Scans and Shingles

October 25, 2018

Just wanted to update you real quickly on my visit to the pulmonologist.

I talked with the resident first who showed me the scan on the computer and went over the results.  He pointed out the nodule and said the plan was to re-scan in 6 months; if the nodule changes at all in that time, they will definitely do a biopsy.

I asked about the “scary terms” I had found on the medical records I had printed off.  He told me that my PFT’s (pulmonary function tests) dropping significantly was what made them decide to go ahead with the high res CT scan.  The scary diseases they had listed were just a couple of diseases that could account for a lower PFT so they were some of the first things they were looking for in order to be able to rule them in or rule them out.

He did say that it didn’t appear as though the Rheumatoid Arthritis had infiltrated the lungs, as was earlier thought. However, he said it could be there in early stages and just not visible on the scan.

After a few minutes he went to get his attending, the doctor in charge.  He was gone for about 15 minutes and when the two of them finally came in the room together they said they had been discussing my case and looking at the scan again and basically scratching their heads over the same question I was bringing up, “Why would I suddenly have more shortness of breath and drop  into the severe category COPD when there was nothing obvious on the scan to explain it?”

They both mentioned the possibility that breathing problems can sometimes be connected to the heart and that an ultrasound of the heart could be ordered. But since I didn’t have other symptoms (i.e., swollen ankles) they thought it was probably a long shot. 

The attending asked me a lot of questions, did an exam and finally said, “I have decided to send your scan back to radiology to have the radiology team look at it again. There is one area I am concerned about that I want their opinion on.  If they think it’s something that needs to be pursued, we’ll call you to have a urine test and a blood workup.  If they feel like it’s just something to watch, then we’ll see you back here again in eight weeks to see how your new inhaler is working for you and see how you are doing in general.”

So that was that.  A fairly good visit although it’s a bit disconcerting to think that I am continuing to stump doctors as to why a non-smoker (who has never even been around cigarette smoke) would have this disease which is mostly contracted by smokers. And the additional question of why it is suddenly getting worse for no obvious reason.

It’s much more comforting when a doctor can say, “This is the problem and this is how we will fix it.”

But in this case? Not so much.  My doctors are saying, “We don’t know what the problem is and therefore, we don’t really know how much we can do about it.”

I did have a little talk with them about the delay in getting the results and was given a heartfelt apology which I appreciated.

In other medical news, my dear hubby has come down with a painful case of shingles on top of a respiratory infection.  Good times in the old town tonight!

In happier news, Sarah and I are going to take the afternoon off together and get lunch and go shopping at Goodwill.  We are the poster gals for a cheap but fun outing!

And as far as this photo?  I didn’t have any photo related to the post so I just grabbed this one because it shows a lovely Carolina blue sky and makes me happy.







24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Scans and Shingles”

  1. Brooke R. says:

    You are more patient with medical professionals. I wouldn’t have been able to wait as long as you. I would have said “I’m waiting on the phone, if I have to I’ll wait all day.” Oh, wait, that’s what I did yesterday – I was trying to make an appt w/ a doc and I was told “the nurse will call you back because she can work you in.” It was late in the day and I wasn’t going to wait until today, so I called back after about an hour and said “i’ll just wait here on hold.” I didn’t do that, but they called back and I have an appt Thurs. I am a pain in the rear-end patient – I suspect it’s in my chart. I’ve been called high maintenence because of all my questions. I would have been in tears if I’d had to wait like you did – and then that wouldn’t have been okay.. LOL!

    • Becky says:


      Well, when it’s our own health that it’s on the line, it’s just natural we want to ask lots and lots of questions! I’m the same way.

      Seems odd that you have been called high maintenance for asking questions but oh well . . . at least you get the answers you need!

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So glad you finally got to have a talk with the doctors and that you received an apology. So sorry to hear about Steve and shingles. My husband received his second shot (first one a few years back) and I got my 1st one at the same time, about 2 months ago. I never had chicken pox, but they said it’s best to get a shot anyway. Thank you for keeping your “fans” informed about your health. We never want to forget in praying for you.

    • Becky says:


      You are so sweet to remember us in prayer; thank you for that!

      You guys are smart to get the vaccine. I’m trying to find a place to get vaccinated around here; there seems to be a shortage. I don’t want to take ANY chances of getting it!

  3. SueEllen Williams says:

    I’ve heard shingles are really painful, so prayers that Steve gets relief soon! I wish I knew the exact words to share with you to provide peace in you search for answers. Just know that you (and all the Smith crew) are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Thank you for your words, encouragement and prayers. Steve’s meds are giving him some relief; he said he is so thankful he did not get a severe case because from what we hear, that is incredibly painful. Thankful for the blessings we have!

  4. Phyllis says:

    Sorry to hear that Steve has the shingles. My mother had them 4 years ago this summer on her face. They came very close to getting in her eye so she had several trips to the ophthalmologist. The medical director at my former job said that the new shot for shingles is much more effective than the old one. He might want to look into getting that once he is over the shingles. My PCP wants me to get it, I had the older version; however, there is a shortage of the vaccine so finding it may not be easy.
    Glad that you finally got the results for your scan, sorry there not very conclusive. Hopefully you will get the update sooner than you did the original results..

