Spacebars, Garlic, and Lessons in Logic.

February 17, 2025

My space bar has been rebellious over the weekend, refusing to put even one measly space between words.  As you know, writing a blog without any spaces isn’t recommended.

But then, lo and behold, on early Sunday afternoon, it started cooperating again! Usually, I start my posts much earlier in the week but I think I still have enough time to put a little something together—as long as the space bar continues to do its job.

Sarah and Gage . . .

had a great time on their cruise; in fact, Sarah said it was one of the best weeks of their lives.  The sailed into port around 6 am yesterday and then drove 700 miles home.  I know they are both exhilarated and exhausted.

Speaking of a long drive . . .

Steve and I are having a difficult time trying to decide where we want to go on vacation this year.  We’ve thought of this idea and that idea, but haven’t come up with a keeper yet.  If you have a good suggestion, let us know! (Nothing overseas since my vacation time is limited.)

I am one of those people . . .

who is not all gifted with the ability to put things together. I am not logical which means I can look at a diagram for endless minutes and still not understand a thing.

Last week, I purchased a shelf for a closet at work and immediately took it home to Steve because I knew there was no way I would be able to make sense of the diagrams.

After dinner, I asked Steve if I could “help” him put the shelf together because I figured it would be good to undergo some lessons in logic.  He probably could have had it together in ten minutes but he patiently talked me through each step, letting me try it a certain way and then explaining why it needed to go a different direction.

I told him that if someone was willing to pay me a million dollars to put that shelf together, even that much motivation would make no difference.  I could never do it by myself!

I am grateful to be married to a fixit guy who is so patient. Between the two of us, we got all the pieces to fit and the next morning I took it in to work. It fits my space perfectly.

Here is the shelf before

And here is after with the handy dandy shelf we built neatly holding all the envelopes and cards.

Hooray for sorted shelves and handy husbands.

I was cleaning out some cupboards at home . . .

and found a serving platter that looked vaguely familiar. I couldn’t place it and thought it must be something I had picked up at a thrift store somewhere. I figured that since I didn’t have a use for it, I would put it on FB marketplace and get it out of the house.  (Aren’t all you minimalists proud of me?)

However, Steve saw it sitting on the counter and said, “Oh. there’s Mom’s marble fruit platter from Italy!”

FB entry deleted.

I told Steve we didn’t really have anything to put in it and the gray color didn’t exactly match our taupe-y surroundings.  He got the idea of adding some potpourri and then we bought a battery-powered candle to put in the middle.

I have to say, I have come to enjoy the marble, Italian fruit plate I almost sold on Facebook.  We keep the candle burning almost all the time, and with some quiet music playing in the background, it adds such a peaceful feeling to our home.

Steve has been under the weather . . .

and in bed all weekend with a painful ear infection and just general malaise. When I texted Meagan and Nathan about it, she told me that her mom used to put garlic in her kids’ ears and the ear infection would be cured by the next morning. Now Meagan does it for her own kids.

After she told me that, I spent the whole day trying to picture what she was talking about.  I imagined going to the grocery store and getting a clove of garlic and sticking it in Steve’s ear. And then, how was it supposed to stay in there while he slept? I pictured getting some packing tape and adhering the tape to his ear to keep the clove from falling out. It wasn’t quite computing.

And then yesterday afternoon Meagan called and said, “I thought maybe I should give you a few more details about the garlic thing.”

I was like, “Yes, please.”

Turns out that what you actually do is get liquid garlic capsules, split them open, and put the liquid in a small pan to warm it a little. Then get a dropper and put 8-10 drops in the affected ear followed by a cotton ball to hold it all in. According to Meagan’s experience, the ear is better the very next morning!

Aha.  Now that makes more sense than the garlic clove and the packing tape! Meagan got a good chuckle out of my complete misunderstanding of the garlic treatment.

In closing . . .

we are expecting some snow this Wednesday, which is exciting beyond words for us Charlotteans.  Of course, if you’ve ever used a weather app, you know forecasts change from minute to minute.  Earlier yesterday, my app said 3-5 inches and Steve’s said 5-7 . Two hours later, my app was saying 1-3, and then back up to 3-5. Sadly, this morning the chances have gone down again.

Weather outcomes are one of the many things in life that only God knows.  But I do hope we get some snow!

What about you?

Where would you recommend we vacation and why?

Are you the kind of person who can figure out diagrams and put things together or are you more like me?

Have you ever tried garlic for an ear infection? Do you have any other natural remedies (either health or beauty) to share with your fellows Smithellaneous-ites?

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Spacebars, Garlic, and Lessons in Logic.”

