Soup and Muffins. Tears and Hugs.

January 9, 2017

Since you probably heard that the south was supposed to get a lot of snow last weekend, I thought I would report back to you on what happened. This is the photo Steve posted on Facebook with the caption:   

                    A brutal blizzard is afflicting the OBX.  A record 87 snowflakes have fallen in the last hour.

However, all kidding aside, there were gusts up to 60 m.p.h. in the area and it got down to 22 degrees, or 5 degrees with wind chill. So that’s a fairly impressive achievement for us southerners!

Here is our eventual collection of snowflakes.

At Regent University, two hours north of us,  it looked like this. May I just say that I’m a little jealous?

Sarah spent some time bundled up and walking through the winter wonderland.  (Hey.  Someone should write a song!)

Because of the sleet, freezing rains and icy roads in our area, most churches cancelled services yesterday morning.  I spent a little of my newly acquired spare time rummaging through some pictures and found a few from December I had meant to share. 

After church on Christmas Day, we decided to take a selfie to commemorate the day; before taking it, though, we all made a big deal of fixing our hair.

Not sure that it made much difference but at least we tried!

During Christmas, it’s always a challenge for me to create outfits because I don’t wear a lot of Christmas-y colors due to my fair coloring.  However,  I usually pull out this thrifted green sweater I got several years ago and pair it with my one pair of black pants and my one black shell so that I can look at least quasi-festive while playing the keyboard on the platform.  (I especially love the whimsical buttons on the sweater; I just wish they were another color than black!)

Speaking of Christmas, this is the gift Steve gave me which turned out to be a necklace from a gorgeous local boutique that I never shop at because it’s too expensive for my regular budget.  On special occasions, he usually gets something for me from that store.  (The top box was some fancy chocolate.)

Isn’t this lovely?  Plus it was on sale!

Not only did Steve get me a necklace, he also presented both Sarah and me with a matched set of impressively garish and gaudy jewelry.

Summer was just slightly miffed that she didn’t get any fabulous pieces of jewelry.

I must admit that posting all these pictures makes me a bit nostalgic for the four weeks Sarah was home with us. It all sped by way too quickly and before we knew it, her leaving day had arrived. She and Steve had some last-minute financial conversations  . . .


and then we had dinner together before she gathered up all her things, including left over muffins and soup from supper.

She loaded her car . . .

and then it was time for the last tears and the last hugs.

Since Sarah is able to visit home quite a bit, every leavetaking is not accompanied by tears.  But since she was home a longer time than usual, and since she is heading back to school under more stressful circumstances (changing majors midstream), we all felt these goodbyes a little more deeply than usual.

So glad to send her on her way with soup and muffins, tears and hugs.

It all equals love.

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Soup and Muffins. Tears and Hugs.”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    I ALWAYS cried when my kids left after coming home for holidays or whatever. I’m just a crier. 🙂
    The snow pictures Steve posted cracked me up! I love his sense of humor. 🙂 We didn’t get snow for Christmas but did get the sub-zero temperatures and even worse wind chills. Ugh. I am already ready for spring! Only 70 days to go, but who’s counting?

    • Becky says:


      I can’t even THINK about the words “sub zero” temperature without having to go put on a sweater. Seventy days till spring? Maybe I should add some hot choclate to the sweater. 🙂

  2. Kari says:

    Glad Sarah made it back to school safely and enjoyed the snow!

    Love the necklace Steve gave you! The Santa hat necklace isn’t that gaudy, I’ve seen worse!

    • Becky says:


      Well, since Steve gave us the jewelry sets as a joke, that’s the only reason I call them gaudy. 🙂 They were sort of actually cheerfully gaudy.

  3. beckylp says:

    would have loved snow -here in kenly got ice with snow over.schools closed but i hope to get to go to work tomorrow in raleigh. hugs are the best

  4. Guerrina says:

    Wow … the Dad Hug pic … no hug is the same as Dad’s… memories. I must’ve missed the post on changing majors. So glad Sarah is able to clarify her path and do this!

    Snow. Late Friday night to midnight Saturday here. I am becoming very skilled at the art of pushing snow! Great workout! Could’ve been worse. All told about 8-10 inches of fluffiness!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah changed to a Communications major. She’s excited about the new direction.

      I can imagine that snow shoveling is the BEST workout. Shoveling fluffiness helps to deal with fluffiness. 🙂

  5. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Pictures are lovely and so glad Sarah got to be home for more memories. We are still snowed in and my pups are enjoying the snuggle time. Should be cleaning but–it is snow day #3 and relaxing time.

  6. Wendy says:

    Love seeing more pictures of you all. The one of Steve with Sara as she was leaving left me in tears though, You can see and feel the love and sadness. We are on tap for 2-4 inches of new snow this afternoon into tomorrow, but hey, what do you expect up in northern MN 🙂

  7. Heather E says:

    I forgot to comment the other day regarding Sarah’s major change. I changed majors twice in college, and then went on to get a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. It’s hard and scary to change directions, but like Steve told her she’s not the first and she won’t be the last. She’s lucky to have supportive parents (as am I). I’m sure she’ll thrive in Communications. After all she’s survived and thrived through a cancer diagnosis and the hardest and harshest treatments- she’s got this!

    • Becky says:


      You’re absolutely right–Sarah’s GOT this!

      Glad to hear of someone else who changed majors (twice!) and wound up finding something you loved. Thanks for the encouragement.

  8. Mel says:

    Ice is way worse than snow. I am very fortunate that where I work, I just call in “snow” days as my travel time is 1/2 hour in nice weather so I do not even attempt in bad weather. Sarah looks like she is enjoying the snow and glad to see that she is there safe and sound.

    • Becky says:


      You are VERY fortunate to get to call in with a snow day. Sounds like a great workplace! I hope you’ve enjoyed your home days.

  9. Donna says:

    Nothing like those last hugs and tears before our babies leave!! I tried really hard not to cry when my baby left this morning because I already had makeup on and didn’t want to have to start that process over again. But ended up crying a little bit when I got to work because I was already missing him!!
    So glad you guys got to spend four weeks together for Winter break!! Loved seeing the pics from FL!! Hope ya’ll have a wonderful new year!!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, it’s hard sometimes to be a mom and wear make up at the same time, isn’t it?

      Sometimes Maybelline just can’t hold up to the teariness of a goodbye.

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