The Andrews. The Vows. And Missing the Missus.

June 21, 2021

Today I am featuring two things:

1) Wedding week pictures that Meagan took  2) The vows that Sarah and Gage wrote for each other.

We’ll start with a photo of what Meagan looked like after wedding week was over.

I kid! I kid!

This is actually Meagan last week in a kid’s skit at her church.  She is wonderful at drama–as you can tell.

Okay. Now on to Meagan’s phone photos.  Actually, I must have grabbed her phone and taken this one since she is included in it.  (The boys in the foreground are Gage’s youngest brothers.)


The four grands, ready to get Aunt Sarah and Uncle Gage married! 

This is Big Andrew and Little Andrew.  Big Andrew is my oldest brother, Tim’s, son.  (And it’s funny–Nathan’s middle name is also Andrew.)

These photos melt my heart.

A few more kid photos . . .

Great Grandma Smith and Madi.

Some of my favorite people. My youngest sister, Debbie, with half of the Florida Smiths.

And speaking of the Florida Smiths, here they are having lunch in the airport.

Saying goodbye at the Norfolk airport.  I love how Madi has her hand over my hand. Such a sweetie!

And to set up the vows that are to follow, here are a few Sarah/Gage shots.

Getting ready for the first look.

These two shots are actually after the first look when the photographer was taking photos of Sarah.  Gage was still overcome with her and loveliness.

And now here the vows they read to each other in the ceremony.

Sarah to Gage

Today I marry my very best friend, the one I laugh with, cry with, worship with, pray with, grow with – the one I’ll love for all my life.

Back when we were in a long-distance relationship, you came to visit me on the Outer Banks for the first time last October. It was during a thunderstorm that we shared our first “I love you”  and our first kiss. Back then, I couldn’t imagine being any more in love with you than I was then.

But in the 202 days that followed, I developed mysterious medical conditions and symptoms, and spent a total of 8 days in the Emergency Room and inpatient at Duke University Hospital, undergoing many tests and scans. Your love and dedication to me never wavered, despite the fear and uncertainty. You stayed by my side, both in the hospital rooms and in the way you have supported me emotionally and spiritually.

Our bond and commitment to each other is stronger now than it would have been if I’d had perfect health during our engagement. I love you more now than I could ever have comprehended back when we stood in that October thunderstorm. I have no doubt our love will only mature and deepen with time.

Gage, I give my heart to you, now and forevermore. I promise to pray for you and to pray with you as we seek God together. I will strive to love you unconditionally, imperfect though I will be, and to remind you of my love every day. I promise to listen to you and to comfort you, to celebrate your successes, to encourage your dreams, to support you through your struggles, and to forgive you in your failures. I promise to be a safe harbor for you in a chaotic world, and a solace for your heart. I promise to honor and respect you as the head of our home and as the king of my heart.

Furthermore, I promise to never, ever spoil any fictional plots and to quote our favorite pieces of media in casual conversation on a daily basis. In fact, while writing these vows, I originally wanted to include 5-10 quotes from our favorite movies and books and maybe a poem or two. But I’ve now hit 400 words, and since I’m a writer who loves you so much, we could be here all day if I’m not careful. So I’ll just end with this… Gage Christopher, till death do us part… I love you and I like you.


Gage to Sarah

Sarah Elizabeth, 

In the year that I have known you, you have sought after me like no one I’ve encountered before. Thanks to a dinky little Christian dating app, I found myself a quirky dork who led with a pun.

With words upon words, we emailed and wrote to one another in our Long-winded serendipitous engagement with wordsmiths club. I still remember the feeling of receiving one of your emails, stopping wherever I was, and reading your words like a book. I promise to continue to read to you, write to you, and speak out my love for you as our life story unfolds before us. 

When we finally got to visit each other, our friendship and romance blossomed. Then you looked wordlessly, deep into my eyes. With a mere look, you unraveled my deepest self. It was then that I knew I not only had found my best friend, but I also found my soulmate. I promise to find your eyes in every crowd, to seek them in moments of sadness, and to step through them at each day’s end. 

In the last few months, the enemy has shown how much he believes in our divine connection by trying with all his might to stop us. Even though the enemy attempted to thwart our romance through your health, God wouldn’t let us forget that Love conquers all fear. We were tested together. Through that hardship, we laid a foundation for all our valleys to come. I promise to hold fast to you through the bad days, to care for you even when you don’t have the strength to care in return, and to remember to pray and seek the wisdom of the Lord to guide us through any fog or storm. 

