Ribs and Dents and Snow

January 27, 2014

Steve is on the road tor Raleigh to visit a church member who is having surgery. From there he will head to Charlotte (6 hours away) to visit another person in the hospital—his brother, Jeff.

 Jeff was playing a gig with his band Saturday night and in the process of loading equipment, had an 80-pound speaker land on him. He broke a finger in several places (which will need surgery to repair) and also broke six ribs. He will be in the hospital several days and will have a long and uncomfortable recovery ahead of him.

This is a photo of the Smith men eating steamed oysters for Christmas 2012. Jeff is the one in the middle.


Steve had already been planning to go to Charlotte to celebrate his dad’s 83rd birthday so he’s thankful the timing worked out so that he’ll also get to spend time and lend support to Jeff and his parents.

Another interesting thing that is happening this week is that we’re supposed to get up to eight inches of snow in the next couple of days!  Eight. Inches. For us southern folk, that is a whole stinkin’ lot of Fluffy White Stuff!  We’re not sure what Steve’s journey will be like coming back home in the next couple of days through all that snow. I’m sure he’ll have some stories to tell.

And speaking of driving, I mentioned a few weeks ago that Sarah got her Driver’s Permit. That is such a huge event for a teenager AND her parents.

All in all, she has been doing fabulously in her driving practice although there was one small incident where she decided to tangle with the fire hydrant at the end of our driveway.  The fire hydrant steadfastly stood its ground as fire hydrants are wont to do.


She felt bad about putting the dent in the van but we both agreed that hitting a hydrant is a lot less traumatic than other things she could have hit—like another car!  I don’t think there are many beginning drivers that don’t have at least one fender bender under their belt.  I’m glad she got hers over with.

One big benefit of having another driver in the house is that now she can hop out and pump gas for me.


How great is that?  I can sit in the comfy warm van and put my offspring to work. (I always knew there was a reason I wanted to have kids.)


In closing, here’s a little blog tidbit for you. Last week: I hit 9,000 comments!  (The count goes back to February of 2012 when I moved the blog from Blogspot to Wordpress. And of course that number includes your comments and my replies.)Untitled

Thanks to all of you who so  faithfully read and so faithfully comment—you have done so much to make Smithellaneous into a community and I am grateful for you every single day.

Well, maybe I should put the computer away and start gearing up for the Great Blizzard of 2014. If you don’t hear from me for a few days, you can just check under the nearest snowdrift . . .  good times! 


43 comments so far.

43 responses to “Ribs and Dents and Snow”

  1. Nicole says:

    I don’t often comment but I have been following your families story since Sarah’s caringbridge days. I have so enjoyed watching the beautiful young woman she has grown into! I also really love your family interactions and wish I could have a family like that myself! God bless you all!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for commenting; it always makes my day to hear from someone who doesn’t often comment!

      Thanks too, for following our family’s story for such a long time. We are honored that you would do that.

      I’m sorry that your family’s interactions are not what you hoped for; that is a very hard thing. Many hugs today from the Smiths to you.

  2. MusicGirl says:

    My very first time driving…first time in the driver’s seat EVER, I hit an ice bank. I am way up in snowy Canada, it was mid-March but we were still covered in snow and ICE BANKS. I was only going about five kilometres (3 miles) per hour, but because of the ice, and the angle, it caused about $300 worth of damage to the car. Ouch. I was so traumatized by my mom’s reaction that I never drove with her in the car again… True story.

    • Becky says:

      Music Girl,

      Ouch! Hitting a snow bank the first time driving is NOT a happy thought! I can only imagine how traumatized you were. Hopefully things only got better from there!

  3. Crystal Dahmes says:

    Tell Sarah not to feel too bad, my daughter ran over a sign in the parking lot as she was backing into a space to wait for the DMV guy to take her driving portion of the license test. I have never laughed so hard in my life, and she did end up passing. I grew up in Virginia so I know 8″ of snow is a big deal for you, but it will be gone in about a day. I live in Minnesota and we are experiencing yet another very, very cold spell!

