
December 12, 2022

Three facts:

That gives you a little window into the trepidation I’ve felt in this new job-hunting season of my life. I’m a  60-year-old with few marketable skills, looking for work with strangers instead of family in a busy and sometimes overwhelming metropolis

As I am continuing to look for a permanent job, I’ve signed up for a temp agency and last week, I got my first assignment.  Of course, I was hoping that my first stint of employment would be at some cute little office building with a small parking lot and just a couple of people around.

Not so much.

The job was in uptown Charlotte which is not my favorite place to drive.  I had to park in a large parking deck and the job itself was in the Charlotte Convention Center. So basically the opposite of everything I was hoping for. To make matters more interesting, all I had to go on was one person’s name.

So on the first day, I drove in foggy darkness to uptown Charlotte, found the right parking garage amidst the maze of one-way streets, made my way from that garage through elevators and hallways to an enormous building, and then located one person in the midst of the enormity.

This is where I found him– the Charlotte Build Expo.

For the next three days, I sat at a computer at a long counter with three other temps and registered attendees for the Expo. We also printed out their badges.

Although this sounds like a simple job, there was a lot of info to collect and some people did not speak clearly, or they spoke rapidly, or they spoke quietly.  We were supposed to be working quickly so that people did not have to stand in line so my concentration/listening/typing skills got a good workout.

I was given a couple of extra assignments that the other workers were not, I guess because I was working at a pretty good clip.  That made me feel happy that I didn’t make too much of a muddle of things on my first outing into the real world.

On my way back to the parking deck, I got to see this fun building.  There were inside routes back to the parking deck but I thought it would be fun to go around the block and just absorb the energy of a big city.

As I was leaving the house for my first day, I felt a little like I was off to my first day of kindergarten.  I have worked with Steve for so long that venturing out on my own was slightly scarier than it might have been otherwise. But I did it!  And the added bonus is that I am no longer hesitant to drive in uptown Charlotte.  So it was a good week.

The morning after finishing the job . . .

I hopped in the car again, this time headed to Manteo.

Faith, a young girl I had in my Wednesday class, was going to be in a dance recital.  She had invited me to come to her big recital last year and I didn’t go and she was disappointed. So I said to myself back then, “If there is any way I can make it to her next big recital, I will do it.” She and I have stayed in frequent touch since we left so I was especially excited about surprising her.

Faith’s big sister, Emma Grace, was also in the recital so it was a double joy to get to attend.  (I worked with Emma Grace on the piano when we were in Manteo.)

You probably remember me posting photos of the three older  sisters in the past.  (This was about eight years ago.)

This is one of my favorite moments from our thirteen years in Manteo; Steve and the sisters playing ukuleles. (The teenager in the background is a young woman Steve taught to play bass.)

Here is Emma Grace, all grown up. (Wearing the mask.)

And here’s Faith. (In the red dress.)

It was so fun getting to surprise them.

It was also great seeing a dozen people from the church at the recital; I got a lot of sweet hugs.

Of course, going to Manteo also meant getting to see my dear friend, Greta.  (You may remember her as the one who saved our bacon when we were running late getting packed to move. )

I stayed with her at her cottage in downtown Manteo; we worked on a puzzle, did a lot of talking, and I enjoyed her delicious, healthy cooking.

She walks a lot every day so I joined her on a jaunt and saw all the sights. The waterfront was decked out for the season.

And I loved seeing this plant. I don’t know what it is called but to see red, heart-shaped leaves in the midst of a sea of brown was a delight.

Of course, I couldn’t go to Manteo and not walk through the house.

I took my shoes off to go upstairs since I had just been walking in some dirt.  It occurred to me that I have posted a lot of shoe pictures on this blog denoting various groups of people (or Smith kids) who were in the house.  This one seemed appropriate–my shoes against an empty backdrop.

There were two showings last week but still no nibbles.  Our realtor was certain the house would sell in 45 days and that deadline has come and gone.  We are continuing to pray for the right family to come along and love it as much as our family did.

I also had to get a water photo while in town.

A few feet from the water I saw this sign which made me smile. Since there wasn’t space for the whole word, it worked out well that cleaning can get by pretty well without a g on the end.

I also saw this unusual pumpkin tree.  Hmmmm . . . .

Last week was a rich tapestry colored with people and experiences both old and new.  I am so very thankful for the richness and variety of life.

