The Happiest Kind of Joy

August 26, 2019

So thankful to get to celebrate Sarah’s twenty-fourth birthday last Friday.  

Since Steve had to be Charlotte on her birthday, we planned a few festivities ahead of time–breakfast in bed, a mini photoshoot, some gifts, and a birthday dinner. (Steve prepared and presented the breakfast, complete with a rose from the front yard.)

In other Smith news . . .

the three of us recently went backstage at The Lost Colony which is the longest-running outdoor drama in the United States. There are not many theater settings that are set against such a gorgeous backdrop of water and sky.  It was a treat to share the views with two of my favorite folks.

We are just two days away . . .

from Sarah’s move to Ahoskie, NC. I got a bit teary-eyed when I happened to glance out the front door at church yesterday and saw our cars parked side by side.  I will miss her so much.

Last night she drove to Virginia Beach to spend some time with some of her old college friends. She had a great time going out and Summer and I had a great time staying in since I had not felt well last week. I had a good bit of pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, all of it exacerbated by just feeling weary and overwhelmed. It was therapeutic to have those restful hours yesterday. 

On Saturday night I was talking to Sarah about how bad I had been feeling and broke down crying in the middle of it. She was at my side in a second, rubbing my back and providing me with Kleenex. But what really touched me was when she said, “Oh Mom, I wish I could stay home so that I could help you.”  I needed even more Kleenex after that dear speech.

Speaking of resting and staying home . . .

my family knows that no peaceful time at home can be embarked upon without me having on my softest sweat pants and even more importantly, my softest fuzzy socks.  Ten seconds after walking in the door, my shoes are off and those socks are on. I keep several pair stashed in the downstairs closet and several pair upstairs. Steve and Sarah know that it is a crisis of gargantuan proportions if I open the closet door and discover that all of my downstairs fuzzy socks have migrated upstairs.

We had someone over for lunch recently and I mentioned my fuzzy sock attachment to her. She laughed and said that she hated fuzzy socks because they made her feet feel claustrophobic. She only likes to walk around barefoot which just happens to be one of my absolute least favorite things to do.

Isn’t it funny (and great) how different we all are?

Steve is in Charlotte . . .

with his parents and will be there a few more days. His mom’s hip replacement surgery went great and she’ll be moved to rehab today. She is eagerly counting down the days when she can go home to be with Ken again. When you’ve been married almost seven decades, being back together after spending time apart is the happiest kind of joy.

Before I close . . .

I wanted to share some photos of our youth pastor and his wife and their new baby. After six weeks of living in Durham at the hospital and at Ronald McDonald House, they are finally back home.

First Two Photos by Holly Rivers Carter

Here is Grey at a little over a week. So thankful for a healthy little guy!


What about you?


You KNOW I have to ask the Fuzzy Sock Question. Are you a fan of shoes, socks, or going barefoot?


Also, do you remember where you were in life on (or around) your 24th birthday? Were you married? In a career? Traveling? In college? 


It’s always interesting to hear about how experiences vary from person to person.  I’d love to hear YOUR story.

34 comments so far.

34 responses to “The Happiest Kind of Joy”

  1. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Actually Becky, I was about 19 when I started living in “the cities” by myself. My sister came to the cities and we lived together until I got married.

  2. krista121799 says:

    I’m so glad Sarah had a nice breakfast and supper and I love seeing the Official Smith birthday hat!
    I love outdoor theaters. In Boise, we had the Shakespeare Festival. I loved going there. So serene and fun! Yours looks like fun, too!
    I only wear socks in the winter. I have a few pairs of the “Socks to stay home in”, aka fuzzy socks. At home, I am usually barefoot. But sometimes, when it’s -12579 degrees out, I put them on at home. And I hate to sleep in socks!!
    Praise the Lord that Grey is home. What wonderful news!
    Have a blessed week!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think if it ever got to -12579 in Manteo, I’d be wearing a COUPLE pair of fuzzy socks. I know that in your neck of the woods, you know all about cold temps and warm clothes.

      An outdoor Shakespeare Festival sounds like so much fun!