    • Becky says:


      Oh dear. Running over a sign in the DMV parking lot is NOT an auspicious beginning! Nice to hear you had a sense of humor about it! 🙂 Good for HER for having enough poise to still pass the test. I would have been a goner!

  4. Tell Sarah that my first dent was running my dad’s truck, slowly, calmly, and uneventfully, off a mountain road, down ten feet of mud, into a creek. Followed by a labored climb out the passenger side window, since my door wasn’t ‘openable’. She did great with the fire hydrant! 😉

  5. Kathie says:

    Imagine the startled looks of a bunch of men getting their hair cut, when I, as a newly licensed driver many moons ago, was pulling up to the curb(angled parking) and I hit the gas instead of the brake and came up over the curb at them! Thankfully, I instantly realized my mistake and applied the brake just in time…….. I left and found a different parking spot 🙂
    Keep at it, Sarah!

    • Becky says:


      Okay, okay, I’m imagining it! And I’m laughing! (And yes, I would have found a different parking spot too . . . in another town!) 🙂

  6. Courtney says:

    I hit the plate glass window at our local flower shop and shattered the entire thing. No damage to the car but I was mortified!! Since then I have bounced off of numerous curbs and I took out the handicap sign in a parking lot. (I’m realizing this makes me sound like I’m a terrible driver…I’m really not THAT bad). Let Sarah know she is in good company. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Wow! When you do it, you really do it right! Nothing like a dramatic shattering of a flower shop window to turn a few heads. 🙂 I would have been mortified, too, since I really don’t like attention being drawn to me. Hopefully no flowers were harmed in the process!

  7. Ann Martin says:

    Cooked chicken and ground beef for soup tomorrow. Excited about coming snow and will probably stay in after it starts. Enjoy watching it fall so glad this one is afternoon. Keep warm and stay safe. Praying for safe travels for Steve.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you’ve got some good soup on the way and the perfect weather to go with it! I know what you mean about being happy the snow is going to fall during the day rather than at night; I love watching it!

  8. Lesley says:

    wow becky! 8 inches is a lot down there. Make sure you girls shovel out so you can take some glorious snow pictures. Have you ever tried to take pictures of snow as it falls? It is challenging to capture moving flakes. You use a fast shutter speed and a deeper depth of field. Sarah will be out of school for any days! Have fun and I will pray that your electricity remains intact.

  9. Tammy Wright says:

    I am trying hard not to pull the “I’m from Florida, I’m going to freak out now” card! So glad Pastor Steve can be with his family right now. Hugs!!

  10. Laura Nettles says:

    My son backed into the basketball goal in our driveway last week. Cost us $400 to repair the bumper.

    • Becky says:


      Ouch! Isn’t it amazing how even the smallest fender bender can cost so much? Hopefully that will be his last one for a while!

  11. Margie M says:

    Prayers for a speedy recovery for Jeff. When I learned to drive I was backing out of our driveway & cut it too close. Took out a few bricks!

  12. Mrs. Pam says:

    poor Jeff… 8 broken ribs… beyond painful, I’m sure.

    and 8 inches of snow. Summer isn’t going to be too happy, I imagine.

    I don’t remember backing into anything as a teenager…. but a few
    years ago a workman was at my house, and I said “Bye, Troy.” and
    promptly backed into his truck. actually, my bumper got stuck on his truck,
    and it looked sorta like Sarah’s mishap. but, it was quite expensive to have repaired, so I just kept the dent. I think Steve can fix just about anything, so maybe he can do it.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I’m sure “Troy” was slightly alarmed at having his truck attacked in your driveway! 🙂 Yep, sometimes that dents just have to stay because they’re so expensive to fix. Steve thinks he can hammer this one out–we’ll see!

  13. beckylp says:

    Prayers for Steve’s brother and for safe travel for Steve. I am in that I-95 at Kenly so am thinking about staying in Clayton tomorrow night if the snow should come so I can get to work on Wed. Sarah – at least your back in was something short, mine was a phone pole so you could have thought I could have seen that! Stay warm Becky in Kenly, NC

  14. Kristi says:

    Prayers to Steve’s brother, Jeff, for a speedy recovery! Stay safe with all that snow headed your way!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the prayers and the “snow thoughts!” 🙂 It hasn’t started yet but it’s due in the next hour or two. Should be an interesting couple of days!