    • Becky says:


      He had it in mind to get the vaccine last year and then sort of forgot about it. His doctor told him to wait until December and then DEFINITELY get the vaccine and hopefully not have to deal with this again. Haven’t heard of any shortages in this area.

      Like your mother, Steve’s uncle also had shingles on his face near his eye. That is a scary thing! Glad he was okay.

  5. dmantik says:

    Well you two are just having high times down there on the coast! Wow. I’m glad you finally got a face-to-face with the doctors although it was sad they couldn’t come up with anything definitive. I like what Jodi said about being a medical anomaly–pretty much cracks it, unfortunately. 🙁

    And then there’s Steve and the shingles. For goodness sake. All I can say is you guys have many happy days coming to make up for the trials, tests and tribulations!

    Glad you and Sarah can start cashing in on the happy and have a fun girl afternoon.

    Love to all!


    • Becky says:


      Yes, you need to come down and join us in our fun times!

      I loved your line about “cashing in on the happy.” Such a cool turn of phrase.

  6. LeeAnne says:

    Well……it’s not bad news but it’s not really good news if they can’t put their finger on it. Hmmmm. Hopefully the inhaler helps. Hang in there.
    Poor Steve! Shingles AND a respiratory infection. I hear shingles are so painful. (My mother-in-law has had them 3 times) Hope he gets some relief soon.
    That shopping trip had to be great therapy!
    Have a great weekend. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it has definitely been an interesting week here at the Smith house. At least Sarah is here with her calm, unflappable presence. (And cooking and dishwashing skill!)

      Your mom-in-law getting shingles THREE times? Hopefully she is done with them!

  7. Jodi says:

    Ugh! Poor Steve! I hope you start to feel better soon (I know you read here)! I’m drawing a complete blank right now but I believe there’s a medication they can give you for the shingles to help ease the symptoms. And, for down the road, when you’re completely healed there’s a Shingles vaccine that you can get @ any pharmacy (you’ll have to wait some timee) at I believe age 50 is the recommended start age (but wait your only 29 and older than Becky by a few years)? Until then, I insist you rest up and tinker with your toys/hobby’s if you’re up to it until you’re feeling better!

    Becky, for people like you & me I like to paraphrase a famous quote from the wise (& great) Kermit T. Frog, “It’s not easy being a Medical Anomaly!”

    Love to The Smith Family! ?


    PS. I knew it would come to me! The medication is called ACYCLOVIR! I’m not sure if you need an RX or if it’s OTC. Check with your R.PH.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Steve did get put on an antiviral med; it’s probably the same one you are talking about.

      We need to start a Medical Anomaly Club, don’t we? I am SO grateful for the doctors in my life and all of their knowledge but I guess there are some things that knowledge doesn’t cover.

      Steve will definitely be getting that vaccine when he’s better. He definitely doesn’t want to go through this again!

  8. Guerrina says:

    Glad to hear your scans are being looked at again! No doubt frustrating. So sorry to hear Steve has shingles. I had a mild case a year ago. Thankful I’d had the vaccine. A mild case was bad enough! Looking forward to newer better vaccine. Shopping with Sarah! You two always have fun!

    • Becky says:


      I’ve heard they’ve come out with a better vaccine just recently. Hopefully it will help you NEVER get shingles again.

      Yes, Sarah and I had a great time shopping. She had been looking at several “new” stores for a desperately needed pair of jeans and couldn’t find any that fit. Walked into Goodwill and found a GREAT pair for $3! Hooray!

  9. Patti says:

    Glad that your scans are being reviewed. Hope you get some better answers. I hope Steve’s shingles are a light case. I had them 5 years ago and it is not fun. It reminds me that I really need to get out and get my shingles vaccine so as not to repeat them.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, this is your official Shingles Vaccine Reminder! 🙂

      I’m thankful they have a vaccine–it’s probably something I should be getting soon too, even thought the guidelines say over 60. I think I read people with a compromised immune system are more at risk.

  10. Lesley says:

    So on you go. Uggh. Very frustrating! Shopping with Sarah is a wonderful distraction. Poor Steve with shingles. That is nothing to mess with. And can be so painful. A comment ahead of me mentioned that once you are over 50, all heck breaks loose. This is so true in my experience as well. Hang in there.

  11. Ann Martin says:

    Still waiting but some new hope. Glad you and Sarah will go shopping. Prayers for all your family. How is Grayson? Prayers for our area as one of the linemen killed in Florida is from Roanoke Rapids. We were in church with his parents when he was born. Ryan was only 22 years old. So very sad. Jim still goes to the same church and I have been to retreats his Mama leads. Hope Steve is better soon. Hugs to you.

    • Becky says:


      Haven’t heard any recent reports on Grayson; need to check back in with them.

      I read in the news about Ryan. So young, so sad! And then for you to have known his family all these years makes it so much sadder. His mom can be so proud that he died helping others.

  12. Catherine says:

    Aww poor Steve… Hope he feels better soon. You to Becky. It’s all down hill after 50!! Lol! I know I’m on the same ride different conditions. But God is good and he has a plan for our lives. So there’s that. Gentle Hugs to you both.


    • Becky says:


      Love your words, “God is good and he has a plan for our lives.” That is a great reminder for all of us, no matter WHAT we are going through.

      Hugs right back!

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