Simple Things

May 23, 2016

I still have so many stories to sort through from my Wisconsin trip. Today, I’d especially like to share some of the ones involving Mom, since a big purpose of the trip was to be with her on Mother’s Day.

(And thanks once again to Meagan for thinking up the whole plan and making sure I got to be in that special place on that special day. She is a fabulous daughter!)

Here’s my sweet mom coming to greet me at the Madison airport. (Debbie is on the other side of her, out of view.) Debbie said Mom kept her eyes steadfastly fixed on that escalator for a great while, hoping that each new person would be me. 

Finally! It was! 


Mom lives near Debbie and Randy in an assisted living facility but she stayed at their house during my visit.  May I just say that she has got to be the world’s most undemanding house guest?  Give her a Bible, a notebook, a pen, a book, and some birds to watch and she can be quite happy, quite endlessly. It is a gift to be so content with such simple things.


mom edit

Mom not only got to see me and four of my siblings the day before Mother’s Day, she also got to see my brother, Phil, the day after Mother’s Day. (He is the only one who couldn’t make it to the earlier reunion.)

Phil is next to me in age–there were three brothers, then me, then two younger sisters. Debbie is the youngest.


On Mother’s Day Sunday, I went to Randy and Debbie’s church. I got to sit by Mom and listen to Randy, Debbie and their son, Caleb sing and play music. Such a treasure!  Caleb is a very gifted and motivated young man; he plays several instruments and also sings.  He’s going to college and works at the Madison airport, in addition to a job at a home security company. That’s Caleb playing bass in the photo.


As the service progressed, I began to notice the woman sitting in front of us. She had such a vivacious and enthusiastic personality and she smiled and clapped and sang with the greatest gusto.  I noticed that she was wearing a large green ring and a green barrette to match and I thought, “When I am 90 years old, that is what I want to convey.  Enthusiasm, color and pizazz!”   I will never forget her.


Back to Mom . . 

Debbie whipped up a large batch of her famous buttermilk pancakes in my honor. She knows that I consider no visit to be completely complete until I have dined upon her heavenly, delectable creations.  

Mom happily launched into helping to get the meal together.  Having raised six kids, she has cooked a meal or two in her lifetime and can generally whip up a feast in five seconds or less.


The table was presided over by one of Debbie’s many birdhouses. (Which she collects and displays to great effect.)


Finally, it was time to sit down and eat.  I may or may not have had seconds. (And, um, possibly thirds.)


After we ate our magnificent repast, we retired to the living room to watch a couple of old episodes of the Andy Griffith Show.  Mom doesn’t watch much television but she does love Andy Griffith and she and Randy and Debbie watch him together several times a week. Simple things.

In between the pancaking and the Griffith-ing, I loved noticing all of Debbie’s decorations. I was especially taken by this particular display because it contained a photo card of mine that she had used for a birthday card for Randy.  Seeing it made me feel like a real photo card-ist! (Similar to an artist but a card-ist. Get it?)


At Randy and Debbie’s house, there is always quiet music playing, candles lit, and lovely photos scrolling across the television screen. 

The music is a peaceful accompaniment to Randy as he sits in his favorite chair every morning to read his Bible, (Picture their cheery fireplace sitting just to the right of the TV; I didn’t get it in the photo.)


Speaking of fireplaces, my family knows that I am one of the freezing-est people on the planet.  Everyone will be in shirt sleeves and I will be bundled in several layers.  I had one of my Famous Chills hit me while I was there so Debbie, being the ever attentive hostess, piled a blanket on me.


That didn’t quite do the trick so Randy gallantly leaped into action and got out an electric blanket.


Fortunately, much of the visit was blessed with warm weather and sunshine.  Debbie and Mom and I took an afternoon stroll one day down a lovely street.  Simple things.


There are few things Mom loves more than being in nature so this was definitely her Happy Place.


My sister Ruth, drove over the day before I went home so that we could have some Sister Time. Once again, the porch and its bird views acted as a magnet.  Simple things.


At Debbie and Randy’s house, loveliness abounded–here, there . . .


and everywhere.


Lovely time, lovely memories, lovely people. Simple things.


In closing, one of my favorite memories was on the drive home from Phil’s house. It was just Randy, Debbie, Mom and me in the car and we decided that since we had ninety minutes to fill, it would be a great time to sing.  We launched off on various hymns we had all sung since we were wee children. It’s amazing how the words and melodies memorized so many years ago come flooding back, especially when your own voice is being bolstered by other beloved, harmonizing, hymn-singing voices.

After we had gone through half a dozen hymns or so, we started to sing some of the songs that we had written and performed over the years. Mom was in absolute heaven as she listened; she and dad were two of our greatest fans during our traveling years.

Life can be so crazy and complicated, even on the best of days. And as I sat in the car and heard my voice remember old melodies, I felt inordinately blessed to have those few days to disengage from the unrelenting pace of life–to watch birds, to take walks, to eat pancakes, to watch Andy Griffith, to wrap myself in the warmth and love of the people who know me best and love me anyway.

Simply thankful for simple things.


29 comments so far.

29 responses to “Simple Things”

  1. Bea says:

    Just beautiful….. Loved every word. “PRICELESS” gifts….

