Sharing Our Tears.

August 16, 2012

Thank you so very much for the hundreds of messages, prayers, and encouragements that have come our way over the past twenty-four hours.   We are living in a much emptier house with much emptier hearts but we are so touched to know that in this time of Snowy-less transition, so many are thinking of us.

In the next few hours, I hope to write a much longer post with pictures; for now, though, our family simply wants to say thank you for sharing our experience and sharing our tears.

15 comments so far.

15 responses to “Sharing Our Tears.”

  1. Lisa from Georgia says:

    I have been out of the loop for awhile and just saw the news about Snowy. I am so sorry to read that he is gone. I know it was a huge loss for you all. Even though I am a bit late I will still pray as I know you still need it. Love to all of you, Lisa

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    Let me try this again; for some reason my comments aren’t working. I’m so, so sorry for your loss; I know how much all of you loved your little guy.
    You were so compassionate in how you cared for him during his last days. You gave him and all of you a chance to say “Good bye,” but you always put his comfort first. He was a lucky pup to have all of you, just as you were all lucky to have found him.

  3. Angela says:

    Praying for you and your family. I have lost many pets…. the first one being when I was only 7. He died from complications of Diabetes. We had to put his sister down at the ripe old of 17 years when I was in Grade 8. Since then we have had a number of cats come into our house as we became a foster family for rescued cats. Our last batch that we decided to adopt are reaching an age where they could go at anytime. I am dreading that day. Knowing the pain that will come. Know that you will heal and remember them with happiness. My fondest memory of Arcimeda was coming home from a 2 week vacation and having her running to greet us. Her coat was amazingly white with her black spots…. having spent 2 weeks in a house with no dirt to roll in she was a very clean cat.
    Praying for peace,

  4. Melanie says:

    I’m so sorry, Becky. I’ve been watching Snowy for several years now. I remember the time he got lost in the snow and how happy I was to find out he was OK.
    He was blessed to have a happy life with the Smiths. 🙂
    I’ll be praying for you all. We’ve had our share of pet passings and it’s never easy. Take care. (hugs).

  5. Peggy Shepard says:

    so very sorry for the loss of Snowy, prayers for peace and healing being sent your way.
    You have such wonderful memories may they bring strength in the coming days.
    Hugs and Blessings Peggy

  6. My heart is aching for you as it does remind me of our own pet losses. While we never planned on adding to our family again as the heart ache is so difficult with the loss we found ourselves gifted a new dog. Much to our delight we love having them as a part of our family. While we have not replaced them as they each had their own personalities we are very happy to be pet owners again as they bring so much love and happiness. Praying for happy days ahead for you. Hugs from Iowa!!

  7. Lynne Kirk Lankford says:

    The love shown by Snowy to your family was always unconditional. Wouldn’t it be great if humans were that way? I had a solid white pekingese named Nikki several years ago that I too had to make the same difficult decision. I grieve for your family today.
    Pawprints Left By You
    You no longer greet me,
    As I walk through the door.
    You’re not there to make me smile,
    To make me laugh anymore.
    Life seems quiet without you,
    You were far more than a pet.
    You were a family member, a friend,
    a loving soul I’ll never forget.
    It will take time to heal-
    For the silence to go away.
    I still listen for you,
    And miss you every day.
    You were such a great companion,
    Constant, loyal and true.
    My heart will always wear,
    the pawprints left by you.
    Becky, I do not know who wrote this. I hope it gives you and your family the comfort it still gives to me when I read it. I know you said you will continue to write about Snowy so I would like to suggest that Steve answers if there is a Heaven for our animals. I know people say animals do not have souls, but I believe animals can bring out the very best in a person.
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Mary H says:

      I am not answering for Steve, by any means, about animals and Heaven. However, my sister who is an Ursuline nun firmly believes that animals go to Heaven because what would a Heaven be without animals and she will not spend eternity without them. If His eye is on the sparrow, I can’t imagine the sweet, innocent and pure beings that are animals, would not inherit a place in Heaven. Just my thoughts.

  8. Jodie French says:

    Praying so hard for you family. It is very very hard to loose our four legged kids. Time will help and there will come a day when you can smile through your tears remembering all the wonderful moments you shared with him. I lost my beautiful golden retreiver to cancer over a year ago and still grieve for her. There is a wonderful company out here called Peaceful Paws. They cremate and then send the ashes back in a beautiful box with a paw print for you to treasure. I don’t know if you have something similar out there but it really helped me. Although everyone thought I was a little crazy moving the box around to her favorite spots throughout the day. 🙂 Snowy will show you signs that he is okay. My golden loved bugs. She would chase them every day. One day I woke up to a deck full of catepillars. I had not ever seen one around my yard before and they were everywhere. I know she was telling me she was okay because I was just having such a hard time. I also was sitting in my bed and it was pouring raining outside. This was about 10:00 at night. A ladybug flew right into my face! God Bless our pets!!! xoxoxo

  9. Gail Puckett says:

    Becky and family, real friends (even online ones) shares tears and hurt as much as we do triumphs and joy. Please know our hearts are saddened because you are sad. We love you and Snowy too!

  10. says:

    I know in so many ways Snowy shared Sarah’s journey. I grieve with you today. Praying.

  11. Tammy says:

    I normally am not a big “cryer”… but I lost a few tears over the past week or so reading your Snowy blogs. He is such a cutie and having 2 dogs myself, know they can certainly become a huge part of your family. I went home and hugged my pups a little tighter last night in honor of Snowy. Thank you for sharing with all of us. God Bless and take care.

  12. Mary H says:

    HUGS! and still tears.

  13. Pilotbutterfly--Amm says:

    It’s odd but the tears came more with this short post than before. Guess it just hits at different times. Still praying for all of you.

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