  1. Carol says:

    I’m pretty sure I thought about Sarah and Gage every day they were on that cruise. So happy it was great for them!
    If Steve likes things about the civil war, Franklin, TN would be a good trip. I was there last year while in Nashville. Its very sobering and interesting. They have a trolley you can ride to different spots that you can tour. We went by this house and the tour guy said, “that is where Toby Mac lives”! The girls were like, wait, what? Phil and I hope to go sometime.
    Funny about the marble fruit platter. Good save. 🙂
    Sorry Steve has been sick. Hope he’s better. I’ve heard that putting Vicks VapoRub on a cotton ball and placing that in the outside of your ear helps. Something I do is put vicks rub on the bottom of my feet for cough. I do think it works. I like what Meagan does. Very interesting!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Vicks VapoRub is definitely a great ointment for a lot of different issues; I guess that’s why it’s been around so long! I had heard about putting Vicks on your feet for a cough; glad to know you tried itand found it works.

      It would be pretty exciting to see where Toby Mac lives; no wonder that announcement got the girls’ attention!

      We had actually talked about going to the Nashville/Franklin area but then had heard how bad the traffic is in Nashville. I would hate to trade one big city’s traffic for another. However, Franklin might be a bit more doable. Steve would sure love the Civil War information.

      Hope you’re feeling better!

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Sorry to hear about the ear infection Steve. Hopefully the garlic oil offered some relief. I have never heard of that one before. To my knowledge, antibiotics are the only real cure for an ear infection.
    When it comes to assembly for anything in our house, it always falls to me. I really enjoy doing it and my husband just doesn’t have the patience for it. He does assist though! Sometimes the diagrams are good and sometimes they are really bad and take some time to study them. I eventually get it though.
    Those beautiful blue waters behind Gage and Sarah really make me want to go back to somewhere warm and beach-y. We love the all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean but I know you said nothing international. I love the outdoors so anything on a beach (Florida? Alabama? Georgia?) or a quiet cabin in the woods would be spectacular!!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Kudos to you for being able to follow mysterious diagrams and actually put things together. I know my gifts and that’s not one of them!

      I know–that sea blue color is so peaceful and beautiful. Cabins and beaches . . . so many good choices!

  3. sharynmcd says:

    This week we will be on our way to Pigeon Forge, TN. They have wonderful eating places, in fact, we always say that it has the most pancake places of anywhere we’ve been. They also have a Christmas village, that does take a while to go through – lots to see. There is a Tanger Outlet mall there. Also, “The Island” with several shops (Paula Deens restaurant is there) and also across from the parking lot is a trail. If you walk it to another restaurant (The Mill) it is about 1 mile long. It is also about 10 miles from Gatlinburg. Outside Gatlinburg there is a teahouse called The Wild Plum – it is in an old cabin and they have wonderful food. As you can tell, one of our favorite places to go. And we do a lot of walking!!!
    My oldest sister had a lot of ear aches and mom just used warm oil in her ear. Don’t know the kind of oil.
    Know that Sarah and Gage will remember that cruise for a long time. So glad they were able to go on one.

    Have put together shelves before, but would rather have my hubby do it!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Pancake places are good. I love pecan buttermilk pancakes; so delicious!

      I’m glad you all are getting to take a trip to Pigeon Forge. I’ve definitely heard a lot about the place but have never been there. You must love it if you keep going back! Enjoy!

  4. Lisa L. from GA says:

    I don’t know how far you want to go, but Boston is beautiful and has much to offer. They have museums, history, and walking trails. I have put warm olive oil in my kids’ ears when they were small.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Steve and I have actually talked a little about a trip to the northeast.

      We’ve traveled up there and in the past (Brockton area) and you’re right–the area is so beautiful.

      My mom used to use olive oil, too.

  5. SueEllen says:

    Although it’s about 8 hours drive time from Charlotte, I loved our visit to Oxford, Mississippi. Ole Miss has a BEAUTIFUL campus; there is Rowan Oak, home of William Faukner; “The Square” is so quaint, and home of my favorite independent book store Square Books; and just lots of history and nature.

    I can sometimes figure out diagrams, but I prefer them to be detailed.

    I’ve never heard of garlic for an ear infection, but sure would have tried it when my children were young. I’m anxious to hear if you tried it on Steve and if so, how it worked.

    I’m glad Sarah & Gage enjoyed their cruise and can’t wait to hear more about it.

    Hope you have a wonderful week and get some snow!!

    • Becky Smith says:


      What an interesting suggestion to go to MS. We have been there before (not to Oxford) and found it to be a fascinating place.

      I didn’t try the garlic oil on Steve because I’d already gotten an antibiotic for him. But next time!

      We got quite a bit of snow yesterday but sadly, it didn’t stick. Oh well!

  6. Hope says:

    I always had ear infections as a child. I remember my mom rocking me to soothe my pain.

    I loved when we vacationed in the Florida panhandle area. We specifically stayed at Grayton Beach, but visited all the surrounding areas of Seaside Beach, Rosemary Beach, Destin, etc. The sand is fine and white and the water is Gulf of Mexico blue. Gorgeous! We recently talked about where we would like to go, too. I have heard Sedona, AZ is very nice and I also would love to visit all the parks in Utah.

