Snow and Durham and Duke.

February 21, 2020

Good morning from Durham, NC! 

I ended up driving here yesterday since there were winter storm warnings all over the area.  The last thing I wanted, after managing to not be felled by the flu again, was to be waylaid by a winter storm.

Before I left early yesterday morning, Steve checked all the fluids in my car, unearthed an ice scraper/snow brusher combo thingy and made sure I had packed winter boots, a scarf, and gloves in case I got stuck or broke down.  He then sent me off with a sweet prayer and a big hug.  Have I mentioned lately what a wonderful husband he is?

Since I left early, I got to Duke early and had to wait an hour or so to check in.  You’ve probably already guessed what I did: I spent a happy hour puttering around at a huge thrift store a couple of miles from the hotel. 

And then, when I was finally able to check in,  I had the most lovely experience of being cocooned in my hotel room watching three hours of snow painting over all the drab browns with the loveliest sparkling white.  

One of my favorite things in the whole world is to be somewhere, alone, while it rains or snows outside. I love the cocoon-y feeling that experience engenders and since we rarely get snow on the Outer Banks, seeing it fall for several hours was a treat beyond words. I ordered a pizza to my room and my contentment was complete.

And now? Today?

After four months of waiting, the time has finally come. At noon today, I will have the first appointment with the pulmonology department at Duke. I can not tell you how excited I am to be putting myself under the care of a world-class medical team.

After fourteen years of stumping doctors and receiving conflicting medical advice, the time is getting close when I will hear a definitive diagnosis. I am thinking it will confirm what I was told by my former pulmonologist. However, since there was so much disagreement between the doctors in that clinic, and since my diagnosis was partly based on the fact that I had R.A. (a diagnosis which has since changed), I am curious as to what the Duke Docs will confirm. (Or not.)

Yesterday, I was rereading some of the materials the Interstitial Lung Disease department had sent me and noticed a line that said, “We will do everything we can to help you manage your disease.”  It was a bit sobering to see that they used the word “manage,” not “treat.”

What I have has no treatment or cure.  THAT is what I am expecting to hear over the next few days.  

But what I also have is a peace that passes all understanding and the knowledge that my days are in His hands. (Psalm 31:15)

To quote a line from a song in this post, “With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.”

35 comments so far.

35 responses to “Snow and Durham and Duke.”

  1. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Whoops, I meant *results BRING some good news ” but they could just as well be some good news!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  2. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    So glad that you made.if to and from Duke safely. You were smart to go a day earlier. With the winter weather warning, leaving in the morning could have been extra stressful depending on road conditions and traffic. Plus, it gave you time to explore the thrift shop (any great purchases?) and find peace And contentment in your evening. Being cocooned in a cozy room, eating pizza and watching the show fall and cover the drabness of winter sounds wonderful. I’m sure you also took along some reading material! Hope you and your wonderful, thoughtful husband have a safe trip on Monday and the the results of the tests being some good news. Remember all things are possible with God and don’t forget F.R.O.G.
    Hugs and prayers!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I DID find some good purchases; a couple of pairs of pants which is always a great find for me, since pants are so hard to fit.

      Getting some last-minute stuff done now and then will have an early bedtime to prepare for a 4:30 get up in the morning. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement.

  3. Jenna hoff says:

    I really hope that your appointment went well and that you have an answer soon. I am sending you a big hug and lots of love from afar.

  4. Phyllis says:

    Continued prayers that you find answers on Monday. So glad to hear that illness didn’t postpone your appointment again.
    I’m like you, as long as I don’t have to drive in it, I love to see a good snow. We’ve had about 17 inches of snow so far this season – none more than 5 inches though. Our HOA clears the roads if it’s 3 inches or more. Only one snow in December has reached that mark.

  5. Dale Tousley says:

    I was thinking about you Thursday as the snow started to fall here in Raleigh… only amounted to about 3 inches but it was coming down fast and furious, I was out doing errands when it started and had a hard time seeing through the windshield, I was happy to get home and it WAS beautiful. Our back yard is full of pine trees and it was so pretty to see the snow on them. I hope your visit went well and good luck on Monday.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it great to pull into your driveway in the middle of a storm and run into the house where it’s warm and cozy? Such a wonderful blessing.

  6. SueEllen says:

    I wondered how the Carolina snow would affect your trip to Durham. I’m so happy to hear you were able to turn it into a mini cocooning vacation. I, too, can sit and watch it snow for hours; something I’ve notice the past couple of times I saw snow (infrequently here in Texas also) was how bright it looks at night with any moon or stars reflecting off the white. I hope your testing went well today and pray for answers when you see the doctor next week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Living in TX, you appreciate those rare snowfalls as much as those of us in NC do. It is truly magical and, as you said, seems to give off its own light at night.

      Thank you for your encouraging words and for your prayers.

  7. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So thrilled that you are now where you have wanted to be for quite some time. We not only pray for you, but for the doctors and the Lord’s wisdom for those doctors. Thankfully, you know the Great Physician and His ability to work through the doctors. May the Lord be with Steve too as you are apart. Well, absence does make the heart grow fonder. Yes, he is a wonderful husband to you and a great dad. Bless you Becky and know hundreds of us are praying for you.

