The Moments In Between

January 2, 2017

Help!  I usually post a list of my five top commenters in my first blog of the new year but I forgot to get the list of names before the blog reset itself for 2017.  I know for sure that Ann Martin was #1 with over 100 comments.

I am usually sent a report from WordPress with all those statistics in it, but for whatever reason, I didn’t get one this year. If you were 2-5, would you please let me know?  Thank you!

I’d like to start by saying happy 35th anniversary to my first, best, only and favorite husband.  When we got married, on January 2, 1982, I was painfully shy and sorely lacking in confidence; he has spent 35 years encouraging and affirming me in every area imaginable and I owe so much of who I am to today to him.  Happy Anniversary, Favorite Person!


Here is the final post covering the Smith Family Christmas Travels.

On our last morning with Nathan and Meagan, we had our pancake/birthday breakfast and opened Christmas gifts before heading out for Charlotte, which meant we didn’t get there till almost 11 p.m.

Even at that late hour, both of Steve’s parents were still up waiting for us.  If I were in my 80’s,  I would not stay up till 11 p.m.,  regardless of WHO was coming to visit me!   It was so sweet of them to give us a warm, late night welcome.

This is one very special couple.

One of the things we especially enjoyed doing during this visit was looking at some old photos. Sarah discovered Ken and Vernie’s wedding album and loved looking at pictures of them back in the day.

We also found a picture of Sarah I had completely forgotten about it.  I don’t know who is cuter: Sarah as a toddler or Snowy as a puppy.

Here is Ken with Nathan (the younger boy) and his other grandson, David.

I also took a closer look at these paintings Vernie did years ago.  

These two paintings show the houses she and Ken grew up in. They are painted on some of the slate roof tiles taken from the home of a relative when it was torn down. How cool is that?


And now on to a few more current memories . . .

like Sarah and her grandpa posing for a Christmas shot.

Before we opened gifts, we got the table ready for the meal.  I have been eating off these plates for 37 years now.

One of Ken’s gifts was a hat letting everyone know he is Air Force Retired. Definitely something to be proud of!

He gave the hat a trial run on one of his daily walks with Tippi.

Ken also got a flag to replace the one on their front porch that was wearing out.  I thought these two items made a perfect photo.

Steve always enjoys the chance to hang out with his brothers.  (Dana is on his right; Jeff is out of sight on his left.)

Here they are where you can see all three of them. (Posing with Steve’s custom-built, Carvin bass guitar which he’s had since 2004.)  All three brothers share a love for music; both Dana and Jeff have been in bands for years.

After the meal, Sarah burst into action and worked on the dishes. I love it when people burst into action, especially when it comes to large piles of dishes.

Nathan and Meagan were also ones to burst into action with Sarah to clean up after a big meal; it was sad for all of us that this was their first year to not be there at  Christmas.

We all know that there is a limit to the future memories that will be made in this house that we all love.

Because of that, it’s even more special to look back at the memories we’ve already made.

I especially love this photo taken several years ago.  When these dear people and this dear house are gone, we will always have the memories of the hellos and the goodbyes  . . .  and all the moments in between.


What about you?  Where did you spend Christmas?  Just leave a comment with the name of the town.  

Or of course, if you feel like writing more, you are always welcome to do so.  I love my commenters!



32 comments so far.

32 responses to “The Moments In Between”

  1. krista121799 says:

    We spend Christmas here at home in Grand Forks, ND. It was just my mom, dad, sister and son and I. It was a very nice day!

  2. Wendy says:

    Happy Anniversary! I had my 3 kids and their spouses and my 3 wonderful grandchildren all home with me here in Hines, MN. Christmas is about Jesus birth but also the family being all here makes the day, well, the weekend!!! I so see Nathan in that wedding picture. Happy New year! Wendy

    • Becky says:


      How lovely to have your kids and grandkids come to your house for Christmas. Being with family is such a blessing. Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Denver, Colorado! 🙂

  4. beckylp says:

    wow you can sure see Nathan in his granddaddy and Nathan’s little boy in his pix. that picture of Sarah was beyond precious. Happy Anniversary to you and Steve! And when you are 80 I know you will be waiting up for your Smith kids to come home even if you have to take yourself a little nap during the day. We had family Christmas on the 17th when all were home in Kenly – my kids were there on 12/24 and then it was just mom, me and my older sister and husband, best friend on 12/25. I believe Christmas day is the day you make it especially as families get bigger and don’t live next door any more like in the past

    • Becky says:


      You know, you are probably right. I’ll be an 80 year old granny, peering out the front window at midnight, waiting for the first sight of those people I love. 🙂

      And I love what you said about Christmas day being the day you make it. Sounds like you got to stretch your Christmas out into lots of great days!

