Stooges and Twirling

May 21, 2018

A few more stories from our Florida trip last week.

The morning after we arrived, Steve and I had breakfast with Meagan’s parents, Frank and Sheri. We have known them for over 25 years and feel blessed to call them family (co-grandparents) and friends.

After breakfast and a couple of hours of good conversation, we collected the family and headed over to Nathan’s work to have lunch with him.  When we arrived, the kids hung out for a minute at the entry way of his building.  Since it looked like Noah was in a cage, I told him to roar, which he was only too happy to do. Small boys are professional roar-ers.

Noah and Madi were excited to get their stickers from the receptionist after she called Nathan to let him know his family was there.

When Noah knew that Nathan was coming down the hall, he could barely contain himself.  That child loves his daddy!

And then it was off to lunch

Steve and I had Madi in tow and of course we had to do the whole “swing the child between us” thing that we used to do with Nathan and Sarah when they were wee ones.

One perk offered by Nathan’s work location is free employee meals. And when family visits, they get to eat for free, too!  It was fun to walk through the behind the scenes area at Publix on our way to the cafeteria.

As we were walking, I happened to notice this sign and immediately thought of a particular college student who is studying communications with an emphasis in advertising.  I wanted to give her a visual of a potential career.

And speaking of Sarah, she just got her grades back for the spring semester: four A’s and one B.  Considering she was once told she would have significant learning challenges, we are especially grateful. After this summer, she will be starting her senior year.

She spent some time showing Madi family pictures on her phone.

Noah worked on making a birthday card for his Great-Grandma Smith; both he and Madi communicated their sentiments through their heartfelt artwork. I really appreciate how diligent Meagan and Nathan are in teaching the children to be thoughtful.

Noah transitioned from making cards to watching Grandpa Smith shaving. Good times!

It was none too early for him to learn about shaving, either, since he has recently started riding a bike without training wheels and is obviously just a few short days away from getting his driver’s license.

Considering he won’t be five until October, he’s doing pretty well with all the bike stuff.  He has obviously inherited his athletic prowess from his Grandma Smith.

At almost 3,  Madi is still rocking the training wheels although you can bet she will do her best to emulate her big brother as soon as she possibly can. Don’t you just love that bedecked-in-pink gal of ours?

We had one moment in particular that was especially momentous which was when Steve introduced Noah to the Three Stooges for the first time.

I’m not sure but I think he liked them!

Noah responded exactly the same way his dad did when he was first introduce to the Stooges.

Noah enjoyed hanging out with Aunt Sarah.  Can you believe how tall he has gotten?

It did my heart good to see this particular sibling pair together once again.

Nathan and Meagan have done such a wonderful job creating a family, creating a home.  Sometimes though, it can all get a little tiring.  I snapped this snoozing picture of them on a rainy Sunday afternoon. So sweet.

When they are not sleeping, the Smith ladies are blessed with such expressive faces.  Madi comes by hers honestly since she has an expressive mom AND an expressive maternal grandma.  I just had to collect a few of those Madi Looks in an album so you could enjoy the many facets of her personality for yourself.

One of my favorite overheard conversations between the kids was when Noah was boasting to Madi about his drum set and telling her that he knew how to play the drums.  He said, “Me and Dad could go to church and play our drums and Grandpa could play his guitar.”

And then he added, “If we went to church and did that, what would YOU be able to do?”

Madi, knowing full well she had no musical skill to bring to the table, was not about to be outdone by that big brother of hers. She flung herself into her classic, one-hand-on-one-hip pose and shot back, “Well, I would just put on my dress and TWIRL!”

I spontaneously burst into applause for her, celebrating her spunk and her can-do attitude.

And speaking of twirling . . .

I’ll close with a few photos from Charlotte where we stopped on the way home to celebrate Steve’s and his mom’s birthdays.

What about you? Do you love the Three Stooges or not?  I’ve always thought they were a little silly but Steve and Nathan absolutely love them.


If not the Stooges, what is your favorite funny tv show?

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Stooges and Twirling”

  1. Jenna says:

    Those grandkids are so adorable! You have a wonderful family.

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Nope, not a Three Stooges person, but I do like the Marx Brothers. Funny show – got to be I love Lucy and then Carol Burnett. It was funny before Tim Conway, but then he came and it got funnier. In watching Madi, that dress just makes her twirling more special. Even though I am almost 75, (I know, I don’t look it ?), I still remember wanting skirts that were full so I could twirl. I suppose all of us ladies wanted to do that. Hard to believe Sarah will be in her last year of college. Where has time gone? Maybe the doctors didn’t realize that Sarah has a Heavenly Father that heals the mind and body. Wonderful grades.

    • Becky says:


      My favorite Tim Conway skit is the one where he is in the dentist’s chair. That is SUCH a hoot!

      And no, seeing you on FB, you don’t look 75!!

  3. Kari says:

    The Three Stooges seems to be a guy thing – most of them think they are hilarious – not my thing!

    Couldn’t help but laugh about Madi’s comment on what she would do! Quick thinking on her part. I also couldn’t believe that Noah is already riding a two wheeler at that age.

    Madi is just beautiful and her expressions, wow! She is so photogenic.

