A Video. And Sarah. And Summer. And Flying.

October 23, 2013


October is Pastor Appreciation Month and this past Sunday our congregation “appreciated us.” They gave us flowers and generous gifts and then showed a 15-minute video of various members of the congregation saying (embarrassingly) nice things about us. We felt very blessed and very loved–we have such a wonderful church!

The video started with Sarah and our associate pastor, Mary Ann, talking about what the video was going to be about. I loved the interaction between them and especially all of Sarah’s cute expressions.  (To watch, click on link below)

 Sarah and Mary Ann


Sarah’s “Sister”

Speaking of Sarah, it occurred to me that I haven’t posted any photos of her “sister” recently.

Summer continues to bring our family many, many smiles.  As much as we will always miss Sir Snowy, we are thankful that we have found a dog who is such a great companion. And also funny! And very cute!



I included this picture so you could see how long her hair has gotten.



 She loves sitting on my lap and I love having her there!


You can always tell she’s relaxed when her tongue is poking out a little.


This is an older photo but I’ve always loved it. And since I don’t have Noah around  every day to hold, Summer’s little 6-pound size is the perfect substitute.


And these are a couple of pictures I posted on FB yesterday where I wrote, “It’s really bad when my dog has swoopier, more glamorous hair than I do.”




And lastly, tomorrow I will fly to Wisconsin for my niece’s wedding. Wisconsin (where I grew up) is one of my favorite states when it comes to beautiful scenery and the thought of getting to be with my family in a lovely place at a lovely time of the year is making me a happy woman indeed.

I’ll try to post along the way and share the adventure with you.

15 comments so far.

15 responses to “A Video. And Sarah. And Summer. And Flying.”

  1. Jenny says:

    I don’t know if you’ve ever posted a video of Sarah before, but if you did I missed it. What a treat! I’ve always been in the “she looks so young!” camp, but seeing her in motion and hearing her voice definitely makes her seem older. 🙂

  2. cath young says:

    So who’s getting married? Are Steve and Sarah coming with you, and how long are you there. My son is working in the Madison area now–he’s Nathan’s age, but no where close to getting married. You will have easily “lapped” me a generation as we are all 30+ years before having children.

    • Becky says:


      It’s my middle sister’s, daughter, Hannah, who will get married on Saturday. She’s just a tad younger than Nathan.

      Nope, Steve and Sarah didn’t make the trip; Sarah would have loved to have come, but it was a little too pricey for both of us to fly.

  3. Liz W says:

    Hope you are bringing your winter clothes! It is chilly up here!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I’m sitting in Portage, WI right now and it is in the high 30’s! Eight days ago, I was in Orlando where it was in the 80’s. I have definitely packed my warm stuff for this trip!

  4. Kristina says:

    At my job, I frequently meet people at conferences who I’ve emailed repeatedly but never actually seen face-to-face; it’s always interesting to see how close (or usually, how very far off) my mental images match their actual appearance.

    I was reminded of this watching the clip of Sarah — of course, I know what she looks like from all of your pictures, but apparently I had created an idea in my head of what she would *sound* like. She sounds so different from my mental interpretation!! I had to listen to the clip twice to convince myself that it was her voice!

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t that funny how we picture things about people? I have done the same thing more than once and sometimes I was right and more often than not, I was wrong. 🙂 It’s fun to be surprised.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Weird, I know you folks live in the US, but in my head, Sarah is English. Seeing the clip was kind of like seeing a film after reading a book…when the images on screen don’t quite fit the image in your head…still made me smile though!

    • Becky says:


      Well, Sarah would sure love to be English if she possibly could! That’s funny when you said that in your head, she is! She’ll love hearing that. 🙂

  6. Karen says:

    Heading to the “northland” pack your warm clothes. Winter arrived early this year.

    • Becky says:

      Karen, yeah, I was looking at the weather for that area and it is just a tad nippy. And to think I was in FL with 85 degree weather last week!

  7. Mary H says:

    Love the video. Sarah has that Smith sense of humor. I am so glad to see Summer – her hair (coat) is gorgeous.

    Happy, Happy Flight, Becky, to happy, happy family times!

    Oh, and anyone who is interested in baseball – GO CARDINALS! Love those Redbirds.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve got a good friend who is a huge Cards fan so I can understand your enthusiasm! 🙂 Thanks for the happy flight wishes; I’m excited!

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