Snowy’s Successor: It’s A Girl!

September 12, 2012

I have a much longer post about the newest Smith I’m working on but I’m not going to be able to get it all finished today so will just a few pictures for now of Snowy’s successor.

Our new doggie’s name is Summer. She’s a 5-year old, six pound Champagne Yorkie.

This is what she looked like when I first laid eyes on her last night at 12:30 am.  My mama heart instantly melted and I involuntarily said, “Awwwwwww . . . .!”

She and her new daddy had traveled 6 hours together and they made quite the traveling team.

photo (1)

This is Summer on the deck earlier this morning.


This is Summer where I left her in the kitchen ten minutes ago.



And this is Summer in her full Yorkie glory!


Although our family was very much interested in getting a rescue dog, we combed rescue websites from dozens of surrounding towns (and even into other states) but discovered that it’s difficult to find very small dogs to adopt.

Happily, though, Summer was in need of her own personal family, so it turned out to be a very good thing on both sides.

Many more details to follow. Thanks for being so happy with us and for us.  

(And somewhere out there, despite the fact that our new doggie person is a girl, I believe Snowy is smiling.)

48 comments so far.

48 responses to “Snowy’s Successor: It’s A Girl!”

  1. Bec (from Sydney) says:

    Oh she is SO beautiful!!!!

    Snowy will be so pleased you have a little munchkin to love on.

    Love Bec

  2. moll says:

    In a “word family” like yours … of course Summer follows Snowy! Perfect! I adopted a 5 year old English Setter “puppy” 2 years ago, and it was the best thing I could have done. Giving your love and home to another dog is a beautiful way to honor all the love Snowy gave you.

  3. Richelle says:

    Summer is adorable! Congrats to you all. Snowy would definitely approve..

  4. Jennifer says:

    Congrats!! I have two yorkie’s and I can honestly say they are tiny dogs with HUGE personalities (although mine aren’t exactly “tiny” at 14 and 17 pounds… They are definitely not standard Yorkies, lol). Nothing will ever replace Snowy, but I know he’s smiling and just wants you all to be happy. Summer will help heal your hearts, but never replace Snowy’s place in it. Can’t wait to hear her story and see more pics.. she’s a beauty!

    • Becky says:

      Jennifer, a 14 and 17 pound Yorkie? Wow! I think Summer would be a tad intimidated by them. 🙂

      • Jennifer says:

        Yup, they are large! Oliver is a puppy mill rescue, so it was just bad, bad breeding.. Mya came from a breeder, but she breeds big, hearty yorkies – which is what I wanted, so she could stand up to Oliver! Who would have thought she’d turn out BIGGER than him 🙂 Big or small, yorkies are wonderful. I love their energy and loyalty.

        • Becky says:

          Well, I’m just thankful Summer is a teeny Yorkie; a big one wouldn’t fit very well in my writing chair! Your two sound wonderful and full of life!

  5. debbie says:

    OOhh, I’m so glad you decided to get a new puppy. We lost our beloved Golden Retriever, Marin, who was hit by a car outside our home. She was just n18 months old and her electric fence collar had failed. We decided to get a new puppy just four days later. Although I wanted to get another Golden, my sons wanted to get a different breed and I’m so glad we did. We get a six-week old German Shepherd. Although she will never replace Marin, we are enjoying Iris so much. She plays basketball with my sons, sleeps with them and makes us laugh so much. It’s amazing how the human heart always seems to expand, no matter how much pain it has endured. Congratgulations!
    — Debbie

    • Becky says:

      Debbie, your comment made me smile. So glad you found another dog to fill that “dog space” in your heart. He sounds like the absolute perfect fit for you and your family.

  6. Kathie H says:

    I knew it! I was just thinking to myself that your household needed a new puppy! Very happy for you! She’s a cutie!

  7. Shari Rich says:

    Nothing better than a new puppy in the family!! Congrats!!

  8. Lauren says:

    I awwww’d at the Facebook posted and squealed out loud at these pictures. SO CUTE.

  9. Olivia says:

    Yay for Miss Summer! (Even my cats say she’s adorable). 🙂

  10. Sarah says:

    She is so adorable! Looks like she is going to settle in just fine. 🙂

  11. Dana Hart says:

    Please would someone tell me why even this post made me cry?! I can’t wait to hear the story of Summer. Anyone who will drive 6 hours for a dog or wait you said they had been 6 hours together! Did Steve drive 12 hours for this fur baby?? Well I’ll say that’s one lucky little lady.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Congratulations Smiths! She is precious, for sure. And congrats to Summer too. You are getting an amazing family!!

