Sedation Woes, Birthdays, and Shattered Glass.

February 15, 2021

Words you don’t want to hear medical personnel say following your colonoscopy:

She’s not waking up.

We need to make sure she is not having a stroke.

Do we need to get her in an ambulance to the emergency room?

Yep. Good times.

For some reason, I had a really hard time coming out of sedation.  I had been told earlier that after fifteen minutes, most people are wide awake and ready to get dressed.  In my case, 45 minutes had passed and when I was asked to squeeze the nurse’s hands, I couldn’t do it.  And when I was asked to hold my arms up without assistance, I couldn’t do that either.

Sweet Sarah was in there with me, not quite sure just what was going on with a parade of nurses checking vitals and the doctor stopping in several times.

I remember being irritated by one of the nurses because she would say, “Sweetie, I need you to open your eyes” and I would reply, “They are open” even, as it turns out, they were not.

Finally, an hour and a half-hour after my procedure, at which point most people would have bebopped out of there fully clothed and feeling semi-perky, I was poured into a wheelchair and deposited into the car by two wonderful, long-suffering nurses.  They called when we were about halfway home to make sure I had, indeed, rejoined the land of the living.

Sarah was my intrepid co-pilot and caregiver through it all.  She takes good care of me!

On a less dramatic note . . .

we celebrated Gage’s 26th birthday Saturday night.

You know the relationship is serious when Gage wears the Smith Birthday Hat for the first time.  How cool is that Sarah wore this very hat for the first time when she was six years old?

Sarah made Gage’s cake from scratch and topped it with one of his favorite candies, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

A handsome couple.

Some of the decor from the party.

Happy birthday, indeed.

In closing . . .

here is a shot of the Florida Smithettes.

They had a little excitement last week when Grayson took a hammer and hit the sliding glass door leading out to the back yard.

Thankfully, it was safety glass and didn’t shatter all over him and the other kids. Nathan got some sort of machine that sucked up all the pieces and now they have to wait two weeks for a new door to come.  Never a dull moment!

Steve started taking his crib apart with a butter knife when he was just a couple of years old so I guess Grayson is just following in the steps of the Smith handymen.

And on the subject of family, last night as the final activity in Gage’s birthday weekend, the four of us watched The Princess Bride, a favorite movie of both the Long and the Smith families.

Popcorn, fuzzy socks, and a warm place to gather with special people on a cold, drizzly night.

Luxuries I will never take for granted. Simple joys that help to make the memories of a lifetime.


What about you?  What did you do for Valentine’s Day?

Did you or your child ever make a big mess like Grayson?

Do you have a favorite movie you watch with your family?





27 comments so far.

27 responses to “Sedation Woes, Birthdays, and Shattered Glass.”

  1. Phyllis says:

    Scary time after your colonoscopy. Glad you finally woke up.
    I didn’t do much Valentine’s Day. It was bitter cold that day plus it was snowing so I watched church online and “zoomed” my Sunday School class. I had some leftover takeout Chinese I had for lunch. I think I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie I had recorded but never had time to watch.
    Happy birthday to Gage!
    It wasn’t me or my child that made a mess but when my brother was probably 20 months old, he was playing on an enclosed porch. He was wearing “training pants” as he was being potty trained. My mother says I was supposed to be watching him – i was 10 at the time. Well, he had an accident and proceeded to smear it all over himself. Because I was supposed to be watching him, my mom made me clean him up. It would have been much easier to throw him in the bathtub but I had to wipe him down. Let’s just say I gagged several times!
    The cold snap appears to be finally breaking in Kansas. We actually got up to a little over 20 degrees today!

    • Becky says:


      I can just picture that scenario with you and your brother. Why is that toddlers love to smear icky stuff all over themselves? I can certainly understand why you were gagging a little. Quite the memory! 🙂

      Glad you are getting up to 20 degrees soon! For NC that would be really cold but I know that’s warmish for other parts of the country. Can’t wait for spring!

