Steve. A Birthday. The Dog. A Baby Bump.

May 13, 2013

Today Steve celebrates half a century plus half a decade plus one.

For those of you who are not good at math—like me—he turns fifty-six.

His actual party was on Saturday night and so we spent all day Saturday cleaning, cooking, and doing various prep. After a few hours of work, Steve laid down on the sofa for a small snooze with a small canine.

Summer loves nothing more than assisting one of her humans in taking a snooze—small or otherwise.


After working a few more hours more, Steve took a moment  to sit down with a book and his afternoon cup of tea. Nothin’ like a little caffeine to propel one though a busy afternoon and evening.


As the day progressed, I made several large messes which Sarah swooped in behind me to clean up. I tell you one thing for sure, I could not get through any of the many events we have at our house without Sarah’s efficient swooping. She and Steve could seriously hire themselves out as Party Helper People; they are that amazing.


See the difference after Sarah got done swooping?


Summer was overdue for a haircut but since our extra funds had gone to Steve’s birthday instead of the dog groomer, Sarah used a pink rubber band to get the overgrown hair out of her eyes. Lady Summer doesn’t look too thrilled, does she?


Even though she was a wee bit put out with Sarah for subjecting her to such an indignity, Summer has never been one to hold a grudge. A little kiss soon followed.


One of my party responsibilities was to make the cake Steve requested which was a Dreamsicle Orange Cake. The recipe didn’t actually call for mandarin oranges and a sprinkle of cinnamon but I thought they were pretty.


I’ll post the recipe later this week.


Steve decided that for his birthday, he would like a hog dog bar. I don’t know if hot dog bars actually exist anywhere outside the Smith abode but we went ahead and created one anyway. I even printed up an Official Hot Dog Bar Guideline according to Steve’s official instructions.  (Do you have specific, traditional hot dog toppings where you live? If you are a New Yorker or a Chicago dweller, did we get your ingredients right?)


 We had the ingredients available for each permutation and our guests had a lot of fun topping their dogs with myriad ingredients.

I went all crazy with my hot dog and topped it with . . . ketchup.  Yep.  It must be the new medications that are making me so act so wild.


We also had burgers and beans and chips and ramen slaw and watermelon  . . . it was a yum fest, for sure.


Steve had to don the Traditional Smith Family Party Hat before the cake was brought in. (And just in case you’re wondering, the reason everyone is wearing name tags is because we invited a whole bunch of new people over who didn’t know each other. We also had everyone add their first job beneath their name to serve as an icebreaker. Mine says, “Hotel maid” and Steve’s says, “Mechanic’s assistant.”)


 Tonight (on Steve’s actual official birthday) we’ll grill out some steaks since grilling is Steve’s all time favorite way to eat. Of course, the three of us would love nothing more than to have Nathan and Meagan (and the baby-to-be) join in the celebration but it appears as though a 12-hour drive is just a wee bit too far to drive to a birthday dinner.

Oh well. We’ll just console ourselves by looking at their picture instead. This is a recent shot of them with Meagan’s parents, sisters and brother-in-law.


 And since we’re on the subject of family, here’s a picture of the official baby bump! Isn’t it the cutest baby bump you’ve ever seen?  I have absolutely no doubt that residing inside that particular bump is the smartest, best looking baby you’ve ever seen. 


 What more appropriate way to end a birthday post than with a picture of a woman who is soon going to be giving birth to the grand baby of the person whose birth we are celebrating today.  

Happy, happy birthday to the husband of my heart.

23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Steve. A Birthday. The Dog. A Baby Bump.”

  1. Becky says:


    I’m actually some improvement in my hands with these meds so that’s happy news! Although if it’s the steroid making the difference, that’s NOT so happy because that’s not usually a long term med. But I’ll take what I can get right now!

  2. Kristen says:

    Happy Birthday Steve!

    Love, love, love the baby bump!!

    Hope you’re feeling better Becky!

  3. Nancy Irving says:

    Happy Birthday Steve, enjoy your day 🙂

  4. Nadine says:

    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many happy returns to Steve!

    And, Becky, I hope you feel a lot better and that the new meds will do the trick. Arthritis is no fun (I have the psoriatic variant), so I hope your’s will be well controlled in the future!

    And great to see an update on Meagan! Her baby bump looks very cute!

    As far as hotdogs go, well I never had one (I live in currywurst country *lol*).

    best wishes Nadine from Germany

    • Becky says:


      The psoriatic variety of arthritis is a new one to me; I had to go look it up. So sorry you have to deal with that.

