
August 23, 2015

As of yesterday morning, the Smith house has officially entered into a permanent teen-less state because 

Sarah Elizabeth Smith turned twenty years old!

I know. I can’t believe it either.

Her birthday celebration stretched out over a few days.

On Friday afternoon, she and Steve took a road trip to lovely Edenton, NC for some sightseeing, book store browsing and dinner at a place called Nothin’ Fancy. I usually take Sarah on those birthday outings but I was sick most of last week so they made it a daddy/daughter day and had a wonderful time. They told me later that when they went over one of our many bridges (with the top of the Miata down), they sang “The Posh Posh Traveling Life”  at the top of their lungs. Wish I could have heard it.

As you may recall, the two of them have a tradition of skipping together at various points in their outings but somehow forgot to do it in Edenton. They made up for it by skipping into the house at the end of their journey. It’s the simple things in life!

On Saturday afternoon, Sarah had a couple of friends over for a pizza party up in her room and then they attended an Adam Crabb concert together at our church. That was about as wild as the festivities got.


Yesterday morning, the day of her actual birthday, I displayed my amazing artistic skills by creating this sign.


I know, I know. My gifts are legendary. I’m thinking of starting a Pinterest board just to showcase my talent.

She had actually had several more gifts than what are seen here; they just hadn’t been wrapped yet. (Can you say running behind?)

I am so grateful to have a daughter who doesn’t mind used items.  Every gift except for one item was from a thrift store or Amazon’s used book selection. And to make our lives even happier, a new thrift store recently opened nearby that gives a store credit for your items as soon as you walk in the door–no waiting involved!  I took in a few items, got $29 store credit, shopped for Sarah and myself (3 gorgeous scarves, 2 blouses, a hoodie, and earrings) and my total came to $28.87. Can’t beat it!

When we got home from church yesterday morning, I had to be sure to get a few photos before we went inside and put on our comfy clothes. I still can’t believe this daughter of mine is no longer a teenager!


My outfit is all thrift store; her dress was new but shoes came from a thrift store.


These two people make my heart happy.(And speaking of bargains, Steve’s shirt retails for $150 but I got it for $8!)


For lunch, Sarah requested a meal that our friends, the Partins, made when Steve and I were on vacation and they stayed at our home.

It involved very complicated prep. 

Put a bag of frozen chicken breasts in the crock pot.  Add a bottle of wing sauce and a packet of dry ranch dressing. (Also 1/4 cup melted butter which I forgot about.) Cook about 6 hours on medium-ish.  Shred.  Drain off the juice and use on a sandwich or leave the juice on and serve over rice or pasta. Big yum.


Due to my aforementioned illness, I didn’t have a chance to make Sarah a home-made dessert but I did buy an Oreo pie, which is the next best thing.


You’ll be happy to know will be happy to know that we remembered The Birthday Hat. Hooray for us!






Nathan called her yesterday and they had a long brother/sister talk. Here is what he wrote on her FB page:

Happy Birthday Sarah! I’ll say it again and again, you are the toughest and strongest person I know. Yet you are beautiful sweet and smart. Love you!

I love their sweet, life long relationship.
This morning, the birthday festivities came to an end with breakfast served in bed.


Oh, and one more thing . . .

Sarah recently bought herself a ukulele and has been teaching herself to play.After she had opened all her gifts (including a ukulele strap that she had requested) Steve picked up the instrument and did a little number on it.  As he started playing she asked, “What is the strumming pattern you’re doing?”

He had to stop and think a minute and then he recited it to her.  It made for a funny moment. I especially loved the look on his face when he realized I was recording.

Do you have a favorite Sarah memory to share with her in celebration of her two decades of miraculous life?

Maybe there’s a  blog post story that stands out in your memory, or something you admire about her that you’d like to share with her.

 Let’s close out her birthday weekend out with a big Smithellaneous Sarah Celebration!


31 comments so far.

31 responses to “Teen-less”

  1. robin says:

    Happy Belted Birthday Sarah!! This is so great! Wow 20 already, where does the time go. Love the pics and thanks for sharing them with us. All the best

  2. Jenna Hoff says:

    Congratulations Sarah!! Happy belated birthday! I think you will love your twenties!

    Hmm… So many favourite memories of stories about Sarah. If I had to pick I think it is the post from long ago about the perfect dress found in a flea market for a special event.

