The Finishing of Forty Years.

September 12, 2022

Well, it is done. We are officially retired from full-time ministry.
(That’s our youth house in the background.)

Yesterday was emotional and exhausting and wonderful, all rolled up together.  I will share more photos and videos in a later post.

One of the happiest moments of the weekend was when–unexpected and unannounced–Nathan arrived at our house!

Bless his sweet wife, Meagan, for arranging for him to fly in this weekend, knowing that she’d be taking care of four young kids by herself for four days.  (Thank you, Meagan. You’re amazing!)

I’ve post a video later of him surprising us.

Nathan took great delight in showing me that he packed for four days with just a backpack.  I can’t even begin to relate to that kind of packing prowess.  He even managed to find space for a few golf discs.  (He and Gage are big disc golf fans.)

Of course, we also had my sister, Debbie, and her husband here for the weekend and had the joy of singing with them in the service.

They arrived Friday evening. On Thursday, this is what their room looked like.  Pretty lovely, right?

We had been putting all of our extra boxes on the guest room bed, which accounts for part of the mess. The other part of the mess was that our handyman painted the guest bath and put all that stuff into the guest room. You’ll be glad to know the room was perfectly clean when they arrived.  (You just wouldn’t want to look into any other rooms.)

Oh, the joys of moving.

Of course, yesterday was also Sarah and Gage’s last Sunday too, so there was a lot of emotion flowing around everywhere. They have been faithful volunteers with our youth ministry so our youth leader, Chris Fisher, and some of the youth group came up to pray for them.

Chris had such dear, affirming words to say about each of them.  A sweet moment.

Last Wednesday, I had my last class with the girls I’ve been teaching for eighteen months. We have had so much fun together and learned a lot–me as much as them.

Our last craft together was to put Skittles in a circle on a plate and pour a little hot water in the middle. It made for some very cool designs.

Then they thought it would be great fun to put Skittles into their glasses of water so we did that, too.

One of the regular girls was missing but this was my dear Wednesday night crew.

I’ll miss them and I’ll miss this simple ministry of teaching them every week. When Wednesday nights roll around, I’ll be thinking of them.

I was going to write more but posting here means I’m missing family time so I’ll add video and other photos and stories in a few days.

I’m off to hang out with my tribe.  Have a great week!

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “The Finishing of Forty Years.”

  1. Cindy says:

    Having moved from CA to MN I know both your joy and your pain! It is exciting and terrifying. In the end I know all of you will be very happy, as was I. Just don’t be like me once you downsize and then buy more stuff. Praying everything goes smoothly for the four of you.

    • Becky says:


      CA to MN is a long, long trip! I’m glad we were “only” 7 hours away.

      Exciting and terrifying are good words for a transition like this. Today is Day One!

  2. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Know in those 40 years there were several ups and downs, but God . . . Thanks, Nathan for coming to help. 4 days in that backpack? Thankfully it wasn’t cold out. Steve and Becky, may the Lord continue to bless you on your new adventure. Hey Steve, more time to fly your plane?

    • Becky says:


      Steve is definitely planning on finding an RC club in the area; that will be fun for him to pursue his hobby there and make some new friends.

  3. Lorrie Kosinski says:

    Wow. Just wow. 40 years of ministry. Well done, good and faithful servants. Wishing you all the best in your next adventure! The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way. Ps 37:23. Much love and congratulatory hugs. So happy for you!!

    • Becky says:


      Can you believe that when we met in our early teens, we would be friends so long we’re talking about 40 years in ministry? Me either.

      Thanks for the wonderful verse and for taking the time to comment. Love to you and Paul.

  4. SueEllen says:

    Congratulations on celebrating your 40 years in full-time ministry (I have no doubt both you and Steve will continue ministering to others, it’s just who you are). I can’t wait to see the video of Nathan surprising you!! Enjoy your tribe!!

  5. Lisa L. from GA says:

    Congratulations on a well-earned retirement!

  6. Patti says:

    Congrats on your retirement. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. So happy that Nathan came and surprised you. Prayers for you as you move on to new adventures

  7. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations on your retirement. I know it has to be bittersweet for all of you. Glad that Nathan was able to surprise you but don’t know how he was able to pack for 4 days in a backpack!
    Good luck on the move this week! Listen to your body and rest when it tells you to.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, people who are able to get by with just a backpack amaze me. I guess it helps when you’re male and don’t have to bring all the makeup and hair items!

      Resting is definitely on my agenda; even taking 10 minutes to lie on the bed with my feet up makes a big difference.

  8. Ruth Rehberg says:

    What a day…. !
    now for you all…
    and also, when our Jesus we shall see!
    Praying you get through this crazy week of moving!
    One day at a time.

  9. Wendy says:

    Congratulations on your retirement. Bittersweet though it is.
    Good Luck to Sarah and Gage as they move as well, and begin life in a new area too, so glad you will be near each other though.
    How fantastic that Nathan came home for the last time there and surprised you. Plus to have your sister and brother in law there with you too.
    I’m sure you all had plenty of tears throughout the day. God Bless you all.

    • Becky says:


      Bittersweet is so accurate. Didn’t know I had this many feelings!

      And there will be more to come on the day we pull out of the driveway for good. Not quite ready for that to happen.

  10. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations! I know this was a bittersweet moment but how wonderful that Nathan and your sister/BIL were able to join in with you! Praying for all of you as you transition to “the next adventure”!

  11. Lisa MacKay says:

    Congrats! I must have missed a post regarding what Sara and Gage are doing now. Can you please let me know which post I need to read or provide an update? What is there next adventure?

    • Becky says:


      They told us about 6 months ago that they would be moving to Charlotte sometime this year. Gage has three brothers who have moved there and their plan is to get jobs and live near the brothers. They already love the church the Long brothers are attending and will fit right into their friend group. And as an added bonus, we get to live in the same city!

      Never could have planned that in a hundred years. When they told us they would be moving to Charlotte, we had no intention of moving there ourselves. It all worked out!

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Congratulations!! Enjoy your special family time!

  13. Liz says:

    Congratulations! I suspect you and Steve will always be ministering in some form or another, much to the benefit of those receiving it. What a wonderful surprise to have Nathan with you! Good luck with the rest of your move.

  14. Jenna Hoff says:

    Congratulations ❤️

  15. yvonne2936 says:

    Wishing you, Steve, Sarah and Gage all the best in your moves and new careers. Let’s see where the Lord will take you. I know He had a plan that will amaze you all. God Bless you.

    • Becky says:


      How nice to see your name pop up here.

      We are eager to see where the Lord will take us, as well. Lots of changes and interesting roads ahead!

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