Sweetest Readers. And Steve, Me and Jockey’s Ridge.

May 21, 2013

Oh my.

I can’t tell you what it did to my heart to see Jodi make the suggestion that Smithellaneous readers might want to help out Julia and her son.  And then to see another half a dozen of you join in with her and say that you were also on board with it?  Well, Steve, Sarah and I are all incredibly touched by your generous, giving hearts. I always knew I had the best readers around!

(Scroll to the end of this post for more info on how you can help.) 

 In a minute, you’ll see some photos of Steve’s and my jaunt up Jockey’s Ridge last night. Before I post those though, some of you may remember some pictures from Nathan’s last visit home before he got married when the four of us took a trek up Jockey’s Ridge.

It was an evening that was lit up with laughter.









But in the midst of all the happiness of that afternoon, my mind was never far from the inescapable fact that our family was facing the completion of a chapter, the end of an era. In fact, the realization hit me so hard that I finally had to give in and do a Mama Cry. In case you’re wondering, a Mama Cry is the sort of cry you do when you’re not really sad exactly, but your heart is stuffed full of so many emotions that some of those emotions have no choice but to leak right out of your eyes.

THAT is a Mama Cry. And THAT is what I had.


Well last night, Steve and I decided to take ourselves off on yet another Jockey’s Ridge jaunt. (Sarah was gone so we were left to our own devices.)

Before the climb though, we figured we needed to get our strength up so we went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants.  Their Philly Cheese sandwich is amazing; big enough to share and accompanied by fabulous fries. We split a sandwich, had water to drink and made it out the door for just $12. (Hooray for thrifty living!)

Then it was time to drive to Jockey’s Ridge and prepared for The Climb. Would you believe that as soon as we got out there, I immediately thought about the last trip and started crying all over again?  We mamas have tear ducts like faucets, sometimes. Fortunately, I got it out of my system pretty quickly and was able to enjoy a fabulous evening with a fabulous husband.

I took a couple pictures of him . . .


and then he took some of me.

Do you get the impression it was a bit windy out there?



Windy or not, it was a lovely half hour spent on one of the most famous sand dunes in the country. 


As much as I loved the time with my husband, as we walked back to the car I could still hear the echoes of other laughter, other voices and other seasons.

Such sweet, olden, golden days.


How You Can Help Julia

Once again, thank you to those of you who have expressed interest in helping our new friend, Julia.

Here are three helping options:

1. Clothing for her son.  He wears a size 8-10 or boys medium. I’m sure he would also love books or toys.  (Used articles are fine.) 

2. Gift cards.

a)  General Shopping:  Walmart and K-Mart are within 30 minutes so they would be best.  Our nearest Target is 2 hours away.

b)  Grocery Stores: Our nearest stores are Food Lion and Harris Teeter.

c)  Gas stations:  Shell or BP 

3.) Monetary gifts to go toward her general expenses and furnishing of her home.

You can do this one of two ways:

a) Go to manteofirstag.com and click on “Online Giving” at the top right. Specify in the blank, “For Julia.” 

b) Send a check made out to Manteo First Assembly.  Put “For Julia” in the memo area. 

Gifts/clothes/cards may be sent to:

Manteo First Assembly
Attn: Becky Smith
812 Wingina St.
Manteo, NC 27954  

These gifts are tax deductible as long as you include your address.  ALL gifts will be given straight to Julia and her son.

Again, many thanks to those of you who hearts are impelling you to give to this precious little family. 

I also know that we are all praying for the victims of the recent tornadoes and will be giving to help that need as well. 

Blessings to you, sweet Smithellaneous family!

15 comments so far.

15 responses to “Sweetest Readers. And Steve, Me and Jockey’s Ridge.”

  1. Jodi says:

    Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone is well and if your in OK, safe. It’s sure been a rough few months for the US, huh? This won’t make it go away, but perhaps it will make us all smile even for just a few minuets. Make sure your on a device w/ volume. The clip is a 5 y/o from Indiana. Yes, it’s a 911 call, and seems potentially serious–everything is okay! TOO CUTE, THOUGH!

    • Becky says:


      I didn’t see an attachment to your comment. But thank you for wanting to give us all a reason to smile! 🙂

  2. Rachel Kinneberg says:

    What size is “Julia”. I have a feeling a lot of you readers have stuff in their closets they could donate to her, especially if she needs some nice clothes and shoes for work.

    • Becky says:


      She wears about size 16. Thankfully, she works in a dentist office and wears scrubs so she doesn’t need as many professional clothes as if she were in an office job. That is so sweet of you to think about that aspect of her life!

  3. Becky says:


    Thanks SO much; you are such a generous soul! And I’m so glad to hear it was an easy process for you. Hope you get some garden/yard work time in today!

    • Cindy from Sonoma says:


      I will have lots of garden/yard work time today! My brother and our gardener are helping me re-do my front lawn. I will be spending lots of time watering the new plantings until the sprinkler system is connected this weekend. Until the rock is laid down out there it will be pretty ugly!

      I was so happy to do a little something for Julia!


  4. I just made a donation through your Church and was pleased to see just how easy it was to do that! I’ve not been very good at commenting or reading the comments, life has a way of getting in the way. I promise to do better from now on.

    Cindy from Sonoma

  5. Jodi says:

    PS. I’m doing the ugly cry myself right now (I must admit it doesn’t take much) after looking @ the pics of Sarah and Nathan. It makes me miss my brother, Michael even more (IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE)? I’m keep looking over @ the pics I have side by side….one of us as kiddos in 70’s wear and one from right before he was diagnosed (March, 2011). I think we women can add “proficient in the ugly cry” to our resumes; it’s truly a talent. Jodi

    • Becky says:


      I know–aren’t brothers so very,very special? To lose one relatively early in life would be such a difficult experience because I’m sure you must be tempted to think about all the future days and months and memories and years that you will never get to share with him.

      So glad you have his pictures near you and also so glad that you are allowing your emotions to release into the therapeutic act of crying–ugly or not! Hugs to you today.

  6. Jodi says:


    Does Julia have a Bed Bath and Beyond or Bath and Body Works, or Nat’l Hair Cut Chains nearby? It would be nice to send a completely guilty pleasure “gift” to her. How great would it be for them to go for a mother/son hair cut or her pampering herself with something from bath and body works. I’d love to “force (in a loving way)” her to something completely as a guilty pleasure (along w/something completely practical)!” Glad we’re able to help.

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to think of the “guilty pleasure” side of life as well as the practical side. Although we don’t have Bed, Bath and Beyond nearby, a gift card from there would allow her to order something on the Web which would be a much appreciated treat for her. (No national hair cutting chains nearby that I’m aware of, either.) Thanks so much for your thoughtful ideas.)

  7. Becky says:


    Let me check on that for you; thanks for asking.

  8. Love the photos! I totally understand the Mama tears!

    Does Julia need clothing too? If so, what size?

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