Snowy Makes An Announcement

April 12, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen!


(‘Scuse me a moment, please.  Big yawn.)  Okay.  That’s better.


Ladies and (also) gentlemen,  I have an announcement to make! A big, BIG announcement!IMG_4855

The winner of the children’s book giveaway is . . . Lesley!

Hooray for Lesley!  (Rumor has it that Lesley has a daughter named Sarah and since I have a sister named Sarah, I’m all about Lesley winning this book!IMG_4856

Okay.  I’m done announcin’ now.  (Did I do good?)IMG_4857

Now it’s back to lying in the sun,  working on my tan . . .IMG_4858

. . . and watchin’ the pretty girl dogs go by.  (I believe that a macho doggie’s life is much simpler if all canines of the female persuasion are kept at least 100 feet from my handsome, bad self at all times.)IMG_4859

Oh and one more thing?  Mom says to tell you, Lesley, to please send her your mailing address and also let her know if you want the book signed to anyone in particular.

Mom also says to tell everyone that she loved, loved, LOVED (that’s three loves for those of you who can’t count) reading all your entries.  In fact, she loved them so much she’s printed them off and is reading them all over again.

Mom also says to tell you . . . . oh, for crying out loud.  What do I look like?  A messenger dog?

Why can’t she get her own blog already?

Later . . .IMG_4813

13 comments so far.

13 responses to “Snowy Makes An Announcement”

  1. Beverly says:

    Snowy is so cute. I had to put my sweet Callie to sleep on March 30. I miss her so much but Snowy looks a little like Callie so seeing Snowy sitting on the porch is good for my soul. Oh, how I miss my sweet Callie. Keep those pics of Snowy coming. He has so much personality! He should have his own blog!

    • Becky says:

      Beverly, I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet Callie. I can’t even begin to imagine how that feels. So glad to know that pictures of Snowy are cheering you up a little bit; I’ll be sure to tell him. 🙂

  2. Lesley says:

    Thank you Snowy! I am ever so delighted to be the recipient of this book. I can’t wait to read it with my daughter.

    • Becky says:

      Lesley, mom says to tell you she’s a little behind and will get the book out tomorrow at the latest. I’m sorry it’s about cats and not dogs but ain’t no livin’ in a perfect world. –Snowy

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Thanks, Snowy, even though I didn’t win the book. Terrific pictures of you. My Prince got a haircut Tuesday and he is so cute. I’ll have to send a before and after picture to your Mom so you can see my “little man.” Take care and glad you are feeling better.

  4. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    Snowy is so stinking cute………… He brings such a big smile to my face.

  5. Becky says:

    I hope Snowy is feeling much better! What a top guy!

  6. Jojy says:

    A profound and MOVING announcement by Sir Snowy!!! And the crowd went WILD!!!! What a fine orator!!!

  7. Wendy says:

    I just love your little snowy! He did a great job with his announcement 🙂

  8. Marla says:

    Snowy Entries are AWESOME!!!!! Keep’em coming

  9. becky m says:

    i so love the snowy blog entries,lol.

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