The Diplomatic Doggy. And Snowy Memories.

September 28, 2012

Thank you for everyone who left a memory in yesterday’s comments about the first apartment or house you ever lived in.  One of my favorite moments of Smithellaneous Life is when I get to read YOUR stories. They are always so interesting and I love the chance to get to know you better.


You may remember this picture that I posted last week of Summer lying on Steve’s work clothes.  As soon as Steve saw that Summer had chosen his clothes to lie on, he started boasting to Sarah and me that Summer liked him best.

Well, I harrumphed at him (in a rather harrumph-y manner) that the reason Summer was lying on HIS clothes was because MY clothes were never on the floor!


And so?  I put a pair of my green capris on the floor next to Steve’s clothes and guess what? Summer stretched out on my clothes! HA! I won the Summer/clothing war!


I went to tell Steve about it and do some bragging of my own but the next day, we discovered that Summer had moved herself back to Steve’s clothes.

For experimentation’s sake, I’ve left the green pants on the floor for a couple of days now and Summer has been regularly switching between the two items of clothing when it’s time for her nap. It’s quite apparent that she is one diplomatic doggy!  (She will make an especially great pastor’s dog since pastors—and their families–have to be diplomatic.)

Last night, Steve and I were putting fresh sheets on our bed when Summer and Sarah made an appearance in our midst. Summer thought she would show off the new sweater I got for her—a pink Argyle number.  Cute, or what?


Snowy would never let us hold him like a baby but Summer is all about it..




She is the snuggliest creature I have ever seen and she has done so much to heal our “broken-by-a-dying-doggie” hearts.

And speaking of Snowy, Steve and I were talking about him a little bit this morning and without any warning, I burst into tears. I still miss my little buddy so very, very much.


Last year when Sarah was sick, he stayed right with her.



And he was very good at telling me a thing or two when I was trying to take his picture.


He was especially funny when a little friend of ours accidentally left her little stuffed dog at our house.  Snowy is clearly asking, “Who is this insolent interloper and just what does he think he is doing in my very own personal kitchen?”


Such a sweet friend.


So thankful for the 13 years I had with him.  So thankful for the 17 days I’ve had with Summer.

She will never, ever take Snowy’s place but she is bringing so much healing to our hearts in the wake of his passing

Thankful for the tears. Thankful for the laughter. Thankful for the journey between the two.

collage final


16 comments so far.

16 responses to “The Diplomatic Doggy. And Snowy Memories.”

  1. Nancy says:

    You will miss Snowy for a very long time. You had him for so many years and he was such a vibrant part of Sarah and yoru lives. I know you miss him. I still miss my Picky who passed away in 2010. Sadly my own “Snowy” passed away on the 12th unexpectedly so I’ve been a little distraught. You and Summer are in my prayers. Shes’ beacutiful Becky. Give you rself some tiem ok?
    God bless you

    • Becky says:

      Nancy, so sorry to hear your own Snowy passed away recently; dogs are such special “people” in our lives, aren’t they? So glad we have their sweet memories to go with us.

  2. Deb Praus says:

    Good thing our hearts grow! Snowy will always have a piece of it and Summer looks like she has gotten her share.

  3. Janet says:

    True diplomat, for sure. 🙂 Maybe you need to get a pillow cover and stuff in one item of old clothing from each of you for her as her “upstairs napping bed”. Thinking this transition in her life was tough for her, too. But, she finds such comfort in the scent of her new people that she already senses love her so dearly.

    • Becky says:

      Janet, yep, we’re definitely on the same track as you as far as getting her some sort of upstairs napping bed. She’s made it clear that’s where she loves to hang out. It has been a bit of a traumatic transition for her but every day that goes by, she seems to feel more and more at home.

  4. MNMom says:

    Just as we do our children, each dog we love is unique. I am so glad Summer is such a snuggled!

    • Becky says:

      MNMom, so true. Just as I don’t love Sarah more than Nathan, I don’t love Snowy more than Summer–I just love them all differently but it’s all the same love from the same mama heart!

  5. Lisa from Georgia says:

    I love how Summer is different. She fills a special need while not trying to replace something irreplaceable. Snowy etched his sweetness on my heart even though I never met him. Summer is etching now too. Blessings to you all.

  6. Steve says:

    I miss the “little rat” too! But love our new little lady!

  7. Cindy Forrester says:

    I had a neighbor mention to me that she would get another dog once she stopped crying over losing her previous two. I told her that would never happen. I shed a tear reading your post…for both your loss and mine…and then smiled when I thought about my little Dillon…waiting patiently for me at home:)

    • Becky says:

      Cindy, I think that what you told your neighbor has a lot of truth to it; it’s really hard to get over losing a dog without getting another dog to fill that hole. Happy for you that you have little Dillon! 🙂

  8. Mary H says:

    “The greatest love is a mother’s; then a dog’s; then a sweetheart’s.” ~Polish Proverb

    Thought about Snowy last evening as I walked my Wanda. But then thought of Summer, and smiled.

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