
January 20, 2015

After an interesting and very long day of phone calls and waiting, I eventually took myself to the doctor’s office, planted myself there, and said I wasn’t going to move until I heard something.

I’ll go into the details of the day in another post but I didn’t want to take any more time before letting you know–

Sarah does NOT have cancer!

Cancer. Free. No. Cancer.  No sweeter words.

It was so fabulous for Steve and I to get to drive home and go up to Sarah’s room where she was quietly reading and waiting . . . and waiting.  To say those words, to see the tears of joy.  It was worth it all.

Thanks to ALL of you who have waited and worried right along with us these past two weeks. We are incredibly touched by the way you have carried our burden as your own . . . the Smithellaneous family is the best.

More to come . .. for now, we’ll just let out the breath we didn’t know we’d been holding all this time.  

(This is an older pictures but it still shows you what we’re getting ready to do!)


112 comments so far.

112 responses to “Results”

  1. Let us all give thanks for this glorious news! 🙂

  2. Denise says:


    i think that sums it up. 🙂 So glad to read this!!!!

  3. Elizabeth B says:

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!! What wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. John Burch says:

    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – Wonderful – God IS Great! I am so happy for Sarah. A child / young woman should not have to go through what Sarah & Family have endured. I feel as though there are great things in the future for Sarah.

  5. Mary says:

    Such awesome news. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus. What an absolutely amazing God we have. Sending much love to you all xxx

  6. Angie L. says:

    Rejoicing with you all! I had a breast biopsy the same day as Sarah and have been waiting and praying that she get the same good news I got. Now we can both celebrate and enjoy the days ahead. Love your words that you share with us all.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Oh My Gosh!!! That is the most awesome news EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answered prayers! 🙂 This made my day!!

  8. Mrs. Pam says:

    WOW! WOW! WOW! It is hard to see the screen through my tears.
    prayers joyfully answered, that’s for sure!
    thank You , heavenly Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Way to go, Becky, with your sit-in for results!)

  9. beckylp says:

    Happy Dance is going on all over along with prayers of thanksgiving!

  10. Fran Ellis says:

    Thank you Jesus!! Rejoicing with you!!

  11. Tobi says:


  12. Linda in Pgh says:

    So glad to hear the good news . . . sharing in your happiness and doing the happy dance right along with you! God is so good, you are very blessed. I know God has great plans and good things in store for Sarah! We will all be watching (and reading) as those plans unfold and those things are revealed..
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  13. Denise Ward says:

    So very happy for the good news!

  14. jojy smith says:

    absolutely WONDERFUL news!! I was checking every day!

  15. Mel says:

    Tears of joy. Absolutely the best news EVER!!!!!!!!! God is definitely great. What else is there to say. Sleep well tonight Smith family and all Smithellaneous followers. Everybody has earned it. Happy dance from Canada. 🙂

  16. SueEllen says:

    Wonderful news!!! As soon as I saw the title of your post on my phone I stopped everything to open it and held my breath as I scanned…as excited as I was at the results, I can only begin to imagine the joy in Manteo tonight!

  17. Anonymous says:

    I am soooo relieved!!!!! Many hugs and thankful prayers!!!!

  18. Diane P. says:

    So glad you got the best news of all! Wonderful!!!!!!!

  19. Alyssa says:

    Wonderful news!!!!!

  20. E says:

    Tears of happiness and relief for sweet Sarah and all who love her!!
    Blessings to you all!

  21. Anonymous says:

    I am so excited and saying pryers of thankfulness right now. I can only imagine the pins and needles kind of waiting you have been going through. Not to mention that laugh I got when you “planted yourself at the doctor’s office and not moving.” That is the EXACT thing I said when I wouldn’t leave the hospital because I was having my baby — I said so!” Lots of love and hugs still sending your way….

  22. Pam D says:

    Tears of joy are running down my face. No matter what, I knew Sarah would be alright, because she is in the shelter of His wings. But this… is glorious! Thank you, God, for hearing our cries…

  23. Judi Mitchell says:

    Thanks be to God!! Prayers answered – I bet you will sleep well tonight !

