School Days. And Medical Stuff.

February 28, 2014

Tuesday, Sarah and I both wrote posts about her college choice. (If you didn’t read the post, she is going to a Community College for the first two years and then will transfer to Campbell University.)

Since I am such on an organized, on-the-ball kind of blogger, I am just now remembering to post the pictures that I took when Sarah first got her acceptance letter from Campbell. (I know it would have been more logical to have posted them Tuesday, on the actual Talking About College Day but . . . oh well!)





And as for more current educational pursuits, yesterday was Bring A Parent To School Day at Manteo High School. I went for the morning and Steve went for the afternoon.

Here’s Sarah in AP Literature.  Her teacher is from England and has the delightful accompanying accent. Sarah is in heaven in this class.  A subject she loves taught by someone from a country she loves.


Before Sarah and I left for school, I asked Steve to get a couple photos of us.



When he was done, I headed back into the house to grab my purse and Steve snapped this last shot on the way.  Just to give you an idea of the creativity of photo editing, in the space of about five minutes I changed this picture . . .


into this picture.

becky edit



I haven’t mentioned my medical issues much recently but Monday I am going to see my rheumatologist to see if we can do some sort of a revamping of all of my medications. What I’m doing is just not working; I feel like my hands are getting more painful and swollen with each passing week and I am very tired much of the time.  I don’t know if the fatigue is caused by the meds but I wouldn’t be surprised since I’m taking a  pretty potent combo. (Quinine, Methotrexate, and Remicade.)  Thankfully my platelets have rebounded some although they’re still not up to low normal.

This whole thing gets discouraging especially with the continued worsening of my hands. I appreciate those of you who have expressed concern and will let you know how things go after my appointment on Monday.


12 comments so far.

12 responses to “School Days. And Medical Stuff.”

  1. Debbie Couture says:

    Hi Becky, I haven’t seen you post it here but did you know that quinine can cause drug induced ITP-low platelets. I remember that from the time when my daughter had low platelets and just looked it up to be sure. I hope your doctor has mentioned that to you.
    It’s so hard to get on the right drugs to help. I hope and pray you do at this visit.
    Congratulations to Sarah on picking the colleges she is going to. Take care.

    • Becky says:


      My doctor has mentioned the possibility in the past that one of my meds could be the platelet-lowering culprit. We’ll have to discuss all that on Monday and see what kind of Plan B we can come up with. It gets complicated!

  2. Renee says:

    Wow I’m impressed with the photo editing! 🙂 How cool!

    I know I keep saying this, but Sarah is such a wise young woman. I admire her a lot. She knows what she wants, her limits, and what’s best for her. It’s quite remarkable at this age. I’m an introvert too, and I’ve always been to the smallest schools. Sure, university was big, but not as much as the US standard. When I started residency, in the largest hospital of the country, and one of the largest of North American, I didn’t feel like I belonged there. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job and I did a whole lot there. I gained an amazing, unique, experience, but after 3 years it was enough. Now that I’ve moved to a “smaller” tertiary center for my subspecialty, I am much better. I feel like I can breathe more easily!

    I hope your rheumy can find the right cocktail for you soon. It’s so hard to be in pain and tired all the time… You need a break! Keep us updated.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it’s really interesting how some people just thrive in the big, busy atmospheres of some schools and other people feel more like they’re shrinking in those places. The bottom line, as you said, is to know yourself and know your limits and know where you will best bloom.

      It sounds like you’ve ended up in a very good place–I love the way you said that you can ‘breathe more easily.” That’s a great way to put it.

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Impressed by the photo edit. I do not know how to do that. Hope you get some good medical news. Praying.

  4. Jojy Smith says:

    Hoping you can find some answers, Becky. It’s hard to hang in there when you’re in pain!

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Jojy. I’m hopeful we can find another route that will give better results; my rheumatologist did say that there are several different ways to go with treatment so we’ll see what Plan B does for us!

  5. dmantik says:

    I think I will just take a picture of you in to my stylist and tell her to make my hair like yours. Love it! So sorry about the difficulties with your hands and meds–praying the doctor can find what works for you. Glad the platelets are recovering somewhat.

    Loved the pix of Sarah and her school sign and standing in her class–such a cutie! 🙂

    Love deb

    • Becky says:


      Sarah is definitely a cutie! Takes after her mom and aunt, obviously. 🙂 Glad you like my ‘do. I’m in the long process of growing it out and it seems to be taking forever!

  6. LeeAnne says:

    Congratulations sarah on your college decision! Isn’t it exciting?!?!?Only you know the right choice and fit for you. I have two kids….my daughter went to a Community College and then on to a private 4-year college to finish her degree (feared the big University scene) and my son went to a private 4-year college (student population of approx. 1200). A perfect fit for both of them! I’ve watched you grow up into a beautiful and very bright young lady and I’m certain that you will thrive in college, where ever you go! Becky, I’m so sorry that you are having pain and fatigue and the medications aren’t working as you had hoped. I hope that the Dr. can come up with a plan that will work for you. Good luck at your appointment on Monday. Have a good weekend!

    • Becky says:


      How wonderful to hear that the college decisions your kids made were just the right ones for them. We’re blessed to live in a country where we have so many choices! And I know it makes your mama heart happy that they both did so well where they went.

      Thanks for your good wishes for Monday’s appointment. I’m hopeful we will find an answer!

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