Surfin’ Spoon

June 6, 2022

Last Thursday, Steve and I went on a little outing.  A couple we know pretty well had just started new jobs and they had invited us to come and take a behind-the-scenes tour of their workplace.

In case you’re wondering–yep, this is the couple.

Sarah has worked with Food Lion for about nine years and was ready for something different. She applied for the Surfin’ Spoon job, got it, and loved it. She suggested to Gage that he also apply since he had just finished out the year substitute teaching at a local academy. And so Sarah and Gage are the first husband/wife to work together there. (Well, except for the husband/wife owners.)

The Surfin’ Spoon is a must-stop spot for tourists and locals alike; it is famous for its frozen yogurt and ice cream sandwiches. Here is the website.

Sarah and Gage have learned to make–from scratch–every cookie and every flavor of ice cream found on the list here.

Gage showed us the main eating area with dollar bills stuck into the cracks between the wood.  Part of Surfin’ Spoon’s mission is supporting causes relating to autism and that’s where all those bills go.  Sarah told us that in the winter when the wood contracts a little, a lot of the bills fall out of the ceiling and have to be swept up.  Where else can you work where money rains from the ceiling?

Money shows up in other areas, too.

This is Gage with the kitchen manager, Nathan Lawrenson.

Some of you may be familiar with the story of Nathan’s wife, Tricia.

She was born with cystic fibrosis in 1982. At that time, it was predicted she would only live until she was about fourteen years old. After having three lung transplants at Duke over the years, she has just celebrated her fortieth birthday!

As a person with a serious lung disease, her story makes me extra happy. So thankful for all the bonus years she and her family have been given.

But back to the tour . . .

Gage and Sarah stay busy making the good stuff happen.

In closing, I made a video featuring a machine nicknamed Alice in honor of the woman who used to hand scoop the cookie dough.

This machine can make 300 cookies in five minutes as compared to the 4-6 hours it used to take.


So that’s what our kids are up to, in addition to volunteering with our youth group, helping out with media and videography at church, and Gage’s part-time job as Kid’s Director.  Steve and I are so proud of all that they do and all that they are.

What about you? 

Do you know anyone who has outlived a medical prognosis?

Are you a frozen yogurt person or do you prefer ice cream?

Have you ever worked at a job with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend?

What does your summer look like? Any special plans?

28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Surfin’ Spoon”

  1. Lizz says:

    When my husband I were teens and dating we applied together at a Taco Bell. They wouldn’t hire us both since we were a teen couple so they just hired C. A few weeks later a new Taco Bell was opening closer to us so C transferred there then I applied, not letting anyone know we were together, and was hired. We made it a month or so before anyone figured it out!!! 😂

    I’m glad to see Sarah & Gage are doing so well! 💜💙

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Wow! I’m so glad to see that Tricia is doing so well!!!
    That cookie machine looks amazing!😊 Working with your spouse could be a challenge for some. Glad it’s working out for Sarah and Gage.
    I am an ice cream gal for sure. Sea salt caramel….oh my goodness!!
    Our summer is full. Golf, travel to see grandkids events, Sturgis in July, Nashville in August and Breckenridge in September….all three trips will be full week. Can’t wait!

    • Becky says:


      Sea salt caramel. That sounds delish.

      Enjoy your travels and friends and the blessings of getting to travel this great country!

  3. Phyllis says:

    That cookie making machine looks amazing. And that looks like a neat place to work for Sarah and Gage. I have never really worked with a boyfriend and since I’ve not been married…
    I heard a story from the social worker at my parents’ nursing home yesterday. Her daughter, who is 12 and headed to 6th grade in the fall, was backed over when she was a toddler. I think she was less than 2. She was given a 3% chance of survival and had a traumatic brain injury. Amazingly she survived and has no material deficits as a result of the accident.
    Personally, I prefer frozen custard over ice cream or yogurt. Ice cream would be a second. There is a frozen custard chain that is based in Springfield, MO – Andy’s Frozen Custard – that I love. They have opened several stores in the KC Metro area in the last five years or so.
    Summer plans – tomorrow is the last day of VBS at my church. We have averaged 160 kids and about 50 adults and youth helpers through today. I work in the kitchen preparing snacks and let me tell you, I am looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when it is behind me for another year. Other than that, I don’t have a lot of special plans. I will probably go to Springfield over 4th of July weekend. My aunt’s birthday is July 2nd and we’ll probably take lunch and pie to her that day. She is in a nursing home there. I hope to take a trip of some kind after the end of August – my term of counting offering ends the first of September.

    • Becky says:


      A 3% chance of survival is quite the amazing recovery. Wow!!

      I had forgotten about custard as one of the choices. I love that!

      As always, thank you for all the ways you serve your church. Volunteers are amazing.

  4. Kristina says:

    Well…. I know Sarah (slightly, lol) and she definitely counts! And I have worked a couple of jobs with guys I was dating, though I don’t have great things to report on that front. But I was younger and FAR less mature than Sarah (and while I don’t know him personally I think I can safely say the same for the boys in question and Gage) so it’s not all that surprising that it didn’t go well.

