Snowy Goes To College (Part 3)

July 3, 2012


Snowy went into surgery about 8:30 this morning; I don’t know when we’ll hear anything. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who has left a comment to let us know you are thinking of our white fluffy macho doggie.

And in honor of that doggie, I thought I would post the third edition of the Snowy Goes To College series.  It just soothes my heart while we wait to sit and read happy stories about him.


Snowy Goes To College
January, 2010

Thursday’s class starts out quite well. Snowy lies on his official mat just emanating wondrous waves of his fervent longing to learn and obey. (Yeah, right.)

And just so you know? He’s also lying there so quietly because he is busy gazing at the loveliness of Maggie, the girl next door. You see, Maggie’s master owns a local restaurant. And Snowy has hatched a plot to woo and marry Maggie so that he will be in the enviable position of inheriting a restaurant. That serves steak. And chicken. And seafood. And stuff.

So. We’ll see how that works for him.IMG_1334

Snowy, however, is not so girl crazy that he is unable to concentrate on the important task at hand. When the teacher starts talking, he immediately puts away all his plans for Maggie-wooing and focuses his considerable and powerful intellect on what his instructor is saying.


Because Snowy is all about learning. He is all about soaking up knowledge.IMG_1333

As usual, Snowy is accompanied to class by his own personal sister, the fabulous Princess Groovy Chick. Unfortunately, it seems as though PGC has developed a slightly annoying habit of guffawing heartily every time Snowy does something goofy or wrong at college. (Which averages about once every twelve seconds.)

Snowy would like Sarah to know that it’s just a bit hard on his teeny doggie self-esteem when his very own mistress laughs so hard at his expense; however, he is a tough dog and he can handle it. He can handle anything. He. Is. Macho. Doggie.IMG_1322

Um. Wait a moment. Let’s rethink that last statement for a moment. You know, that statement about being so tough?

Because as the class proceeds, Snowy finds himself in a rather sobering position.  A mere three feet away from his small, fluffy person lies a large pit bull who is staring right at him. Maybe now would be a good time to breathe just a quick word of prayer. (Being a pastor’s dog does have some benefits now and then.)IMG_1377

Whew! It looks like that prayer came none too soon because it appears as though the Moment of Truth has arrived. The Canine College Classroom Showdown.

What will happen next? Who will come out of the showdown standing tall? Who will leave with his tail between his legs? The suspense builds. Snowy prays harder.IMG_1349

And then feeling that the time for prayer has gone and the time for action has arrived, Snowy asks his sister, “Um, Sis, can we, um, please just go home right now? I’m feeling a bit outgunned here.”IMG_1344

However, that mean ol’ sister of Snowy not only doesn’t take him home, she actually has the gall, the temerity, the nerve to take him even closer to The Big Dude. The Big Black Tough Strong Intimidating (did I mention big?) Dude.

Snowy feels a flutter of fear in his fear-fluttering area. Will he get out of this college class alive? Only time will tell.IMG_1350

He appeals again . . .


. . and again to his sister for mercy. For clemency. For a free ticket out of that awful place. Sister stands firm. The Big Dude continues to watch.IMG_1351

Finally, when the suspense has risen to unbearable levels, the college teacher takes Snowy’s leash from Sarah and takes over for a while. Snowy immediately displays his stunning grasp on his ability to disobey each command to the letter. He is very gifted in the area of disobedience.IMG_1362

At long last, Snowy is handed back to Sarah. He immediately feels much more secure when he realizes that his intrepid mistress is standing between him and The Big Dude.IMG_1369

He gazes at her adoringly. He sends loving, grateful doggie thoughts in her direction.IMG_1367

And then? It happens.

Snowy realizes that it is not enough just to express his gratitude in thoughts alone. He decides in his itty bitty brain that surviving another college class and staring down a Big Dude calls for more than just thankful thoughts.

It calls for action

It calls for dance!

Snowy decides that now would be a good time to show off a few of his groovy steps to his college cronies. (Especially the female who is part of the fine and upstanding restaurant-owning family.)IMG_1345

And so Snowy shakes a leg. He cuts a rug. He boogies down.IMG_1346

Snowy ends his dazzling dance display with his favorite step. He calls it the “Kick the left leg out and shake your rear” step. How could Maggie resist? How could the Big Dude not be impressed? Snowy rises to the top of his class with this amazing display of canine classiness and poochie panache.


Snowy decides he likes college after all. College is fun! College is educational!

Snowy might always be the small man on campus, but his charm, obedience skills, and dance moves will ensure that he will never lack for friends.

In fact, Snowy just can’t help but smile up at his sister and say, “Isn’t this fun?”  IMG_1372

The End.

6 comments so far.

6 responses to “Snowy Goes To College (Part 3)”

  1. Frapper says:

    Sending good thoughts and prayers for sweet Snowy; hope his surgery goes well.

  2. Karen Cathey says:

    Hoping you hear good news from cute macho man Snowy!

  3. Anne says:

    Hope the surgery goes well and the news is good!  Thinking of you all, and the sweet furry one xo

  4. Liz says:

    Keeping you all in my prayers!

  5. Mary H says:

    Love seeing those “college” photos – sitting in the “waiting room” with you once again, Becky, praying like crazy.  Snowy, we love you, fella. 

  6. Michelle Zammat says:

    I’m hoping and  praying that everything goes  well with Snowy’s surgery.

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