Right With Her World

September 5, 2016

This post is mostly about Sarah’s first visit home but I first wanted to share a few pictures of the weekend that Hermine spent with us.

The flooding was worse than expected; this is downtown Manteo.



About fifteen minutes from our house, a Harris Teeter tractor-trailer got pushed over by the wind and the driver was killed.


On another bridge half an hour away, yet another Harris Teeter tractor-trailer was pushed over on its side. That driver survived.  It’s so incredible how powerful the wind can be.

A  large number of people lost power and there are a lot of downed trees. Sarah and Steve are going to spend some time cleaning up our debris-strewn front yard this morning.


In happier, non-storm related news, I wanted to share a picture of some special folks. Every time I see Noah and Madison with their other grandparents and all their sweet cousins, I just have to smile.


Love those folks!

And now onto Sarah’s first visit home . . .

Sarah had been telling Steve and me all along that she couldn’t get home on Friday until after 7 p.m. because she had a 5-hour class on Friday afternoon.

However, after she told us that two weeks ago, she double checked her schedule and discovered that the class didn’t start until the Friday AFTER Labor Day, so she could actually leave for home first thing Friday morning.  She told Steve last week but decided to leave it as a surprise for me.

Of course, I was all kinds of worried because I knew Hermine was due to be blowing in about the same time she was due to be driving in and I kept saying to Steve, “How is Sarah going to do in all that rain and wind? Is she going to be safe? Do we need to go get her?”   (Picture these questions accompanied by the maternal wringing of hands.)

When I texted Sarah about it (in fine worried mama fashion) on Thursday night she texted back and said, “Well, maybe the school will send out an email Friday morning with class changes due to the storm.”  All the while knowing that no changes were necessary because she would be driving her cute little self home well before the storm was due to arrive. The little sneak!

So at 10:30 a.m. Friday morning, the little silver car pulled back into our driveway carrying an occupant who had been gone for three weeks–her longest absence ever.





Sarah’s request for her first meal home was spinach tortellini soup.


It was the perfect meal for a rainy day.


Here is the recipe.  (Scroll down the post for recipe.)

After the meal was over, she launched right back into her dish-doing duty.  Happy day.



Other than a little dish-doing, we have spent a lot of time just hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing. Sarah has gotten to sleep late, lounge around, and hang out with Miss Summer.



On Sunday, she got up for Sunday school and also volunteered to run media during the morning service.



After church, she was happy to hang out with folks she knows; the woman on her right is her small group leader and mentor.


As I was leaving the church parking lot, I grabbed a picture of some of the Hermine damage.


Yesterday afternoon after church we took luxurious naps and then embarked on a little stroll around the neighborhood.



Last night it was time for the Great Bed Hang Out with three humans and one canine. I read some stories out loud by Rick Bragg (one of my favorite writers) and by humorist Dave Barry. 


Such sweet and simple joys.


Today (after the lawn clean up) Sarah and I are heading out for some thrift store shopping. Tonight we are going to Skype with Nathan and Meagan and kids and then watch a movie together.

And then tomorrow?  Our college gal points her little silver car back toward Virginia Beach.

Speaking of school, here are a couple of pictures from her first three weeks. (I honestly can’t remember if I shared these before; if I have then never mind!)

For her birthday, Lilia (her roommate) made a delicious meal of spaghetti, homemade meatballs, garlic bread, and salad. Sarah said they felt very fancy drinking sparkling grape juice out of mugs! 


That meal was followed by an Oreo cake!  (I couldn’t get the picture any larger.)


Here are the people she celebrated her birthday with acting a little goofy.  I was so grateful to know that she was taken such good care of on her first birthday away.

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Her student I.D.  Official college student.


Out of all the pictures I have taken and all the pictures I have looked at over the past few days, there is one that stands out in my mind.

I was walking past Sarah’s bathroom yesterday and noticed her little traveling cosmetic bag on the bathroom stand. I stopped dead in my tracks and just stared at it.