  2. SueEllen says:

    Oh wow! How scary that you had such a hard time coming out of sedation. I’m glad you’re doing better now (and hope you had all good news/results from said procedures.) When we lived outside Atlanta we had a sliding door shatter like that from the heat. We were all in the living room when we heard these “crackle-y” noises coming from the dining room. We rushed in and our door looked just like theirs. It stayed that way for a few minutes then tumbled to the floor. Fortunately we were able to get it replaced the next day. Gage looks great in the Smith Birthday Hat!! I’m writing this from my son’s apartment since he has electricity…we’re in the middle of the polar vortex mess in Texas. We got about 6 inches of snow which was nice (no ice preceding it, so REAL snow), but last night’s temps plummeted to -1 and it’s curently a whopping 20 (feels like 11) at 4:00 in the afternoon and our power has been out about 32 of the past 36 hours and the temp inside our home is hovering around 52. Ercot, the power supply “people” over that state are not equipped to handle such demands and most of the state is experiencing power outages. We were “SUPPOSED” to do rolling blackouts, but that hasn’t worked and no one knows how long this will last. It also cancelled plans for our school district to go virtual this week and we’ve cancelled thru tomorrow. (And sleet and ice are due in tonight). Please keep Texas in your prayers. Hope everything else is good with you and yours.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I can’t even imagine what you guys are dealing with right now! To have temps that cold and then for so many people to be without power is beyond words. And more on the way? So very difficult for so many people. I’m glad you are able to move to your son’s apartment for the time being and stay warm.

      That would be very strange to hear a door crack and then have it just sit there for a few minutes before scattering and shattering everywhere. So strange.

  3. Michele says:

    I’m glad you finally woke up and are ok. The picture if your Smithettes is adorable! Looks like Gage had a great birthday! We went out to dinner Saturday night at a German restaurant that could finally re-open as Covid restrictions are loosening. On Valentines Day I got a few little gifts and later we went to a local casino for a few minutes, lost a little money ( I will only lose a small amount).ate pizza Then we came home. Hubby and I never agree in what to watch. Grid thing we have a few TV’s, although I don’t watch much.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like a nice kind of miscellaneous celebration–a little of this, a little that. Sometimes that’s the best kind!

  4. Ellen W says:

    My father in law loves recounting the tale of the time my husband (as a youngster) threw a baseball through their glass door (accidentally). Several days later a new one was installed. A mere half an hour later, my husband hopped on his bike and… rode it straight through the brand new door. I doubt my father in law was chuckling at the time, but he sure gets a kick out of telling the story now. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine how much your father-in-law loves that story because it’s a GREAT one! But when it was happening? Not so much.

      Too funny!

  5. Grateful you woke up, Becky! Must have been unnerving for Sarah. I felt nervous on the repeat version. xox
    Your party sure looks fun. Thanks for the peek. Those big smiles on Gage and Sarah are, hmmm, interesting.:)

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was definitely a bit traumatic for Sarah. Just one of the many medical storms we have weathered together.

      Glad I got to tell you the story in person.

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    That was really scary to hear, that you were not waking up when they thought you should. In a way, I’m glad you did have a longer sleep though, I’m sure it was needed. Those precious grandkids – what a great picture. Gage did wear that birthday hat well. We went to Chili’s for Valentine’s Day. Had a 2 for $25 deal. Wonderful meal. Would have liked to gone for a walk outside afterwards, BUT since it was about -12 degrees, it was not a day for doing that. Hopefully, next Sunday it is to be 30 degrees – HEATWAVE!!!

    • Becky says:


      What a great deal for your Valentine’s Day meal. You know how I love bargains!

      And yes, I think that foregoing the walk as a great idea. You’ll have to wait for that “heatwave” to hit. 🙂

  7. Wendy says:

    Glad you eventually woke up and everything was fine. I woke up during my colonoscopy, Yikes!
    Looks like a fun time was had for Gage’s birthday. What a guy to wear the hat.
    I laughed when I read and saw the picture of the door that Grayson “worked” on, haha! I love the picture of his little legs all bruised from going strong all day long apparently. haha! My son was very much like that too. Never a dull moment with him.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, sleeping too long is DEFINITELY better than waking up too early!