    • Becky says:


      That is one of my all time favorite memories. I’m glad you love it, too! Such a joy to find that dress and to see how beautiful she was. Thanks for reminding me of it.

  3. Lesley says:

    Sarah, I think there are 2 instances that stick out in my mind, from way back. One is the time when you had to have the nerve conduction tests. I remember how well your mom explained the test and how brave you were to endure such a painful test. The other was when you relapsed and your parents had to tell you. You took it like a trooper, did what you had to do (take that awful medicine) with little complaint. You faced it head on and I always admired you for that because you were older by then and really grasped the graveness of the situation. And look at you now! On your way! Hooray!

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. That nerve conduction test was one of the very worst parts of her whole cancer chapter. I’ve actually had one of those myself so my empathy for her during it was total and complete. But as you said, she did that and so many other hard things with grace and courage. Thanks for your words.

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Happy birthday Sarah! You are just such a beautiful young woman….inside and out. You have such a bright future ahead of you! I hope your school year goes well! 🙂

  5. Ann Martin says:

    My first memory is meeting the family at Duke many years ago a few months after transplant. My favorite one is celebrating her 16th birthday with the Smith Family in Manteo. Many others but I will stop. Love to all.

  6. Mel says:

    Happy Birthday Beautiful Sarah. The thing I love the most about Sarah is the fact that she is still making memories and that she isn’t just a memory. God is Great. 🙂 Nathan’s post brought tears to my eyes. They have such an amazing relationship but that comes from being brought up by two incredible parents.

  7. Kristi says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Sarah! 🙂

  8. Catherine says:

    Happy birthday Sarah! I guess my best memory is when I met you outside the womb!! Lol! You were a sweet little girl, who turned into a beautiful young lady!! Hope the next is your greatest yet!!
    Becky hope your well on the mend!!

  9. Dale Tousley says:

    I am been following your blog since before you moved to Manteo and I must say, every Sarah story is my favorite, she is a lovely, grounded, composed young lady who faces adversity with such grace…..I think Nathan said it best strong and tough when she needs to be, but sweet, smart and kind. I admire her tremendously and think she will do great things with her life……Happy Birthday Sarah.

  10. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a beautiful birthday celebration! So hard to believe the years have flown by and now a very sick 6 year old is a healthy beautiful 20 year old woman. Haven’t met Sarah face to face, but the pictures you have shown us through the years reminds me of a little girl, hairless, tube running out of her nose, but a big smile on her face. Praise the Lord for all that He has brought the whole family through. Praying for complete healthy body for you too Becky. By His STRIPES we are healed. Oh, Steve, great song! :>)

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I so well remember that bald little girl with the tube in her nose. Fourteen years since her diagnosis and now a whole new decade of a miraculous life to explore. Thanks for hanging with us through the years!

  11. beckylp says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah. I think the posts that stand out in my mind are when Sarah got all the hats. She wears them with such style and grace and although many remind me of times gone by – she seems to have the best of both worlds – she is elegant in the past and the future

  12. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Happy belated Birthday Sarah! My favorite memory of Sarah includes her parents, that would be the wild horse adventure we took some years back. What crazy weather we had on that day and how exciting it was to finally see three of those horses. I loved seeing all those houses and driving down the beach!

  13. Shawn says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah!! Looks like you had a wonderful day.
    Becky, I hope you get to feeling better real soon.

  14. Mary H says:

    SAY WHAT??!!!! Sarah is TWENTY! No way – but YES, way – thank you God for the absolute miracle of Sarah! Smiling a lot this morning!

    I remember a post about a visit to Duke and Sarah was very healthy at that visit. Her doctor asked her to visit a newly diagnosed young patient. I remember her gentleness, her prayers and the hope and faith she gave to the parents of that young patient when her doctor explained that Sarah was a survivor – there was hope, there were chances and Sarah was a shining example of success over this beast of a disease. I remember you telling how the expression of despair left the faces of those parents and was replaced with hope – just at the presence of Sarah.

    Also, the stories you would relate about how Snowy would come and awaken you and Steve and lead you to Sarah when she was sick during the night from treatment. Snowy would be running ahead but always looking back to make sure you were following and understood that his precious Sarah was in need of care.

    • Becky says:

      Aw, Mary, those memories are making me teary! Thanks for revisiting those; I love them! (Especially remembering Snowy leading us to Sarah when she needed us.)

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