Shoes and Books and Her.

September 16, 2016

Tuesday I had to go to Virginia Beach, which I have done a few dozen times since we’ve lived in Manteo.

However, now whenever I have to make that trip, there is an extra dab of happiness added to the day because I get to see this person–in person!  


When Sarah and I were making our plans, she told me to meet her in the visitor parking lot near this bridge. (Her dorm building is immediately beyond the bridge on the left.)


And because I am making a concerted effort to be in front of the camera more, rather than always behind it, I had her get a picture of me on yon bridge.


After the picture-taking had been accomplished, we walked across the bridge together and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.


I trundled along beside her (well, in this picture I was actually trundling behind her) and let her be my personal GPS since I was directionally–clueless. 


After lunch, she gave me a quick tour of the Communications Building which is where she has most of her classes. (The students call it the Com Building because they are cool.)

This picture shows how close it is to the bridge and her dorm. She can walk there in less than five minutes.



She goes in a side entrance for classes but this is the front entrance.  Pretty cool building to have classes in, right? The building has an auditorium that hosts a variety of community and college concerts and plays so that’s why the lobby is so magnificent.


img_5938 Sarah gave me the grand tour.  (This is way to the back of the building where its decor is more down-to-business.)


One of her classrooms.


I was fascinated by the area where the set design takes place. I had forgotten just how fragrant wood shavings are!


All the doors were extra high to allow for large set pieces to be moved in and out.


We saw classrooms where acting classes took place . . .


and a whole bunch of signs highlighting all sorts of interesting study topics.

From there we went back to her room so that I could see it now that she and her roommates have gotten settled in.

It gave me a momentarily sad feeling to see her little collection of shoes in a closet other than the one at home. (sniff.)


While we were talking another student, one of Sarah’s Life Group leaders, stopped by for a sec. Sarah told her she had a job interview that afternoon and her friend gave her a happy high-five.


I gave the little typewriter to her a couple of years ago for Christmas; it is serving her well as a book end. I have seen that Narnia book on her bookshelf in her bedroom for a dozen years and viewing it gave me the same mama heart palpitations I had when I saw the transplanted shoes.


She showed me her desk and a couple DVD’s a professor just loaned her.


Since she had to change clothes and get to a job interview, I gave her a hug, prayed with her and headed on out.

On the way through the halls . . .


I had to stop and admire the decor her Resident Advisor had put together. The hall’s theme is Neverland, from Peter Pan.




It was great seeing such comfy seating area near the elevators . . .


and a poster near the door.  I loved what the poster said and was thankful that my daughter is experiencing this level of education.


Just as I was getting ready to walk back to my car, I had the sneaky idea of finding Sarah’s car in the parking lot . . .


and lurking somewhere nearby to take pictures as she left.

Within ten minutes of my mama lurkdom, this is what I saw. img_5994-001

And the same feeling hit as when I saw the shoes in another closet and the books on a new book shelf. Except this time it wasn’t about inanimate objects, it was about . . . HER.

This lovely, grown up girl was heading out of her dorm room, to her car, to drive to her job interview–all without any advice, assistance or input from Steve and me.

Despite the lump in my throat as I saw her that day, I am so very proud of her. And truthfully, I am also amazed at just how well she has adjusted to life at college. She has taken all the many adjustments in stride, in her usual poised and quiet way.


And in case you are wondering?  Yes, she DID spot me skulking around, although I was quite a ways away. She smiled at me, gave me a happy wave, and then was off in her car, driving toward so many destinations she has yet to discover.

Love my girl!



23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Shoes and Books and Her.”

  1. Mary H says:

    I have been away for a bit and then when I returned, the work load was huge so I am just now catching up. What a great story and what a wonderful visit. Sarah looks fantastic and it does my heart good to see her so strong, happy and successful. There is one photo of her during treatment that is always clear in my mind. You are holding her in your lap and she is so sick and I think she is crying as Steve bends over the two of you. What a transformation. What a miracle girl. So proud of all of you. Happy life, Miss Sarah.

    • Becky says:


      I was just thinking the other day that I missed seeing your name (and comments) popping up here. So glad to see you!

      That photo you are referring to is one of my favorites, as well. So very poignant. And you’re right–she has come a long, long way!

  2. Jodi says:

    She’s looking amazing! And, it sounds like she’s doing AMAZING! I’m sure it makes your Mommy HEART HAPPY! Did she get the job (and what will she be doing)? I bet you’re counting the days until her cars pulls back into the driveway?

    • Becky says:


      She won’t hear on the job for a couple of days. It was to be a receptionist. If that doesn’t work out, she will probably head back to Food Lion.

  3. Kari says:

    Prayers for Sarah to get the receptionist job! She looks so adult and grown up and confident! Her dorm is beautiful, so clean and cheery looking, the campus looks beautiful too, not like the campus and dorms at U of M, especially on Game Days!

    • Becky says:


      It is a lovely campus, that’s for sure! I think the excitement of a Game Day would be fun but the quieter days in between would be even better. 🙂

  4. Ann Martin says:

    Sarah looks so good and happy. Praying for the right job for her. Thanks for the wonderful post.

  5. Liz W says:

    Sarah’s look is so sophisticated, especially her haircut, and yet so right for a young college student who has the world and all its possibilities ahead of her. What an amazing young woman!

    • Becky says:


      I do like her haircut, too. It suits her sophisticated, elegant, quirky look so well.

      I am grateful for all the possibilities that lie ahead for her, especially when I think she almost didn’t have them.

  6. Phyllis says:

    Good luck to Sarah on her job interview.

  7. Jan Reuther says:

    I believe her confidence comes because she has been shown the way and taught the path…and the rest just falls into line for her.

    I can wait to see some of the results of all the learning she can do in that beautiful, well equipped building.

  8. mrs. pam says:

    such a lovely student in such a lovely school… with such a lovely mom, too.

  9. Guerrina says:

    How radiant is her smile ans so beautiful in her interview outfit! Moms are not the best at invisible stalking, especially when we’re expected to stalk! 🙂

    You look equally as beautiful, Becky!

  10. Steve says:

    Nice to see her smiles in her new neighborhood!

  11. beckylp says:

    what a wonderful visit you had an how pretty she looked in that dress. I figured she would see you “stalking her” because I believe she has learned to be very aware of who and what is around her – you all have done a good job with your sweet girl. Did she get the job?

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your kind words about her. And yes, I’m glad that she was paying attention and saw her “stalker!”

      The job was as a receptionist; she won’t know for a week. If that doesn’t work out, she will probably go to a local Food Lion.

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