Spilling Over

July 25, 2016

Let me start with the Great Vehicle Purchase of 2016.

Ta da! Here it is!


I couldn’t get a side by side view of the two vehicles but I got a back view.


As was expected, Sarah and I did some big time blubbering when the time came to say good-bye to ten years of Smith family memories. I was surprised at how difficult it really was. Steve, on the other hand, didn’t shed even one tear; he was too busy being ecstatic about the fact that he now has a vehicle that will not require constant nursing along.

We got into Winter Haven about 7 p.m. Saturday and after having dinner with Nathan and Meagan and the kids, got moved into our little house in a retirement village. (We are renting it for just $175 for the week!)

Sunday morning we got up to get ready for church only to discover that we had no hot water. I had pushed my ‘do into Third Day Hair on Saturday and knew that the viewing of Fourth Day Hair was going to be too alarming to expect any church congregation to handle. So I took a deep breath and washed my hair in the kitchen sink using very cold water. I felt rather invigorated when I was done. (And also, slightly shivery.)

Steve had gone to the church two hours earlier to practice with the worship team. Whenever he is in town, he enjoys sitting in on bass since Nathan is the drummer at the church they attend.  Few things make the two of them any happier than playing music with each other.

Nathan has turned into such a fine musician; I always get a little teary-eyed when I sit out in the congregation and listen to him. (You can’t really see Nathan in this picture; he’s in a drum cage under the middle screen.)


I looked at the familial line up on the platform over the course of the morning through Noah’s perspective and saw Noah’s dad, Noah’s mom, Noah’s uncle, Noah’s two aunts, Noah’s mom’s mom, Noah’s mom’s dad, and Noah’s dad’s dad, (Although Noah’s other Floridian uncle is not on the platform, his presence was felt in the beautifully laid out bulletins and all the screens that were behind the service participants.)  Noah and Madison are blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love them so much!

Here is (co-grandma) Sheri, leading in prayer and giving announcements. She is an ordained minister and an outstanding preacher.


Pastor Frank Hawley (Meagan’s dad) shared an excellent message that said when the Bible tells us to “go out into all the world,” it doesn’t mean you have to go to Africa to obey that Scripture.  Your world is all around you; it is wherever you go, wherever you are.

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At the altar service, Meagan and her two sisters sang together. Such beautiful, sisterly harmony.

After church on Sunday, the various grandpas and uncles and other sundry fellas drove into Orlando to pick up Meagan’s brother-in-law’s dad from the airport and then on to play Frisbee Golf on an official Frisbee Golf course in Orlando.

Here are the intrepid Frisbee warriors. As you can see, right at the crucial moment, Steve stuck his hat over Frank’s face.


In retribution, Frank goosed Steve.  The two fellas were having just way too much fun.


The ladies (Sarah, me, Meagan and her mom and two sisters) took five children (under the age of 5) out to lunch. Good times!

Noah got some double team doting from his grandmas.

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So thankful for a friend and co-grandma like Sheri; she is true gold.  And today I get to have lunch with her on her actual birthday, which doesn’t doesn’t happen very often!  After lunch, she and I, Sarah and Meagan are going thrift store shopping.  Hooray!

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Sarah did her part and held Madison for a few minutes so that Meagan could actually manage to get a few bites of food between all the child wrangling.

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When it was my turn to hold Madison, I remembered a little song I used to sing  with my kids when they were little.  It is taken from the Psalms and says, “Clap your hands all ye people, shout unto God with a voice of triumph.”  Except I re-wrote it to say “Clap your hands, all ye babies.”

And just to change things up a little (and because Madison thought it was entertaining) I clapped her feet instead of her hands.

As we all finally gathered up our things to leave, Sheri walked over to the table next to ours and said, “I just wanted to thank you all for being so gracious about our noisy table. Every time I looked over at you, you were smiling at us. Thank you for your patience!”

She then told them how darling their little girl was and we left. I happened to glance behind me as we left and saw the smiles that lingered on their faces from their conversation with Sheri.

Sheri and Frank Hawley and their family are the very epitome of graciousness, no matter where they are or who they are with.  They thank service people, they say hello to strangers, and they smile and share a kind word with whomever comes across their path.

With all the negativity that is bombarding us right now, especially with the National Conventions in full swing, it is a wonderful thing to do a simple thing like spread kindness, say thank you, and share a smile.

And I also want to add that during the meal, one of the members of our group noticed a police officer eating alone and told the waitress she wanted to anonymously pay his bill.  She took the time to make a difference in her world.

THAT is what we need more of . . . kindness, civility, appreciation.

In closing, I have one more restaurant story that ties into this theme.

As we were eating Saturday night with Nathan and Meagan and the kids, we made a pretty rambunctious party as we got our 2 high chairs in place and got settled in at our big table. After all the food was delivered, we all joined hands and Steve said a prayer over the meal.