    Glad you all had a good trip and congratulations to Sarah on those grades!

    • Becky says:


      I will think of Madi’s twirling comment often when I think I don’t have anything to bring to the table. 🙂 VERY quick thinking!

      It was a good trip; hard to believe next time we are there, a third Smith child will have made his appearance!

  4. Lesley says:

    Great photos. Noah is growing so fast and Madi is coming into her own. I love the little baby carrier on the back of her bike. It is amazing how blond both the kids are, that gene is very strong! How can Sarah be a senior already? She looks great, nice and healthy.
    I am not a fan of the stoogers lol, but put on some I Love Lucy and I’m a happy camper. I remember about 10 years ago, while working in a nursing home, one of the resident’s families had brought in a whole stack of I Love Lucy DVDs for their mom to watch. I think that if I had Lucy to watch, no matter what my circumstances, it would be a blessing and help erase the awful particulars of my situation. Not to be a downer but these are the things you think about when you work in a nursing home for so long.
    Happy Birthday Steve!! And to your mama!

  5. dmantik says:

    I forgot to say congrats to Sarah on her good grades. Wow! Proud of you, Sarah, as always!
    Love, Aunt Deb

  6. Ruth Rehberg says:

    I like the “slow twirl” and lovely music to match a lovely, little lady. (That would be neat to catch her on camera in an outdoor background of flowers or meadow… ) Ruth

  7. Dmantik says:

    Well that was just a lovely post! Loved seeing everyone–so glad you could all be together. Madi’s twirling video was ah-dorable! I do not like the three stooges. Somebody should do a study on why they seem to appeal more to the guys. Glad you made it home safe and can recover from your “vacation”! ?
    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:

      Deb, thanks!

      Yes, the Stooges definitely seem to be a guy thing. I don’t think I have ever laughed while watching them but the fellas think they are hilarious.

      I loved that video, too, especially the way she looked so steadfastly into the camera. Such a sweet face.

  8. SueEllen Williams says:

    I LOVED seeing all your pictures! I am NOT a Three Stooges fan – I think it must be a male thing.I’m not sure what my favorite comedy would be – there are several shows and movies I enjoy.Is Designing Women considered a comedy? It was one of my favorites.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I don’t remember much about Designing Women except that I seem to remember the one lady always taking out her earring when she talked on the phone. Is that the right show I’m thinking of?

      At any rate, I always thought it would be SUCH a hassle to do that!

  9. Ann Martin says:

    Wonderful pictures. The grandchildren are growing so and memories are continuing to be made. Sarah looks so pretty in these pictures as she usually does. Never really cared for Larry, Curly and Moe even though we watched them. One of my favorite childhood shows was Mickey Mouse Club and of course, The Hardy Boys (not funny shows). Red Skelton and I Love Lucy were my favorite funny shows. So glad you, Steve and Sarah could go visit the family in Florida and Charlotte. Praises for the safe travels. Enjoy the pictures and memories for years to come.

    • Becky says:


      I used to LOVE the Hardy Boys books; haven’t thought about them in years. Thanks for the happy reminder!

  10. Dale Tousley says:

    Not a big Three Stooges fan either, I did like the Marx Brothers though

    • Becky says:


      I don’t know if I remember ever seeing a Marx Brothers show before. Will have to look them up.

      Interesting that the women at Smithellaneous are not big Stooges fans. Is it because we have such good taste? 🙂

  11. Phyllis says:

    That’s not just any dress Madi twirled in, that looks like a princess dress!
    I did watch the Three Stooges as a kid, might be because I had an older brother. I also remember Little Rascals. I will admit that some of the Three Stooges show is just goofy. Not sure that I really have a favorite funny tv show. Like the others, I liked the old cartoons like The Jetsons, Flinstones Tom & Jerry, etc. I also like some of the older sitcoms like I Love Lucy.
    Glad you had a good trip to Florida. I’m hoping to go down next winter and my best friend from Tampa is tentatively planning to come to Kansas for my retirement party.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right about that dress! It was a princess dress made for a princess!

      And yes, TV doesn’t get much better than I Love Lucy. Comedy gold!

  12. mrs pam says:

    hey, Madi… you twirl, Girl!
    didn’t watch the 3 stooges.
    as a kid, i liked Jerry Lewis.
    and my favorite is George Burns and Gracie Allen… am so glad I can tape it every day now.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I use to watch some Jerry Lewis. Funny guy!

      I don’t know that I’ve seen much Burns and Allen although I have heard their names a million times. Need to go watch an episoe or two.

  13. LeeAnne Lind says:

    I didn’t watch the Stooges much as a kid. I preferred the old Disney cartoons like Tom & Jerry, Daffy Duck and The Roadrunner (my FAVORITE!) My dad used to get up on Saturday mornings just to watch the Roadrunner with us and he would laugh SO hard! It was so fun!
    It looks like you had a great trip! Noah and Madi are really getting so big and are just so adorable. Lots of special memories made! 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I love that you have memories of laughing with your dad over Roadrunner on Saturday mornings. Those are the moments that don’t cost anything and aren’t complicated but often mean more than taking a big family trip somewhere.

      Steve is a big fan of those cartoons, too, and he is definitely a guffaw-er when he watches!

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