    Also, my summer is sadly plan-less; I should do something about that!

    As for the all important frozen yogurt/ice cream question, I can truthfully say that I enjoy both but will generally go for ice cream. A friend and I went for a drive to get some tonight, actually! Deliciousness.

    • Becky says:


      Yes! Make a plan! Have a plan-ful summer! 🙂

      My favorite thing when eating ice cream or yogurt is to drive down a pretty road while eating it. Just seems like two good things should go together.

  5. Ellen W says:

    My dad was a professor/researcher and my mom was his research assistant. They worked together on the same floor of the same department for 35 years. They’re retired now, but still married, so I can attest that working together certainly, well, works for some couples!

    • Becky says:


      I just love that. Sounds like a love story for a novel. With couples like that, you know they have plenty to talk about at dinner because they know so much about each other’s worlds.

  6. Kaye Joyce says:

    Oh, how wonderful that your kiddos are working for Nate. I didn’t even know he worked there. I guess I am a little behind. I hope they enjoy their new jobs and maybe one day they can own and operate their own business. Praying for your mom and I hope you all have a blessed week.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I think he’s been there a year or two. Actually, Sarah and Gage have talked about having their own little shop down the road. They would be good at it!

  7. SueEllen says:

    I’ve followed Trisha’s story since before Gwen was born so when I saw your blog title, Surfin Spoon immediately made me think of the Lawrenson’s. “Alice” is a very cool machine – thanks for the video – how interesting. How fun that Sarah & Gage get to work together. I actually met my husband at work. He transferred from Texas to Georgia and the rest is history. I enjoy both ice cream and frozen yogurt. And everything in your pictures looks very yummy! I hope all the Smith’s have a wonderful summer! Also, I received my books this weekend – thank you so very much!!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Glad to know your books arrived safely. Happy reading!

      I know you’re so thankful for that long ago transfer. Isn’t it amazing all the things that have to happen for one’s path to cross with their spouse? Truly amazing.

  8. Randee Baron says:

    I’ve been following the Lawrence family many many years. I always wondered if you knew them.
    Congrats to Sarah and Gage on new jobs. And much love y to the medical miracles Sarah and Tricia.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we’ve been aware of their story even before moving to the Outer Banks and have run into them from time to time. Sarah and Gage LOVE working for Nathan.

      And medical miracles is a great description of Sarah and Tricia.

  9. Lisa from GA says:

    I still can’t get over what a miracle Sarah is! There are not many people who can tell the story that Sarah has told surviving neuroblastoma. In fact, I bet she’s the only one who has lived as long as she has with her original diagnosis. It just makes my heart happy to see her thriving and doing so very well.

  10. Gloria A Smith says:

    Congratulations to Sarah and Gage for landing their new jobs. Those two are such a great team. The love between them is precious. The cookie machine in the video is quite impressive!

    I’m happy with ice cream or frozen yogurt 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It was funny; I was talking to one of their co-workers during our visit and she laughed and talked about their (tasteful) Public Displays of Affection. 🙂 They truly do have a great love between them.

  11. dmantik says:

    I always think it’s fascinating to see the inner workings of a restaurant or bakery or whatever. And to get a glimpse with those two very special employees made it extra fun!

    Sarah and Gage look like they really enjoy what they’re doing and then they get to do it together–bonus! 🙂 Great video of them in action too. Wish I could run right in there and order something yummy and leave a big tip for two of my favorite people. 😋♥️

    Sending love and a hug to the Smiths and Longs!


    • Becky says:


      We’d be quite happy with you flying on down here and running in there to see them and running into our house to see US. One can always wish. 🙂

      I love seeing the inner workings of stuff, too; so fascinating!

  12. Ruth rehberg says:

    It is pretty unusual for a couple to go to work together! Rather nice for newlyweds.
    Hope they don’t do too many” taste tests” all day! Very tempting though!

  13. Krista Labrensz says:

    What a fun place. And that couple does look familiar =)
    I’m so glad they found something fun to do… and together!

    • Becky says:


      Some couples may not like the idea of working together but Sarah and Gage are having a great time. Plus they get to ride to work together and save on gas. Win win!

  14. Patti says:

    What a fun place to work and to work together is a bonus. I have not worked with a spose and not sure that would have worked for me. My cousin just passed this week from multiple health issues but she lived 8 years after they told her she would die in a couple weeks as her kidneys had failed. She actually said her goodbyes but miraculously kidneys started working again and she enjoyed meeting a great granddaughter. I love both frozen yogurt and ice cream. Would love to visit their shop. Our plans this summer are underway as we drove from Michigan to CA last week. Enjoying family and friends and attending grandsons college graduation on Sat.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I love that your cousin got to meet a great-granddaughter. I know the photos of them together will be treasured for years to come. Eight years is a LONG time to live after being given a couple of weeks. Thankful, thankful, thankful on behalf of you her family–even in the midst of the sadness of her passing.

      A road trip! I am so jealous. Congrats on the college graduation.

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