Tears and Smiles.

September 2, 2013

Before I get into today’s post I want to ask for your prayers and thoughts for some special people in our live.

You’ve heard me mention my sister, Debbie, and her husband Randy before; the two of them are extra special to us, not just because they are family but also because they spent almost five years on the road with us back in the early nineties, traveling the country, doing music, and recording CD’s along with us. They were with Nathan every day for the first four years of his life and were basically his second parents.

Yesterday morning right before church, my brother, Phil, called and said that Randy had had a heart attack early that morning and had just been taken into surgery. (Randy’s dad died from heart issues when he was only in his fifties so we were extra concerned.)

I went and got Steve and we prayed together and cried together. Randy is one of Steve’s closest friends and Debbie is like a sister to him so it hit us both hard. I went and got Sarah from Sunday school and told her about it so that she wouldn’t hear the news during the service. She cried too; she loves that family so much.

After the service was over, we got the news that Randy had come through surgery well and after a couple days in the hospital, should be able to go home to recuperate.

Randy, Debbie and Caleb—we love you much!  Prayers are being sent your way from Manteo! 

Here’s a 90-second video of the four of singing together when they came to see us in Manteo a couple years ago.(Back when we were on the road full time, we had a full band with bass guitar, rhythm guitar ,keyboards and drums.)

The picture quality is pretty bad but the sound is reasonably good. I’ve always loved the harmony on this grand, old hymn.


Although the news about Randy made us sad, we also had some happy times during the weekend–namely, being visited by Hope, Sarah’s friend of six years.

Or course, I can’t let any friend of Sarah’s visit us without pulling out the camera and grabbing some shots.



In these photos, I asked them to run toward the porch together.  They sort of did their own cute amalgam of dancing/running and provided me with some fun shots.




Later that afternoon, right before we left to take Hope to meet her mom, I asked the two (very introverted) girls to do something wacky.  They were stymied for all of about three seconds and then Hope said, “Let’s sing the Veggie Tales theme song!”

And so they did. 

It’s hard to look at these photos without smiling.








Fun dances.  Happy smiles. Good friends.


37 comments so far.

37 responses to “Tears and Smiles.”

  1. Lauren says:

    So glad to hear that Randy is doing well! I had a killer headache this morning and missed church, and I was wondering if there had been an update on him. Looking forward to being back next week!

    • Becky says:

      Hi Lauren,

      Hope you’re feeling better and ready for another week of teaching! I did a little update on Randy in today’s post. Blessings to you . . .

  2. Mary H says:

    Prayers for all your family. I am so thankful the surgery was successful.

  3. d mantik says:

    Loved the pix of Sarah and Hope–such a sweet vignette of friendship!

    Wow. Thank you Becky, Steve, and Sarah and all the Smithellaneous friends who prayed for us. What a gift–we are so grateful!

    Randy continues to improve and we hope he will be back in the swing of things in a few weeks. (The doctor says one week and the wife says two! :-))

    Love, Deb, Randy & Caleb

  4. Joleen says:

    I forgot to add that the pictures of Sarah and Hope are so cute! As a momma to a sweet 8 year old girl, it is so refreshing to see young ladies dressed modestly and cute! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for noticing (and commenting) on the fact of the girls’ emphasis on modesty. They really do make it a priority in their fashion choices to cover what needs to be covered and celebrate looking like ladies!

      • I am wondering what is dressing modesty to Sarah means? I tried to google dress modesty on google however it seems to be different from woman to woman 🙂
        Speaking of dressing modesty I must say that I am shocked by what young teen girls can wear sometimes like tight-short skirts!! I saw a very young teenager girl wearing that yesterday I know for sure I wouldn’t let my daughter wearing that.. In Denmark it seems like there is nothing really generally as dressing modesty. But foreksample when I was in the Catholic part of Germany this summer the hotel asked me to cover my shoulder. 🙂 So I did.
        But still as far I can remember there ar things you would see me dressed in like tight-short skirts or a close that shows the stomach – I tell you Becky back when I was around 11-12 it was very popular among the teenagers in Denmark to wear a blouse that showed your stomach. I remember I thought that was weird

  5. Joleen says:

    Praying for Randy and the entire family. Hugs to you!

  6. beckylp says:

    Praying for Randy, Debbie & Caleb. May he have a quick recovery

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    I’m really sorry to hear about Randy; I really hope he has a very speedy and uneventful recovery. Prayers for Debbie too.

  8. Kristi says:

    Lots of good thoughts and prayers for Randy!

  9. Nadine says:

    Praying for your brother-in-law and a speedy and full recovery for his heart.

    best wishes, Nadine from Germany

  10. Cindy from Sonoma says:


    So sorry to read the news about Randy, but relieved to hear he is on the mend and will soon be home. Know that many prayers will be said for Randy, Debbie, Caleb, and his extended family.


    • Becky says:


      Thanks for thinking of them AND their extended family. He comes from a large family so he’s got lots of siblings and nephews and nieces that have been touched by this, as well.

  11. Vernie says:

    Prayers for dear Randy and Debbie! We have sweet memories of times with them, especially the period when they were like second parents to Nate. Healing prayers for Randy and strength for Debbie. Beautiful pics and blog with Sara and Hope – showing a precious lighthearted time! Blessings, Vernie

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you do have many memories of time spent with Randy and Debbie like all of those Thanksgiving Dinners when Randy beat a path to your fabulous sweet potato casserole! 🙂

  12. Sheri says:

    We got a text about Randy right after church from Meg and Nate. We’ve been praying for the entire family! Love to all!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for taking time on your vacation to share your concern for Randy and Debbie. I hope you and Frank have a wonderfully restful time.

  13. Kim Waggoner says:

    Praying for Debbie, Randy and the whole family.
    Love the fun dances and happy smiles! There’s never-ever-ever-ever-ever been a show like Veggie Tales!

  14. Angela says:

    Praying for Randy, Debbie, and Caleb!

  15. Mrs. Pam says:

    thankful that Randy is on the road to recovery…

  16. Becky says:

    Kim, thanks for the prayers.

    We have many happy memories of our times spent at you and Tim’s church. You always made us feel SO welcome!

  17. Kim says:

    Oh Becky…..we are so very sorry to hear about Randy! We have SO many fond memories of Heartsong’ singing in our churches.

    Tim also remembers attending college w/Randy.

    Know our thoughts and praying are with your entire family!!

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