Tea Parties. Road Trips. Elevator Dogs.

August 12, 2012

Yesterday, I was on the road eight hours (between travel time and my actual meeting) and then I traveled another four hours today following our morning church service.  May I just say that my hinder most parts are slightly fatigued.  

Today’s jaunt took Sarah and me to the halfway point where we met Sarah’s friend, Hope, and her mom.   Hope has journeyed here to Manteo to attend Sarah’s Festively Gala-ish Celebratory Almost Seventeen-Year Old Tea Party scheduled for 1 pm tomorrow.

(We realize that official English teas are later in the afternoon but we are Americanizing our version of it since Sarah has to be at work at 5 pm.)

Here are the girls when they first saw each other today.


The pending party required a stop on the way home to look for some tea party hats. We found a wonderful selection at Roses that were only $6 which caused all of our bargain-hunting hearts to holler hooray.


We’re now back home and the girls are upstairs waiting for Taylor  (Sarah’s Manteo friend), to arrive for an overnight  pre-tea party slumber party.  (Sadly, Victoria can’t make it this year since she’s having a crazy busy month and it’s a 14-hour round trip for her to get here; however, she and Sarah are hoping to get together in September.)

And Snowy?

Well.  I’m not quite sure what to say.  At this point, he’s still not able to get through a day without his meds without pretty significant discomfort so the whole idea of weaning him off of the medications entirely doesn’t seem to be working.

This morning I was going upstairs and glanced down to see him trying to follow me.  He put his little front paws on the first step and then paused for a moment before finally turning around and sitting forlornly on the floor in a little heap of canine dejectedness, realizing he could no longer make the trip.  

That made me sad as I thought back to the hundreds of times I have watched him flying up and down those stairs, even outrunning Nathan, our most limber and speedy Smith Family member.  I think those days are pretty well behind us.

So the Mama Elevator descended the stairs and carried Sir Canine up to the second floor where he hung out with us Second Floor Inhabitants for a while before pushing the down button on the elevator and requesting  to be returned to the ground floor so that he could repair to his kennel for yet another long snooze.

This evening, he’s sitting beside me in the writing chair, but it’s not a restful sitting.  Although he’s not shaking (his usual sign of pain) he’s panting a whole lot and shifting his weight around.  I need to wrap this up and take him downstairs for another dose of meds.

I’ll probably wait to call the vet on Tuesday for further instruction unless something radically changes overnight.  I want Sarah’s Tea Party to be as happy as possible and we’ve got enough meds in the house to keep him comfortable and relatively happy.  (The chunks of watermelon go a long toward fulfilling his happiness quotient.)

So that’s the weekend scoop in the Smith House.  Now I’m off to arrange cucumber sandwiches, petit fours and party hats.

Let the celebration begin!



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Tea Parties. Road Trips. Elevator Dogs.”

  1. AmandaJ says:

    ((hugs)) to Snowy. I’m so sorry he’s still having pain and discomfort. I hope the tea party goes well. Sounds fun!

  2. Mary H says:

    Hope the tea party was a tremendous event – how fun – I love cucumber sandwiches!  Hope Snowy is still enjoying his elevator rides and he could be a guest at the party.

  3. Shawn says:

    Ok, I just have to ask, What are cucumber sandwiches?  Hang in there Snowy, we are sending prayers your way!  I hope you all have a wonderful time at Sarah’s tea party.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Shawn, well, that is a question that is probably up for debate with various cooks and various recipes but I did it the easy way and put the spreadable cream cheese (with chives, and onions added) on a piece of bread cut bread and topped it with thinly sliced cucumbers. You can do it more complicatedly but it was actually very good!

  4. Trine says:

    I hope you will have a wonderful Tea party Sarah. 🙂
    And I hope Snowy will feel better soon. 

  5. Dluparel says:

    Praying that Sarah has a wonderful tea party and that Snowy’s journey can be as long and peaceful as possible. It is so difficult to see our furriends get older and if we could they would be with us all our lives.

  6. Pam D says:

    Seventeen? No. no. NO. *sigh*  You know I will be wanting to do a wild and crazy photoshoot with your girl when we visit. Right? Just make sure she knows, please and thanks. ;<)  And I'm wrapping you all in prayer as God continues to direct Snowy's journey. My selfish heart wants him to be there when we come in September. But I know that God's will is perfect, and we will simply ask for His light to shine brightly on the way that He wants you to go with this. Xoxox… have BIG fun at the teaparty!!!

  7. Jodi says:

    Becky, would it be preposterous of me to suggest contacting S3 College Professor and see if he might have any tips, or tricks for S3 current condition?  Maybe some moist heat, massage, or gentle stretching exercises might help his obvious discomfort? This suggestion comes with the utmost sincerity and love for the little fella!  Just be sure to remind him that Snowy did graduate Canine CumWaggle from one of the most prestigious Colleges on Roanoke Island (not that anyone could forget)?  I think we should all send Snowy well wishes by preparing and then enjoying watermelon slices, smoothies, sorbet or all of the above (if you are indecisive) and toast Snowy, our favorite Smithellaneous Mascot and friend!  I hope that Sarah and her posse have a great party tomorrow.  Is she really getting ready to start her Junior Year?  Somehow I am finding that very hard to believe (wink, wink).  Much love, Jodi

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