All About Sarah

April 8, 2016

So just . . .


why is Sarah . . .


going to the platform . . .


to stand by her dad?


It’s because Steve  had just gotten a new computer and was trying to transition from preaching from paper notes to preaching from computer notes. However, a couple of Sundays in a row, he hit some mysterious wrong button and the computer showed him the latest news stories rather than his sermon.

Sarah, who was way back in the tech booth, has come up the aisle both times to try to help him out. One week she did it, the congregation applauded her as she left the platform so she did the Royal Wave as she walked back to the tech booth. It was just too cute.

Not only is Sarah our tech person on call, she also gets to the church every Sunday at 8:15 a.m. to join the worship team as we pray together before rehearsal. She then adds sermon notes and organizes media screens and videos before the service begins. (She does all this while the musicians practice.)  

It’s not uncommon for those of us practicing to yell different things we need, knowing Sarah is always right there to get them for us. A bottle of water. A pen. A new copy of a song. A Post- it note. An errand to be run. Sarah is on the job.

When she’s not busy with all that, she is filing the music (from 10 worship team members) from the services the week before.

In other words, she has pretty much become invaluable.  And so when I hear all these rumors that she is going off to college in August I think, “Does she not realize we can’t  possibly get along without her?”

Obviously not.

And her helpfulness doesn’t end at church.

I don’t know how many times I have texted her because I was working late and asked her to fix dinner or run some errands for me. When I get home, dinner is on the table, the laundry is folded and the groceries are put away. After dinner, the dishes are washed and the garbage is emptied–just like magic!

How does anyone expect me to actually function at work OR at home, when she is not here?   I wonder if she has even thought this when making her college plans?


sarah 1

Since it seems as though this dastardly going-away-to-college-plot is going to take place with or without my approval, I guess I should go ahead and announce some good news to you: Sarah got her acceptance letter from Regent University last week. She was so excited!

In the next couple of weeks, she and Steve will drive back up to Virginia Beach so that she can tour the Communications building where she will have most of her classes (it was closed during our last visit due to a visit from Ted Cruz) and tour the student housing. She will be majoring in Film and Television with an emphasis in post-production and editing

sarah 2

Another new thing that is happening is that she has started speech therapy to help with some ongoing issues she’s been having.  

And also, under the category of health news, in the next couple of weeks we will be going to the UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill, NC  where Sarah will be fitted with hearing aids. She had hearing aids when she was seven but she didn’t wear them long.  Recently, she’s been eager to try them again but when we found out they would cost at least $3,000 after insurance, we told her we probably couldn’t swing that. (About 25% of our income already goes to insurance/medical bills/medical travel, etc.)

However, we were directed to a program by our Duke audiologist where you can apply for hearing aid financial assistance for patients under 21 years old.  We filled out reams of paper work (a 13-page fax) and just yesterday got the news that our application was accepted and her hearing aids will be covered.

It was so fun getting to tell Sarah at dinner last night.

ssarah 3

She continues to work about 10-20 hours a week at Food Lion, take fourteen course hours at community college, and also handles a side business doing lyrics videos; over the last four months she has done thirty projects.

Bottom line is that this little girl of ours has grown up and is entering into a wonderful future.


While I rejoice over all that is coming, I can’t help but feel a bit nostalgic for this chapter that is closing.

A photo, which I took after our last drama performance, captures that nostalgia for me.

Sarah had been an integral part of the 4-person tech team during the drama; she was also in one of the dances (see video below) that she wore a costume for.  When the drama was over, I walked back to the office and happened to notice the costume lying near the computer where she had sat to control the video displays.

I was struck with the realization that this was probably the last drama she would be in with us. I knew that next Easter, she would be living a whole different life, in an entirely new place, participating in all sorts of creative activities and adventures.

Next year, this costume she has worn so many times, will be worn by someone else. Sarah will have spread her wings and flown.


So sad. So happy.  So blessed.


For a little bonus, here is the video of her dance.  


26 comments so far.

26 responses to “All About Sarah”

  1. Lizz says:

    She’s simply amazing!

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    What I loved about this posting were the pictures of Sarah and the look of confidence on her face! What a marvelous young woman she has become.

  3. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations to Sarah on getting her acceptance letter! And that is great on the hearing aids. They are not cheap, i know as my parents both wear them. My mom really needs new ones but like you said, they are costly. It is quite comical sometimes what she thinks I’ve said and what I’ve actually said. I really should start writing some of them down.

  4. jenna Hoff says:

    What an exceptional young woman. What a privilege to follow her story.

  5. dmantik says:

    We sure are proud of Sarah–what a gal! 🙂 Nicely written, mom! I am feeling your pain at the prospect of her leaving the nest once and for all. Pretty sure that sort of things isn’t good for us moms.

    Love, deb

    • Becky says:


      You’re right. All this nest leaving stuff just can’t be healthy. I think I’ll try to talk her again into staying. (wish.)

  6. Mary H says:

    So happy for every bit of information and fun and future news and sweet demonstrations of her love for her family that we were privileged to read today. As hard as it is to let the first one fly, the last one is so extra special – especially a daughter like Sarah. As another reader posted, I, too, never expected to go from reading the Caringbridge page for Sarah to reading the wonder of her life now. I just love the unexpected happiness of life. Let’s have more! You and Steve should take a bow and receive some applause yourselves as not too many parents have achieved what you have in your children. You GO, Sarah! Also, I just love the photo of Sarah and Snowy. That little man still holds a place in my heart. Enjoy your weekend.

