Sarah Hair, Young Folks, and Pulmonology Report.

March 1, 2021

Sarah Hair

First things first.

Sarah has recently transitioned from this hairstyle . . .

to this one.

She’d been considering returning to a modified pixie cut for a while now and she and Gage have spent some time discussing it and looking at photos of different variations.  She finally took the leap last Friday and we all love it.

Gage accompanied her to the shop and enjoyed being part of the process.

Whenever Sarah gets a pixie cut, Steve calls her Tinkerbell. Looks like her nickname will be set for a while.

Here’s an extra picture I caught of Gage and Sarah laughing at something funny Steve said in his sermon yesterday.


On Saturday,  I had a rare day at home by myself. I spent the morning investing extra time in Bible reading and working on a Bible study I’m doing.  As the afternoon wore on, I was walking near the dining room and happened to notice the way the light was falling on some furniture.  I was grateful for the joy of unexpected beauty.

That’s my mom in the photo, taken in the late 1930’s,

I’ve always believed beauty can poke up its head anywhere; even in a quiet living room on a solitudinal Saturday afternoon.


Church yesterday was extra special because we had four young musicians on the platform playing along with all of us regular oldsters.

Their average age? Fifteen.

The older folks’ average age?  Sixty-four.

Yep. We’re pretty oldish.

And that is why we are extra, extra thankful for gifted teenagers who want to use their talents in the church.

Steve has been giving lessons to the bass player and guitar player and I’ve been teaching the piano player.  It was gratifying for us to see our students step up and play in a Sunday service, a couple of them for the first time.

These are two sisters.  You may have seen pictures of them here through the years, singing in various programs and productions.

I especially love this photo because it shows our regular drummer, David, standing behind his grandson while he plays. What a beautiful picture of passing the torch!


I found out recently there is an even longer name for my lung disease: cryptogenic obliterative lung bronchiolitis. (Cryptogenic simply means, “of obscure or unknown origin.”)  While I always love learning new words, there are a few words I’d rather not be so familiar with.

I finally heard back from my pulmonologist about the pulmonary function testing I had done almost a month ago.  Not too surprisingly, the overall report was “trending decline.”

Some of the numbers were just about even and some were lower. But the worst was my DLCO level which measures how well I move oxygen from the air to my red blood cells.  A year ago it was at 83 and with this test, it was 59. So, not great. And my 6-minute walk test also showed “notable decrease.”

I’ve always loved the Bible verse from Isaiah 40:31 that says, “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”  

Those last few words bring extra comfort in the wake of a not-so-great walk test and not-so-great other pulmonary tests.

I’m thankful that my peace isn’t dependent on numbers from a pulmonologist. Instead, my peace comes from the promise that even on days when my hands hurt and don’t work right, on days when I’m out of breath and my lungs are unhappy,  my heart and my hope don’t have to be weary.

On mornings like last Saturday when I spent extra time just waiting, listening, meditating, reading, discovering beauty–those are the times when my strength is renewed.

And I am ever so grateful for that.


What is a favorite song or scripture verse that comes to your mind when you get bad doctor news, or are having a difficult day?

What about you?  Do you have any hair stories where you changed from one style to another? What was your reason for the change? Were you glad or sad that you did it?

Was there a time in your life when you passed the torch to someone–or someone passed the torch to you?  Tell us about it.

28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Sarah Hair, Young Folks, and Pulmonology Report.”

  1. Mary says:

    My go-to Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

  2. Meredith says:

    First, I am sorry to hear that your test results weren’t what we all hoped they would be. Even when you think you’re prepared to hear not-so-great news, the sting isn’t diminished. Sending lots of love your way!

