Sneak Peaks. Medical News. The Fliths.

June 4, 2021

I just couldn’t wait to share some of the sneak peak wedding shots. Are these not so beautiful?

Photographer: Linda Wilson           Xengel Productions, Raleigh, NC

When Gage isn’t busy getting married or supporting Sarah in her various medical challenges, he is hard at work at a company called Sound Waves. It isn’t unusual for him to work 10-12 hour days during the busy summer season.

He and Sarah also volunteer with the youth group on Sunday nights. He does music and small groups and she does media/video.

Medical News

Sarah had blood/liver counts done this week and after having had liver counts that had climbed to nine higher than normal, they are now all back to where they should be. Such a relief!

The next thing on the medical lineup is a colonoscopy next Friday at Duke. A desmoid tumor can be related to colon cancer and since Sarah has had a couple of earlier colonoscopies that revealed polyps, Duke wants to keep a close eye on things. In the next few weeks, she will also be having an endoscopy to biopsy a spot in her stomach and then a follow up CT scan of the tumor. We are thankful for Duke’s diligence and excellent care.

She has also developed a good bit of nerve pain in her left hand and is wearing a brace to help. She will start physical therapy for it soon.

Other than that, she is feeling well and is enjoying working with Gage to set up the Long family household. We are going to have them over for dinner tonight and are looking forward to getting caught up on all the happenings.

To close, here are a few shots of the Florida Smiths. (Or Fliths, for short.)

This kid and his smile! (This is Andrew, the youngest.)

Here’s Grayson, next in line.

While they were at our house, Noah and Madison played “chase” with our 23-year old nephew, Andrew.

Get out! Get out!  He’s coming!

And then they always came back for more, waiting for him to chase them one more time.

On the way to the airport, we stopped by the beach for a few minutes.

When we got to the airport, I was so impressed by how the adults (including, Lexi, their great babysitter) efficiently coordinated the tasks of getting all the babies and kids unloaded, strapped in, and masked up.

Not easy  to wrangle four little ones but they were so great at it.  Proud of them!

We love our Florida family and wish we could see them much more often than we do.

That’s it for the moment; I’ll see you back here again soon with more weddings stories and photos. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve got going on this weekend and/or next week. I’ve missed hearing YOUR stories!


40 comments so far.

40 responses to “Sneak Peaks. Medical News. The Fliths.”

  1. Krista Labrensz says:

    I just love seeing these photos. They look so happy together!
    And, I think I forgot to tell you, Becky, that you looked beautiful in your dress. It was perfect as the Mother of the Bride!
    And Gage is a busy guy! They are both blessed to have found each other!

    Blessings for your week!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you so much for your compliment on my dress; that means a lot.

      And yes, Gage stays plenty busy! He is a blessing to many people.

  2. Nancy Irving says:

    Absolutely stunning wedding pictures and wonderful pictures of the “Fliths”, they are so adorable.

  3. Gloria A Smith says:

    Happy Sunday morning all. Becky, was wondering where Nathan, Meagan and children live in Florida? I recently returned from a two week road trip to Palm Beach County spending time with cousins in Wellington and in Marathon. The trip was awesome, just what I needed after spending so much time alone during the pandemic.

  4. Katrina says:

    Sarah and Gage look so lovely in the pictures. Sarah’s dress is so beautiful. How did they come up with the vintage theme?

    I am doing quite alright. I had brunch last week with myself in the city before I went to the hair dresser for the first time in a long time. I have been shopping a lot the past months 3 shorts, 3 tops and a jacket. Now I am ready for summer:)

    I have also been enjoying watch a tv series and reading 🙂

    • Becky says:


      As far as the vintage, they have both always loved old things–books, hats, vintage clothes. It made a vintage wedding the perfect choice.

      Brunch with yourself sounds like a fun thing; I enjoy the occasionally solitary meal. Glad you’ve gotten to do some shopping and found some things you like!