Going into marriage, I promise to be a self-sacrificial bride servant; ready to respond to your requests for bug squashing, bathroom scrubbing, and car washing with a simple, “as you wish.”  When we disagree and contend with one another, I promise to always hold your hand to remind us that we are always a team. I promise to do my best to choose you anew each morning, to snuggle up under blankets to all our favorite shows, and never stop quoting (even when no one else can understand us). I vow to love all of you; love your good stink and your introvert ways, love your teary eyes and your foggy brain days.  

I love you, Sarah. And though I know I cannot promise to be a perfect husband, I can promise to be a lifetime learner. With these vows, I hope to match your caring heart for my physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This is our story. Let’s write it together. 

In closing . . .

I called Madi last week on her birthday.  After we had talked for a while she said, “Grandma, could I please talk to Aunt Sarah now?”

I said, “Madi, sweetie, remember she got married? She doesn’t live at Grandma’s house anymore.”

There was a long silence and I knew she was recalibrating her brain.

Sarah is married. She doesn’t stay in her old bedroom. She and Uncle Gage live together now.

I thought how cute it was that she had forgotten all the changes that the wedding had brought about.

And then you know what I did?

I went downstairs to make dinner and without even thinking, I put three plates on the table instead of two.

And then I laughed a little. And cried a little.

And very much missed the missus.

27 comments so far.

27 responses to “The Andrews. The Vows. And Missing the Missus.”

  1. Gloria A Smith says:

    The ‘first look’ photos are awesome! Meagan is quite the photographer. I agree with the other ladies, Big Andrew and Nathan look so much alike. The four grands are precious beyond words! Little Andrew is an adorable child and very photogenic. He has stolen my heart completely. Becky, I appreciate so much your God given talent of writing and I look forward to reading your blog every week. It reminds me of receiving a letter from a family member. Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. Krista says:

    I have been loving all of the wedding photos… and stories!
    And their vows? Beautiful.

    Lord’s Blessings to you all!

  3. Janet H Reuther says:

    I honestly thought that the Andrew on the left was Nathan, and I wondered what had changed about him!

    It was such a wonderful wedding, with a lot of tears and laughter, and their vows fit in perfectly with that! Thank you for printing them out for us to read.

    Empty nesting was really rough for me. My husband died 4 months before my younger son graduated from high school, and two months after that he went away to college. (In the interest of full disclosure, I lived in a suburb of Buffalo NY, and he went to college in Buffalo. But still, he wasn’t thumping around and playing music and raiding the fridge. It was rough!

    • Becky says:


      I was just thinking yesterday that the worst part of empty nesting for me is not being needed as much as I was. The very thought of it can make me tear up.

      So having said that, I can only imagine how it was for you to lose your husband and then for your son to move to college shortly after; the two people you had poured your nurture and caring into were no longer there to receive it.

      You are an inspiration to me in many ways–and especially that you have maintained your wonderful sense of humor throughout all the challenges.

  4. Fred & Lucy Johnson says:

    Dear Becky, the photos and the words in this edition make it one of the most emotionally intense blogs you have ever done! Those who read it without tears must have missed something. Love to all the Smiths and Longs!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      From all the Smiths and Longs–thank you for your encouragement!

      Loved the photo of your family on FB this week.

  5. Cindy says:

    Reading their vows was so special, they both have such a gift for writing. While I heard them recite them reading was so meaningful. Sarah and Gage can’t seem to take a bad photo.

    • Becky says:


      I agree–the two of them are quite photogenic.

      It was definitely special to be able to hear them say these vows to each other; such a sweet moment!

  6. Tammy says:

    It is just so beautiful to read all the Smith and Long happenings. Thank you for continually inspiring me as a wife, momma, writer, artist, etc.

  7. Suzanne says:

    Great pictures – once again! I do love your pictures as they seem to capture the essence of the moment.

    The vows were beautiful and so meaningful. Gosh.

    And, empty nesting…it’s so hard. We’re emptying nesting for 3 months until our youngest returns in the fall to finish out his senior year of college and then we’ll be permanent empty nesters. I’m just not ready but I guess I better get that way fast! Hugs to you, sweet mama!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for your compliment on the pictures but I will have to pass that on to Meagan. She took all but the first one. 🙂

      Nothing prepares you for empty nesting. You spend so long thinking it is so far away and then all of a sudden . . . it’s there!