What about you? 

Is there a particular job you had that is memorable for one reason or another?

Also, what’s the temp/snow conditiions where you are?  Charlotte is in the 50’s and sunny. No snow to be seen!

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Tapestry”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    I’d be so afraid to start looking for work again. I admire you. 🙂
    How wonderful you were able to get back to Manteo and surprise Faith. That kind of support means so much to those dancers who work so hard and put in so many hours.

    We’ve been having some very cold weather with bitter wind chills. But this week will be the worst so far… they’re predicting a high of -6 and winds over 40 mph on Thursday. We won’t be going ANYWHERE!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. That is COLD! Growing up in WI, I know a little about that but it’s been a while since I’ve experienced it. Glad you can stay home and hunker down.

      Thanks for your words of encouragement about my job search. It’s quite the adventure!

  2. SueEllen says:

    As a longtime NASCAR fan, I’m jealous that your assignment was so close to the Hall of Fame – I hope to someday visit. I completely relate to the stress of job-hunting. After I was laid off after 15 years with the same bank/mortgage company it was so intimidating starting over. Thankfully I was able to ease into things by substituting in the district where I now work. And it game me the opportunity to “try” different positions at different campuses. I love what I’m doing, now if I could only make what I was making back in the day at the mortgage company. I imagine it was bittersweet visiting Manteo, but I’m glad you were able to provide such a lovely surprise. And I hope the market improves and you are able to sell soon. Your pictures, as always, were wonderful.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, it really was fun to walk by the building and see those cool cars inside. I’m not a NASCAR fan but I still love seeing anything new and interesting.

      That must have been tough to have been laid off after 15 years; so glad you’ve found a new job that you love. (Albeit, without the pay that you love!)

  3. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, I’m so proud of you for taking the bull by the horns, getting out there, exploring Charlotte and finding a job. I really don’t think you’ll be happy until you find a church job. The church who gets you will be the grand prize winner! Thank you for all the wonderful pictures! I don’t know if I had ever seen your home in Manteo before – but it is beautiful. There must be a family out there who is praying to get it!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      Yes, the Charlotte job was definitely out of my normal routine. I’ve got another job next week but it’s not downtown.

      We did love our home in Manteo; waiting for the next family to come along who will love it just as much.

  4. Stefanie in STL says:

    What a surprise to see photos of the convention center. The three times in my life that I visited Charlotte were to attend conferences held there! Good luck on finding a good fit for you – you definitely have a LOT of useful skills! 🙂

    That plant with the red leaves is delightful!

    I really hope your house sells soon! It seems like it’s priced right for the area. Have you had any feedback from the lookers, at all? When we were selling our previous house, a lot of the feedback we got was unhelpful (they didn’t like boilers/radiator heat, they didn’t like the detached garage, they didn’t like the front stairs/back stairs). Not much we could do about that!

    • Becky says:


      How fun that you’ve been in that same Convention Center!

      We’ve gotten feedback similar to yours that is “unfixable,” like: We wanted a master bedroom on the first floor. Can’t really fix that! We will be ever so happy when it finally sells.

  5. Carol Campbell says:

    Becky I am so proud of you! That was not an easy thing to do going into a big city to work. The girls and I worked temp jobs when we lived in Springfield Mo. I took a month long job with Kraft Foods. I had to completely learn this lady’s job because she was retiring. I then had to train this job to the new employee who was transferring into that department. It didn’t work out for her to train with the lady because she was training her own replacement. The job was the scheduling of trucks, giving them a time to come pick up their loads. It’s funny because I remember all these 17 years later that I could not schedule 2 trucks to pick up cheese Whiz at the same time. 🙂 A big help with my life now.😆 It was a lot of learning. A lot of training. Then 1 month later it was just over. Temp jobs are not for the faint of heart!
    It is 34° here and no snow on the ground. May not have a white Christmas this year. Glad you got back to Manteo. Bet that did the heart good. Although walking through your house must have felt strange. Blessings to you!!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think the Cheese Whiz truck info could be very important in your life! You must be a fast learner to learn a job well enough to teach it–all in a month! Kudos to you.

      Yes, it was a little strange walking through the house. Lot of memories there!

