Readers’ Pictures (Part 3)

March 6, 2012

Before I post our last round of Readers’ Pictures I want to say thanks to everyone who commented on Sunday’s Birthday Bash.  Your sweet words and happy comments made me feel downright cheery!

Also, I want to mention that if you’ve ever wondered how to get a picture of yourself next to your comment, you can do it very easily be creating a quick account at Gravatar.   Here is their description of a gravatar:

Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog.

It would be fun to see what each other looks like so if you get a chance, create an account!

Okay. . . on to our pictures we go.


Nancy from Toronto, Canada

Nancy wrote,  “Here is a picture of where I live – Toronto – I didn’t take the picture, but thought  you might like to share it.”




Elizabeth From Minnesota

Here are a few scenes from around MN.  When it is good weather, things are spectacular!  Of course, as I am writing this we are in the midst of a snowstorm, but even that is beautiful if you don’t have to drive in it!






Jenna from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Some info about where I live: Typically we have snow from October until April- although it’s not uncommon to have snow in September and May as well.  I’ve also seen snow in June and August, but that is rare!  In the winter, it gets  VERY cold ( temperatures in the -20 to -35 degrees Celsius range (-4 to -31 Fahrenheit) for several months.

My 11  year old daughter is holding her “ice pet”- half of a gigantic icicle that was hanging off our house (the entire icicle was taller than her!).IMG_0854

Alberta is known for it’s pristine, natural lakes and rivers.  My favorite part of the city is our river valley, which  “constitutes the longest stretch of connected urban parkland in North America…the river valley is 22 times larger than New York City’s Central Park.” Edmonton also is home to the Edmonton Oilers NHL hockey team, has a large University with over 40,000 students, and has the North America’s largest shopping mall






Kristina From Alaska

Chena Hot Springs is a private, natural hot springs outside of Fairbanks. It is developed and maintained, but they kept the naturalness of the area. It looks foggy because the water is hot (105 F-ish) and the air is very cold (-20 F-ish). Such a fun place to go when it’s frigid out, though the scamper back to the changing area can leave you with water frozen in odd places!


Denali National Park is home to Mt. McKinley. Beautiful at pretty much every time of year.


Fall colors right in Fairbanks.


A shot from a canyon hike near Valdez.



Taylor From the Outer Banks of NC.
(And Sarah’s very good friend.)




Thanks to everyone who has participated over the past three weeks; you’ve helped expand our horizons and see and appreciate new places we may never get to visit.

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Readers’ Pictures (Part 3)”

  1. Guerrina says:

    All pics have been so beautiful! Especially loving the hotsprings in this post! What fun would that be! Maybe in a future where are you from, I’ll be able to find some pics to send in!

  2. Krista says:

    I love these pictures! I’m sure there is somewhere in Grand Forks, ND that would be picture-worthy, but I haven’t found it yet =)
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Liz W says:

    We do live in a beautiful country, don’t we!

  4. jenna hoff says:

    This is so fun! Thanks for sharing my photos today Becky.
    I have posted a write up/ shout out about Smithellaneous on my own blog this morning.

    Have a wonderful day and thanks again!
    Jenna Hoff

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