Startled Summer. Waterfront Stroll. Hair Pulling.

April 20, 2020

It’s hard to believe that we are well into our second month of social isolation. Is there anyone besides me who could really use a cut and color about now?  

Hair issues aside, one of my biggest challenges continues to be learning and implementing all the things necessary to maintain (and improve) our church’s online presence. That task has translated into my working almost double my normal church hours. And just when I think I’ve learned everything necessary, something else pops up to throw me for a loop.

For instance, I thought I had the Zoom Meeting thing down pat until this past Wednesday night when I was scheduled to teach my regular class.  It was probably the worst, most glitch-ridden, mistake-filled, horrifically hilarious Zoom class in all the history of Zooming. I am not even kidding. I was more than just a little tempted to pull out the aforementioned uncolored, uncut hair.  

Having said all that, I am inordinately thankful in this season to have this gal around.

I don’t even want to think about how many more hours a week I would be working if she wasn’t back home. She films, edits, solves problems, helps me troubleshoot, assists me with all manner of computer issues, and listens patiently to me when I get overwhelmed by all the technical stuff and just need to vent. She also files music, runs errands, gets groceries, washes dishes, and helps with cooking.  So very grateful for this bonus season of having her in our lives.

Last Saturday, part of Sarah’s multi-faceted job included trying to keep an eye on Summer while we filmed our Sunday service from our living room. 

There was a particular moment at the very beginning of the session which we edited out of the final version; however, it gave us all a giggle so I thought I’d share it with you. Keep an eye on Summer’s appearance and speedy disappearance.

Here are a few photos of the recording session.


Music is a great stress-reliever and I am so thankful for it. Another thing I’ve been doing when my brain gets too busy or my stress level rises too high is to take a walk. A few days ago, I traded my neighborhood stroll for a stroll along the downtown waterfront. (I knew it would be sparsely populated so I had the social distancing thing taken care of.)

It was such a great diversion to just walk and take pictures. One of the many great things about photography is that when you’re doing it, you can’t think about anything else.  Very helpful in times like these.

I know this season of life is stressful for all of us on so many different levels. I have always been inspired and comforted by the Bible and prayer over the years, but even more so now when everything in life is shifting. 

One of my favorite Scriptures I have memorized is this one:

2 Corinthians 1:3,4

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 
4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Right now all of us are far out of our comfort zones in every area imaginable.  But I am encouraged by the reminder that He is the God of ALL comfort. To me that means that He gently erases the boundaries of our comfort zones and just fills ALL of our lives with His comfort.
I pray that you feel His comfort today.


What about you?


What are you doing to deal with stress right now?


Do you have a hobby that takes your mind off things when your brain needs a break?


And the most important question of all: do you ever trim your own hair when you get desperate?  Or do you color your own hair?


Do tell.  🙂


28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Startled Summer. Waterfront Stroll. Hair Pulling.”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Desperate times: Yes, I went ahead and cut and colored my own hair, with the help of YouTube tutorials that made it look WAY easier to do than it is. ? It looks okaaayyyy…. But I can’t wait to have an actual professional get their hands on it! Until then I’m glad not many people will be seeing me. ?

    • Becky says:


      You are a brave lady to do cut AND color. My hat is off to you!

      And yes, there will be a lot of very happy folks seeing their stylists soon.

  2. krista121799 says:

    I actually do trim my bangs on occasion. When I finally get in for a real haircut (about once or twice a year), she will even them out for me =) I have my hair highlighted, but never colored it, so I’m good on the hair part of the pandemic =)
    As I’ve said, I’m still working full time and I have a 5 year old, so my hobbies are the same as before- relaxing, some TV and making sure Matthew is happy.
    I’m glad you are keeping busy and that you have such a great helper there with you.
    You all take care!

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for not having to deal with a Pandemic Hair Panic! Sounds like you’ve got a wonderful, simple style nailed down.

      Love that one of your activities is making Matthew happy. He’s a blessed little boy!

  3. Tim Campbell says:

    I would maybe get a chance to grow out what little hair I have left but my loving wife is ever lurking with the old dog shears and a number 5 blade, probably for the best actually lol.

    Enjoyed your pictures i am itching to get out too.

