Seven Days. And Covid.

February 20, 2023

It’s been quite the week.


We helped Sarah and Gage move to their new apartment on the south side of Charlotte. (Just ten minutes from Gage’s job.)

Steve got in there and did his part–ailing hip and all.

He also got their table put together.  We have had this table in our family since Sarah was about seven. It’s in a lot of the meal-related pictures that I’ve posted over the years. The table has been there for our family’s stories, tears, and laughter–and thousands of our meals. I’m glad it’s staying in the family.

Thankful for these guys! (I offered to lend them my impressive carrying skills but they said they thought they would be okay.)

Sarah and Gage were so thrilled to have finally found a place of their own.

Let me just tell you a quick story about the helpers.

The Addidas shirt guy is one of Gage’s co-workers who just randomly volunteered to help. Having that extra muscle made a huge difference in the process, especially with Steve’s hip the way it is.

The guy in the green got there as part of a pretty cool story.

A couple of weeks ago, Steve was leaving our street in his Miata and noticed a guy pushing a little boy in a stroller.  Steve stopped to introduce himself and as they started talking, Gage came down the street on the way to work.  He stopped and Steve introduced him to the young man.  And then, just randomly, Steve asked the neighbor if he liked to play board/video games. The guy lit up and mentioned one of his favorites which is also one of Gage’s favorites.

Then the guy invited Gage and Sarah to come to his church.  As it turns out, there is another young couple in the neighborhood (here’s where the guy in the green shirt comes in) who goes to the same church. Sarah and Gage visited the church and loved it.  So in one fell swoop, they found a church and a whole new friend group. Definitely an answer to many prayers. (And it’s especially amazing that they met them just one week before moving from the neighborhood; just in time!)


Steve and I moved a veritable ton of heavy furniture to get the living room and kitchen ready to have the ceiling, crown molding, and baseboards painted.  (The painters gave us a couple of hundred dollars off if we did the prep work ourselves.)

And yes, we should have done it before we got all the furniture moved in but there were so many other more urgent details to attend to.

Some of the stuff we were able to move a few feet and just cover up but other stuff ended up in the den…

and some of the stuff ended up in Sarah and Gage’s recently evacuated bedroom.

In the space of a couple of hours, the room went from this . . .

to this.

Of course, I couldn’t keep from extracting a few artistic shots from the mess.


There were two painters in the house for eight hours so I ran a few errands and then stayed ensconced in the back of the house out of the way. (Steve and I did all that work covering everything.)



After having had a sore throat all day Wednesday, I tested positive for Covid on Thursday.

Of course, with my lung disease, any illness that can seriously affect the lungs tends to create some anxiety. I had Covid fourteen months ago, and it took my lungs six months to recover.

Friday and Saturday

The two days were a blur of sleep, sore throat, fever, cough, weakness, and body aches. Steve checked on me frequently, refilling my water, making light meals, replenishing my Kleenex, doing dishes and laundry, and making sure I had everything I needed. Sarah sent Gage over with her delicious homemade chicken soup which was the sweetest thing.


I started to feel marginally better and the fevers ended.


Still a long way from feeling well. I’ve been working on this post bit by bit over the week so as not to wear myself out.  I am putting on the final touches and then heading back to bed.

Here’s my little writing room/guest room which will eventually be painted. (I just got the bedspread from FB Marketplace for $12.)

I know the wing chair would look better sitting in the corner facing out, but I am completely incapable of writing without a window to look out of.

I’m getting ready to buy stock in Kleenex.

So that ends the tour of the week; thanks for reading along.   I hope your week is a great one.

What about you?

I didn’t refer to it in the post, but we are having a really, really early spring here in Charlotte. Thursday it is supposed to hit the low 80’s. Is your spring early where you are, or about normal?

Have you had Covid more than once? How many times?  Was the second time worse or about the same?




33 comments so far.

33 responses to “Seven Days. And Covid.”

  1. DeLynn says:

    Somehow I missed this post until today! I was wondering if something was wrong!
    Glad to hear you are doing better. My husband and I have each had Covid twice. The first time was much worse than the second (we are not vaccinated).

    What is the distance between the Longs and you now?
    Have you and Steve made any progress in finding a church? That is not an easy task sometimes.

    Blessings on you.

    • Becky says:


      Sarah and Gage are about 25 minutes from us; a straight shot up the freeway so it’s an easy trip.