During our meal, I happened to notice an older gentleman eating alone at a table a few feet away. He seemed to be watching us and at first I thought he might be thinking we were being too noisy. But there was a certain look on his face that made me wonder if he was watching because he was lonely and enjoyed seeing a family talking and laughing together..

In the midst of our continued merriment and mayhem we glanced up to discover this gentleman standing beside our table.  My first thought was thought he had come over to reprimand us for being too loud but instead he said, “Excuse me for interrupting but I just wanted to say thank you for praying over your meal together. You will never know how much it meant to me to see a family do that.”

Once again, a simple act at a restaurant spilled over into the life of someone nearby. And going back to Frank’s sermon, at that point in our lives, “the world” was right in the middle of Cracker Barrel.  We didn’t have to go overseas to make a difference.

What are you spilling over in your world today?  Will you join me in spilling over the good stuff?

We never know who might be watching; we never know who might be desperately needing to stand under the spilling over of our patience, our kindness, and our joy.

And if you are someone who has awakened this morning with very low reservoirs of joy, my prayer is that you will come across someone who has some joy and kindness to spare, to spill over on you.

Blessings to each of you today . . . in whatever part of our world you are in.

19 comments so far.

19 responses to “Spilling Over”

  1. Karen from shawano says:

    Hi Becky, Your spilling over challenge ties in with what I was reading last night in Proverbs 3 about love and faithfulness being tied to our necks and engraved in our hearts, especially the engraved in our hearts part. I so enjoyed your song. It brought a smile to my face. I use that everyday in my one year old day care class for our Jesus Time intro song and have often used it as well with the babies feet as well. They so enjoy it. When they start clapping, I know what song they are ready for. They also hold up “1” fingers for our ‘One, Two, Three, Jesus Loves Me” song and cheer. Little ones are so fun. Enjoy the new wheels. I understand the attachment we get to our vehicles. Thanks again for the challenge.

    • Becky says:


      I love that verse and it’s always good to be reminded it. And what a privilege it is for you to get to teach and sing with that small babies-joy!

  2. mrs pam says:

    hopefully, my next car will be red! i waited too long the last time, and just had to take what was available on the lot.

    loved hearing all the goodness that took place in the restaurant!

  3. dmantik says:

    Great post, Beck! I will make it a point to try and “spill over” today. Great reminder. I am so happy you are there with your Florida loved ones. I loved LeeAnne’s “grandtreasures” in reference to Noah and Madison–I’m stealing that! 🙂 Enjoyed hearing the sister harmony–beautiful! Have a glorious time and may you have lots of hot water! 🙂

    love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for all your enthusiastic, encouraging words! And yes, I also love the concept of “grandtreasures.” Definitely what they are!

  4. Phyllis says:

    Very pretty car! I bet Steve is loving driving a newer car that he doesn’t have to “nurse along” as you say.
    My brother’s ex-wife has a daughter from her first marriage. She and her hubby are both 30 but look much younger. They have five kids ranging in age from 13 months to almost 10 years. Their 8 year old son is type 1 diabetic, diagnosed shortly after his second birthday. Because of this, he has a service dog that can detect his sugar high’s and low’s. Needless to say, they attract a lot of attention when they all go out to eat. Twice in the last few months, they have had people pick up the ticket for their meals. They have commented on how much fun they seem to be having and how well behaved the kids are. As you say, people are always watching.
    Have fun in Florida – great deal on the house.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t that wonderful that there is still kindness in the world and people will pick up a check for a whole family? I love hearing about that!

  5. Judy says:

    Your stories of your trip brought tears of joy. May God continue to bless you and your family as you are the hands and feet of our Lord,,,,

  6. Karen says:

    So nice to know someone else who drives their vehicle “forever”. It’s annoying when salespeople attempt to sell me upgrades because of resale value. I point to my trade and let them know I drive the wheels off. They don’t really know how to respond to me. LOL Looks like you are having a great time!

    • Becky says:


      I love it when you can make a salesperson not know how to respond to you because you are content with what you have. They probably don’t see a lot of contentment in their job!

  7. Angela says:

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! Also, one sentence caught my special attention: “We never know who might be watching; we never know who might be desperately needing to stand under the spilling over of our patience, our kindness, and our joy.” Ouch and amen! May I quote you?

  8. Lib says:

    Sometimes when eating out with friends from Church, we tell our waiter/waitress, that we are going to pray over our meal and ask if he or she has any prayer requests. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t, but I know it makes them feel good about things that are going on in their lives that total strangers will pray for them – another way to reach out to the world!

    • Becky says:


      I love that idea! You never know how much that might mean to your server that day that someone took the time to care about them a person, not just someone who is bringing their food.

  9. LeeAnne says:

    Becky, you look like you are in your height of glory with those two adorable grandtreasures!! The gene pool is pretty strong….you can sure tell that they are siblings! Precious!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, they definitely do look like each other. And they are so cute together; yesterday, Madison choked a little on something she was eating and Noah ran right over and patted her back. Too cute.

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