Take THAT, Mister Predecessor

October 19, 2012

I keep hearing all sorts of stories about how wonderful Snowy (my Predecessor) was.  He was outgoing, he was funny, he was full of spirit, he was cute . . . yadda, yadda, yadda. 

Can’t a girl get a little break from all those Snowy Stories? I mean, really?


Well.  In order to send Snowy’s stories packing, I did something today that will serve to put my Predecessor and all his amazing, wonderful accomplishments into the background pages of  the Smith Family Lore book.

 Today . . .


I took my sister to school . . .


just like said Predecessor used to do.


However, from what I’ve heard on the grapevine . . .


Snowy was always a naughty boy on the way home from school . . .


and liked to run all over the car . . .


searching out miscellaneous treats to eat.


But on today’s trip? I was the very picture of grace and decorum and I stayed on my little pillow . . .



for the whole trip home.


Take THAT, Mr. Predecessor!

22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Take THAT, Mister Predecessor”

  1. Ellen says:

    Summer: what brand of shampoo do you use and where can I purchase some? I want locks as silken as yours.

    • Becky says:

      Ellen, I have thought the very same thing when I look at Summer’s fur. It the next thing to silk! (I don’t guess we could ever measure up.) 🙂

  2. Becky says:

    Jojy, yes, Summer is quite sure that all sneezers are EVIL!! And she is definitely expressive!

  3. Jojy Smith says:

    The female picture of Grace, Elegance, and Charm…(as long as no one SNEEZES!!) What an expressive little face you have Summer!!

  4. Kristen says:

    Too cute!!

  5. Mary H says:

    Thatta girl, Summer – you show em! And, I agree, how do you find the cutest dogs ever! Love the pillow, Summer. You are a petite one.

    • Becky says:

      Mary, the pillow is a neck pillow we use for napping while traveling but it works wonderfully to make Summer feel “surrounded by softness.”

  6. Shawn says:

    Love your story Summer! You are so pretty in your sweaters and really a good girl riding in the car. I am sure Snowy is looking down from heaven smiling.

    • Becky says:

      Shawn, our next task will be to take her on a trip longer than two minutes. On the way home from the home where we bought her (6 hours away) she threw up a couple times so we’ll have to see how things go on a longer journey. But start small, right?

  7. krista says:

    Summer you are SO cute! And I love that you’re writing on the blog now, too!

    btw…when I take my kitten (I know…kitten? Bleh!), Eleanor (now 6 months) in the van, she, too explores all over the place…including out the back window. I can just imagine what the people in the cars behind me must think of this little kitty peering at them from the back of my van =)

  8. dmantik says:

    You Smiths have a talent for snagging super cute doggies!

    Love Deb

  9. Linda says:

    Don’t worry, Summer…Girls Rule, Boys Drool!!!! I am so glad that you found your new family…and that your new family found you… looks like a match made in heaven…hmmm, Snowy, did you have anything to do with it??

  10. Cindy Forrester says:

    My Dillon always hears stories about how wonderful his predecessor, Madison, was as well:) I love them both, but will always miss my Madison. I never considered him a replacement, but another dog to love.

    • Becky says:

      Cindy, it’s a hard balancing act isn’t, loving the new dog and remembering the old (irreplaceable one (with such great love.) Just thankful we were both able to find new dogs to welcome to our families!

  11. Steve says:

    There will never be another Snowy. But then again there is only one Summer!

  12. Ah, Summer, you have nothing to worry about! Snowey = guy…Summer = girl…seriously, no comparison…enough said! 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Guerrina, you’re right. It’s kinda hard to compare a boy and a girl dog; they are so different. Which is one big reason we decided to get a girl this time around. (Besides the fact that we get to have her toenails painted.) 🙂

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