      Grayson is definitely an active fella. I know his parents will love telling the glass door story as the years go by.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Wow…that not waking up sounds scary. Yikes!
    We went on a weekend getaway out of town to a casino with some good friends. Had a great time!
    When we had just finished building our new bedroom, I was attempting to attach a curtain rod to the french door. When I tapped that little nail for the 3rd time, it must have hit the glass inside the frame and it began to crack. It started in the top left corner and in the process of about 4 minutes, it has gone through the rest of the entire glass panel. It just completely crystallized. I just watched in horror and disbelief. I was so afraid that my husband would be mad but he wasn’t. In fact he snickered (slightly) at me when I told him about it, and then gave me a big hug and said ‘it’s OK. We’ll get it fixed’. What a guy!
    Happy birthday to Gage!! He wears that hat well!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Gage wears ALL hats well.

      Hooray for patient husbands. I can only imagine how long those four minutes were as you watched that crack spread and spread . . . and spread. Thankful for safety glass so that there was no flying glass!

  9. Mrs. Pam says:

    Showing results for google weimaraners christmas movie

    “The 12 Days of Christmas” by William Wegman

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I had seen some photos of those dogs but never an actual video! So fun and creative. I know why the kids in your life love them so much!

  10. Mrs. Pam says:

    glad you finally woke up. sounds scary to me.
    Gage’s birthday looked quite festive and happy.
    Family movie: my stepchildren and grandchildren used to come for Thanksgiving and “Christmas” on Saturday. We loved watching The Weimeraners (sp?) live dogs in costumes with human hands cooking and decorating for Christmas…so funny. can’t remember the name, but I will try to google it.

    Precious picture of wee Smiths

  11. krista121799 says:

    Gage looks fantastic in the official birthday hat! I’m sure he had a great birthday!
    And I’m so glad you are better after the not waking up scare!
    We just had a normal day yesterday. Church in the morning, nap, pot roast supper and church in the evening.

    Blessings to you all!

  12. Patti says:

    I understand your slow waking up as that is me. They wanted to transfer me to the hospital. My hubby kept saying just give her more time. Turns out they had put a patch on my ear as I always get sick after anesthetic and that patch was too much for my system.
    Glad Grayson wasn’t injured in his hammer episode. My brother used a screw driver to unscrew all the doorknobs in the house. They were all falling off when you tried to use them. He also used a toy plastic saw to cut off a bloom of my moms cactus. She asked if he did it and he said no. Later she asked “What did you use to cut my flower” and he answered, “My little saw”. It is all in how you ask the question…
    I have tons of favorite movies, but my husband doesn’t like most of them. I am trying to get him to watch Princess Bride as I think he would be surprised by it, but so far I have been unsuccessful. One that we both like is “My Fellow Americans”

    • Becky says:


      Your mom needs to work for the FBI! She’d have criminals confessing in NO time! Love that story.

      Yes, I think a lot of guys would be surprised by Princess Bride since the title sounds like a girl movie. But there is almost more in it that guys would like than gals! Tell him to give it 30 minutes and then he can turn it off if he wants. 🙂

  13. Tammy L Wright says:

    That sounds so scary, Becky! I’m so glad everything ended up okay for you.
    I’m so excited for Sarah. It looks like Gage is truly her “match made in heaven”!
    We hung out as a family, played games, watch a couple of shows and Steve grilled steaks. YUM!

    The girls joyfully emptied a bean bag in their from when they were little. It was a hilarious mess!

    We watch favorite shows right now:
    MacGyver, Magnum, Weakest Link, & All Rise

    Hugs to you all!

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine trying to clean up after the emptying of a bean bag. I’m sure they had enormous fun doing the emptying!

      I love that you celebrated Valentine’s Day as a family. And I have to say, grilled steaks make ANY day a good one.

  14. Cindy says:

    When I had part of my thyroid removed many years ago I did not wake up when I should have. Turns out my Mom, sister, and I have an enzyme that is missing. So we now all wear medic alert bracelets to avoid this from happening again. Hope you can do something similar, all my family was tested. Gage looks very nice in the birthday hat, he seems to fit right in!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. I’ve never heard of the missing enzyme. Interesting that it runs in families.

      Yes, Gage definitely fits in! And he was a good sport to put on that lovely birthday hat.

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