Renovations. Coddiwompling. A Whack of Bread.

November 13, 2023

Some of you may remember that when we first moved into this house a year ago, we were trying to decide what to do about the pink bathroom.

We knew that replacing the tile would be incredibly expensive so we had just decided we were going to live with it. But then we found out about a company that refinishes counters and tiles without replacing them. It was so much less expensive than replacement we decided we would do it.

Do you remember this photo from last week? This is the only tile that had to be ripped out.

This is what it looked like beforehand. There had been some issues with the pipes and after the repairs were made, some non-matching tile was installed. (None of the paint swatches on the wall are going to be used.)

So that was the before; this is the after.

Can you believe this floor used to be pink?

And a couple of more pictures of the process.

After the kitchen/bathroom guys had finished, Steve put on his best outfit (the hole in the knee cost extra) and worked on installing a new sink and garbage disposal since the old one had given up the ghost. He moved the disposal to the opposite side and had to replumb several things as a result.  I said, “Have you ever done that before?”

I got his famous answer which is basically, “How hard can it be?”

He even had to get his saw and cut out a slighter bigger hole for the slightly larger sink. He rarely backs down from any sort of handyman challenge.

I don’t want to post a picture of the kitchen progress until we get the backsplash up and everything completely in place which will be another couple of weeks.  We are so excited to be able to take Ken and Vernie’s familiar old kitchen and redesign it into a style that better suits Steve and me.

Yesterday, we went to church with Nathan and Meagan . . .

and then to their house for a fabulous lunch that Meagan had waiting in the crockpot.

While she was putting the finishing touches on the meal, I took a 5-minute walk up their street just to appreciate the last vestiges of autumn’s beauty. Nothing better than golden red trees against a Carolina blue sky.

We don’t get to spend half as much time with Nathan and Meagan and the kids as we would like to. We are so proud of them for the way they juggle so many challenges and complexities in life and work hard to base their family’s DNA on Scripture and prayer.  Loved the time we had together.

I actually drank . . .

a coffee drink last week.  I feel like a real, official grown-up since I’ve never drunk more than a couple of sips of coffee in my entire life.

One of the young men who was in a training class was talking to me about his favorite Starbucks Frappuccino and then the next morning, he actually bought one for me.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t like coffee so I took a sip . . . and another sip.  And it was great!  I knew it was high in sugar and calories so I only drank about half of it but still, I was very impressed with myself to have actually enjoyed a coffee-based drink. Yay, me!

I learned a new word . . .

from a friend recently which described exactly the thing I love to do when I take back road drives. The word is, “Coddiwompling” which means, “To travel purposefully toward an as-yet-unknown destination.”

Isn’t that such a great word?

I learned another new word . . .

at a restaurant Steve and I went to recently.  This is a restaurant that Steve has been going to since he was eighteen and his family first moved to Charlotte.

I love businesses that look exactly the same as they did 60 years ago.  I think it comforts people to walk into a building and find that in a world of endless change, something has stayed the same.

While we were perusing the menu, we saw a reference to, “a whack of fresh Italian bread .” That certainly piqued our word-loving curiosity. I’m assuming it means how much bread is cut off with one whack of a big knife.

As we ate, we listened to Frank Sinatra crooning in the background–the absolute perfect soundtrack to enhance the feeling of stepping back a few decades while eating the aforementioned whack of bread.

So there you have it: Smith Life for the past week or so.  It’s been a little crazy around here and will get even crazier as we  look forward to hosting nineteen people for Thanksgiving Dinner this Saturday.

Once the busyness of the week is over, I’ll have to find some time to do a little coddiwompling.

What about you?

Have you ever heard of a “whack” of bread?  How big do you think a whack is?
Do you like Frappucionos?  What is your favorite Starbucks drink?
Are you drawn to restaurants/businesses that have stayed the same for many years? Do you have one in your town?

23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Renovations. Coddiwompling. A Whack of Bread.”

  1. Brooke Roberrshaw says:

    Coddiwompling. That’s a great word. I use wonkydonk all the time to lovingly describe my church. I go to a Vineyard Church and it is so different than any church I would expect to be drawn towards that I just call it wonkydonk. I love words too. Strugglebus is one that I heard from a friend, and then phrases like ‘bees knees’, liarmouth and pie hole entertain me constantly.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it amazing what kinds of personalities words have? Some make you laugh out loud, some make you feel nostalgic–it just goes on and on.