      • Carol Campbell says:

        We will have a white Christmas here after all! Everything is white, and freezing temps are upon us. There will be no melting for awhile. I don’t know if I am happy or not. But if it’s going to be that cold, then it may as well be white!! 😃

  6. Kaye Joyce says:

    Moving is so hard…. and going back to see the home you lived in and loved and will never live in again….well, that has to be really hard. Glad to you got to visit your friends though and I know they must miss you terribly. I don’t envy you at all for having to drive in Charlotte…. no, nadda, nope…. I do not like it! I am only about an hour and a half from you now but I steer clear of Charlotte and Raleigh and all the bigger cities. I live in little ole bitty Mount Airy and if Andy Griffith liked it here, then I like it here even more. My hubby had his fourth foot surgery yesterday…he fell off of a roof two years ago and shattered the heel. He is doing good and I am playing a not so patient nurse. Can’t believe Christmas is soon to be arriving and I am ready and then I want a big snow. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderfully, happy, healthy and fulfilling year.

    • Becky says:


      Glad to hear your husband is doing well after his surgery. Hopefully, that will be the last of his surgeries and he can just concentrate on getting better.

      I hope you both have a wonderful, Mayberry Christmas! 🙂

  7. Purple Sushi says:

    When you said you have no skills my head immediately said it loud (so I’m sure you heard it), you have many skills, many of which come naturally to you so you probably don’t notice them as skills. The first one was being carrying/compassionate//kind, etc. You would be a wonderful pca or other kind of attendant for children or adults who need assistance during the day. If you find an agency to hire you they will make the connections for you and I’m guessing there is a questionnaire about what types of things you would be able to help with. It wouldn’t be very peopley and may places you pick what I hours you are available. I’m not sure you would be possible considering your current health concerns, but I think you would be wonderful.

    • Becky says:

      Purple Sushi,

      Thanks for such an encouraging comment and for the voice in your head that rehearsed the skills I didn’t think I had. 🙂

      I definitely would like to work in a situation/job that utilized my listening/calming/compassionate skills. I keep on thinking I’d like to work in a funeral home but so far nothing has turned up

      Thank you again for spreading the warmth of your encouragement into my life!

  8. Donna Buckley says:

    Hi again… loved your Manteo pics… I plan to get down there for a few days too this coming week. Wish I could buy your beautiful home but alas… I am not ready to retire yet.
    My most memorable job has to be the one I have been doing the last 30 years as a nurse in the Neuro ICU. I have loved caring for my patients and their families. It is ministry for me. I also loved working as a lifeguard and swimming instructor at Balboa Pool for the Panama Canal Company while in High School… that seems a lifetime ago.
    Temping may be a perfect opportunity for you to find that perfect job in this new season.
    I hope Christmas in your new home is happy and bright surrounded by all of those you love. Blessings.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, how fun that you get to take a trip to Manteo.

      A nurse for thirty years? I can’t even imagine the number of lives you have impacted over the years. From our stints in the hospital with Sarah, we know how important nurses are; while we are thankful for our doctors we are EXTRA thankful for our nurses. May God continue to use in your special ministry. (And I love it that you see it in that way because that’s exactly right.)

  9. dmantik says:

    Very proud of you for venturing out into new territory and conquering it! And I was wondering–what’s the difference between uptown and downtown?

    I love the picture of the interesting Charlotte building with the tall green Christmas tree and a few people who were wearing red walking nearby. So simple yet so vibrant and festive.

    I also loved all the Manteo pictures. I’m so glad you could go back and see dear friends and your house and town. Daily prayers that your buyer comes very soon.

    As for job stories, I worked at a gas station/convenience store back in the day. One night I made a huuuuge mess with the cash register/gas pump system and royally screwed up the receipts. It was so bad corporate got involved. Needless to say, I wasn’t there very long. And I’ve refused to work a job that involves a cash register ever since. Still makes me feel stupid.

    Love to you all! ❤️


    • Becky says:


      I can’t believe I never heard that story about the cash register. I imagine you went down in history at the particular location–having to have Corporate called in, and everything. 🙂 I don’t go near cash registers, either. They make me twitchy.

      If you look closer at the picture you mentioned you’ll see race cars behind the class; it’s the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Very cool to see that!

      Thanks for the ongoing prayers for the house; much needed.

