Reunion, Stuffed Avocado, Fighter Jet

July 24, 2015

We got home at 8:30 last night.  Happy, happy, happy!

I didn’t mention it earlier, but Sarah spent four nights by herself; it’s the first time she has even been home alone at night without us and we are proud of her for reaching that big milestone. 

As I wrote before, she was joined the rest of the time by her friend, Hope and her mom and brother.  Hope’s family loves trips to the beach and since I didn’t love the thought of Sarah being alone for eight days, it was a match made in heaven for them to come here and hang out several days. Hope’s mom, Melody, even cleaned the whole house for me—on HER vacation!  They are the sweetest family.

So now, back to our trip.

As you know, our whole reason for the trip to New Mexico was to attend Steve’s 40th H.S. Reunion in Clovis.

This is his name tag. I love seeing what Steve looked like back in the day.


The first reunion meeting was a Friday night mixer. I had written before that as an introvert, I felt a bit anxious about the thought of going to the reunion gatherings and not knowing anyone apart from Steve.  But when the time actually came, it really wasn’t too bad.

Steve introduced me to several of his old classmates and I enjoyed chatting with them. At one point, when Steve had gotten deep into a conversation with an old friend, I just wandered off by myself and found other people to talk to.  I so appreciated being welcomed into the lives and into the stories of people I would never have had the chance to know apart from this reunion.

What pleasantly surprised me was just how many of the conversations we had that so quickly went beyond basic platitudes and small talk into the real stuff of life–heartaches, health challenges, difficulties in marriage and with children, etc.  It was a privilege to get to hear the real stories of the lives of Steve’s classmates; I’m so thankful that they felt comfortable to share.

Before the banquet on Saturday night, Steve was asked to lead in prayer, which was certainly an honor.


Here is Steve with one of his classmates, Jim Pratt. Jim is a master guitarist and also an engineer for a TV station in California. They were in band together under Mr. Norvel Howell, a man who had an enormous impact on Steve’s life.


On Saturday, the two of them went to a local music store and jammed for an hour.  They had such a great time together.

jim and steveHere’s 40 seconds of them playing. What amazes me is that they played for an hour with no music and no rehearsal.  One would just start something and the other one would just jump right in.

Here is a photo of Steve, Jim, and Darryl. Darryl  (who was also in the band), married his High School sweetheart, Carol, and they still live in Clovis.  They are truly salt-of-the-earth people; I just loved getting to know them.


I posted this picture (from the reunion) on Monday but didn’t tell you the story behind my outfit.

dress 2

I had actually brought another outfit to wear to the banquet but wasn’t real thrilled with it so while Steve was having lunch with some buddies on Friday, I wandered into a Dillard’s department store. I fell in love with this dress but I needed a little jacket to put over it.  I had one in my suitcase that would match in color, but the style wasn’t exactly right. I figured it would work okay though, so I took the plunge and bought the dress—which was on a good sale.

I went from Dillard’s to a Goodwill store and as I was wandering the aisles, I happened to spot a little  sweater—the right color, the right style, the right fit, the right price! Hooray!

And then I got to thinking that I hadn’t packed a purse that was really appropriate for a dressier outfit.  I turned the corner in the Goodwill and found this!


I love accessories in gold/silver/metal because they go with everything.  I know I’ll enjoy this little number for many years.

And so in the end, the shoes, the purse, the sweater and the necklace were all from thrift stores which helped outweigh the fact that I actually bought something from a  “new store.”  It’s so fun to put an outfit together from all sorts of different places.

After my shopping and Steve’s lunch . . .

we drove around the town a little bit to see some of the old sights.  This is where Steve and his family lived 40 years ago while Steve’s dad was stationed at the Air Force base in town.


We also had one of the best meals in Clovis we have had in a long time—an avocado stuffed with seasoned chicken and cheese.  I have never been a fan of avocados, but I inhaled this particular dish. Amazing.


Before we left Clovis Sunday morning to head to Santa Fe, we made one last stop.

This is an F-111D the fighter jet that Steve’s dad flew while he was stationed in Clovis.  It was the most technologically advanced jet in the world at the time and could fly at Mach 2.5. (1800 m.p.h.)IMG_6350





There was a large plaque near the jet with the names of all the Air Force personnel who had died while flying the F-111D. It’s hard reading names on a plaque when your eyes are full of tears.  I was so thankful that Steve’s dad’s name wasn’t there and so sad for the families of the men who were listed.