  5. SueEllen says:

    What amazingly stunning wedding photos…I can’t wait to see more! And Flith photos are adorable as always. I hope your dinner with the newlyweds tonight was wonderful.

  6. Lisa says:

    Becky, I still remember reading a caringbridge post you wrote when Sarah was young and so very ill. It was about a wedding dress you saw in a store window, and you wondered if she’d ever get to wear one. I read it with not just tears, but full on crying as it was so eloquent and sad and hopeful all the same time. It was even more poignant given her diagnosis. And yet here we are, all these years later, with these pictures of Sarah looking so beautiful in her wedding dress and I get teary all over again (multiple times lol).

    Congratulations to Sarah and your entire family- from a long time reader and mom of a cancer survivor 💕

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the reminder of that post. I so well remember those feelings of wondering if her wedding would ever happen. It makes it all the more special that it DID take place, especially in light of the medical troubles right before it. I’m getting teary-eyed right along with you.

      Thank you for being a long-time reader; so glad to know your child has also survived cancer.

  7. Gail says:

    I am speechless about those beautiful pictures. Sarah looked so very beautiful and the love just glows between Sarah and Gage. And those Fliths were just too adorable. I am blessed that all four of my grand babies are close at hand. The news about Sarah’s health was wonderful praying still for more good news. Sooooooo looking forward to more wedding pictures. I think the wedding was so spirit filled I felt I had been to church to worship. Thank you again for sharing with your online “family”. I look through my email first thing for more news from the Smiths.

    • Becky says:


      Enjoy those grandkids of yours. Looking into their faces is looking into the face of the future; such a gift.

      Am looking forward to sharing more wedding photos as soon as we get them from the photographer. And that wedding really did feel much like a church service–such a beautiful thought.

  8. Gloria A Smith says:

    Becky, the opening photo of Sarah is gorgeous!!! I am guessing that this photo was taken @ the Elizabethan Gardens. The opening photo of Sarah & Gage is precious beyond words. Gage is truly in love with his bride. Thank you for sharing with us,

    • Becky says:


      Elizabethan Gardens is what most people think. It’s actually the front yard of an acquaintance of ours.

      It made for such a beautiful backdrop for beautiful love

  9. Phyllis says:

    The pictures are beautiful as is the bride. So glad to hear Sarah’s liver numbers are back to normal but sorry she is dealing with nerve pain in her hand. Hope you have an enjoyable dinner with Gage and her tonight.
    Those Fliths are awfully cute!
    Sunday I am making a trip to my parents for my mom’s 90th birthday. Today is their 72nd anniversary. Monday is the beginning of VBS at my church, I am working in the snack area. Monday afternoon I will be counting offering. Normally this is done in the morning but had to move due to VBS. I think I have a dentist appointment Tuesday afternoon.

    • Becky says:


      Happy 72nd anniversary to your parents from ALL of us in Smithellaneous land. What an incredible milestone and an incredible day. So glad you are able to be with them.

  10. Jan Reuther says:

    To summarize, gorgeous wedding photos, extremely welcome lab results, industrious and caring son-in-law, adorable Fliths, bummer about them living so far away.

    My 2 sons have not lived on the same coast since 1999, which means I can only live near one of them and one or two grandsons at a time. I feel your pain! (But I’m grateful that I live in a time of technology that lets me actually see them when I talk to them on the phone!)

    • Becky says:


      Yes, technology definitely makes those miles between shrink just a little bit. But it is so difficult being separated from people we love, isn’t it?

  11. Gayle in AL says:

    The pictures are breathtaking! The one of Sarah by herself looks like it came right out of a bridal magazine! Stunning! I’m so glad that Sarah is feeling better and is enjoying setting up the house. Are they living in the cute little apartment that Gage got when he first moved to Manteo?