      Hugs right back.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    I am seeing a VERY strong family resemblance between the two Andrews!! Such handsome fellas! All four kids are just getting so big and they all have awesome smiles! Madi looks like a real sweetheart.
    The photos of the first look bring tears to my eyes as it reminds me of when my daughter got married. (She wanted me to be there for the first look. Lucky me! Now the son? Their first look was private. No spectators). Gosh. Anyway, her wedding was already 11 years ago this week. Time is really on the run!!
    The vows are so beautifully written and meaningful. I love that Sarah and Gage have such a deep, loving connection.
    Getting used to the nest being completely empty really took a long time for me to adjust to. I still, on occasion, walk past the two bedrooms and reminisce about my kids at younger ages. And I always miss them and cherish the times that they ARE here. I don’t think the missing part will ever go away.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Yes, for being first cousins once removed, the Andrews resemblance is VERY strong! I guess that makes sense because I’ve always thought big Andrew looks a lot like Nathan.

      I know you will never forget being there for that first look. An absolutely magical moment.

      The first few days Sarah was gone, I looked at her bedroom door a lot. But in the middle of the missing her, is the joy of knowing she is where she is supposed to be.

  9. SueEllen says:

    Wonderful pictures, as always! Sarah and Gage’s vows are beautiful and so perfect for them. How sweet and poignant that after talking with Madi, you set the table for three. I hope you and Steve are doing well as you adjust to being true empty nesters.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, more often than I’d like to admit, I find myself reaching for 3 plates. Those old habits . . .

      Sarah came for supper last night since Gage was working late. So nice to see her!

  10. Phyllis says:

    Boy, is it just me or does your nephew Andrew and Nathan favor each other?
    Words don’t begin to describe how beautiful their vows were! And the pictures of Gage after the big reveal were so special.
    Love the picture of Madi and great grandma Smith also.

    • Becky says:


      The Andrews and Nathan DEFINITELY share the same genes!

      I was glad we were able to get that photo with Vernie. That will be a treasure for Madi down the road.

  11. Guerrina says:

    What a wonderful post! Meagan would have every right to look like that, but I’ve not doubt she was far from it. The vows were beautiful. “Good stink” and “lifelong learner” – good job, Gage! Grandkids are the best reward on this earth! How are you adapting, Becky?

    • Becky says:


      Gage has got it going on when it comes to expressing his feeling toward his true love.

      I am adapting . . . day by day by day. Sarah has been such a huge part of each day for almost 26 years. The hole is a big one.

  12. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    What a great picture of Meagan. Wow – those vows made me a little misty and gave me goose pimples. Ah, it is nice to see The Princess Bride has made it into Gage’s vows. Love that saying! It will take a while to realize Sarah will not be eating with you every day, but occasionally. And you might get a call, as I have, “Mom, do you have that recipe for . . .”

  13. dmantik says:

    That picture of Meagan in her drama outfit perfectly shows how she must have been feeling inside after all the wedding craziness–so funny! But she always looked beautiful and pulled together during the hurricane that was the wedding prep and actual event. How she pulled a million details together and helped make it into the glorious wedding it was, I’ll never know. I have unending love and respect for that girl! And for all you Smiths and Longs–you fought the battle well, with great faith and courage. I stand amazed.

    Loved this batch of pics and the vows should be in a book somewhere! They were amazing enough when I heard them read at the wedding, but being able to read them here is a special treat indeed! Those two are absolute word wizards. Probably get it from their folks. 🙂

    I can only imagine how much you miss having Sarah under your roof and mama wings. For whatever reason, God set it up so that we raise our kids so they can leave us and start the whole process over. Not sure I’m in total agreement with the arrangement, but ya know, He’s the One in charge and knows what He’s doing. But I’ll probably still have a chat with Him about it when I get to heaven (you made it so my baby leeeaves meeee! 😫) which I’m sure He will patiently endure. 🙄

    Anyway, take heart, I’m winding it up here. Love you guys so much! Hope you’re continuing to get some well deserved rest here and there and that a vacation is in your near future.

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      What a nice, lengthy, heartfelt comment. Thanks for taking the time to write it all!

      We join you in unending love and respect for Meagan. She’s amazing!

      I know. One sort of gets attached to one’s kids over the years and then . . . poof! They’re gone! Sigh.

  14. Mrs. Pam says:

    that would have been a perfect after wedding photo of Meagan!
    The vows were so very meaningful, that’s for sure.

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