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    Christmas Day was at home in Mesquite, TX. But we spent a few days before Christmas with my in-laws in Marion, AR (just across the river from Memphis). And I swear your mother-in-law’s kitchen looks JUST LIKE my mother-in-law’s! (And I and my daughters spent some time at her sink just like Sarah!) Wishing you and all your Smiths a blessed and happy 2017!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      So it sounds like you had a little bit of traveling going on over Christmas, too! And how fun that our mother-in-law’s kitchens match! 🙂

      We’ve ALL spent some time at those sinks, haven’t we?

  6. Guerrina says:

    Home in Ledyard, CT!

  7. Phyllis says:

    Home in Overland Park, Kansas. Christmas for us was not until the 30th; however, I had a book for both my mom and dad to open Christmas day, which they did about 1:00 AM after returning from Christmas Eve services at my church. It was about 1:30 that morning before we all went to bed – pretty late for a 90 and 85 year old
    When I saw the picture of Ken with his rolling walker, I thought at first he had named it Tippi. Then I noticed the dog and assumed that was it’s name. My dad has one of those walkers which come in handy.
    Happy anniversary to you and Steve.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’d say that 1:30 a.m. is pretty remarkable for people your parents’ age; sounds like you had a special time together.

      A Walker named Tippi. That would be a fun children’s book!

  8. Dale Tousley says:

    Wake Forest, NC with both of our kids here, yay!! Happy New Year Smith family.

  9. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Home in Roanoke Rapids, NC. We went to our son’s in Raleigh, NC, on Christmas Eve. Church Christmas morning. Wonderful time. Sure enjoyed all the pictures past and present. Happy Anniversary to you and Steve. Love ❤️ to all.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you and Jim had a chance to get to Raleigh and visit your son. I try to never take for granted that we have the money, and time and vehicle to go and visit people we love; not everyone has that.

  10. Patti says:

    I see Nathan in that one wedding photo.

  11. Catherine says:

    Home– Zebulon, NC

    First time in awhile. So it was really nice having my family here. We had a lovely Christmas.

    Love all the pics of your family!!!❤ so sweet!

  12. rsclark says:

    We moved to south Knoxville a year ago Dec. 1. Richard is a VP at a Christian College here. Johnson University. So we had Christmas here. But we did the Santa and gift opening on Monday the 19th. Our 3 grands and their parents live in Michigan. So to make their 2 week vacation work for us and other grandparents who snowbird in Florida we had to do Santa early. We didn’t mind at all. Our son who lives in Cincinnati and is single came for both weekends. On the 25th we actually went to church, a movie and back home and made spaghetti. His choice. The Michigan kids came back through Sat morning. They drive at night so littles will sleep. They left here at 7:30 last evening and arrived back in Michigan this morning at 6:00am. Everyone is home safe and all is right with the world. Except my house. I have lots of cleaning and undecorating to do this week. But we are having 3 couples over for Mexican food tonight. So the undecorating will start tomorrow. The cleaning started at 7 this morning. And once again this is Buff. Not Richard. ?

    • Becky says:

      Buff (not Richard), 🙂

      It sounds like you need a full time assistant to get everyone’s schedules to coincided; so happy everyone pulled together and made it all work. It’s so great to hear about families willing to be flexbile with time, schedules, and travel.

      Nathan and Meagan have also driven at night so the kids could sleep. It sure makes the trip go by faster for the kids–and, I guess, the parents, too!

  13. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Love your photos and the memories you share with friends. It’s almost like we are there with you. Wanted to ask when your anniversary is/was, because on Dec. 30th, my husband and I celebrated our 50th. Whew!!! Our son and his family weren’t here for Christmas, but came to help us celebrate our anniversary. We spent Christmas Day with our daughter and her family (they live about 6 miles away). I remember years ago when our family (mom, dad and girls) would get together with aunts and uncles. So many folks and so much eating going on!!! But they are all gone and now we make our own precious memories, and the gatherings are much smaller, but just as enjoyable when you are with the “kids” and grandkids! Have a blessed and Happy New Year!

    • Becky says:


      I went in and clarified in the blog post that it was Jan 2. And congratulations to you and your husband on celebrating fifty years. I applaud you and your dedication and commitment to each other. I saw a few pictures on FB and enjoyed them so much!

      Yes, I know what you mean about gatherings being smaller because precious people who used to be in our lives are gone. That just makes the present memories more special.

  14. Jenna HOFF says:

    Love the photos! I spent Christmas in Edmonton, Alberta (where I live). My name was on the comment list, but I think further down this year- maybe somewhere between 7 and 11?

    Happy New Year!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you are definitely one of my most faithful commenters. I would definitely picture you being in the top ten!

      I imagine Christmas in your beautiful city is a lovely sight indeed.

  15. Margie says:

    Home -Winter Springs Florida

  16. mrs pam says:

    Vernie is quite talented it!!! loved V&K’s wedding photo.
    And Snowy and Sarah are both beyond adorable!!!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yes, Vernie IS very talented; I can’t imagine knowing how to paint.

      I had actually forgotten how very cute Snowy was as a puppy!

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