    No big plans this weekend, but next weekend we’re taking our grandson and a friend camping at a nearby lake. Looking forward to that! Can’t wait to see more pictures and hear more wedding stories!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah has moved into that little 600 sq. foot apartment that Gage has been in all along. They are having the best time getting it all fixed up with their lovely wedding gifts.

      Going camping with a friend and a grandson sounds like the perfect way to spend a weekend. Enjoy!

  12. Courtney Hurd says:

    The wedding photos are amazing! Of course, with such an adorable couple, how could they be anything but? When I look at the 3 young Flith boys, I see Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. Such cute little guys!!

    I hope you have gotten some rest after the craziness of medical appointments and a wedding. Look forward to seeing more photos from the big day.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the Smith genes are strong in those little guys although Andrew definitely has his Grandpa Hawley’s build.

      Resting kind of comes and goes in snippets; I’m sure I will eventually feel recovered. 🙂

  13. Guerrina says:

    Sarah and Gage are a stunning couple! Great news on the liver and will keep Sarah in prayer for upcoming procedures.

  14. Patti says:

    The photos are stunning. Prayers for Sarah’s tests. This weekend we are taking our first road trip in 18 mts. Heading to my family reunion in Missouri.

  15. Suzanne says:

    Sarah and Gage’s pictures are beautiful!!! I can’t wait to see more of them.

    And, those Fliths? They are the cutest!!! Thanks for sharing them!

    Continued prayers for Sarah’s health!

    • Becky says:


      I know. Those kids just get cuter every time I see them! Thank you for the continued prayers for Sarah, for whatever is down the road in the next few months.

  16. Cindy says:

    Sarah is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!

  17. DeLynn says:

    The wedding pictures are just stunning! Looking forward to more! So thankful for some positive medical news.
    I read 2 Samuel 22 this week and it has really stuck with me. I love these verses about our God: “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior;”
    Could those verses be any stronger? What good meat to chew on and take in. So thankful.

    • Becky says:


      Think about all those words lined up. Rock. Fortress. Deliverer. Refuge. Shield. Horn of salvation Stronghold. Savior.

      So much strength and truth there. Thanks for reminding me of that wonderful passage.

  18. Rachel Kinneberg says:

    That picture of Sarah is stunning. They are all great but that one of just her is so beautiful. Her inner and outer beauty just shine it it.

    • Becky says:


      Inner and outer beauty–they just kind of meld together in a wonderful way. Thank you for your words.

  19. LeeAnne says:

    The wedding photos are nothing short of stunning! My goodness! Of course the subjects are pretty outstanding too. The wedding was probably the most personal and meaningful wedding that I have ever seen. I can’t wait to see more photos.
    Those grand kids of yours are so adorable!! Blonde hair…blue eyes….killer smiles. Having those sweet ones around must have made it hard to get anything done.
    Prayers for good outcomes on the upcoming tests for Sarah. So glad she is feeling good and able to enjoy all that comes with the newlywed status. Sarah Long. I love the sound of that.
    We will actually be around home this weekend. Hubby is playing in a golf tournament tomorrow so I will be getting things and gardening done at home and plan to go shop for a dress for our 40th anniversary vow renewal coming up in July. The weather is supposed to be hot and sunny. Summer weather is here and I love it!!

  20. Alisa Bentley says:

    So beautiful! So glad you all enjoyed each other! Beautiful family!

  21. Buff says:

    I just have to agree with Kimberly. Beautiful and unique. And yes. Your brother in law was just amazing. My hubby is kinda known for his weddings. He has done hundreds. Headed to Indiana to do one next week. But I made him watch Gage and Sarah’s. Thought he might pick up a couple of new ideas. Lol
    That first picture is breathtaking. All the feels!
    Thanks for health updates. Still praying.

  22. Kimberly Sams says:

    The most gorgeous wedding I have ever watched. I have been following Sarah for a long time, but never commented. I loved how your brother in law conducted the wedding, so much love and compassion. It was just so unique. Can’t wait to see the other pictures.

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