      You’ve never had a hot dog and I’ve never had currywurst so I guess we’re even!

  5. Jodi says:

    Happy birthday, Steve!

    Hope you’re feeling better, Becky! I tried four times to comment on your bad day post & they were all lost! I’ve given up for now but may try again!

    Hot dogs, in my opinion, GROSSLY DISGUSTING! I’ve never liked them says my dad! But, Chicago dogs: yellow mustard & the relish is the very fake colored, green, the super bright one (not sure how else to explain it)!

    With Sarah’s junior year coming to an end has she given any thought to summer plans? You haven’t said anything lately but is she still working @ the restaurant gift shop? Maybe a trip to Florida?

    Enjoy your steaks!

    Take care!


    • Anonymous says:

      On the Chi Town dogs……all the other stuff you mentioned w/ the yellow mustard & funky green relish!

      • Becky says:


        Interesting to hear from you both of you that the Chi Town dogs needed yellow mustard and “funky green relish.” We’ll have to look for those ingredients next time around!

    • Becky says:


      So sorry you’re having trouble commenting; I haven’t heard recently from anyone else that they’re having trouble so that seems so strange!

      I don’t LOVE hot dogs but do enjoy them every once in a while, especially the turkey dogs.

      Sarah will start work again at the same restaurant gift shop when it opens for the season, which should be pretty soon. And yes, we ARE planning on a trip to FL in early August just in time for a certain grandchild’s baby shower!

  6. Mrs. Pam says:

    Happy Birthday, Steve

    celery salt sounds good to me.
    but I actually like mayo and pickle relish.

    fun ice breaker.. took me a bit to remember if I had a job before teaching, and I remembered that I was the head of the Recreational Therapy Department at Children’s Hospital for a month (maybe two) when the director had surgery. I was actually a volunteer who was promoted to paid employee.

    I was surprised to read “grandson” since I thought they weren’t going to find out.
    but, I see now that they will know in a couple of weeks.

    Mrs. G. was my swooper today. I got two coats out of my car and threw them in the kitchen door onto the floor. she swooped them next door to the floor of the dining room. maybe tomorrow they’ll find a hangar or hook.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Glad to hear that you also have a “swooper” in your life! They are invaluable, aren’t they? And mayo on a hotdog? Never tried it!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wow! So its a boy? Can’t believe they found out so early!

    • Becky says:

      Oops. I just realized I had written “grandson” in the post instead of grand baby. (Thanks for catching that; I went back in and change it.)

      They’ll find out the gender in the next couple of weeks.

  8. sharon says:

    Happy Birthday Steve. when I tried to figure out how old you are I came up with 61. no wonder my check book is always a mess. if you ever tire of your swoper ( and I know you wont) she is more than welcome here. my swoper moved out about 31 years ago to get married and I am not the greatest at it. love hearing about your parties.. and all else in your lives. I would like the raman noodle recipe. please.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well, I see you’re still needing those name tags. It’s ok, really. I believe your clever story about having to wear name tags because people at the party didn’t know each other. Yeah, like maybe YOU TWO PEOPLE! *sadly shakes head* Anyway, here’s to all those happy years of active brain cells.

    (Ok, enough persecution. But I do dearly love the picture of you two and the name tags–so nice of you to post another one this year!)

    And Stee-uv! Happy Birthday! You are one of my most favorite-est people. I know you are grieved, and even disheartened, that I don’t live closer to you so you could be blessed by my presence every day. Life does have it’s hardships. But you just keep wearing those nametags, and you’ll probably be ok, even without me.

    Love to the Birthday Person and all the rest of the Smiths!

    love deb

    • Becky says:


      Next time I see you, I expect you to be wearing a name tag since my advanced age will probably keep me from recognizing my own sister. So glad Steve and I can provide entertainment in your life. 🙂

  10. angela says:

    Sure wish I had a swooper in my house!!! Happy BDay to your Steve!! Oh, and the baby bump looks great!

  11. Wendy says:

    Happy Birthday Steve! That is a wonderful baby bump. Just had my 3rd grandchild, a little girl who will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. I got to go and spend the weekend with them, that was a great Mother’s day weekend 🙂 My other 2 grandchildren were along too 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Congrats on the 3rd grandchild and how wonderful that you got to spend the weekend with them. I can’t wait to experience those grandchild times myself!

  12. Jessica K says:

    Happy birthday Steve!

  13. Lesley says:

    Happy birthday Steve!!!!

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