  3. Jenna hoff says:

    I have VERY strong feelings about what I put on my feet. But the funny thing is that it changes on a daily (or more) basis. Sometimes I want soft thick fuzzy socks and nothing else will do. Other times that is too bothersome and uncomfortable and only thin anklet socks will do. Sometimes I love shoes but whenever I can and it’s warm enough I go barefoot, especially in the grass. There is nothing like bare feet in grass. I love for my feet to touch the earth, even more so because now my feet are often not touching the ground (ie in a wheelchair). But now that I can walk 1-2 blocks with a cane and rest of time use the chair whenever I can I try to have my feet firmly on the ground.

    When I was just about 24 I went on a solo trip around Nova Scotia and it was one of the happiest times of my life.

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. I would LOVE to take a solo trip around a place as beautiful as Nova Scotia. I can only imagine the incredible memories you must have from that trip. So happy you got to do that!

      I think you’re the only reader I’ve heard of so far who has such a variety of sock preferences. Thick socks, thin socks, no socks. Your feet know their own mind!

  4. Guerrina says:

    I was always a barefoot person until I got a bit older and now in warm weather mostly flip flop/barefoot, but in cold weather give me my super warm up to my ankle slippers! Since early yesterday morning it was 53 degrees in AUGUST (!), yesterday was a slipper day!

    What a joy it has been to watch Sarah grow up! Love you guys! Happy belated birthday, Sarah!

    24 was 40 years ago. First real job I loved (outpatient psych) and was getting divorced from an abusive alcoholic that I’d married to fill the hole in my heart because my Mom had passed away. Lots of life lessons learned through that!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. Fifty-three IS cold for August. Bring out the fuzzy, floppy comfort slippers!

      Thanks for sharing a snippet of your story with the Smithellaneous family. I love how you can look back at that stressful season and see the positives of life lessons learned instead of just the negatives of the hardship you went through. Losing your mom and then going through a divorce was tough, tough thing. But you persevered and have wound up at this stage of your life with strength, humor, and grace. You go, girl!

  5. Patti says:

    Definately barefoot unless my feet are cold, which isn’t too often. I do love fluffy socks and shoes also, but my feet get so hot I can’t wear shoes for long.
    My 24th birthday was memorable as it was my golden birthday. I had been looking forward to doing something special. Unfortunately I was one of the 80% who got food poisoning at a convention banquet. Fortunately it was short lived and the next day I had a fun shopping trip. I was not married, as I didn’t marry until I was 50!

    • Becky says:


      That definitely WAS a memorable birthday. A lot of birthdays tend to blur together but not THAT one!

      And married at 50? I’m sure there is a fascinating and wonderful story behind that statement.

  6. Phyllis says:

    I was 24 forty years ago. I had been out of college 2 years, had a job in my hometown and still lived with my parents. Two years later I moved to KC and have never lived in my hometown since (nor do I ever plan on living there again).
    Sarah and my nephew are almost the exact same age – his 24th birthday was Thursday.
    I do not like going barefoot – indoors or outdoors. I have hardwood floors in my living and dining rooms as well as my kitchen. I have foot problems so it’s a little uncomfortable walking on the hard floors. I usually wear a slip on house slipper. When I traveled for work a lot, I had a pair that always went with me. As soon as I would get home, they would go in the laundry for the next trip.
    Glad to hear the hip replacement went well. My mom spent 12 days in a skilled nursing facility – there are no rehab facilities where they live. She would have had to stay in Springfield which is about 75 miles from their home. She wasn’t fond of the nursing facility; however, she got a lot more company than she would have in Springfield.
    I went to see The Peanut Butter Falcon today, it seems like you might have mentioned this movie. I know there was one scene where Tyler was looking at a map and he said they were at Manteo. A woman in my Sunday School class has a down syndrome daughter who is 20 and going to a program at Missouri State University called Bear Power. She had seen the movie and said it was good.

    • Becky says:


      I know that traveling with a particular pair of slippers helped to make you feel a little more at home wherever you traveled. I love how that works.

