Sidewalk Bright Spots

June 15, 2012

Thanks to all of you who have sent hugs and prayers to Sarah, either here or on  Facebook.  The night we spent in Ohio, she was running a 100 degree temp, coughing pretty badly and very pale.  We had plans to find an Urgent Care for her the next day but when she got up, the fever was broken and she had a lot more color and a lot more energy so we’re just holding steady and seeing some good progress every day.

We picked up Nathan and Meagan at the Milwaukee airport yesterday and it turns out that they had both been sick for several days.  Then when we arrived at my sister’s house (where we’ll be staying) she said that SHE had been sick all week!

Fortunately, all the affected folks seem to be on the mend today although there are a few hacks and sniffles to be heard from various parts of the house.  Steve and I have been dispensing all manner of cold, cough and flu meds to Nathan, Meagan and Sarah and I have enjoying getting to be mom to kids who need a little extra mothering. (Which we moms always love.)

When the three of us had lunch in Washington’s Union Station on Tuesday, Sarah was feeling pretty perky.


However, when lunch got over, this was the picture Steve caught of the two of us.

A little mommy time is one of the best meds out there!DSC_6889

Speaking of lunch at Union Station, the food was wonderful and the people watching opportunities were fabulous.  I ordered a Monte Cristo sandwich which I haven’t had in about twenty years.  It was delicious, not to mention patriotic looking.


Steve ordered a salad and we both took note of the attractively peeled cucumbers.  (We are easily impressed.)



After lunch, we took off again for more rainy day meanderings.   We were, if nothing else, a bright spot on the sidewalk!


And sidewalk bright spots are always a good thing.

14 comments so far.

14 responses to “Sidewalk Bright Spots”

  1. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    So glad Sarah and everyone else is recovering!  Hoping the reunion is a fabulous time for all.

  2. Guerrina says:

    Wonderful news that Sarah and all are beating the bug and you’re enjoying your vacation! SO glad to hear you make yourself “sit” for pics. My Mom was the picture taker and I have wonderful pics of everyone except her.  Take many with you in them…they are priceless to a child! 

  3. moi_aussi says:

    So glad to hear Sarah is feeling better! And so happy that you are with Nathan and Meagan 🙂

  4. Mary H says:

    So happy you are safe and somewhat physically sound with family.  Sarah is a real trooper vacationing and sight seeing when feeling funky.  I am sure Snowy is sorry he hasn’t been able to perform his Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy duties but I am sure his heart is with her from afar.

  5. Bljpulley says:

    I’m so glad to see you and Sara together in the photos.  As I look back on many family photo’s it is like I was not there and I’m always happy to see you in the picture.  I’m glad that Sarah is feeling better. and Nathan and Megan too ~ I know you are in Hogs Heaven.  Enjoy your vacation!  Becky

    • Becky Smith says:

      I have to keep reminding myself to occasionally put myself into pictures since I love taking them so much.  Thanks for the encouragement to keep doing that.

  6. Gadamson2 says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying your road trip right along with you.  So glad Sarah is better.  Enjoy our wonderful, beautiful state of Wisconsin.  (Glenna)

  7. Jill says:

    Glad you made it safely to your destination and everyone seems to be on the mend! Enjoy your time together.

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