Road Trip.

July 27, 2013

 Guess who’s . . .


going on a . . .


road trip . . .


to Florida?


Yep!  Early Monday morning, three human Smiths and one canine Smith will leave on a 13-hour journey to see The Great Pregnant One (and her husband) and attend the Baby Shower that their church is hosting. We will get to stay in Nathan and Meagan’s new apartment which will be our first time there. How fun!

We will also be attending a huge conference and I will get to see my sister, Debbie, and her family who are flying from Wisconsin to the Orlando area to attend the same conference. 

So today I’m working extra hard to get ten days of work done before we leave; I’m also attempting to pack for the trip without requiring Steve to rent a semi truck.  Also, some pastor friends of ours will be staying in the house while we’re gone so I’m trying to make sure at least the first layer of dirt has been washed away.

I’ll be blogging while we’re gone so be sure to stop back in again soon for pictures of Nathan and Meagan and all of our Florida escapades

Happy trails to us . . ..

14 comments so far.

14 responses to “Road Trip.”

  1. Lisa from Georgia says:

    Wishing you a safe trip and blessings from every direction as I know you all will be a blessing to all you meet along the way.

  2. Bea says:

    HOW EXCITING!!!!!!! I can’t WAIT to hear all about it and see the pictures!! SAFE TRAVELS there… I am SO happy for you all! Please give Mama and Nathan a hug from me. LOVE you all!!! <3

    • Becky says:


      So far, so good; having a great (and lazy) time. It’s so wonderful being with Nathan and Meagan and seeing that sweet baby bump in person!

  3. Melissa says:

    It’s been raining down here every single day for weeks! Hopefully you’ll have some sunshine while you’re here! I live about 30 mins from Winter Haven. Oh, and it’s HOT!

    • Becky says:


      Well, we’ve been here in Winter Haven for a day now and you’re right, it is HOT! Thankfully no rain so far!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    Summer, you certainly are dolled up for your travels! take care of those two-legged folks! and have fun, too…

  5. Lesley says:

    Have a wonderful time! How exciting!!!

  6. jenna hoff says:

    I hope you have a wonderful, happy, joyful, restorative trip! Travel safe!

  7. Nancy Irving says:

    Have a safe trip and enjoy

  8. Connie says:

    Travel safe, take lots and lots of pictures, and have a wonderful visit with all your family.

  9. Margie M says:

    Safe travels. I live in Winter Springs so if you are anywhere near let me know. I think last time you were way West of here.q

  10. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Hope that Summer is a great little traveler! Have a wonderful time and safe drives. Looking forward to your posts and hearing about all your fun times.

  11. Mary H says:

    YIPPEEEEEE!!! Have a wonderful, fun, exciting, grandma, grandpa and aunt kind of time. It will be the best.

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