Sweater Guy. Snowflakes.

January 13, 2025

Today’s blog will be a little shorter; I’ve been down with the flu for a few days and my brain is not at its most sparkly.

The big news (for us Southerners, at least) is that we got snow. And speaking of snow, isn’t this a fun photo that Meagan took? No one appreciates snow quite like children born in Florida.

We enjoyed seeing our neighborhood covered in a few flakes before it, unfortunately, turned into freezing rain.

In this cold weather season, you will be glad to know that Steve’s 25-year-old wool sweater (that was showing just a tiny bit of wear) has finally been replaced.

A matching hole on the right side.

I think he would have worn this until he was 95 years old but the time had come for me to do a sweater intervention. I went on eBay, found almost the identical sweater, and gave it to him for Christmas.

And guess what? He is now wearing a sweater with absolutely no gaping holes. A moment of silence, please.

Although he wasn’t wearing the sweater last Friday evening, coziness still abounded while the snow and sleet fell outside.

One husband. Two snoozing doggies. Serenity all around.


What about you?

Do you (or someone you know) have a really old item of clothing that you still wear? What is its history and what are your reasons for still wearing it?

Do you remember catching snowflakes on your tongue and sledding as a child? Were you a rambunctious sledder or a cautious sledder?

Do you have a favorite winter weather story to tell?

3 comments so far.

3 responses to “Sweater Guy. Snowflakes.”

  1. Beth says:

    I know, I am catching up….

    Sorry to hear you have been under the weather, but I am sending prayers for quick healing and your zippy self back to normal! What?! You were able to replace an old and trusty?! I must “shadow” you more closely to glean such savvy sweater switheroo stealthiness! 🙃🤪

    Looking forward to more Smithellaneous adventures. 😁

  2. Lisa L. from GA says:

    I am sorry you are sick. I have not been sick at all in almost 20 years and since I retired, I’ve had the flu, bronchitis, and most recently pink eye. It’s the craziest thing. I feel like my immune system retired with me. Living in South Georgia I can honestly say we don’t ever get snow. I did go to Colorado when my son broke his collarbone the week before Thanksgiving and the night I got there. It began snowing and it snowed 30 inches over the next 26 or 27 hours. I had never seen such snow in my whole life. If I hadn’t had to drive in it, I probably would’ve enjoyed it a lot more.
    I understand Steve’s attachment to his sweater. I had a sweater that I had worn since I was in college over 30 years ago. I finally had to throw it away about a year ago when it was just unraveling while it was on me. It was one of those sweaters that I wore over my pajamas. I never wore it outside, but it was clearly not useful anymore. I haven’t tried to find an identical replacement, but I do have one that’s filling the bill for now.
    I hope you guys enjoy the beautiful snow and I hope you feel better soon. That flu is nasty.

  3. Kaye Joyce says:

    Hope you feel better soon! I have a friend with the flu and another in the hospital with double pneumonia! Winter is hard. We got around 6 inches of snow here in Mount Airy, about two hours from you. It is still laying around waiting for more possibly. We live on a hill so we can slide out but we can’t slide back in so we kinda stay put for awhile. I am a homebody so it does not bother me. I work puzzles, read, nap or play games on Facebook. You get some rest so you can get well. Praying for you.

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