      As for a church, we visited one yesterday that we are going to return to next week. You’re right; it’s NOT an easy task for find a new church family.

  2. Phyllis says:

    So sorry you have COVID again. My neighbor just tested positive on Monday. She had it last May I believe. When I talked to her today, she said this time isn’t as bad. She likes to be on the go so having to stay sequestered is hard. Knock on wood, I have yet to get COVID. My parents both had it within a month of moving into the long-term care facility. Hope you are feeling much better by now. My niece’s half-sister, her husband and all EIGHT of their kids had it right after Christmas.
    Weather here has been up and down. Monday was in the 60s and little wind, yesterday in the 60s but windy, rainy this morning and 60s again. Tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 34 I believe with wind chill in the teens. We haven’t had one snow that hit the threshold for my neighborhood to plow. It has to be 3 inches before that happens.
    I am getting ready to have my whole house painted on the inside. I won’t be moving the furniture but have to empty my curio cabinet. I’m also having some pull-outs added to my lower cabinets and having them the lower cabinets re-stained. Thankfully the upper cabinets don’t need refinishing.

    • Becky says:


      I can’t quite imagine being sick along with my spouse and all eight children. Wow. I’m just thankful Steve hasn’t gotten it and hope it stays that way.

      You’ll enjoy all that fresh new paint in your house. Glad you don’t have to move any of your furniture!

  3. Kristy Smith says:

    Just northwest of Charlotte, Hickory is having a lovely early spring. Early last week daffodils were growing out of the bricks outside my office. I thought of this blog when I took a picture which I titled, “Hope springs eternal.” After spending two and a half winters in Connecticut, I’m grateful.

    Wishing you a rapid recovery.

    • Becky says:


      Hope spring eternal is a lovely description of daffodils growing out of bricks.

      I can only imagine that a few winters in CT would make you very grateful for a NC early spring. Enjoy!

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Oh no….I’m so sorry that you are sick with COVID again. Ugh. Do take it easy and take care!!

    I have never had Covid but my hubs had it once, back in November of 2020. He lost his sense of smell. Ever since then, he will very randomly start smelling smoke. Sometimes it lasts a long time sometimes not very long at all. How weird!

    We have had some nice warm 50° days. But we are nowhere near spring yet! Our high this coming Thursday is supposed to be 14°. I’m ready for Spring though!!🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, after I had COVID the first time, I also smelled smoke at random times. I’ve heard other people say that, too. It makes absolutely no sense!

      Our high today is supposed to be in the 80’s. Pretty weird for February. I know you will really appreciate spring when it gets there.

  5. dmantik says:

    I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with covid again. Thankful you seem to be on the upswing and continued prayers that your lungs will be unaffected. We’ve both had it several times over the last few years, and each time it was with different symptoms and severity levels. It’s a very weird virus.

    It makes me sooo happy to read that Sarah and Gage have not only found their own place but have found a church and some friends to go along with it! That was an amazing story of how Steve and Gage connected with the guys. And they were willing to help Sage move? A sign of some good friends for sure! 🙂

    That was a huge amount of prep work you guys did. I’m glad you at least hired out some of the painting. You two need to get reaquainted with your easy chairs and put your feet up for a bit!

    Sending love!


    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was definitely an answer to prayer the way Sarah and Gage got connected with that church and friend group. And as you said, to find new friends who will also help move is beyond marvelous.

      Steve’s work this week has been installing two fan/lights with all the accompanying tools and stuff. I think I might be just a few days away from all the mess being done for good!

  6. Donna Buckley says:

    So sorry you are not feel well. Prayers for healing and restoration. I have only had Covid once and never want to get it again.
    We are also having mild weather in Virginia. Some of the spring flowers are springing up. I am thankful for a mild winter this year.
    You house project is continuing to come along beautifully. I love the bedspread. What a great find! I hope the kids enjoy their new home and church. God is so good!

    • Becky says:


      I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a mild winter in NC. I know Virginia is so beautiful in the spring. Enjoy!

      Yes, I was glad to find the bedspread and at such a good price. Love bargains!