      Yes, the writer/director of Peanut Butter Falcon attended the same High School Sarah graduated from; he grew up about 25 minutes from us. We haven’t seen the movie yet but are definitely planning to.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    It’s barefoot for me!! I hate wearing shoes! When it gets to be winter, I will usually wear socks around the house.
    Sarah is such a sweetheart and you two have quite a strong bond. She will undoubtedly miss you too! Fortunately she is only a couple of hours away which could make for some fun and impromptu ‘meet me half way’ get-togethers for a quick lunch or supper. 🙂
    Good to hear that the hip surgery went well!
    When I turned 24, I had been married about a year and a half and was pregnant with our first child. That seems like such a long time ago but it is still so vivid in my memory.
    I hope that this week is better for you and that you are feeling better too. The prayers continue.(((((((HUGS))))))))

    • Becky says:


      It’s so interesting to read the different stages of life readers were at in their early 20’s. Being a newlywed and pregnant with a first child is definitely something you don’t forget–memories like that go with you through a lifetime. And I’m thankful they do.

      Yes, Sarah is definitely a sweetheart. We will be definitely doing some halfway get-togethers in the months to come. So thankful she is close enough to do that.

  8. Wendy says:

    When I was 24, I was married, had a 2 year old daughter and was pregnant with my son. It’s so hard to see your kids move away, even just a couple of hours. But, mine are 1 hour away, 2 hours away and 3 1/2 hours away. I will see them this weekend though 🙂 and get to spend time with my grandchildren. I wear socks and shoes most of all day. My feet hurt too bad otherwise, but I do NOT wear socks to bed. Oh my goodness, I get to hot and have my feet sticking out of the blankets. Happy on the report of Steve’s mom doing so well, and that precious baby coming home. Hallelujah!

    • Becky says:


      I know you look forward to every single time you see those kids and grandkids of yours. They are truly treasures.

      Sounds like your life was full at twenty-four with a husband, a child, and a child on the way. Precious days–those early years.

  9. Les says:

    It must be hard for Sarah to leave when you aren’t feeling well. I remember when Nathan had the decision to make of leaving the nest or staying closer to home when Sarah was struggling. It’s so hard to know what to do but if the kids have the chance to fly, we’ve got to support it and you have always done an awesome job at that. She won’t be far but I’m sure its just a little harder to let go right now. I would be crying for sure. Hopefully, this coming week will see an improvement in your symptoms.
    Happy Birthday Sarah!! Woot-woot!!
    Big fuzzy sock fan up here, but not in bed. My feet get hot at night and I have restless leg syndrome so they always stick out with a fan on them. I have been know to put ice packs under the covers at the end of the bed, it can be that bad.
    When I was 24, things were in turmoil lol. I briefly moved to NY with my future husband to his hometown, I had a Gremlin(ugliest car ever haha) and began planning our wedding, which was going to be back in Mass. I had no idea what I was doing. I guess that is acceptable when you are in your mid 20s:) A year later, I was married, newly pregnant and we were moving back to Mass. Ha! I now had a big ole used green Ford LTD station wagon. I did not like NY.

    Hang in the Becky, one day at a time.

    • Becky says:


      I can not imagine putting ice packs under my covers OR having a fan on my feet. My feet have to be tucked in under the blankets at ALL times. So interesting how all of us are SO different when it comes to our feet!

      So at twenty-four you were driving an ugly Gremlin and planning a lovely wedding? Glad the Gremlin didn’t last too long; of course, a big, green Ford LTD station wagon is not a HUGE improvement but I guess anything is better than a Gremlin. Too funny!

      Thanks for the reminder about Nathan’s decisions about leaving home. I had forgotten about that.

  10. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I was married a little over a year when I was 24 – living in the cities and working for Billy Graham Assn. (where I met my husband). Sometimes I go barefoot in the summer, but I really like “Snoozies.” They are a type of slipper with the “nubbies” on the bottom (so you don’t slip). Very soft inside – even wear them in the summer because of air conditioning in the house. I know most folks like wood floors – not me – I like carpeting and the softness of it, especially in our Minnesota winters. Forgot to wish Sarah a Happy Birthday because it is also my granddaughter’s birthday, so you’d think I would remember Sarah’s too. Pray you’re feeling better soon, so you can get back on that bike and take more pictures of your beautiful part of the country!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. The Snoozies sound like a good idea with the nubbies on the bottom. Since we have some hardwood floors, things can get a little slippery at times.

      What a great place to meet your husband, working for Billy Graham. And then it sounds like you were living in the cities by yourself at 24?