  2. Michele says:

    so happy your had a wonderful time. And you are right, the simple things are the best

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I knew you would post something to the effect “a wonderful time was had by all.” It’s wonderful to get together with family that can enjoy and appreciate each other. I have 3 sisters and when we can get together so glad we have a close relationship like your family. Glad too that you have your mom with you.

  4. Lesley says:

    Yes, beautiful post.

  5. Jenna Hoff says:

    What a beautiful visit with special people. Contentment is such a foundation for simplicity isn’t it? I’be had some really unwell hard days the past few weeks and I have been anything but content. Ornery is more like it. But I started my morning reading your lovely blog and I am inspired to take a deep breath and start over and try to make today a day of more simple, quiet contentedness. The funny thing about being a mother that I’ve learned over the years is I set the tone of the climate in the home. If I’m onery and malcontent the whole family is impacted. It doesn’t matter if I have a good reason (the health issues I’m facing, which I’m in a mad state about), it trickles down and influences my whole family. I’m going to take a lesson from your sweet mom and aim for contenredness in the simple life. Thanks for helping me start today with a goal it will be a great day for my family.

    Glad you had such a nice trip.

    • Becky says:


      You are so right in saying that a mom’s attitude trickles down to the whole family. It is a huge (yet joyful) responsibility.

      I am so very sorry you are continuing to struggle with health challenges. I know you long to get up and go and get up and do; to be sidelined for this season is a tough, tough thing. I have always admired your attitude in the midst of it all, trying to find beauty and simplicity in the middle of the pain.

      And don’t be too hard on yourself for having those occasional down days. They are part of life’s process, part of the coping process, part of the healing process.

      So thankful to know that the blog post made a difference in your day.

  6. mrs pam says:

    ‘Tis the gift to be simple
    ‘Tis the gift to be free
    ‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be
    And when we find ourselves in the place just right
    It will be in the valley of love and delight….

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Thank you for sharing such beautiful words today. Who was that poem by?

      • AnnO. says:

        Becky, beautiful post! I love posts about your mom, and time with your family up north. I’m reading the post a few days late, and was looking through comments. The poem Mrs. Pam excerpts is:

        “Simple Gifts” written by Elder Joseph in 1848 while he was at the Shaker community in Alfred, Maine. These are the lyrics to his one-verse song:

        ‘Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free
        ‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
        And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
        ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
        When true simplicity is gained,
        To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed,
        To turn, turn will be our delight,
        Till by turning, turning we come ’round right.

        The song was largely unknown outside Shaker communities until Aaron Copland used its melody for the score of Martha Graham’s ballet Appalachian Spring, first performed in 1944. Copland used “Simple Gifts” a second time in 1950 in his first set of Old American Songs for voice and piano, which was later orchestrated. Many people thought that the tune of “Simple Gifts” was a traditional Celtic one but both the music and original lyrics are actually the compositions of Brackett. “Simple Gifts” has been adapted or arranged many times since by folksingers and composers.
        (Thanks to wikipedia!)

        Below is a link to a beautiful video of the familiar tune with YoYo Ma playing the music, and Allison Krauss singing the words later in the video.

        Thanks so much for your post about your very special Mother’s Day!

        • Becky says:


          Thanks so much for sharing the author and the rest of the poem. Beautiful!

          And since I love Allison Krauss’ singing, the video was a special treat. Thank you!

      • mrs pam says:

        Ann O
        Is in the know!

        (this poem by me.)

  7. dmantik says:

    We miss you! Can’t we just hit rewind and do it all again?! It’s so fun to see your visit through your words and camera lens–wraps it up in such a lovely, memory-preserving bundle! 🙂

    Loved the tribute to mom. We are blessed daughters indeed. So thankful she taught us to love the simple things.

    Since I tend to feel that I run a distant 3rd to you and Ruth in the home decor department, your pretty pictures and affirming words meant a lot to me–thank you!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      Yes. You hit rewind and I’ll jump on the plane. We’ll be a team! 🙂

      Thankful for you, and Ruth and mom–for the many varieties of beauty you each bring to my life.

  8. Ann Martin says:

    You are so much like your Mom. Reading, notes, walks, and singing. So reminded me of you when looking at her pictures. Beautiful lady. Happy you got to spend time with your family there. Life is too short. Thanks for Megan.

  9. Ruth says:

    Very nice post, Bec. We have a wonderful mom, a living example of what a woman of God should be, and I know “we three” want to follow her pattern. I agree Deb keeps a lovely, soothing atmosphere going in her home and it is a blessing to any who visit there. Thank you for writing so many good posts about your life, at home and abroad.

    • Becky says:


      Steve asked me why I didn’t have more pictures of you and Debbie in my post and I said, “Because they both hate to have their pictures taken!” 🙂

      So glad you could come be with us and hang out amidst the birds and the candles. Good memories.

  10. LeeAnne says:

    The simple things really are the best. 🙂 Wonderful post.

  11. Margie says:

    Wonderful memories ?

  12. Mel says:

    Great post Becky. Life really is so much better when you know how to enjoy the simple things. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It seems like it’s a lesson I have to keep re-learning because complexity keeps trying to creep back in!

  13. Steve says:

    Lovely post.

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