    • Becky says:


      From Caringbridge to College. That would be a good title, wouldn’t it?

      I loved your line about “unexpected happiness.” So very true. And miss that little Snow man, too! He was one of a kind.

  7. Mel says:

    Wow she is one busy girl. You wore me out just telling us everything that she does. What a transition it will be for everybody when she goes off to school. Great news on the hearing aids and I am sure it will make a big difference for her. They will probably help with her speech also. Congratulations to her on her acceptance. God is Great. 🙂

  8. Ann Martin says:

    I can feel your tears as I read this posting. So happy for Sarah that she will get to go where she wants to for her final college years. Glad the hearing aids have worked out. Jim gets his April 27th. I am so happy we have had a small part in the future of this amazing young lady. What a blessing the entire family has been to us as we followed on Caringbridge, met you at Duke, visited in Smithfield and then in Manteo. Waiting to come back for another visit hopefully this summer before Sarah leaves for college. Little did we know when Wendy Arthur, Carson’s mom, introduced us to the Smiths on Caringbridge what the future held. Carson was in the transplant unit with Sarah at Duke years ago. He is now completing his second year at UNC-Chapel Hill and will be going on a mission trip this summer to India as well as working with The Summit Church in Durham for 5 weeks of training. He was selected with 49 other students from UNC, Duke, NC State, NC Central and Meredith College to participate in the eight-week long program. It is The City Project program. He will also spend a week in NY City engaging Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists with the gospel. These two young people are awesome examples of God’s goodness and grace.

    • Becky says:


      I’m so glad you reminded me of how we met. Thanks for refreshing this middle aged memory. 🙂

      And how absolutely fabulous to read what you said about Carson. I had no idea he was doing all of that. What a fine young man!!

  9. mrs pam says:

    WOW!…. Beyond Belief in the Talent Category for Super Chick Sarah!!~

    good news on the hearing aids financing.
    hope she doesn’t have startle reflex when she hears unexpected sounds 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I’m sure there will be some adjustment involved in the hearing aids but hopefully, they will gradually begin to feel like “normal.”

  10. Dale Tousley says:

    What a lovely tribute to a lovely girl….she is just amazing, you and Steve have done such a wonderful job as parents. You know the old saying “There are two things you can give your kids, roots and wings” well she certainly has deep roots and now it is time for her to spread her lovely wings and step into her future……but I do know how you feel, my son is in school in Kansas, we are here in NC and I miss him terribly though I know he is doing what he wants to do. Sometimes I wake up with such an ache in my heart….we are lucky to have our daughter here for the time being though she wants to head back to Kansas as well. Enjoy these next couple of months and Congratulations to Sarah for her acceptance.

    • Becky says:


      I think it would be nice if someone would just move Kansas a little closer to you! It’s so hard to have our children so far away but I guess it just makes the reunions all the sweeter. We can love them long distance!

  11. sharyn McDonald says:

    My goodness, you left me tired out as you listed all that Sarah does. Even though it is a sad time, in that she is going away to college (congrats Sarah) , it is a rewarding time to know how far she has come health wise. That she has been blessed to be able to continue her education, even with all the struggles she has gone through. Well, after she is gone to college and you can’t call her to make some supper, time to get out those prepared foods in the freezer, get out the crockpot, and those t.v. Dinners. ?

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’ll probably have to pull out the crock pot a lot more when she is gone. Plus, Steve said he would chip in and help with some of her jobs, so that’s certainly nice of him. I’m going to enjoy every moment until she leaves!

  12. Guerrina says:

    Though I’d met you, Steve and Nathan a couple of times when Heartsong ministered at my church, I think the first time I met Sarah was when you were in North Stonington, CT with the Goertz’ family and ministering at their church. She was a little thing we sat on top of the table so we could all talk. I may be mistaken, but I think you were diagnosed with Lyme Disease shortly after that. So honored and blessed to know all of you and to see Sarah grow into an incredible, multi-talented woman. “Double Dose” is still a favorite song in our home when I have a cassette player handy!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. When you start mentioning “Double Dose,” you are talking real, gen-u-ine OLDIE. It’s funny; that’s a song my mom still enjoys listening to, as well. I’m glad I have at least a couple of Double Dose fans out there.

      It was fun to hear you reminisce about setting Sarah up on the table so we could all talk. Such a sweet visual to think about that.

      And yes, I was diagnosed with Lyme a year or so after Sarah was born. You have a good memory!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    All those years ago, when I was following her Caringbridge site, I really didn’t think that I would be here today, reading about Sarah leaving home and going to college. But am beyond-words-incredibly-thankful that she is! You all are so, SO blessed! Sarah has become quite the busy gal and her activities and schedule are very impressive. Enjoy the time she has left here with you and be sure to pay extra attention to those video/tech tutorials. 🙂 When she does leave, it will be sad but also happy and you will miss her and her help but you’ll adjust. She’ll always be just a phone call away.
    So glad to hear that she is able to get the hearing aids!! What a difference it should make in her daily life! I know it did in mine. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      So glad to hear that hearing aids made such a difference in your life. I’m thankful for that technology–for you and for Sarah, both!

      And yes, I’m glad she will be just a phone call away. I would never have survived motherhood back in the days of the Pony Express! 🙂

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