  24. Anonymous says:

    That is the best news I’ve heard in a long time!! Rejoicing with you. Teary-eyed with joy. Praising & thanking the Lord from the bottom of my heart for what HE has done !!! Time to dance !! Kay

  25. Anonymous says:

    There are no words. Absolute joy! May you all sleep more sound tonight.

  26. cpitonyak says:

    No better news!!! Fantastic!!!

  27. Ann Martin says:

    Praise God. The answer I have been praying for and believing. Just got home from Pilot Club and Jim told me so I came straight to the site. God is awesome!!!

  28. Annie Keys says:

    So thankful. So very—very—thankful. God is faithful in both good news–AND—bad news—but oh mercy sakes; so very thankful for those “faithful with good news” times.

  29. Karen Cathey says:

    Yay!!! Such awesome news!!

  30. Karo says:

    Thank you, Lord! I stay pretty quiet on my end, but I have been waiting and worrying right along with you. So glad you wouldn’t let them keep you hanging any longer! <3

  31. Rachel says:

    I had just caught up on the blog last night and I too was holding my breath for Sarah (and for you guys!). She has certainly been through more than enough in her lifetime. So thrilled for all of you that the news was good news! Celebrate, treasure and enjoy. I know you will, you always have 🙂 Prayers and hugs!

  32. Liz says:

    Such wonderful news! I can’t imagine the relief you must feel. What bravery on all your parts!

  33. Rhonda Chesney says:

    Oh thank God!! I am so happy for Sarah & all of you!
    Unfortunately, my sister’s results were not good news. If you could spare a few prayers, she sure could use them.

    • Becky says:


      I’m sorry your sister didn’t get good news; I know that’s a heavy load for you and your family to carry. Praying for her as I write these words . . . hugs.

  34. Margie says:

    AMAZING. I must admit I wish you could have been spared this journey, but GOD……

  35. Sue Smith says:

    Oh my goodness—JOY here!!!! What an answer to prayer. Thank you, dear Jesus, for your goodness and faithfulness.

  36. CJ says:

    So happy for your good news!!!

  37. Kristina says:

    Tears of joy indeed. No words…

  38. Kara Sparks says:

    Thank you for letting us know! I had a good friend who lost her young daughter to Cystic Fibrosis last month on the 19th and I was so afraid to check about Sarah. Then, I just had a feeling that I had to check today. Thank for for sharing your story with all of us! (Both the good and the bad.) You probably don’t realize how much you inspire us and give us hope! My mom and dad were diagnosed witch cancer and I lost two uncles to cancer in the past few years. My husband and I are battling infertility and I pray to make my parents grandparents as soon as possible. Thank you for sharing. You give me hope and strength when I feel weak.

    • Becky says:


      It’s tough when you see heartache wherever you look–your friend, your parents, your uncles, and now you and your husband’s current battle. Bottom line is that in the light of all that, it’s okay to feel weak sometimes, or even more often, if you need to. Hugs to you today!

  39. Barbara says:


  40. Jenny H says:

    Not all Moms would hold a sit-in until news was delivered. You’re such a great one! So glad it was the happy news!

  41. Lizz says:

    I wasn’t going to check today because it’s the 19th anniversary of my first date w my hubby and I didn’t want to end up in tears. However, I kept thinking about Sarah and the results and then I opened Facebook and saw your post first thing! I’m SOOOOO GLAD I did!!! What amazing and wonderful and fantastic news!!!! I’m SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! Yay!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous says:

    Thank you God for the prayers answered for Sara!!!!!

  43. mantiks says:

    Happy, thankful, rejoicing with you guys. Sending a truckload of love from Wisconsin!

    Love, Randy, Deb and Caleb

  44. Awesome news!! So happy and so relieved for Sarah and for all of you. May Sarah be blessed with good health and much happiness!

  45. Jo Ann Campbell says:

    Very, very thankful for the good news. Praise the Lord!!!

