Technology and Beauty

October 23, 2012

Just to get the boring, non-beautiful stuff out of the way first, here are a few comments that I’ve gotten recently about some technical issues having to do with this site:

1. I keep requesting e-mail updates but don’t get them anymore. I was for a very long time. (Three people have reported this so far.)

2. I keep getting the message “web page not found now.”

3. This is my second attempt to leave a message; I got an “invalid security message” when I tried the first time.

If you wouldn’t mind, please take one (teensy weensy) moment and leave a comment if you’ve had a technical issue of any sort in the last few weeks.  I need to find out if these issues are wide spread and also figure out how I can help to make them go away so your experience here at Smithellaneous can be happy and stress free!  

(I would love to be able to offer chocolate to those of you who stop by here, but haven’t yet  figured out the technological implications behind that idea.)


And now, to reward you for wading through technical issues, here are a few photos of loveliness at one of my favorite photo spots: the North Bridge of Roanoke Island, a place where I frequently ride on my bike.

Even though I’ve taken many pictures of this spot before, it fascinates me that no two days are the same; the water, the sky, the light, the waves—they not only change from day to day, but also from moment to moment.

Which is one of the many reasons I love photography so much.












 Manteo, NC1.

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Technology and Beauty”

  1. JennyJoT says:

    I have trouble leaving comments at all. In fact, just now when I started typing this, I couldn’t see what I was typing because the words “Enter your comment here” didn’t go away while I was typing my comment. Boy, was THAT a convoluted sentence! I’ve tried to comment other times and it just flat won’t let me. Let’s hope this one goes thru so you can assess my issues!

  2. zippstar says:

    i haven’t been getting the emails 🙁

    Although I did get one just now, for your latest post.

  3. Becky says:

    Thanks to everyone who has let me know about your technical issues; I SO appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this!

  4. tammy hayes says:

    Hello, I have stopped receiving updates as well even tho I have gone back in and put my email in and subscribed again. still nothing. 🙁 Franklin, IN

  5. Janet McKemie says:

    Same here – no longer getting my email notifications of updates. Was worried something ahd happened until I went “old school” and typed in the web page name. 🙂

  6. Sandy Ritter says:

    Becky, I also use to get email notices, but haven’t been getting them any more.

  7. jenna hoff says:

    I no longer get email updates. At least two or three times I’ve tried to leave comments over the past month and they wouldn’t go through (some comments have gone through)

  8. becky m says:

    only once did it do the could not find webpage you requested and when i refreshed it was fine. i do not seem to have to type over any wording. when i click here the words enter comment are there but when i hit the first letter in my comment it all disappears except for what i am typing

  9. Marla says:

    I no longer receive email notification of a new update from you

  10. It makes me type over the “Enter your comment here…” (but today I added a blank line first to avoid it. I didn’t see my comment on yesterday’s post and had had trouble leaving one. I clicked on FB first today, but my lines are rising up over “Enter…” I’ve had a problem off and on it seems.

  11. Mary H says:

    Thanks for checking into the issues. We can’t be without our Smithellaneous wonderfulness – the day wouldn’t be right.

    Your photos are stunning. I could sit and watch the sky and the water for hours without anything else to do and be completely entertained because, as you said, they change and change each other every moment. Anything that moves constantly with God’s grace as the sea and sky is a gift we need to continually unwrap and enjoy. Thank you for snapping the photos that make some moments stand still so it can be studied.

    I just love the sea the most. So intriguing and frightening and calming and full of life and death and loud and quiet all at the same time.

  12. dmantik says:

    meant to say type-over

  13. Chase says:

    I have not been receiving e-mail updates either.

  14. dmantik says:

    I have the same tpe-over problem plus I always have to enter my email and name whenever I leave a comment. This has been happening over the last few months.

    Love your pictures!

    Love deb

  15. Becky says:

    becky – I’m not sure what you are going to get because it makes you type over the leave comment here. The first time I couldn’t leave a comment was a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to leave a comment on one of Summer’s posts and it would not take it. Becky

  16. nancy irving says:

    when i leave a reply it types over the “enter your comment here” wording. Also does the same for email address and the “please enter your name here” spots too

  17. Jan (Toledo) says:

    Becky, I have not received e-mail updates in some time either.
    Jan (Toledo)

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