Sweat and Guffaws

August 1, 2016

Since last Friday’s post was a slightly sparse in the the grand kid department, I am going to make up for that today.

Before I do though, let me show you a photo of something I have never before witnessed: Summer sharing her space with another dog!


Gordon and Nancy Goertz, long time friends of ours,spent the week vacationing in our house while we were in Florida. When they heard that we were going to board Summer in a kennel, they insisted she spend the week with them instead. I was delighted because I knew Summer would be much happier at home but I was also a little apprehensive because Summer is 99% Sweetness and Light and 1% Dedicated Guardian of Her Space.

However, since Gordon and Nancy have five small dogs (they only brought one),I figured they were pretty dog savvy and could handle the situation. Turns out Summer did great and only had two very small altercations with her canine housemate, Gretchen.

I never thought I would see the day when Summer would take a nap within two feet of another dog. blog 1

Gordon posted this photo to Facebook with the caption, “I did a Summer-salt.”  It took me a minute, but I finally got it.


They ended their week in Manteo with Gordon singing and speaking in our church service yesterday.  


Before moving on, let me just mention that back in 2002 when Gordon got news that Sarah had just been diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, he got in his car and drove 23 hours from Connecticut (where he was a pastor) to North Carolina just to be with us. Now that’s a true friend!

Okay, on to a few grand kid pics: 

Aunt Sarah enjoyed hanging out with her darling nephew . . .


and charming niece.



We spent a little time playing some shuffle board with Noah while Madi took a nap.




I had to laugh at how truly grandmotherly I felt during the whole shuffleboarding thing. There I was, renting a place in a Floridian retirement community, playing shuffle board with my grandchildren, AND getting my first Seniors discount at a store that starts their discounts at age 50. 

Speaking of shuffle board, I had never played before but Meagan assured me I would enjoy it so I gave it a whirl. Please don’t ask me what I am doing to this rather awkward photo; I look like I am about to pitch forward on my head.  A graceful grandmotherly shuffleboarder, I am not. (And that alarming swirly thing I’m wearing is a cover up for my swim suit.)


Madi had a great time feeling her Grandpa Smith’s scratchy face.


Nice to be so easily entertained.


As it turns out, Noah’s entertainment came in the form of an actual, real, old timey phone that was hooked up in the house we rented.  He had never seen such a thing before and was fascinated.  Nathan got on his cell phone so that the two of them could pretend to talk. Good times!


And just in case you are wondering if we had splendiferous meals throughout our vacation, the answer would be a big no.

We tried to eat several meals in our rental to save money, but when it’s so hot out that geckos are threatening to spontaneously combust, cooking does not hold any great appeal.  

For one meal, Sarah whipped up her Kickin’ Chicken in the crock pot and for the next meal (when it was my turn to cook), I whipped up this ponderously alarming display of a chaotic food demonstration.


My appetizing spiel was, “Here is some meat. Here are some rolls.  Here are some chips. Fix it yourself.”

Because I am all about gracious entertaining.

One particular day when the temp had decided to move beyond plain ol’ hot to downright blistering, we did what any sane family would do under those circumstances: we went to the park! 

I was hopeful that if I moved very slowly and thought about things that were cool, I wouldn’t emit copious quantities of perspiration or pass out in an overheated faint in the middle of the playground. (I was only slightly successful.)

While I was busy making my elderly plans for survival, I happened to look up and notice what Noah and Nathan were doing.

They. Were. Running.  


Let me repeat. Run.Ing. In.The.Heat.


This is how you tell the difference between the people who are over forty and people who are under forty.


After the appeal of running had (quickly) worn off, Nathan introduced us to a whirly jig thingie that causes you to whirl. And also jig.





Such a good dad.  He holds a sippy cup, even when he’s playing.

IMG_4902 Trying to navigate little wobbly things.IMG_4887

Let me just say that Grandma Smith (of the sweating, slow-moving, prone to fainting variety) did not feel any compulsion to try any of these fun park gadgets out. I was too busy fanning and sweating and longing desperately to be whisked away to wintertime in the frozen tundra of my Wisconsin childhood home.

But the youngsters (and Grandpa Smith) were all about being active so I took refuge in the shade and gallantly cheered them on between wiping rivers of sweat from my person. 


Which brings me to this final series of pictures.     

That whole day when we were out and about, Meagan and I were arrayed in less than stunning ensembles. We kept saying that we were going to shower and put on make up and do our hair, but then something would come up and it would get postponed.  By the end of a day full of shuffle boarding, park playing, thrift store browsing, and grocery store shopping, we finally gave up on any hope of beautification and we contented ourselves with trying to outdo each other in the sweaty, grimy, unwashed department.