I’m so very, very thankful for all of  our veterans who faithfully served and especially thankful for Steve’s dad.



On a different subject . . .

yesterday marked the fourth anniversary of this wonderful couple.


Here is what Meagan wrote on her FB page.

This time four years ago I was walking down the aisle to start my happily ever after with the man of my dreams. He works hard for our family. He has given our kids a Godly foundation to start their lives on. He is always looking to the future for what he believes is the best for us. He is my best friend and I’m thankful to have him by my side in the journey of life. Babe, four years and two kids later, you still make my heart turn upside down. Thanks for all your love and support through the years. I’m in love with you! Happy anniversary.

Love them so much!



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Reunion, Stuffed Avocado, Fighter Jet”

  1. Lizz says:

    First off I LOVE your dress. It looks like it was made for you. You look so great in it. You should wear it a lot. ? Second, it sounds like y’all had a fantastic vacation! How fun to reminisce with people from so many years ago. And third, happy anniversary to Meagan and Nathan! ??

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for the compliment; I will enjoy that dress for a long time to come. And yes, it was fun to get to hear Steve reminisce with people who knew him before I did.

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a great trip and so glad you were able to speak to others a the reunion. That’s a hard thing to do – to just jump right in. Loved your outfit. Don’t know who started these thrift shops, but sure glad they did. That’s the first place I look for things – not necessarily clothes.

    • Becky says:


      I agree–whoever started the whole thrift store thing has my undying gratitude! They save money and they are fun!

  3. dmantik says:

    Sure enjoyed the pix/post of your trip. Glad you made it home safe!

    Love, deb

  4. Steve says:

    In the picture on my reunion name tag I appear as though I am about to throw up. WHO chose that picture?

  5. Ann Martin says:

    So enjoyed the memories you shared. Do not ever stop writing. So many times I see pictures to take that remind me of you. Wish I could take more but driving does not allow that.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it funny how seeing something can remind us of someone else? One of the joys of being a photographer.

  6. Mrs. Pam says:

    you surely know how to have fun shopping with such great results!

    sounds like the reunion was a great success!
    Gayle’s husband had a 40th (I think) reunion this summer in Beaufort, NC… a guy arranged for the alums to meet in their school which has been vacant for 40 years. I don’t know if they had chairs, but there was NO food… I think they stayed about an hour. fortunately, they were combining the trip with visits to several family members.

    Glad Sarah and Summer were okay alone.

    I remember ALL those wonderful wedding photos…. was it Wednesday Wedding? or something like that… we got to see more gorgeous pictures each week.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Standing around in a vacant school with no food sounds like an interesting reunion! Of course, I love old, empty buildings so I would have stayed happy and contented taking pictures.

      And yes, we did do several months of Wedding Wednesdays. You have a good memory!

  7. Jan Reuther says:

    Phew! So many things on which to comment!

    Kudos to Sarah for staying alone! One really good book to read = barely realizing you’re alone!

    So glad the reunion worked out well for you, Becky. I’ve often found that things I anticipate enjoying turn out flat, while those I’m dreading end up being nice surprises. Perhaps the answer is to dread everything? JUST KIDDING! Great playing by Jim & Steve. With those price tags hanging off the neck of the instruments, I expected to see Minnie Pearl at any moment…wearing, of course, one of her signature hats.

    Once again I loved your miracle outfit. I suspect you had an angel on your shoulder acting as your personal shopper.

    Avocados are good for you. And they look pretty in a salad. Those are the two best things I can think of to say about them. Perhaps the only best things.

    Finally (bet you were beginning to think I’d never get here), happy anniversary to Meaganate!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for taking the time to write so much; it always makes me happy when someone leaves a little something extra to read.

      And yes, I think we should start an organization called “Dread-ers, Unite!” We’ll start dreading everything and life will be grand. 🙂 You are too funny!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Yay Sarah for staying by yourself! That’s a tough thing to do. At least you had Miss Summer to keep you company. 🙂 It looks like the trip was a success and congratulations and happy anniversary to Meagan & Nate!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I was very proud of Sarah for her first time of being alone. Although it sort of made me sad, too, because it’s another era ended and another big step forward to being an independent adult. Sigh. Where did my little kids go? 🙂

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