Sunday Napper? Sunday Non Napper?

July 31, 2012

Usually when I get home after church on Sunday, I am absolutely wiped out since I get up at 5 am and arrive at church at 8 am for band rehearsal followed by Sunday school and the morning service.  When Steve, Sarah, and I finally make it back home, I fix an easy, speedy lunch and then head off for the most blissful event of the week–the Sunday Afternoon Nap.

This past Sunday was different.  Fifteen minutes after I got home, there were twenty-five people in my house!  Twenty. Five.

We had  been wanting to have our younger couples/singles over to get to know them better (and help them get to know each other better) and Sunday was the day!

We just had the best time with everyone and I didn’t even think about my nap.  (Well.  Maybe once.)




Even though it was 198 degrees, most of the guests ventured outside after lunch to find a sliver of shade so that they could talk . . .


 . . . .and  watch a horseshoe match.  (Note:  Steve built the wooden thingies for the horseshoes the day before.  Didn’t he do a great job?)


Snowy found a lovely new girl friend . . .


 named Joy.  


At the end of the afternoon, we had a bit of a mess to clean up but with lots of hands to pitch in, the mess dissipated rather quickly.

And then?


I took Sarah to work at 5 pm,  lay down on my bed, put the covers over my head and headed off to The Land Of Snoozes.

After the emotionally wringing week I’d had with Snowy, it was utter, complete and total bliss.

You know, I really think that along with being a wife and a mother,  my third calling on earth is to take Sunday naps.  I hate to brag but I’m actually rather good at it.

How about you?  Are you a Sunday napper or  a Sunday non-napper?


28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Sunday Napper? Sunday Non Napper?”

  1. Deb8able says:

    No-napper….My Daddy always told us growning up “There’ll be plenty of time to nap when you’re in the ground (kind of scarred me) so get up and get busy” and it’s always stuck with me. There are way too many wonderful things to do during the day for me to want to crawl into bed. If I ever do sleep during the day I feel horrible and foggy when I wake-up.

  2. Pilotbutterfly says:

    Non-napper.  I never take an afternoon nap unless I’m sick.  Sunday afternoons are usually spent visiting Mama.  This past Sunday I cooked lunch, went to an 80th birthday party, visited Mama and was back at church at 5:55 PM for our 5th Sunday night sing.  Usually church begins at 6:30 PM on Sundays but when we have the sing we start at 6.  Choir practice usually follows church at 7:35 PM or later but not on the sing nights.

  3. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    Since being pregnant, I have been a daily napper!!!!!  This is, unfortunately, because I find it very difficult to get into a comfortable position at night.  Tonight for instance, I tried to go to sleep at about 9:00 and just couldn’t.  I have a scheduled c-section next Friday and school starts for my ten-year old next Wednesday, so I see a severe case of exhaustion in my near future.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Dianna, a newborn and a 10-year old just starting school?  Yep, I’d say your napping days might be (temporarily) over.  But just one sniff of that sweet baby’s “new person” smell and you’ll find enough energy to keep going till the days once more allow for your naps.     Enjoy the joyful, chaotic journey!

  4. I usually work on Sundays. No chance for a Sunday nap. 🙁

  5. Fran Alexander says:

    Non napper if I nap I can’t sleep at night. And mother nature disturbs me enough at night so I just live with it. That is not napping that is.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Fran, yes, I’ve heard other people say that if they nap during the day, they don’t sleep at night.  It’s good you’re listening to your body!

  6. Mrs Pam says:

    The only Sunday nap I take is during the sermon.

    Ha! that’s not true, but I just thought that might get a reaction from you.  Actually, I sit about three feet in front of the pulpit so that I can actually hear what is being said, and we have a fantastic preacher, as I KNOW you do, too.

    Snowy’s new friend has the perfect name for celebrating his renewed health.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Mrs. Pam, ha!   The napping during sermons practice is something I have seen more than once in my long history as a minister’s daughter and minister’s wife! 🙂   Glad to hear you have a fantastic preacher.

      On another note, Sarah just loves that little doggie book mark you sent her a while ago; she uses it all the time.

  7. Mary H says:

    Non-napper for sure – never feel right after a nap – I prefer to head to bed earlier in the evening – maybe 9:00 if I am really tired.  Looks like a great gathering at your house. 

  8. dmantik says:

    I am a Napper.  Totally. 🙂


  9. moi_aussi says:

    Can. Not. Nap. 

    In the past, in the rare times that I have napped, I wake up cranky and everyone suffers, so I know better.

    I just can’t shut my brain off enough to drift to sleep. I am envious of nappers.


  10. Kristina says:

    I love to nap but try very hard not to – if I nap during the day I can’t sleep until late at night. It throws my sleep schedule off so badly that it’s just not worth it. The past couple of days I’ve been pretty sick, and allowing myself to sleep whenever I want to. I can already tell that once I’m better, getting back to a normal sleep routine is going to be a pain.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Kristina, so sorry to hear you’ve been sick but glad to know that you’ve been slowing down and taking care of yourself.  Sleep is such a great healer.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Non-napper. Period. I cant sleep when the sun shines unless I’m deathly ill. Sunday afternoons are the day that hubby & I get together with our group of friends for a few hours and socialize. Ahhh the joys of the ’empty nest’. 🙂   In the summer, it’s at the person’s house who has the swimming pool. When it isn’t swimming weather, we all take turns having the gathering. So much fun!!

  12. Dana H says:

    It depends on the weather. If it’s pretty and the sun is shining i can’t nap. I will want to very much but I can’t do it. I must be outside or doing something. If it is raining, like it is today here in SC( oooh I’d love to  be napping right now….WORK ughh!!), I love to grab a soft over sized blanket, turn the lights out but the TV on and recline back and try to sleep. Sometimes it works and sometimes I end up flipping through channels for two hours. Either way I relaxed and that’s what matters.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Dana, there’s nothing better than a nap with rain on the roof.   Love, love, love it!  But I can also nap with NO rain on the roof.  I’ve versatile that way!

  13. Krista says:

    I. Love. Sunday. Naps!!!!!!!!!!  My body knows it’s Sunday and I can’t go any further after church and lunch until I’ve had my nap!  So…I’m with you!

    Also…I am SO happy that Snowy is on the mend!  It’s sad to see and hear that the lil fella is in pain!  Give him some pets for me!

    • Becky Smith says:

      Krista,  thanks for your rejoicings over Snowy.  We are so thankful he’s doing as well as he is.

      And yes, I really do think my body also know when it’s a Sunday. Funny, isn’t it?

  14. Marjie says:

    I never nap ever, unless I am sick.  But for those who enjoy them I say go for it.

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