      I think wonkydonk is such an interesting word to affectionately describe your church. Definitely a word that makes me smile.

      Good to hear from you!

  2. Phyllis says:

    I have never heard whack used in regards to bread.
    I like Frappuccinos but my favorite Starbucks is a dragon drink. It has dragon fruit in it, coconut water I think. My dad called dragon fruit foreign fruit one time when it was in a fruit dessert at the nursing home.
    In my hometown, there is a drive-in that has been there since before I was in high school. It’s still called Simone’s even though the Simones haven’t owned it in years. They have great cheeseburgers, hickory burgers, and French fries. They have car hops at night, not on roller skates though.

    • Becky says:


      You’re the second commenter to mention the dragon drink. It must really be good!

      I love that your town still has an old drive-thru with carhops. So fun!

  3. Jessie says:

    I’ve heard the word cattywampus, but not coddiwompling.

  4. Gina says:

    Where I live, we use the word whack as an informal way to describe a large amount of something. For example, “I have a whack of work to do,” or “A whole whack of people were lined up waiting to get into the show.” I live in Eastern Canada and we have a lot of British expressions, so I expect that this is British. I have to admit that the phrase is so common here that I never even thought that it might not be common in other areas. So I learned something! Also, because it is only used informally, I don’t think I’ve ever written it down, so I’m not sure I would have known if it was spelled wack or whack. You got me thinking this morning!

    • Becky says:


      How interesting that you use it in Eastern Canada and we came across it in a vintage Italian restaurant in North Carolina. I had certainly never heard it before and, like you, wouldn’t have had any idea how to spell it.

      Thanks for explaining its usage where you live. I guess a whack of bread would be a pretty good piece!

  5. Ellen W says:

    Are you familiar with the radio show A Way With Words? I moved to Wilmington last year and it’s on the public radio station here. It’s all about the origins of weird and unusual words and phrases! I just love it! I have a feeling you would enjoy it. You can listen to it for free online if you don’t get it locally.

    • Becky says:


      No, I haven’t heard of that show but it sounds great! Thanks for the heads up. I’m always interested in anything word-related.

  6. Guerrina says:

    Beautiful trees against that sky! My favorite drink from Starbucks is not a coffee drink at all! It the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher made with plain water! Very hydrating for me. Usually in the Fall/early Winter I treat myself once to a Pumpkin Spice Latte (decaf) and once to a Peppermint Mocha (decaf).

    As far as a “Whack” of bread…I’m no stranger to asking someone in the kitchen to whack off a slice of Italian bread for me. As far as how much … for me that is determined by what I need it for!

    Lastly, I love going into places of my childhood, the few that might be left. It’s not just a sense of nostaligia, but of also being home.

    • Becky says:


      Oooh. Mango Dragonfruit sounds quite exotic!

      So there so seem to be at least a couple of my readers who have used the word “whack” before. Doesn’t seem to be a very well known word but definitely an interesting one!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Your fall photos are so beautiful! Our fall color is all but gone along with most of the leaves.
    We used to have a pink bathroom too. Tile, tub, sink and toilet. Wow. SO much PINK. We lived with it for many years and finally gutted it and re-did the whole thing. I really love your color choices!
    A whack of bread is a new one on me. Love it though! It doesn’t sound very big but the menu looks like it’s sandwich sized. Very interesting!
    I have never been to a Starbucks. There is something about paying big money for coffee drinks that doesn’t agree with me. Besides, I wouldn’t want all the calories and would have to do decaf because caffeine and I don’t play well together.
    I too love a restaurant that stays the same. Our favorite Mexican place that we used to go to 40 years ago finally eliminated one of our favorite items. That was a sad surprise.
    We’re looking forward to our first Thanksgiving and holiday in our new home with our family. We can’t wait!

    • Becky says:


      How fun to celebrate your first Thanksgiving in your new home. That will make the day extra, EXTRA special.

      I’ve only been to about 2 Starbucks so we’re pretty much in agreement there!