    Love, Grandma Campbell

  46. Holly Hart says:

    Praise God! So happy and thankful!

  47. No sweeter words! And, answered prayers!

  48. Suzanne says:

    Tears sprang to my eyes immediately when I read the words…no cancer. Woo hoo! Praise The Lord! Happy dancing in my house for this fabulous news!

  49. Tanys says:

    Woooot! So happy to hear the fabulous news. Praise God!

  50. sdmosca says:

    So happy for all of you. What a relief after two anxious weeks. Let the celebrations begin!

  51. Megan in Wilmington. says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

  52. Angie says:

    So Happy! So Thankful!

  53. Jan (from Toledo) says:

    Terrific news! So happy for all of you.

  54. ncbev says:

    Thank the good Lord! Keep dancing, Sarah!

  55. ncbevB says:

    Thank the good Lord!

  56. Frankie Blevins says:

    Love that “Happy Dance” and thanking God along with you! HE is an ever present help in time of need! #ugosarah!

  57. Tammy says:

    Fantastic, wonderful, amazing news!!!! What a relief!

  58. Anonymous says:

    I have chills after reading this!

  59. lpdeal says:

    This is the BEST news. Thank you, Lord!

  60. Anonymous says:

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!! Such wonderful words. You all have been on my mind and heart constantly.
    God is GOOD!!!

  61. Jill says:

    Yay! So happy! Answered prayers!

  62. becky m says:

    That is AMAZING news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad it was the greatest news ever!!!!!

  63. Anonymous says:

    Yes! I’m so happy for you! You are MORE than conquerors in Him!

  64. Bea says:

    Oh, what a RELIEF!!!!!! Thank you dear Lord! EXHALE here too… God bless each of you! LOVE you guys HEAPS!!!!! XOXOX What a LONG……. two weeks that was!

  65. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Have prayed for her every day since you told us of the biopsy – including today. I know you all were doing a happy dance – Praise the Lord from whom ALL blessings flow. Thank you Jesus.

  66. Gayle in AL says:

    What a wonderful thing to come home and read this afternoon!!! So happy and relieved for all of you! 🙂

  67. Anonymous says:

    Did not realize that I was holding my breathe, but I was. I am a follower since the early days of Caringbridge and don’t comment often but you are in my thoughts and prayers each day. You did exactly what I would have done. Momma’s can be so fierce sometimes! Tears of joy being shed for you all! Rejoice and be glad in it!

  68. Steve says:


  69. Nancy Irving says:

    phew, now I can breathe

  70. Eva says:


  71. Sue M says:


  72. Nicole says:

    PRAISE GOD! And I find it interesting that in the picture she is wearing pink of all colors! So happy to hear that this is behind you!

  73. Anonymous says:

    Answered prayers for sure.

  74. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Thanks be to God! In my heart I just knew Sarah did not have cancer, but the long wait for results just about did that heart in. I will sleep better tonight and if those pesky cats wake me up too early tomorrow I will be able to go back to sleep. Those pesky cats woke up when they heard my screams of joy!

  75. Marjie says:

    Oh my tears of gladness!!!! Praise God for all his blessings. My heart is jumping for joy for all of you!!!
    Hugs from Smiling Iowa,

  76. Lesley says:

    Oh I am so happy. Hooray! And good for you guys, taking the drive and planting yourself right in their faces. Go mamma bear 🙂 Isn’t it discouraging what one has to go through these days to get test results? I mean, really….!!

  77. Elizabeth says:

    This couldn’t be more wonderful news!!!!!!! I’m so sorry that Sarah had to go thru this. As you know, I went thru it last year with only one biopsy, not eight, so I can only imagine how she felt!

  78. tammy says:

    Glory be to God!! You had me at NO CANCER…..weeping like a baby…..then I couldn’t read anymore until I dried my eyes. Thank you for thinking to share with us all…… we all love you guys like you are our family just living in another state. Have a wonderful joyous evening!! Congrats Sarah hugs……

  79. Patti says:

    Praise God for answered prayers!