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for your always-encouraging comments and for your faithful prayers.

      Waiting with anticipation for Monday and the visit with the pulmonologist. Of course for that visit, Steve will be right by my side! 🙂

  8. Jo Ann Campbell says:

    Dear Becky, your medical news could be discouraging but Dr. Jesus will show them that there is a cure!

    So glad for your beautiful room. I love that all it takes is a gentle snowfall you can see out the window to make you so content and happy.

    Greet your wonderful husband!

    Much, much love,

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that snowfall truly did make me happy. It seems like the past few years when we’ve gotten snow, it has fallen after dark. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve gotten to sit for 3 hours and watch the snow. Happy, happy day.

      Thank you for (almost) 58 years of loving me and praying for me. You are my longest Smithellaneous follower since you knew me before I was a Smith . . . or a Smithellaneous person. 🙂

  9. Gayle in AL says:

    I’m so glad you made it safely and were able to enjoy a snowy evening in your warm hotel room. I hope your appointments went smoothly and that you are soon home safe and sound.

  10. Cindy Latoures says:

    I am so glad you got to see snow! I have seen so much of it this year that I am enjoying the sun we had the past few days. Praying for positive answers and help for you.

    • Becky says:


      I know you Minnesota folks must get so tired of snow after a few weeks of winter. For this Southern gal, it is so magical!

      Enjoy your sunshine. 🙂

  11. teresa marilyn hewitt says:

    I am so glad you managed to make your appointment, Becky, and that you got to spend some pleasant time in a warm safe room looking out at the falling snow (I too love this) . Sending you our warm love and hopes for the best possible outcome xxxxx

    • Becky says:


      It was an icy morning when I got up for my appointment; thankful I didn’t have to be there until noon so that the roads were well cleared when I got out there. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  12. Wendy says:

    Yay for being cocooned in a room while watching the snowy weather outside, and a big plus for pizza delivery. Praying you get answers.

  13. Kathy S says:

    I am so happy you made it to Duke and you will finally have some answers from the world class medical team!! I live in MN and I love the cozy feeling of the white falling snow! Being all snug in a hotel room with a pizza sounds wonderful. Prayers to you and your family!

    • Becky says:


      After enjoying the snow falling, the next morning I was faced with the results . . . brushing snow off my car and scraping the windshield! As I was working, I thought about all of you folks in snowy climes and do that all the time. My hat is off to you!

  14. krista121799 says:

    Happy dance! For snow, thrift stores, cocoon-y hotels, sweet prayers, a great hubby and answers!! I pray for you and the doctor’s today.

    Lord’s Blessings!

  15. Ann O. says:

    I’ll echo others’ comments – SO happy you were healthy enough to make your appointment! I’m north of you, in Baltimore, Maryland. The south continues to get the snow we usually get! We are almost zero snow for the winter. I’m not really complaining, but I do love the beauty of it, especially when I don’t need to go out. Nothing better than cacoon-ing, especially with warm pizza freshly delivered!!!

    Continued prayers to you, Becky, and your TEAM, for a good plan forward! Ya know, we live in amazing times. Medical care can be so helpful, when we have a good group of brilliant folks working together for our best quality of life! AND, we live in times where a hot pizza can be delivered to our door during a snow event!

    • Becky says:


      “When we have a good group of brilliant folks working together for our best quality of life.” I love that line. It sounds hopeful and positive which is just what I need going into my appointment Monday.

      Amazing times, indeed.

  16. Ann Martin says:

    So glad you are finally getting to have the appointment at Duke. I enjoyed watching the snow here yesterday and we had homemade chili last night. I also cooked a crockpot of chili for the freezer and got 4 quarts from a 5.5 pot. It is too thick so when I heat it for eating I will add water to thin it some. Only thing was it had to cook until 11:30 pm and then cool. I put it in the refrigerator at 12:30 am and will transfer to the freezer today. Anxious to know your results. God bless and be careful getting around and driving home.

    • Becky says:


      That is another one of my favorite things–cooking when it’s storming outside. And especially cooking soup or chili! You were a little bit like the squirrels–saving up food for the days to come. 🙂

      I’m glad you got the snow you enjoy so much.

  17. dmantik says:

    It makes me so happy think of you all snug in your room, watching the snow and enjoying your pizza. What a well deserved treat for you!

    Keeping you in heart and prayers today as you meet with the doctors. So glad you finally made it there!

    Love you!


    • Becky says:


      Snug is a good word for how I felt. Happily, my room happened to overlook trees instead of a parking lot or buildings, which is the view I usually get. Waking up Friday morning to a brilliant blue sky and snow on the trees was a sight for southern eyes.

      Love you too!

  18. LeeAnne says:

    Oh I am so, SO glad that you remained well and able to get to your appointment!! Prayers for answers, and continued peace and for great ‘management’…whatever that looks like.
    I really love just watching it snow too. Snow watching and pizza. Perfect!
    Safe travels and big hugs!

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