  7. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    I am so sorry you have Covid again – especially because of your health, but glad you are feeling better. I probably have told this before, but in looking at the empty room and then seeing it filled with stuff reminds me of a story that was in an Army newspaper – the story is “I’m in the Army Now” – part of the story is that a guy was digging this hole and asked the Sarge what he should do with the dirt – “dig another hole and put it in there.” Your room – although empty at one point got filled up again. But know it will eventually all get done. Love crown molding and anxious to see what the final result will be. Hopefully we will get pictures of Gage’s and Sarah’s apartment. Isn’t it wonderful how the Lord put those folks together with Gage and Sarah! What timing!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am well on my way to recovery, with just some lingering weakness and laryngitis.

      That Army story is an excellent description of what we’ve been doing. Move the furniture here. Then move the furniture there. And repeat. 🙂

      I’m sure Sarah and Gage will have some photos to share soon. We’re so thankful that they have finally found their spot.

  8. Debbie Couture says:

    Becky, I have had Covid twice. The first time was May of 2020. My whole family had it then. We were sick for two weeks and it was pretty bad. The second time was January 2022. We were a lot less sick that time. Maybe a week that time. Hope your second time having it is not as bad as your first.
    We are having an early spring in Northern Virginia too. We expect 78 on Thursday. Daffodils and crocus blooming. Best of luck with covid this time.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’ve heard other people say the second time around with Covid was not so bad. That was certainly true for me.

      It sounds like you are having similar weather to us today although we will be even a little warmer, in the low 80s. Looks like it’s time to start sorting through summer clothes–if I can find them!

  9. Cindy says:

    I believe I’ve had Covid twice, the first time before we knew much about it was the worst! I don’t think I have ever been that sick before. The second time wasn’t as bad and at least that time I knew what was wrong. I hope you recover soon!

    I wish I could say we’re having nice weather, but the snow isn’t done here yet. Hopefully after this week our weather will improve. Tomorrow is supposed to be okay and hopefully I will make it grocery shopping, but I can always have my friend Dave take me shopping. I am so ready to see the sun and the snow gone. Since I knew a storm was coming our way I went to my favorite grocery store and bought a key lime pie along with other yummy things.

    So happy that Sarah and Gage have a new group of friends! Their apartment looks awfully cute. Hopefully soon you will all feel settled in your respective homes!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I just read that you are all supposed to be getting slammed with snow this week.

      I bet that key lime pie you but is not half as good as YOUR wonderful cooking.

      Stay warm and cozy!

      • Cindy says:

        Well it wasn’t as bad as predicted, we got about five inches. We are running out of space to put the snow. My doctor appointment had to be postponed until next Wednesday. My friend Dave cleared out paths in the snow and then took me grocery shopping today. I am so ready for spring to arrive!

  10. Suzanne says:

    Yay for Gage and Sarah – a new apartment, new church, new friends! What an exciting time in their lives!

    BOOOO for Covid, round 2! I’m so sorry you are sick and I hope that you get better quickly. I’ve only had Covid 1 time and it was very mild. For that matter, each of my immediate family has only had Covid once and my mother hasn’t had it at all!

    Spring is here in Georgia, as well. I love warm weather and late Spring/early Summer or late Summer/Early Fall are my favorites! My guess is that we’ll get a big cold snap soon though.

    They house is coming along great! I love everything y’all are doing to it. I am STILL working through the disaster I call a junk room. I have moved out mountains of trash and Goodwill items though so there’s progress being made no matter how slow it is!

    Hoping for a “feel great” week for you all!

    • Becky says:


      You and I both love the same seasons! And early spring is knocking at our door.

      Good for you on your progress in cleaning out your junk room. If you think of what it looked like a month or two (or three) ago, you will see that you’re doing a good job!

  11. Patti says:

    So sorry to hear you have covid again. I was totally vaccinated and boostered when it finally caught me New Years Day. It was a very light case and I was able to start Paxlovid right away. My immune compromised husband, and the friend on active chemo that we were with the night before did not get it-go figure. Prayers that you start feeling better and have less recovery time.
    While some of my bulbs are starting to sprout, we are suppose to get more snow this week. I don’t see much of an early spring here yet. March can still be snowy and cold in MI. My husband would love your 80 degrees, but I like it cold.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you; I could have used a little more cold weather before spring decided to make an early appearance. But I’m not complaining; spring is so beautiful here.

      Thankful that your husband and friend did not get Covid; isn’t it crazy how people you think for sure will get it, don’t? Glad you had a light case and hopefully, it won’t come around any more!