  4. Michele says:

    Happy things are going ok for you and that Sarah is home Doing ok here. Still working as a nurse in a doctors office, lots of changes. Telemedicine, less staff. My office is for “ healthy” people needing routine appointments, Staff and patients wear masks and are screened at the door. Pretty safe there I hope. I have 2 ;of 3=adult daughters home now. Interesting times for sure. I like to walk and read to relieve stress. Stay safe

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like your life is quite full these days with a medical job and two adult daughters at home! Glad to hear the precautions your office is taking are working and you’ve stayed healthy.

      Enjoy the walks and the books–two amazing stress relievers.

  5. SueEllen says:

    Fabulous photos as always….Yes, I have been guilty of trimming my bangs and I’m about to that point. But I pretty much leave the rest alone unless there’s a truly wild hair…Our governor announced late last week that Texas schools would not physically reopen this school year. This is something many of us expected, but to have it made official was quite disheartening to many of us. So instead, we journey on learning new ways to engage our students electronically via distance learning (very much like you with virtual church). Thank you for always being a bright spot on my Mondays!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      “A bright spot on your Mondays.” I love that line and love knowing that I can be that for you and the other wonderful people who read here.

      Our schools were canceled for the year about a month ago. I hadn’t even realized there were states that were still considering opening back up. That is definitely sobering news to hear the final word on it–such drastic (but important) measures.

  6. Guerrina says:

    Summer hot-footed out of there, lol! So glad Sarah is tech savvy…stress relief right there. I’ve colored my own hair for years. Since it’s straight and long, I have whoever is around trim it…except the 10 year old. Not that trusting yet! Currently, I’m sewing face masks for us, neighbors, co-workers, cleaning out my flower beds, planning a veggie garden…busy stuff!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, things would have to be pretty desperate to allow a 10-year old to cut your hair! 🙂 Although I’ve had some professional haircuts that have produced about the same results. 🙂

      Sewing, cleaning, planting . . . days well spent.

  7. Phyllis says:

    I definitely need a cut and highlights. When I went in February, I almost texted my hairdresser to see if she could do highlights then. Besides the pandemic, she gave birth to her first son on Leap Day so I knew she was going to be out a while. So wish I had gone ahead and texted her! And no, I don’t trim my own hair or try to color it.
    Reading is probably my stress reliever. And I have worked two jigsaw puzzles during this Stay at Home. I think I will start a new one tomorrow. Then I’m out of puzzles and apparently everyone has the same idea as my friend in Florida has been trying to find them to no avail. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a stress eater but I’m trying to be better about that. Sometimes though, you just need some chocolate.
    Pictures on your walk are beautiful!

    • Becky says:


      I haven’t had my hair highlighted since September so I am WAY overdue! Hopefully you can get in soon and get it all taken care of. Such a great feelingt o leave the salon with fresh cut and color!

      I haven’t done a puzzle in a long time; I need to try one again. Some people on our local FB group were starting a puzzle exchange which is not a bad idea for right now!

  8. Gayle in AL says:

    I’m glad things are going fairly well for you guys. I enjoyed seeing Summer run through the room. I think the drum startled her! My husband and I actually cut my hair a couple weeks ago. It didn’t come out too badly, but I can’t wait to get back to my regular stylist. I don’t color my hair anymore, so I don’t have to worry about that. I’m embracing the gray! 🙂 I’m working about 3 days a week, so get to go to school and talk to a couple other people at least. That sure helps. We also go for a walk every night that the weather is cooperating so that helps, too. Hang in there! Hopefully this will all be but a memory soon.

    • Becky says:


      It made me smile when you said that “your husband AND you cut your hair.” A two-person job! Unless he was just there for moral support. I would NEVER have the courage to cut my hair–with or without Steve. Although come to think of it, he’s a precision kind of guy so he might not do too badly at it.

      It really is nice to get out of the house even if it’s just those three days a week. Glad you at least get to do that. I’m always grateful when I get to go to the church every day.

  9. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Like LeeAnne and many of us – desperately need a haircut.. The top of my head is like Moses and the Red Sea, but mine is the grey hair. I usually wear bangs, but since they are passed my eyebrows, have tried to do something else, but have no idea what. My husband is fortunate to be able to cut his. We go out for breakfast, togo or takeout because we want to help these restaurants/fast food places that are staying open. We do a lot of walking, and although I am a warm weather person, have had to be “brave” and weather the chilly weather, because places like Menards, Lowe’s, Target, Walmart, etc. are only open so you can get your stuff and go – not for exercising. Our governor has said out state will open May 4th. Hope that does not change. Probably will continue to wear the mask for awhile after that. So glad Sarah is there to help you out when frustration comes on. Assuming you are doing good health wise.