      • Kristi says:

        You are welcome!

        We were in the 50s on Sunday. Yesterday, we were in the teens yesterday. Today we are suppose to get into the low 20s. We have some cold air here this season along with some snowfall. Looks like we may get a snowstorm a week from today. I have been sick the last few days so I am ready for spring!

  15. Jodi says:

    Every driver must experience “inanimate object Iept out in front (or back) of me syndrome!” I’m glad nobody was hurt in the making of that Kodak moment!

    Stay safe & warm! Super cold here again in IL! Its -11 below now w/ the wind chill it feels like -50! Tomorrow it will be -18 before factoring in the wind chill which will make it just way too cold to count that high!

    Take care,


    • Becky says:


      I was pumping gas early this morning and it was about 35 degrees and windy. I was shivering and saying to myself how freezing cold it was and then I thought about you folks up in the mid west and I immediately felt much warmer! 🙂

  16. TiffanyH says:

    Abby got her permit a couple of weeks ago… so I can relate to all the driving issues!! 🙂 It is so scary to see her behind the wheel… yet, just another reminder of how grown up she is, and not a little girl anymore! Good Luck with the coming snowfall…they are still not sure whether we will get anything, 1-3 inches, or more… good thing I had to go grocery shopping yesterday when we got home from the dance competition… at least I won’t be out with the crazies if they do change the forecast!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, there’s something very strange about seeing our little “baby” girls behind the wheel of a car. How did that happen??!!

      Glad you got your groceries and are ready to hunker down if necessary!

  17. Amy Nelson says:

    Can’t believe Sarah is old enough to be pumping gas. Wasn’t she like 10 last year? Wow how time flies. I have followed your caringbridge and blog for eight years now.

    • Becky says:


      Why yes, Sarah WAS just ten last year! 🙂 I’m still not sure how she managed to turn 18 so quickly!

      Thanks for being one of our longtime readers/followers. We are honored that you would stick with us all these years.

  18. wow 8 in! I bet you will have fun.!!
    Here in Wi, it’s well below zero and most schools are closed today and tomorrow
    because its to cold ( never heard of that back in my day) Hope Steve has a safe trip.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, I remember from my growing up years in Wisconsin that school wasn’t cancelled for much of anything. It must truly be brutal up there this week to have them cancel!

  19. Joleen says:

    Oh my goodness, will be praying for Jeff as soon as I am done typing this, and of course for Steve as he travels. I can’t imagine how painful an 80 pound speaker falling on you would be. Ouch!

    I would love to see some snow. We are in TN(originally from CO) and it has been so cold, it be wonderful to see some snow to go with that cold!

    Those stinky fire hydrants, they seem to pop out of nowhere sometimes 🙂 I’m glad that Sarah wasn’t hurt and no one else. You are right, most of us all have a fender bender of some sorts.

    Stay warm! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Well, it appears that we might have some snow to share with you by the end of the day! 🙂 Being from CO, I bet it really feels strange to you to to have all the snow you’re used to there in TN!

  20. LeeAnne says:

    Wow…..8″ of snow is a lot, and that’s coming from a Nebraska girl who is used to snow! This year is a different story though. I wish you could send us some of that…we are in a drought and our winter so far has consisted of freezing cold temperatures and lots of wind. Very STRONG wind. Ugh. And no snow to speak of. 🙁 Stay warm and keep that shovel handy!

    • Becky says:


      Ick. Wind, cold and no snow? Not a good combination when you’re so in need of precipitation! I hand’t realized that your area is so in need of a good snowfall.

      We’ve got a shovel or two somewhere around here so Sarah may have to add snow shoveling to her gas pumping responsibilities! 🙂

    • Sharon Holweger says:

      I am in NEbr too and I know we need some snow, maybe this weekend???

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