      I’m actually proud of myself that I even knew what you were referring to when you said “the cities” which would be Minneapolis/St. Paul. Since I once lived in Minneapolis, I’ve got an inside track on the nicknames there!

  11. jlb says:

    I prefer to be barefoot. In the summer I am either barefoot (inside) or I wear only sandals outside. In fact, I wear my sandals as late into the fall as possible. My feet are always hot and I feel almost claustrophobic with shoes on. If I lived in a warmer climate instead of Maine, I would never wear shoes. When I was 24 I had finished college and was working my first “real” job.

    • Becky says:


      Living in Maine must be a little challenging for you if you love to have your feet bare or in sandals! I’m sure you can’t wait for those winter months to be over so the shoes and boots can be stored away and you can get back to the footwear (or lack of it) that you love!

      You live in SUCH a beautiful state. So far I’ve only seen it in pictures but would love to visit it sometime!

  12. Cindy says:

    I do not like to walk barefoot unless I am stepping into the shower! I am a huge of fuzzy socks, slippers, and flip flops. I am not a big fan of shoes or boots, only wear those in the winter when I am forced to leave the house.

    • Becky says:


      Socks, slippers, flip flops. You’re like me in wanting to keep something on your feet at all times.

      So nice to hear from you; thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment! 🙂

  13. Linnae says:

    I definitely prefer barefoot in the summer-my house has soft carpeting so that’s fuzzy enough for me :-). 24 was a big year for me! I came back to the States after living in Europe for two years where I had taught English after college and got my first “real” job (teaching English was a volunteer position). Hope Sarah has a great year and a great experience in Ahoskie!

    • Becky says:


      You were a brave soul to go off to another country at the age of 22. Good for you! I know you must have made half a million memories during those two years living away from home (and country) at a relatively young age.

      I went with Sarah to Ahoskie yesterday to help her get settled in; she loves it so far!

  14. Gail Puckett says:

    I used to love to go barefoot ALL the time, but as I have gotten older, gotta have those fuzzy socks. as to what I was doing at age 24 I was married and LOVING on my first child my baby girl. for that matter I am still loving on her some 47 years later and I have added a baby boy who is 41 I live in Northeast Tennessee in the beautiful mountains. I love the beach but after a week I start to long for the mountains. Praying you will be feeling better soon and for safety for sweet Sarah as she starts her next step in her journey

    • Becky says:


      It’s amazing how time turns those baby girls and baby boys into 47 and 41-year-olds, isn’t it?

      I’ve always thought Tennessee was such a gorgeous state; I’m glad you love to get to live in a place that you love.

      Thanks for the prayers and the encouraging words.

  15. Mel says:

    Barefoot all the way. Even in the winter. I hate having to put socks on. 🙂

  16. Sharon Holweger says:

    I love fuzzy socks, in winter. I am barefoot in summer. When I was. 24. I had 3 kids. A four yr old, a two yr old
    and finally my baby girl. I lived in a farm in South Dakota.
    I pray for your family. I hope you have a better week.

    • Becky says:


      When you say you lived on a farm, was it a working farm where you had farm responsibilities to take care of? With three littles under four, I can only imagine how full every single moment was. I know you have many memories from those busy years.

  17. Ann Martin says:

    I enjoy bedroom shoes but do love to go barefoot in the house. Winter time I like fuzzy socks but not summer. When I was 24 I was teaching school and enjoying the summer off as my birthday is in June. Prayers daily for you, Becky. So glad Vernie is doing well. Prayers for Sarah as she moves to Ahoskie. I know she has mixed emotions. I can remember moving to Guam in 1981 and how I felt when I got a letter from Mama and she had had to carry Daddy to the hospital in the middle of the night alone. By the time I found out he was back home. Prayers also as you anxiously await the birth of the new grandchild. Have a better week. God bless.

    • Becky says:


      It’s so interesting to think back on those pre-texting and emailing days and remember that when you lived far away, you didn’t get news from home in an instant. As you pointed out, a lot of things would have changed before you even got word of it. I’m thankful to live in an age of quicker communication.

      That’s the nice thing about a teaching job–those wonderful summers off, ESPECIALLY when you have a birthday in the middle of it.

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