  13. I have a yorkie myself and I must tell you, they are precious, precious dogs. Such sweet temperaments. They are lap dogs, so I’m sure she’ll be of much assistance to you when you are writing your blogs. As I type this, my own little Molly is curled up in the crook of my arm. 🙂 Welcome to the Smith family, Summer. You are blessed!

    • Becky says:

      Angie, it’s good to hear that you’ve had such a good experience with your Yorkie. A lap dog is just what ordered and she’s filling that role well, so far.

  14. Oh my goodness, she is soooooooooo adorable. Totally beautiful.. Snowy would certainly have approved. xxx

  15. Mrs. Pam says:

    hey, Summer, I imagine Snowy enjoys another seasonal name for the Smith family’s guardian, and that the two of you share the same initials. looking forward to hearing how you journeyed to Smithville. woof and love

  16. Steve Smith says:

    She is such a little lady!

  17. LizziLou says:

    Happy adoption day to the whole Smith Clan!! She’s beautiful!!! 🙂

  18. Marjie says:

    Congratulations, how awesome for your family!!! She is beautiful

  19. Pam D says:

    From snow to summer… ahhhh… I love it. LOVE her … she is perfect! May she inspire your blogging, just as Snowy did…

  20. Pilotbutterfly says:

    She is beautiful! I am so happy for all of you and will look forward to more about Summer in the near future.

  21. Kim says:

    So did you name her? Or is this the name she came with? Because I think it is so perfect! I can not wait to hear more of her story, I’m sure it’s a good one!

  22. Jan Reuther says:

    She. Is. Adorable. Private note to Summer: Keep your hair combed, Girl….you’re going to be photographed a LOT!. Lots of love and enjoyment to all of you!

  23. Shannon says:

    Ah she is very that cut she has!! The best part no “evil puppy stage”!!!

  24. Shawn says:

    Summer is so adorable! I am sure Snowy would approve and is very happy his family found a beautiful little girl to love.

  25. Gayle says:

    Summer is adorable!!! I’m sure Snowy would give his approval. Can’t wait to see more pictures and read more stories about her. 🙂

  26. Kristi says:

    You should have asked me about small dog rescues..:) Summer is adorable! I am interested in her story. I am a big advocate for adopting pets that have been rescued! Welcome to the family, Summer! 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Kristi, we did check into Maltese and Yorkie rescues but didn’t find much tp choose from. I think it is wonderful that you are an advocate for adoption!

  27. Cindy Forrester says:

    Oh, what a cutie-pie:)! My Madison’s successor is a boy and I’m pretty sure she had a part in sending him to me! I’m sure Summer will fit in perfectly with the Smith family!

  28. Lesley says:

    Awwwwww…and I love her name!

  29. dmantik says:

    So happy Summer is home. What a sweetheart–Snowy would be giving 2 paws up! 🙂

    Love Deb

  30. Susan says:

    She is a doll! And I am sure Snowy would be proud, in his special macho way. I think I need more chips for the camera. Lots of photos to be taken! 🙂

  31. Melody says:

    She is soo pretty!! We are looking for a small friend of our own, not having very much luck though. We are so happy for you guys!

    Melody 🙂

  32. Michelle says:

    Congratulations!! Summer is so darn cute!!

  33. Karen Cathey says:

    Summer is such a cutie! She will discover very soon (if not already) what a lucky dog she is. I’m sure Snowy will be happy to know that another dog (even if it is a girl!) will have a wonderful family like he did!

  34. Kim says:

    Good NIGHT…Summer is so stinkin adorable!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Annabelle sends Yorkie smooches to Summer! She is adorable. We LOVE the short hair cut for Annabelle too…….it's easy to take care of….ha.

    Summer has truly found an AMAZING home and family. I cannot wait to hear the story.

    I'm so very happy for you!!!

  35. Margie M says:

    She is beautiful. She will never replace Snowy but will be a wonderful addition to your family.

  36. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    In the words (and in the tone of) of Little Orphan Annie….. “Oh my goodness! Oh my Goodness!” Summer is too, too, TOO stinking cute. I’ve been so out of the loop caring for my little Andrew, so I haven’t had a lot of time to read your blog Becky. Though I have been praying for you guys….. that God would open the door for you to get the exact right successor to Prince Snowy. My heart is warmed to know that he has done just that with Summer.

  37. nancy irving says:

    she is sooooooooooo cute. I just love her name too. Congratulations, I’m sure that snowy would approve.

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