    How amazing is it to hear about Sarah considering her hair options?! I love it! The cut she chose is super cute, as well! Several years ago now, I commented on your blog asking if you would ask Sarah if I could bring a photo of her modified pixie cut to the salon for my next haircut. She obliged and I loved my short hair. 🙂

    I once shaved my head completely. I did it at home, on a bit of a whim, and I loved how low-maintenance it was. I didn’t even need shampoo; I’d just rub some body wash on my head and be good to go. I’m a nighttime shower taker (I know this is controversial, ha) and I liked being able to hop in the shower before bed without having to worry about how long my hair would take to dry. A soggy pillow does not make for happy sleeping, and I consider myself an elite level pro sleeper. Anyway, that was about 8 years ago, and I’ve not had a haircut since! I did have my boyfriend trim off some raggedy ends at the beginning of the COVID lockdown last spring, but other than that, shears have not been near my head! Currently, my hair is slightly less than an inch away from my being able to sit on it. I wear it up in a bun all the time, because it gets in the way otherwise. It takes for. ev. er. to wash it, and between my hair and that of my cats, I think my vacuum cleaner probably wants to seek asylum in a new household. I’m hoping to grow it out a bit more, then donate the whole lot. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I think I remember you asking about taking that picture of her to your stylist. How fun is that Sarah was part of your hair journey!

      And going from bald to all the way down to your waist? Wow. That IS a hair journey–in every sense of the word.

      I also shower at night (except on Sundays) because I like getting up in the morning and starting my day without having to go through the whole shower/fix hair routine. Makes life so much easier.

      If your vacuum cleaner needs asylum, it can always come here. 🙂

  3. Katrina says:

    Sarah had so many different hair styles (and different length over the years) I remember when I started following your blog she had some curls.
    I think my favorite hair style she had is the one she had now and the style for her sixteen birthday 🙂 I remember her friend came and did a very fancy braid style.

    She looks good with both long and short hair.

    My hair is long at the moment . I kinda dream about getting some blue extensions in it since I really want try something fun . And if i hate it I can get the extensions taken out. However it is very expensive so I think that will stay as a dream.

    Sorry to hear about your lungs. Are they thinking about a transplant at some point?

    And happy early birthday.

    I think your birthday is in Match

    • Becky says:


      You have a good memory. My birthday is on the 8th.

      Blue extensions sound like a fun hair adventure. I wish they weren’t so expensive for you. Maybe someday!

      There has been talk of a lung transplant at some point down the road . . . hopefully not for a very long time.

  4. krista121799 says:

    I really like Sarah’s hair, it fits her perfectly. And how cute that Gage came to the salon. So cute!
    I have always admired the furnishings and décor in your home. Thank you for the little tour.
    I am continuing to pray for your health. I really appreciate that you use Bible verses and know the God is in control.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Gage definitely enjoyed being a part of the process. I do love how it turned out.

      Thanks for the health-prayers. So appreciated!

  5. Heather E. says:

    I love Sarah’s hair- so cute on her, and I love that Gabe had a hand in the process. I’ve been letting my hair be a longer length for a while now (which came in handy during our COVID no hair salon period).

    I love seeing young people serving in the church.

    I’m sorry your pulmonology results were not stellar- I’ll be praying for you. As my Dad has been fighting cancer, the old Twyla Paris song “God is in Control” is often a comfort to me. As well as the Children’s song- My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God can not do.- simple and true.


    • Becky says:


      Yes, there were a LOT of longer styles during the no salon period. Glad the longer hair is something you’re enjoying.

      I remember that Paris song! In fact, I can still sing the chorus of it after not hearing it for over a decade. Such a good reminder that never gets old.

      I’m sorry to know your dad has cancer. So difficult for him and everyone who loves him. But, in the words of the children, there is nothing God cannot do!