  10. Phyllis says:

    I think you have more job skills than you are giving yourself credit for! I can certainly understand your trepidation in looking for a job at 60 though. When I was just months shy of 59, my position was eliminated in Tampa. Fortunately, before I had to leave the company I had worked at for over 15 years, I was offered a position in the Overland Park office. Unfortunately, my new boss left a lot to be desired. Fortunately again, a position in Finance became available within about 4 months after starting that I was able to move into.
    Weather here in Kansas is dreary and has been for several days. No snow and temperatures are in the 30s to 40s. I think it’s supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow with rain. After tomorrow, we’re looking at temperatures in the 30s for several days.
    Hopefully after the first of the year, showings on your Manteo house will pick up and you will get it sold. It is not a fun situation to be in trying to sell a house when you have already moved to another town.

    • Becky says:


      That was a lot of job-changing you had to do so close to sixty years old. Sounds like it all worked out and you landed in a position that suited you well!

      Just think. In three more days, we will start seeing longer days which means that spring is that much closer. I know that when you see rain and cool temps for many days in a row, spring is a wonderful thing to look forward to.

  11. Ann O. says:

    Oh Becky, I do hope you find a great job for you! But what a way to start out! Pretty interesting, what comes up! Your life has been a tapestry indeed!

    After years of small jobs, while raising and homeschooling my kids, it was time for me to get a steady paying job. We were living in a newer city to us, due to my husband’s job. I didn’t have the contacts, or familiar knowledge I would have had in my old area. And, after looking at “want ads”, I realized I had NO SKILLS (haha – I tried to find some humor in my lack of “skills” and situation). I ended up finding something at a newly built senior living community. It was a good match for me.

    I was so hoping your house would sell quickly, with competing bidders. Hoping that still might happen, and SOON! Is that something ok to pray about?! Dear Lord, find me some buyers and FAST?! Well, I’m keeping my fingers crossed, at least.

    • Becky says:


      It’s funny you mentioned “want ads.” Those were a thing back in the day–buying a newspaper and circling jobs you were interested in. Quite a nice change to be able to do online job hunting. I’m right there with you regarding the lack of skills. I mean, I have skills but most of them aren’t something an employer would pay for. 🙂

      Yes, I was definitely hoping for competing bidders; right now I’d just settle for fast. Our prayers continue!

  12. Patti says:

    Great job moving into a new area and new type of job. Sounds like it was a good fit. Prayers you find the right full time job soon. I remember my first real job and the nerves before going to my first day. It went well, but the second day I got sick, ended up in the ER and had to have my dad call to say I wasn’t coming in. All went well and I stayed at the job for 8 years. I can’t imagine starting a new job at 60. Kudos to you.
    In lower Michigan it is 33 and clear. We have had 2 snows but they haven’t lasted. It is predicted to be a white Christmas though.

    • Becky says:


      Here’s hoping you get a white Christmas! The last time Charlotte had one was in 2010.

      Despite your sudden illness, I’m glad your first job turned out so well for you. It’s a scary thing walking into a new job!

  13. Ruth Rehberg says:

    You did good to get through that new experience with grace and ease I am sure!
    Nice you could go back and visit the old house and town too.

  14. Vicky Elder says:

    We are supposed to receiving a three-day blizzard today!! Eeek! This last week I got to venture to One Act Play State Championships with my daughter. My two grandsons were involved. One as an actor and the other as tech! The play was amazing!!! The oldest brother received an acting award! This grandma was very proud. Prayers for your job search. Hopefully you will find a smaller church looking for a church secretary??

    • Becky says:


      I would love to go to a State Championship for plays; didn’t know there was such a thing. I can only imagine how proud you were of your talented grandsons. I wonder if they got their talent from you? 🙂

  15. Virginia Yelland says:

    Cooler day for us in Clermont, Florida with high around 73 but back in the 80s the rest of the week. We will have our first cool spell starting this weekend with daytime highs in the 60s and lows down into the upper 40s for the first time. Excited to start the drive back to Pennsylvania next Monday for Christmas but not looking forward to the cold weather! Leaving the motorhome in Tampa and will be back there to ring in the New Year.

    Good luck with the job search. The temp route could be interesting with a new adventure with every assignment! I have thought about trying to get something with Disney for the winter just to keep my brain working. Might try that next winter.

    Take Care!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I try to look at the temp job idea as an adventure–new skills, new parts of the city, and new people. I just signed with a second agency so hopefully, the two of them can keep me fairly busy.

      I think you’d do great working at Disney!

      The cold weather won’t be so hard to endure in PA knowing that you have sunny Florida to look forward to again.

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