    • Becky says:


      Love your line about the top of your head being like Moses and the Red Sea. Too funny! And so many women who can relate to that sentiment.

      Nice of you to support your local restaurants by getting breakfast; I know they appreciate you doing that.

      May 4th isn’t too far away. I’ll be the hair salons are getting ready to be swamped!

  10. LeeAnne says:

    When my brain needs a break, I love to go out in the yard and take care of my plants, do weeding etc. It is finally warming up here and it will soon be time to get some flowers planted. I actually could clean up from the last season but have yet had any spare time to do so. It will come very soon though.
    I am now 3 weeks overdue for my haircut and I need one BADLY!!!! I just keep trimming a little bit off my bangs because I can’t stand to have my hair in my eyes. We are in Nebraska where they are considering opening (gradually) up the state beginning May 1st. I sure hope that salons are on the first-opening list!! I color my own hair and am due for that again too. One of these days….. 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I SO wish I had a green thumb and bendable knees so I could also be a plant-tender. Enjoy every moment. I can only imagine how therapeutic it is to go out and putter around in nature.

      Nice that you don’t have to wait on salons to open to get your hair colored. And a few bang-snips along the way seems to be working for you. It won’t be long till you can get your REAL haircut. Hooray!

  11. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Becky, Fortunately I have never colored my hair, since my gray sorta just blends with my blonde, but i sure do need a cut. Just before my scheduled appointment, all businesses were shut down. So, now I’m really overdue. But, looking on the bright side, with so many now needing haircuts, I’ll be a trendsetter for the new “shaggy dog” look when it goes viral! (LOL).
    What a blessing to have Sarah home with you to help and advise as you work to enhance your online church services. And, who better to shelter in place with, the two of you are happy just being together no matter what you are doing.
    The walk along the waterfront taking photos sounds wonderful. I am glad that you took the time for a well deserved, peaceful break in your hectic schedule. Everyone needs a little “me time” especially now! And, thanks for sharing your pictures. As always they are terrific. You have quite the eye for seeing things from a unique perspective.
    I am still crocheting, cross-stitching, cleaning out cupboards & closets, reading and going out for a walk in the neighborhood.
    God bless, take care, stay safe and healthy.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yep, a LOT of people are rocking the shaggy dog look right now. I’m sure you were disappointed when businesses were shut down right before your appointment. I was able to get in about 2 days BEFORE they shut down so I was thankful for that; I am definitely overdue, though~

      Isn’t it so therapeutic to clean out cupboards and closets? It’s one of those things that’s hard to get to during “normal life” but it sure feels good to get all that stuff done.

  12. Jim Martin says:

    I have been groomed for this season for 2 years with my disabilities even no doctor appointments until June. Hang in there Lady and it will soon be over if we have a sensible people across the states.

    • Becky says:


      We are hanging in there here; I hope you and Ann are doing well.

      Looking forward to when life gets back to at least a little bit normal. Blessings to you guys today!

  13. Patti says:

    I am one who has never colored my hair and went gray early. I knew I was really gray when students got mixed up and instead of calling me mommy, they called me grandma. I don’t care that I am gray and wouldn’t want the expense or mess of coloring. I also started trimming my own hair after deciding the salon was too expensive. I have long hair so it is easy and I only trim it every few months. A friend showed photos of her 12 year old trimming mom’s hair. It got shorter than she wanted, but looked quite good for a first time child cutting. In these times, folks make do. Love your walk photos. We are able to walk in our neighborhood, but can’t get over to Lake Michigan and that is where I would love to walk right now. Enjoy your beautiful town and sea coast.

    • Becky says:


      I imagine a walk along Lake Michigan would be absolutely gorgeous. Hoping you will be able to do that again very soon. I went to the ocean again last night; so beautiful and quiet.

      Sounds like you are doing better than most in the hair cutting/coloring arena since yours is pretty simple. A very good thing in times like these!

  14. Ann Martin says:

    Sometimes I trim my bangs but that’s it. No color—mine is naturally gray! I sometimes read or cross-stitch but lately the news has taken my time. Today I got up at 7 am instead of 9 and went to Food Lion. Really a waste of time as they had not restocked for the senior shopping time.

    • Becky says:


      I’m sorry Food Lion hadn’t restocked yet. Hopefully, the next time you go early, it will be different.

      I did my online order on Monday and they were only out of one thing out of about 25 items. I was impressed! And very thankful.

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