It occurred to us that snapping a few photos of us in that state would be a fun contrast since in the last photos I posted, all of us were gussied up for dinner out.

Here are the Smith women after a long, hot Florida day. (Sarah had actually showered that morning so she was looking pretty good.)


Sisters in sweat.



I just love this shot.  Meagan is a funny, funny lady and she had just said something that made Sarah guffaw. Steve is the designated guffawer in our house and since Sarah a more quiet laugh-er, I’m really happy I captured her in the very act of guffawing.


The merriment continues.


I’ll close with a photo I took from another day of our visit–a picture that sums up the beauty of grown up children and growing up grandchildren and the love that flows between the generations.  

Every picture tells a story and this one tells me that I am blessed beyond words. 


22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Sweat and Guffaws”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    It looks like you had a fantastic time! Oh you brave souls…..going to Florida in the summertime. Yikes! It’s hot and humid here in Nebraska (which makes me sweat profusely!! Waaaaaayyy beyond glowing. Just sayin.) and I hear Florida is worse than that, so I really admire you. 😉 You have a beautiful family and Noah and Maddie are so completely adorable!! 🙂

    • Becky says:



      Now I’m back to sweating in North Carolina. Pretty happy that fall is around the corner. 🙂 Enjoy the last days of your Nebraskan summer!

  2. mrs pam says:

    super-duper for Summer the Canine, not summer the weather.

    liked the way Auntie and nephew were color-co-ordinated in the first photo.

    forgot about playing shuffleboard in Florida.
    wonder if it is the official State Game.

    what a wonderful time you all had!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      If it’s NOT the state game, it should be! I hadn’t noticed Sarah and Noah were coordinated; thanks for pointing that out!

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Such great pictures. Don’t know if you noticed or not, but the first picture of summer – not sure what she was thinking regarding Gretchen – it was like “so there.” Also I just wanted to correct you – we women do not sweat or perspire, we glow!!! Although I do believe when it gets so hot – that glowing does get a little heavy in the wetness department. What a great time you all had. Thanks for sharing.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, Summer was showing some of her Princess Attitude in that picture. 🙂

      And I agree: ladies glow in the summer and men SWEAT.

  4. Kari says:

    Looks like the whole family had a wonderful vacation! Great photo’s as always. I don’t know how you did it with the heat in Florida, we have had way too many ninety degree days this year in Michigan and I can’t even stand the eighties if it is also sunny! Love the way Steve will try anything, just like my husband.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it fun to be married to a guy who will try new adventures? Makes life fun.

      Although I must say it’s much more pleasant when the adventures take place in cooler weather! Already looking forward to fall . . .

  5. Guerrina says:

    Madi looks so much like Sarah! Knowing the Goertz’, I bet they had a talk to with both pups lol I totally sympathize with the Florida sweat syndrome for non-Floridians. Tried it once in Florida and once in Alabama. I love Connecticut! ?

  6. Lesley says:

    This was such a fun post. Noah is growing like a weed. In the picture of Sarah holding Maddie, they look so much alike. What a cool park! I wish they had some like that around here. I love how Steve is up for anything! I laughed at the meal you prepared. Perfect! Sarah looks good, not too thin, just about right I think. And Summer, well, she really surprised you. She’s a sweetheart.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve heard quite a few people mention that Sarah and Madi look alike but I still haven’t quite seen it.

      And speaking of Sarah, she has managed to gain back 4-5 pounds over the past several months; she just want back to the doctor yesterday for a check up. Hooray!

  7. dmantik says:

    That was funny! I didn’t guffaw, but I did chuckle out loud which indicates a pretty high level of humor appreciation for me. 🙂

    • Steve says:

      Deb, when you chuckled did you make any nasal honks or snorts? If so then you actually moved into realm of guffaw-ness. I thought you’d want to know. Just trying to help out. You’re welcome.

      • dmantik says:

        No honks or snorts. So, therefore and alas, I remain outside the true realm of guffaw-ness.

    • Becky says:


      You and me, both. For to me to make an audible laugh-y noise means something is very, very funny. I am honored that I got an out loud chuckle from you. 🙂 (Is it time for me to come back to Wisconsin yet?)

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Wonderful. Pictures are so entertaining. Love your story. Special memories for years to come.

  9. Jan Reuther says:

    So glad that Summer weathered the invasion of another dog into her space.

    Your grandchildren are just too precious for words. Loved all the playground pix. I don’t blame you for enjoying the shade!

  10. beckylp says:

    even hot and sweaty I think you all look great. it’s not how you look – it is the love you share and you all have that down pat. your cooking looks much like mine on hot days

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad I’m not the only person who goes for the simple menu on hot days! Fortunately, my family is pretty easy to please to that helps.

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