  6. Phyllis says:

    Sarah’s hair is very cute. She rocks the short hair style. Over the past 18 months, I have let my hair grow a little. Good thing I was doing that as my hair stylist had a baby last February 29th, then COVID and the lockdown hit so it was over 3 months between haircuts. I normally go about 5-6 weeks. During the grow out phase, my mom asked several times how long I was planning to let it grow. Her filter gets less and less every day. 🙂
    So sorry to hear about your not so optimistic pulmonary report.
    When I first moved back to the KC area in 2014, I had a not so great/nice boss. Fortunately I was able to transfer out of the department after 4 months and had a great boss that I still am friends with even though I have been retired close to 3 years and she has left the company. Anyhow, a friend of my cousin told me to read Psalm 91 daily. I did and have to say I found peace with it.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, that’s true. The older people get, the more they say whatever they want! I think it’ll be kind of fun when we get to that point. 🙂

      So many of the Psalms apply to a whole variety of situations in our lives–like with your job/boss. That’s one of the many reasons I love them.

  7. Patricia Dyer says:

    I watch your service every week on FB and loved seeing all those young musicians on Sunday! Gage and Sarah couldn’t be any cuter- love her new hair.
    I’ve kept you and 3 other immuno-compromised friends in my prayers all these months – sorry to hear of your less than stellar test results.A verse that encourages me when dealing with my heart issues is Ps. 16:8&9 -” I keep my eyes always on the Lord .
    With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken .Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;my body also will rest secure.”I have a heart valve that has an expected duration of 10-15 years,and it will be 15 years next month,so I expect to have another open heart surgery at some point. PTL that so far,it is still working great!
    I was thinking of you folks last month and the pleasure we had of meeting you 1 year ago. With Covid,we’ve stayed put in Maine this winter,but we hope to make a short trip down your way soon – if that happens,we may show up some Sunday morning!

    • Becky says:


      Didn’t know you were watching; thanks for letting us know! 🙂 I thought our teens did a great job!

      I love the promises from Psalm; so much comfort there. And with possible open heart surgery in the future, that comfort is needed all the more.

      Let us know if you decide to come our way!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Sarah’s hair is just perfect on her!! She looks so modern and even more grown up and utterly happy too. She just couldn’t get any cuter!! I think it’s so cool that Gage was involved in the process.

    I’m sorry and sad to read of your pulmonary results. Decline is one of ‘those words’ that you don’t want to hear. I trust that your Pulmonologist has a plan and will do what is best for you as you move forward. Praying for continued peace and comfort for you.

    I don’t remember where I got this but I have this prayer taped to my file cabinet at work: Dear Lord, You are good. And you are good at being God. Therefore I trust your plan and believe that You’re allowing this to happen for a reason. It may be hard, but I’d rather be close to You through a thousand difficult moments than apart from You in a thousand good ones. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I love the part, “You are good at being good.” Such a simple truth and a perfect way to say it. And the whole thing about difficult moments vs. good moments? A great reminder.

      Glad you love Sarah’s haircut as much as all of us do. Throughout all the styles she’s had over the years, the pixie has always been our favorite.

      Thanks for the encouraging words and prayers.

  9. Liz says:

    Love, love, love Sarah’s hair styled this way! Perfect for her! So sorry to hear your pulmonary report wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Prayers for medication to do its best to help you continue your singing and have the stamina to enjoy all life has to offer.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, isn’t she so cute? 🙂

      I’m just going to keep on singing until I can’t anymore. Which hopefully will be a LONG way down the road. Thank you so much for the prayers.

  10. SueEllen says:

    Sarah’s hair looks great! Is the folder/frame your mom’s picture is in like a heavy cardsstock? I have my parents wedding picture and a couple of pictures of my grandmother in folders/frames like that…It’s always nice to see young people involved in church…I’m sorry your pulmonary results weren’t better, prayers for better breathing. Thanks for always brightening my Monday…Have a wonderful week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, the frame for my mom’s picture is (I think) as old as the photo itself, a very heavy paper frame. You’re blessed to have those old photos around; aren’t they absolute treasures?