We have had a number of guests in this house over the seven years we have lived here and they have all brought various bags and cases and toiletries into this bathroom.  But this is the first time I have seen a traveling case that belonged to my own sweet Sarah and it really pulled at my heart. I think that sight, more than any other, confirmed to me that she has actually left home.

And to be honest, my first thought when I saw it was, “What is wrong with this picture?”

But then my very next thought was, “No. What is RIGHT with this picture?”

This picture tells me that Sarah is right on track with her life. She is leaving home and branching out and meeting people and experiencing adventures and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

So many photos.

So much thanksgiving that each of them show me what is right with this picture–what is right with her world.



35 comments so far.

35 responses to “Right With Her World”

  1. What horrific news from the weather there! So sad for that trucker’s family and friends. 🙁

    But that news is balanced with the happy news of Sarah’s successful trip home and her fantastic roomies. 🙂 How is she liking her classes? What does she do on weekends? (I went to a “suitcase college” where everyone went home for the weekend.)

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never heard of a suitcase college. Funny name!

      As for weekends, Sarh will be getting a 10-15 hour a week job soon, so that will probably take up some weekend time. She is also getting involved in a local church on their media team. This Sunday, she has to be at a church at 7:45 a.m. to see if a particular volunteer position is what she has in mind; if so, she’ll start training.

  2. Gayle in AL says:

    That is so sad about that truck driver! I hope the damage in town was not permanent, and that people were prepared. It looks like you had a fun weekend with Sarah anyway, and that she is blossoming in college! I think it’s great that she gets along so well with her roommates and is enjoying being there. I know it helps to ease the sting of her absence when you know she is happy. I love seeing the college pictures!

    • Becky says:


      I love seeing college pictures, too! Whenever she posts something new on FB from college, Steve and I get so excited. 🙂

      And yes, it does help ease the sting of missing her when I know she is doing well. If I knew she was miserable all the time . . . well, I would be a miserable mama.

  3. Lesley says:

    So terrible for the truck driver and his family. It is amazing what the wind can do. Sarah looks great, must have been good for her to come home and recharge. Her roommates look like a lively bunch 🙂

  4. Jenna Hoff says:

    I am so glad Sarah is doing so well….she looks so happy.

    How are you doing with the transition Becky?

    Ps. I started wearing jewelry and accessories the past few days. Yesterday I put on a brown and torqoise cuff bracelet and oversized cameo ring and today I’m wearing a costime jewelery ring with a pretty blue bead and a lepord print scarf. Kind of fun to accessorize again! Thanks for your style encouragement 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Hooray for you!! I’m so excited to hear about the style steps you’re taking. Sounds like you have some really cool jewelry and accessories!

      I’m transitioning better than I thought I would. The first week was the worst but I’m hanging in there.

      I think you will really love that soup; so easy and so tasty.

  5. Jan Reuther says:

    One look at the photo of her toiletry bag and I knew where you were going with it.

    It’s hard, so hard. But it’s do-able! I have faith in you.

  6. Mary H says:

    What a fun report! So happy she is so happy. She picked the right place and the right people are surrounding her and you can tell they care for her and appreciate her – how could they not. These girls may be her friends for life! Your heart must be a little bit happier for all her successes. Enjoy every moment.

    I am so glad you did not have any more damage than you did from the storm. I pray for that truck driver’s family! How tragic.

    • Becky says:


      We couldn’t be more pleased with the school she’s at and also, the way she has adjusted to it all. So many changes all at once. I’m definitely grateful she has roomies she gets along with well.

      Five weeks to go and she’ll be home again!