  8. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    I didn’t realize that even the floor was pink in that bathroom! That was a LOT of pink. I really like the new color – looks like an upscale spa!

    I was just thinking the other day that I don’t get to see my daughter nearly as much as I’d like to – and she only lives about 20 minutes’ drive from our house. Life is very busy. What was Meagan’s crockpot lunch? I love my crockpot and am always looking for new things to try. 🙂

    Our town is only about 40 years old – it is a “planned community” that was originally billed as a resort for people who lived in St. Louis. It finally really began development in earnest in the mid-1970s. We don’t have any “old” places to visit here in our town. HOWEVER – St. Louis has the Crown Candy Kitchen, which is one of my favorite things about living in this area. They have the BEST sandwiches: egg salad, BLT, corned beef… and malts to die for! I think it opened in the mid 19-teens.

    I love coffee and have been drinking it since I was a toddler. 🙂 My favorite Sbux is a skinny mocha frap. 🙂

    The “whack” of bread is funny! I love hearing odd terminology in recipes – that’s why I get such a kick out of watching Jamie Oliver’s cooking shows. His word choices are often amusing. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I can tell you’re a genuine Starbucks fan when you call it Sbux. When I’m trying to be cool I will have to remember that.

      Thanks for commenting on our new colors. We wanted to keep it neutral so that we could bring in various colors with towels and rugs.

      Crown Candy Kitchen is an interesting name for a place that serves sandwiches. You’re making my mouth water talking about its menu. We were in St. Louis many years ago and I’ll never forget sitting in Union Station. I LOVE places like that.

      Will have to check out Jamie Oliver. Meagan made a wonderful southwestern soup in the crockpot.

      • Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

        Such a great idea to have a neutral bathroom so you can change up the look easily with your bath linens!

  9. Judy K Joyce says:

    You and Steve really do stay busy!! I am more laid back and like to read and work puzzles in my 68 years on earth. I looked up “whacking bread” and it referred to actually whacking the bread as you make it but they called it Compagnon….supposedly it breaks down some of the gluten. Hmmmm…..interesting.
    We have a place up here in Mount Airy that is called Snappy Lunch, which is right beside of Floyds Barbershop. I guess you know we are the Andy Griffith place to be in Surry County. We get so many tourists that love to eat at Snappy Lunch because there have been so many famous people in that little bitty place to eat. The food is great but the place is teeny tiny. It stays packed!
    I don’t buy from Starbucks because….well, just don’t care for the company values. I would suggest you try the Caramel Frappe at McDonalds. Oh my goodness, they are so good and so fun to drink. Little pieces of ice all through it and I have gotten my hubby hooked on them too. We both love coffee but this is more like a milkshake with a touch of coffee taste but more of caramel.
    I hope you and your precious family have a happy Thanksgiving and enjoy time together. We will be going to my moms with my family to enjoy turkey and all the fixings. Have a blessed week!!

    • Donna says:

      Judy, how fun?! I am also from Mount Airy too! Love Snappy Lunch but like you said, too tiny with too many tourists!

    • Becky says:


      Hmm. Didn’t know McDonalds had a Caramel Frappe. Good to know!

      Snappy Lunch sounds like such a fun place to hang out. Hopefully they also do takeout so you can enjoy their food without having to search for a place to sit.

      Thanks for the history on a whack of bread. Definitely a new term to me!

  10. Patti says:

    Love those fall photos. Our color is pretty much gone.
    I have not heard of a whack of bread, but bread is good no matter how it comes.
    I love frappacinos but have to get mine decafe as I can’t have caffine. I like a mocha frappacino the best. I sometimes get it with almond milk and that cuts some of the calories.
    I do love a restaurant that stays the same. You know what you like and know it will be the same the next time. A restaurant in our town recently rebranded themselves and lost a lot of customers. Having moved back to the town my husband grew up in he often bemoans the restaurants that have closed.
    Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy all your visitors

    • Becky says:


      I’m right there with you and your husband. A FEW places just need to stay exactly the same, just so that they can provide something of an anchor in a world that changes too fast. Sorry that restaurant lost customers by rebranding but I can certainly understand the customer’s feelings.

      I’m a bread fan, too, regardless of its name!

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