      Glad to know your Monday was brightened! 🙂

  11. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Really llke Sarah’s new hairdo – looks easy to take care of. What a great worship team your church has, and always great to see young people be involved in the music. I would never think of taking pictures of things in my house, but you take pictures such as those and make them special. About 50 some years ago, living in an apartment bldg. found an advertisement for a newly opened hair salon and a special price. So I went and a young lady washed my hair and this man (I guess it was his salon, asked how I would like my hair done, told him in a boufant (sp) hairdo. He started with the top and sides of my hair and then there was a large portion of hair hanging down and he said, “Now what am I suppose to do with that?” I didn’t laugh out loud, but my thought was that he was the stylist, he should know. I still wonder to this day if he really knew what he was doing.
    Becky, we continue to pray for your health, for the Lord to restore your lungs, to bring healing to your entire body. But I love the verse you wrote down. May He continue to give you strength and open your airways as you walk and/or ride your bike.

    • Becky says:


      No, that’s never a good thing when a stylist asks the customer what to do with a certain piece of hair. Yikes! Sounds like some of the stylists I’ve been to through the years.

      Thank you for all the prayers through the years. You’ve always been such an encourager.

  12. Teresa Hewitt says:

    Sarah looks so pretty, and so happy. It must light everyone up to see them together! Sorry about your health, Becky. I’m thinking of you and wishing you well with all my heart. xxxx Teresa in England

    • Becky says:


      Always good to see an England friend pop up here.

      Yes, Sarah and Gage definitely make everyone smile. I don’t know when I’ve ever seen two people so happy together.

      Thanks for your thoughts and good wishes; I appreciate it!

  13. Guerrina says:

    I love they pixie cut and pics of Sarah & Gage! They are a joyful pair! Our church has been training some young people to move into worship and it is a good thing! Hugs, Becky. ” Eye of the Storm” says it all. I haven’t heard of it, but I’ll be learning it 🙂 Prayers up.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it’s a good thing to get the young folks plugged in because older folks will not be here forever!

      I do love that song; I’ve heard it a couple of times and love the truth of it.

  14. Courtney Hurd says:

    Seriously, could Gage and Sarah be any cuter? I think not! The pixie cut is adorable and I think Sarah looks even more mature sporting this new style.

    I loved seeing the photo of your mom! It reminds me that a photographer I worked with in the fall for my first ever headshot encouraged me to have pictures taken of me alone regularly for the girls to have one day (same for Caleb). She said that she wished she had a beautiful picture of her mom to frame but the Mom was usually the photographer or always with a kiddo beside her. I would have never considered solo photos as an adult but her words have stuck with me.

    So fun seeing the new kids on the blocks with the regulars at the Sunday service. I especially loved the photo of the grandfather watching his grandson on the drums. What a legacy!

    I’m sorry to hear your lung health continues to trend in the wrong direction. Boo! Boo! Boo! Sending love and prayers for stable days and maybe an improvement?

    I don’t have a favorite verse to share, but right as I was getting out of the car this morning from delivering Ellie to school the song Eye of the Storm by Ryan Stevenson started playing. This song premiered around the time Baby Kate was born and it was my anthem during the days she was in the NICU. I leave you with the end of a verse and the chorus that speaks to my heart and I hope speaks to you.

    “And when the tears of pain and heartache are falling down my face
    I find my peace in Jesus’ name.

    In the eye of the storm, you remain in control
    In the middle of the war, you guard my soul
    You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn
    Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.”
    ~ Ryan Stevenson

    • Becky says:


      You are a true day-brightener, leaving such a lengthy and heartfelt comment. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

      I’m glad you thought Sarah looked older with the new ‘do. I was thinking the same thing.

      I have to remind myself OFTEN to have someone get photos of me. It just doesn’t come naturally to me to be in front of a camera; I’d so much rather be behind it. But yes, our children and our husbands and grandchildren are going to treasure those photos down the road. So thanks for the good reminder–always needed.

      And yes, that song is so fabulous, so true, so real. It’s something that every single person can relate to in whatever their own personal storm happens to be.

      Thanks for sharing it. I can only imagine how meaningful it was to you during Kate’s hospitalization. And by the way, seeing pictures of her big and healthy after seeing her in the hospital? It just makes me smile!

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