  80. Jenna Hoff says:

    Hooray!!!!!! That is the most wonderful news!!!! Rejoicing with you!!!

  81. Judy says:

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!!!

  82. Katrina says:

    *Deep sigh of relief*
    Love the Smith Family 😀

  83. Catherine says:

    AWESOME!!! Praise God! Amen!! Yay for Sarah!! Breath Smiths! It’s all good!! HUGS!!!

  84. Dale Tousley says:

    Oh Thank God, I am just sitting here crying at this wonderful news, I think I have checked the website 25 times today!!! So, so happy for all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. Ann O. says:

    Totally realized I’ve been holding my breath, waiting to hear news. Been a long term follower from transplant days. Don’t comment often, but the Smith crew is often in my thoughts and prayers. I’m not very religious, but Becky & Sarah – you guys get me prayin’!!! May you ALL there, and ALL of us in cyberland, sleep well tonight on this fabulous news.

  86. Guerrina says:

    Hallelujah! Rejoicing in CT!

  87. DeLynn says:

    Praise God! I haven’t commented recently but have prayed as you waited. Though my child’s journey (brain tumor, seizures, four brain surgeries over 3.5 years–now tumor/seizure-free with no ill effects!) has not been as challenging as Sarah’s, my husband and I know what it is to wait on results. It is difficult to keep one’s mind trained on the Scriptures–especially Phil 4:6,7—be anxious for nothing! We rejoice with you all at this fabulous news–and pray for blessings on you.

    • Becky says:


      So happy to hear about 3.5 years with no tumors, seizures, or ill effects. The kind of joy we have when our children have passed through a difficult time is like no other. Blessings!

  88. Shawn says:

    Thank-you God for giving this family “GREAT” news. I am so happy for your family, its been an awful couple of weeks. Hopefully you all can relax a little now. Take care!

  89. Jodi says:

    What amazing news! I didn’t realize I had been “Holding my breathe” since the day you told us Sarah needed the biopsy! I sat and cried as I read the amazing news & the tears continue to fall as I write this note! Truly amazing news!

    I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you how very impressed I am w/ your family! Y’all have more patience than any other family I’ve ever met! I’d of never made it as long as you did before I planted my fist in the face of…..oops I mean planted my behind in the office of the doctor!

    Much love & happy tears!


  90. Buff says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  91. Melanie says:

    Oh, so happy for you all!! Happy tears!! 😀

  92. Kim Waggoner says:

    Oh, thank you, God!
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Dancing and rejoicing with you in Tennessee!!

    Kim W

  93. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for good news and for Momma planting herself in that chair till she got answers!

  94. Joleen says:

    Praise The Lord!!! Woo Hoo!!!

  95. Anonymous says:

    Awesome news!! Hugs to you and your family!!

  96. Sarah says:


  97. Jan Reuther says:

    Yes, thank You Lord! So happy for all of you! Have some extra !’s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  98. Kathy says:

    God is Good!

  99. Susan Williams says:

    Awesome!!! God is great, all the time! EXHALE!!!

  100. Bridgette says:

    Came here to check for results and all I have to say is Praise God! This is such wonderful and happy news!!!!! Rejoicing with you all!

  101. Jana says:

    Thank You God for good results!! I’m happy for you all the waiting is over!!!

  102. Megan says:

    Whew….HALLELUJAH! That’s the sound of the collective sigh of relief and cheer of celebration that is rising up from all corners of the country. Rejoicing with you!

  103. laura says:


  104. Desera says:

    Thank God for answered prayer! I have been waiting for this news and I couldn’t be happier! Congrats Sarah!

  105. Mary H says:

    WOO HOO!!!! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE! Prayers are answered! God is great! Cheers of joy from the Waiting Room! SMILIING, SMILING SO MUCH! And way to go, Mama! Show up and not budge until this torment of waiting was answered.

  106. Tammy says:

    Yippee!! Praise… The….LORD!! Love you guys SO very much!

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