The Goings On Around Here

December 4, 2015

Here’s what’s going on around here in the merry month of December . . .

Thrift Store Smile

I was at one of my favorite thrift stores last week and saw this display which made me smile.  Hope it makes you smile, too!



Water Photo

This is a picture I posted a few weeks ago but I did some edits to it and flipped the gazebo from the left to the right. Just because I can.


Christmas Plans

We’ve got our Christmas plans all organized and ready to go!

Nathan, Meagan, Noah, and Madison will be headed for North Carolina on December 18 for a visit of almost two weeks.  Woo hoo!

Here they are with Meagan’s grandpa and her sisters and their families.


Here’s another photo with one sister and brother-in-law out-of-town.


One thing for sure, Frank and Sheri Hawley have very FULL lives with a plethora of grandchildren and adult children all living nearby.  So thankful Nathan is a part of this amazing family.

Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow after, I’ll leave for Edenton, NC  (about 3 hours round trip) to speak and sing at a Women’s Christmas Gala. I’m supposed to wear something bling-y which should be a fun challenge. I probably won’t get back home till pretty late and I’m usually up before 5 a.m. on Sunday for rehearsal and church service.  I’m  hoping that visions of all that bling will keep me alert on the drive home.

I’m looking forward to a fun evening with some great ladies!

Summer Revisited

I just ran across these two photos from last year.   Love them.



New-ish Jacket 

Showing off a new jacket from a thrift store. I love these colors and the old-fashioned yet modern patchwork look.


Going to the Movies

I went to see a move at our little downtown theater recently.  (Admission is $7, popcorn is $2.)  As I was walking across the street to my car, I turned around and saw afresh the beauty of a small town, neighbors talking, lights sparkling.  Just lovely.


Early Morning Peace

Here are Summer and I ensconced in the recliner, reading the Bible and praying and getting ready to begin another December day.


And that’s some of the goings on around here.

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “The Goings On Around Here”

  1. Becky says:


    Thanks for taking the time to leave such a nice, long comment. I always appreciate readers who go the extra commenting mile. 🙂 Blessings!

  2. Ann Martin says:

    So happy that things are exciting in the Smith household. Safe travels tomorrow night to and from your speaking engagement. Waiting to see the picture with “bling” outfit. I am sure you are counting the days until the Florida Smiths arrive. Memories to be made!!!!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I’m not sure how blingy I turned out, but it was a great night! 🙂 I’ll see if anyone took a picture I can share.

  3. Mary H says:

    My office holiday party is tomorrow night – I may have just found my inspiration for what to wear to the event! Think it could be a little over the top?

    • Becky says:


      I think one thing is for sure–if you wore that outfit, you would be the belle of the ball and would certainly attract plenty of attention! 🙂 Hope you enjoyed your party and found something wonderful to wear.

  4. Jan Reuther says:

    I’m thinking that with very little effort you could recreate the outfit worn by the mannequin in the thrift shop to be your bling! (At least the red top and gold strand of Christmas ornaments…..)

    I absolutely love your newish jacket. And movie and popcorn for under $10? Amazing! When I take Donnie to the movies, between admission for one child and one senior, and then minimum refreshments, we’re edging closer and closer to the $50 mark all the time!

    So excited for you that your kids will all be there for Christmas!

    • Becky says:


      I love watching movies so much; I’m thankful to have an affordable option. (Even though I only go a handful of times a year.)

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Ok. I’m smiling. 🙂 That thrift store display is so cool and creative! Love it!! I also really like the jacket. I saw a new one recently that looked almost like that. Very trendy. The store looks nice too. I wish we had something like that here, but the only thing in this small town is Goodwill and it’s pretty junky. 🙁

    That Hawley family is sure growing. And what a great looking bunch! (Thank you for sharing since Sheri doesn’t do pictures. Lol)

    And finally, Summer is just so sweet and such an amazing companion for you all. 🙂

    Blessings to you and your family during this season of Advent and preparation!

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