    I don’t know of any good home remedies, but I recently looked up a copycat recipe for the famous Starbucks Medicine Ball tea. I made it for my husband when he had a bad cold and he said it was very helpful. I found it at

    • Becky Smith says:


      I love Arizona and all of the Southwest. If we hadn’t been in that area twice in the past 3 years, I would go! Such a fascinating, picturesque part of the country.

      Never heard of the Starbucks Medicine Ball tea! I will look that up. Thanks for the tip.

  7. Ellen W says:

    Ohhh Steve!! I had a horrible ear infection last year. I know this sounds ridiculous since it’s just an ear infection, but it was genuinely the worst and most unrelenting pain of my life. I paced the house in agony for hours every night. So I really feel for Steve. Mine eventually perforated which ironically provided massive relief. It’s completely healed now. Antibiotics were the only thing that ultimately fixed me, but a heating pad on my ear did provide some pain relief. I hope Steve is on the mend soon. It’s amazing how much a stupid old ear infection can totally disable you!!!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Oooh, that sounds awful. Sounds like yours was much more severe than Steve’s. There are few things worse than being kept awake all night by pain; you feel like the morning will never come.

      Thankful for a perforation, antibiotics, and a relief from pain!

  8. catherine young says:

    A cruise is a great all in one vacation. One of the best vacation trips I had is an Alaskan cruise. But there are many of short duratuon and just loaded with luxury that you just don’t get at home. With all of you great mini day trips, you don’t need to be traveling around looking for the sights. Have it all served up to you!

    • Jackie Gallop says:

      I came here to recommend the same thing, a cruise to Alaska. My adult daughter and I went on one last summer and it was amazing. It was never a bucket list trip for me, but it should have been! You can just stand on the ship surrounded by God’s glory in the way of mountains, glaciers, and water animals. We got an inside room and it was actually very reasonably priced.

      • Becky Smith says:


        I have never loved the idea of a cruise but if it was to Alaska, well, that might change my mind. I’d definitely say that’s on my Bucket List; maybe not this year, but hopefully soon!

    • catherine young says:

      Curious, where did Gage and Sarah go on their cruise?

    • Becky Smith says:


      I would love an Alaskan cruise; so far, I haven’t gotten really excited about non-Alaskan cruises. Of course, with all your talk about luxuries and having all the sights served up to me, I might have to change my mind! 🙂

  9. Greg and Kaye Joyce says:

    Hope Steve is well again. My hubby and I have been sick for ten days now…. doc said it is viral but put us on Prednisone and Antibiotics, but still not feeling great. Hopefully soon. So many are sick around here. If you get snow you better send some up this way in Mt. Airy… about a hour and half from you! I love me some snow. Have a blessed week!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Ten days is a long time to be sick; I’m so sorry to hear that!

      We did get about 2 hours of snow yesterday; it was so beautiful falling but didn’t stick. It’s actually lightly snowing again right now. Happy day!

      Feel better very soon.

  10. Patti says:

    So glad Sarah and Gage had a great cruise. Always relaxing.
    Have you ever thought about Mackinac Island? It is 889 miles from Charlotte. Lots of photo ops, especially of the Mighty Mac bridge. Walking trail, history, lakeside… Both Mackinaw City and the Island have a lot to offer. My other choice would be Washington DC. Love the historic monuments there.
    I think putting something together from a diagram can sometimes be a more visual job than logic. I am visual and can usually figure it out. Especially if issued a challenge like when a friend told me I couldn’t put a lawnmower together.
    I have not heard of the garlic method, and like you I was picturing putting a clove of garlic in the ear. My mom would heat a little vegetable oil in spoon and drip that into the ear. It dissolved some of the wax I imagine and maybe that is what the garlic liquid does as well.
    Hope you get some snow. We are in Michigan.

    • Becky Smith says:


      We actually have talked about Mackinac Island in the past as a place we would like to visit. I’ve seen pictures and it is so beautiful!

      I wouldn’t mind going back to D.C. except for the traffic there. We did ride the subways before which was an adventure in itself.

      I think you’re right about putting oil in the ears; part of its helpfulness is probably dissolving wax. Whatever it takes to help get over the infection and pain!

  11. Rachel K. says:

    I don’t know when your vacation is but my sister and cousin both have been to the Hot Air Balloon Festival in New Mexico and said its amazing and New Mexico is beautiful they say. Or can you get cheap flights to DC? So much to tour and feel like you would like not only the monuments but the museums. Holocaust Museum is one everyone should see even though its heartbreaking.

    • Becky Smith says:


      A hot air balloon festival would be so cool. Talk about some gorgeous photo opportunities! And I LOVE NM.

      We were able to visit the Holocaust Museum when we were in Israel. Heartbreaking is definitely the right word for the pictures and the stories. The visit certainly made me treasure the blessing of days I’ve been given.

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