we find a large place to walk (like Home Depot, Menards, Target, WalMart). Since we are retired we have many free evenings – my husband reads a lot and I will read sometimes and play games on my Ipad, OR if the Minnesota Twins are on, I will listen to them on my phone while walking. Not an exciting life, but we are thankful for each day. Have a feeling you had to ask about those large words on the CT scan. Will continue to pray for you.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I think Summer was pretending to squint at the numbers but was actually checking out the handsome dog across the street. Will have to keep an eye on that one! 🙂

      Walking is a great thing to do, especially when you get to do it with someone you love. It was fun seeing the word Menards pop up in your comment. We don’t have them here and they ALWAYS remind me of Wisconsin and the midwest. Miss getting to visit up there!

  3. LeeAnne says:

    We are on the go A LOT. And we enjoy it…always something going on and we have a really great group of friends that we hang with. But we do so enjoy some quiet time at home too and our favorite place is our back patio and back yard this time of year. It’s beautiful and private and peaceful.

    You will be in my heart and on my mind as you wait for your results. Prayers for peace for you and a good report.

    I just love to see a tight-knit family having fun together and you three are the perfect example. 🙂 I’ll be anxious to hear more about Sarah and her internship!

    • Becky says:


      You are fortunate to have a great group of friends and ALSO blessed to have the option of just sitting in the quiet, as well. A lovely life balance!

      I do feel blessed to be in a family where we have fun. And it’s usually cheap fun too, which is all the better! 🙂

      Thanks for your concern and prayers over health issues. I appreciate you!

  4. SueEllen says:

    Prayers that it’s all good news at your appointment! I never knew arthritis could affect your lungs, so I learned something new tonight. Beautiful pictures of your peaceful walk. As I have said before – the Carolina Coast is like heaven on earth.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yeah, unfortunately RA can affect ALL body systems and organs–including the lungs.

      And yes, I agree about heaven on earth. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina . . .

  5. Phyllis says:

    When I first read the title, early this morning, I thought it said non-aging dog. 🙂
    For the most part, when I have a free evening, it’s spent at home. I love to read so I can make an evening out of that. Sometimes I will have the Royals game on at a lower volume than normal.
    My favorite thing to do when I do go out is catch a movie but I like to go during the day rather than at night. The theater is less crowded usually.

    • Becky says:


      A non-aging dog would be lovely! 🙂

      I agree completely about movies being better during the day. Quieter AND cheaper. What’s not to love?

      And spending the night reading is one of my favorite things to do, as well!

  6. dmantik says:

    Great post! I enjoyed your humerous depictions. ☺️

    Love, Deb

  7. Jim Martin says:

    In your picture of the sun and beach, I see two crosses one at the top and one at the bottom. The one at the bottom is not as distinguishable as the one at the top. Always love seeing you guys and the landscapes you photograph. It gives me an insight into your thoughts and ideas of your thinking that you enjoy. Have a great week.

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad you pointed that out; I hadn’t noticed that.

      It’s good to know that you enjoy the landscape photos that I include on the blog. We are just so blessed around here to have so many things to photograph. And I love getting to share the beauty with special folks like you!

  8. Patti says:

    Exciting to hear of Sarah’s internship. We seldom have evening plans. I am one for spur of the moment, “Let’s go…” but usually we stay at home. I can always keep busy and enjoy my quilting, my husband can always find something on TV to interest him.

    • Becky says:


      Spur of the moment stuff is always fun–you never know when something exciting is just going to pop up! 🙂

      Nice you can enjoy quiet time together, too. One of the great blessings of life.

  9. Ann Martin says:

    Usually we just stay home unless we have haircuts or medical appointments. It is difficult for Jim to get about with the braces and walker. I do venture out to meetings but the couch with the pups is where you will find me after cleaning the kitchen from dinner dishes most nights. Love popcorn but don’t eat it much because the pups whine for it and I hesitate to give it to them. Enjoy this week and prayers for good reports. Glad Sarah’s plans are coming together.

    • Becky says:


      Snowy used to love popcorn but Summer won’t touch it! Funny that your dogs love it so much!

      A couch and some pups sounds like a pretty perfect place to me!

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