      • Mary H says:

        I always remember my niece’s story about her first day at college. My brother and sister dropped her off at Notre Dame. They proceeded back to New Jersey. My niece did not realize how lonely and sad and distraught she would be to see them leave. She was in a dorm with three other girls but they had not quite settled in yet. My niece was feeling so sad and was sure she would cry soon after her parents left but she didn’t want to do that in front of her new roommates when they returned from wherever they were. She decided to go to the laundry room in the dorm and cry it out. When she opened the door to the laundry room, there sat all her roommates on top of various washing and drying appliances crying like babies – they too were so lonely it hurt. My niece hopped on top of a washing machine and joined in the wailing. Soon the crying stopped, the talking began, the laughing followed and friendships grew and they are still best friends to this day – and still laugh and cry and comfort each other as they steer through life and advise and love each other as grown women, in their late 30’s, with children and spouses and elderly parents. My niece said her best decision was to cry in the laundry room with these strangers who have become her soul mates. You just never know who or where or why or when you will meet those so important to you – college is such a springboard into life – it happens at that moment so often. That is the reason I am so happy it seems that Sarah has found such a wonderful place and people to start this great chapter of her life. She deserves every single second of happiness. Wow, that was longer than I thought. Sorry! Mary H.

        • Becky says:


          I absolutely LOVED that story; I could just picture those girls on the washers and dryers crying their eyes out and then seeing the tears turn to laughter and eventually, sweet friendships.

          Thank you SO much for taking the tim write all that out. It made my day. 🙂

  7. LeeAnne says:

    It looks as though Sarah’s first visit home was a great one and I am so glad that you all remained safe during the hurricane! She seems to be settling in quite well at school. So glad!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am truly amazed at how well she is adjusting to school. I had expected at least a couple of tearful calls home but she’s making the adjustment like the champ. (Which doesn’t mean tearful calls WON’T come. But at least the initial transition is behind her.)

  8. Kari says:

    Glad you had a good visit with Sarah! When is she due home next? Would love the recipe for the soup, made me hungry just looking at the photo! It looks really good.

    I saw a picture on the news of that one truck tipped over. Gave me chills just seeing how rough the water was.

    • Kari says:

      Forgot to put on my comment about that adorable smile of Madison’s! She reminds me of my niece’s daughter.

      • Becky says:


        I had meant to include the recipe for that soup yesterday but forgot about it. I just went back in and added it. It is so simple to make! Also, you can make most of it ahead of time and just add the spinach and tortellini 10 minutes before serving.

        Sarah will have a week long break mid-October. Hooray! We will drive up and see her a couple times in the meantime.

        • Jenna Hoff says:

          I’m excited to try the soup recipe. ….looks delicious 🙂

        • Kari says:

          Thank you for the recipe! I plan on making it as soon as our weather cools down from these 90 degree, high humidity days. The photo in this posting looks like ravioli whereas the other looks like tortellini. Do prefer one over the other?

          • Becky says:


            Hmmm. We were discussing it while eating it the other night that the “pasta pillows” were so much bigger than usual and I think you solved the mystery; I must have grabbed ravioli instead of tortellini. We MUCH prefer the smaller size of the tortellini.


      • Becky says:

        Kari–Madison is definitely Miss Personality PLUS! 🙂

  9. Bea says:

    Love the post!!! Darling Sarah.. XOXOX Oh, I think that’s the hand soap I sent he,r on her bathroom sink! I LOVE those hand soaps! Made me SO happy reading this sweet post…. Gob bless each of you and sending lots of love to all!!!

  10. Sharyn McDonald says:

    How wonderful for her roomies to make her feel extra special. How sad for the truck driver and families caught in the flood. Thankfully your family is okay.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am very thankful that she ended up with thoughtful roomies. And EXTRA thankful that more lives were not lost in the storm. Our church had special prayer for the family of that driver on Sunday. So sad.

  11. mrs pam says:

    how sad for that truck driver’s family and friends.

    Sarah’s cake looks scrumptious!

  12. Great post Becky it made me smile at the joy found in the simplicity of life!

  13. DeLynn says:

    Becky, I have experienced the same reaction you did to the travel bag in the bathroom. How could one of our children need a travel bag for home?! ? They grow up so fast. I am thankful that they still come back…even if it is with a travel cosmetic bag.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it so sobering the first time you see that that? I wasn’t quite prepared.

      Nice to know another mom can relate. 🙂

  14. Ann Martin says:

    So thankful she got home early and so sorry for the loss of life with the storm. We were praying for all people in the area and especially the Smiths. Enjoy this day with Sarah and make memories for future enjoyment. Prayers for safe travels back to college for her. So proud.

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