  12. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    Lovely bedspread! And I totally understand the window – I have always had my sewing machine in front of a window. 🙂

    We’ve had rollercoaster temps here – but every Sunday since the first of the year has just been glorious: warm, sunny. I’ve made the most of those days by hiking or washing my car or working in the yard. 🙂

    So sorry you’re dealing with Covid again. I’ve had it three times, and all three were remarkably different.

    First time, in April 2020: down for two full weeks – felt like I’d been hit by a truck – constant cough – horrendous headache – shortness of breath – fever for 10 days straight – exhausted all the time.

    Second time, in December 2021: felt like a bad cold, sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache.

    Third time, in September 2022: horrible sore throat, headache, cough, fever, loss of taste/smell.

    The second and third times I had it, I’d been vaxxed and boosted.

    • Becky says:


      Three times. Wow! And it’s so interesting to me how each time someone has it, it’s so different from the time before. You are hereby a professional Covid-er so that gives you dispensation to NOT get it anymore. (I just made up that rule but it sounded good to me.)

      Glad I have another person who has to look out a window in order to work. There’s something about blue skies and green grass that feed my creative soul.

  13. Dale Tousley says:

    I hope you feel better soon Becky, my husband and I are twice vaccinated and once boostered but I know that doesn’t always protect you against COVID, my poor daughter is also vaccinated and boosted but works in a very crowded restaurant and has had it twice as well….the first time it really knocked her for a loop, the second was much milder. We are over here in Raleigh and are enjoying the same mild winter you are, I love it, however my son, who just moved back here from Kansas does not care for the warm weather, he loves the cold and apparently Kansas is getting socked this year with cold and snow so he is really missing that!

    • Becky says:


      So glad your son has made it back with you but sorry he’s been welcomed by unseasonably warm temps. I don’t EVER remember such a warm, short winter!

      I can only imagine that people like your daughter who work so closely with the public would get Covid more than once. Glad her second time was lighter.

  14. Kaye Joyce says:

    I am so happy that Gage and Sarah found a place… are they close to Concord now?? Your family has the most adventures ever and I love that you share them with us. Makes my life seem kinda boring.. lol. You are going to feel like you have a whole new house…well, you kinda do… when all is said and done. I hope you all make many wonderful memories in that house. I am still being caregiver for my hubby with a bum foot….four surgeries, infection in it now and probably another surgery soon. Ugh.. But God has been faithful as always to keep me healthy so I can do it all. My mom was in the hospital ten days with covid… she is 86 and has COPD and asthma so that was a battle she almost lost. She was in ICU for six of those days. I am happy to report she is doing wonderful now. God is good. We buried her last living sibling last week though and she is the last one left out of 10. She is going to miss her brother as they talked on the phone twice every day. The weather is warming up much to my dismay…. I want snow and I hate hot weather. The Lord gives us what we need though so I will take what he sends and stay inside. Hope you are on the mend from covid. Nasty stuff just doesn’t seem to want to go away. Praying for you all and for your Florida kiddos to soon join with you all in Charlotte. That is so wonderful!!!! Love and hugs.

    • Becky says:


      Their apartment is in South Charlotte and Concord is sort of northwest.

      I’m so sorry your husband may be facing another surgery and he’s gotten an infection on top of that. So thankful that you’ve had the good health to be able to care for him; I know he appreciates it so much.

      And to be 86 and have Covid and asthma–wow! Truly amazing that your mom survived all of that. Being the last sibling living out of ten must be a very lonely feeling, indeed. I can’t even begin to imagine.

  15. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    i LOVE that bedspread!! That is all the colors of my house!! 🙂 I am glad you are feeling better… and so happy for Sarah and Gage… what church is it that they are going to? Abby goes to plaza baptist on the south side of Charlotte… and she also loves Trader Joes, so it may be the same one Gage works at! 🙂 I will have to ask her which one it is that is close to her apartment! Everything looks beautiful that is going on in the house… it will be awesome when complete!! I hope you continue to feel better each day!!

    • Becky says:


      I’m enjoying the bedspread, too. We have a lot of sage green and berry in the house so it keeps the color flow going.

      They are going to Center City Church which they love. His Trader Joe’s location is on Rea Rd. He’s brought a few things home from there and their food is wonderful!

      Always good to see your name pop up.

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