Reader’s Pictures (Part 2)

February 28, 2012

It Reader’s Pictures Time again!

I have so enjoyed seeing all the places, towns, and countries where you all live.  In fact, I have had so many people send photos, that I’m going to extend this another week so you can look forward to another edition next Tuesday. And that means if you had some photos you didn’t get a chance to send in, you still have time!

Let’s get started on today’s photos.


 Norma From Clayton, NC

(Note from Becky:  Norma attends the church we used to pastor in Smithfield; her brother, Norm, was the pastor of the church before we were.  I have fond memories of singing with Norma several times during our 4 1/2 years in Smithfield. She and I even did an accordion duet once!)

Well, it was hard to pick just 2 pictures from the many I take, but here’s 2 of my favorites. As you know, North Carolina has the best of both worlds…beach & mountains. On the beach picture, that’s 3 generations walking hand-in-hand…me, Kayley & Tina…a wonderful memory for me NC beach

The sunrise in the NC mountains was taken at Stone Mountain on the get-away Dale & I took in ’09 at Christmas. As they say: I wasn’t born in North Carolina, but I got here as soon as I could!

NC mountains

Brooke from Utah
Her blog is rivervision

Second Dam Bridge Snow: taken the first snow of 2010.  When we go into Logan Canyon, the first few miles or so, we mark by the dams.  2nd dam is the 2nd dam into the canyon. This is a bridge from the road side over to the path side.


We have hummingbirds here in Utah.  The amazing Pr. Corrine Thul trained the hummers that hung out at her house (which happened to be at 2nd Dam) to eat out of little cups on our hands.hummers

That’s part of the Bear River Range of the Wasatch Front (I think an extension of the mountains around Salt Lake City.)k_l_rainbow

In the left of the picture is Mt. Logan, part of the Bear River Range of the Wasatch Front.


This is a classic Cache Valley picture.  On the east side we have the Bear River Range, on the west side we have the Wellsvilles. wellsvilles

Rebecca Coe from The United Kingdom

Note from Becky:  Rebecca sent me over thirty photos because she knows how much Sarah and I love her part of the world.  She told me I didn’t even have to post them; she just wanted to share them with us.  Well, I certainly couldn’t let such a collection of beauty go unappreciated so I went through and narrowed the selection down to those that looked (to me, at least) to be the most uniquely English.

If you hover your mouse over each photo, you will see a brief description of where it is.Church of St Peter & St Paul, HarringtonCrowcombe station, SomersetJames Herriot's House, Thirsk, YorkshireLondon Bridge, LondonOverstone Hall, SywellSunset, SomersetThe Forth Bridge, ScotlandUnknown location, SomersetWhitby Abbey, Whitby, York

York Minster, York

Jodi From The Chicago Suburbs

This was taken around the first week of February, 2011.  On the same day this year, it was sunny, blue skies,  65 degrees & nobody wore coats.  Since the 150th Anniversary of the first public weather forecast (Source:  Sir Google): 8/2011, we have NEVER seen weather like this in January or February!

photo (1)

Ellen Weiss from State College, PA
Ellen doesn’t have a blog but she is a metal smith and has an Etsy Shop.

These photos were taken at the Penn State Arboretum where I live in State College, Pennsylvania.  State College is home of Penn State’s main campus.  The arboretum is fairly new, and when I went for the first time this past summer I was floored by what a beautiful job they’ve done.  I was expecting a bunch of trees but what I found was a lush, diverse, creative botanical garden with something new and exotic around every single corner.Arboretum1Arboretum2Arboretum3Arboretum4Arboretum5Arboretum8Arboretum9Arboretum10

Haven’t you enjoyed this?  Tune back in next Tuesday for some more Reader’s Pictures.  (And be sure to send yours in if you haven’t already.  Address is:

Report on Steve’s mom: I heard from Steve at about 8 pm last night and he said his mom was still in recovery because they didn’t have a room open for her yet.  Although and he and his dad were exhausted from being at the hospital for 13 hours, they said things were going well.   

10 comments so far.

10 responses to “Reader’s Pictures (Part 2)”

  1. Sally says:

    Hate to be picky, but that is TOWER Bridge, not London Bridge!!

  2. Ann Martin says:

    The UK pictures were great–especially the London Bridge! All the areas are breathtaking. I just may try to send some of our area–not recent as no snow and my flowers are blooming yet. Glad Steve’s mother is doing well.

    • Becky says:


      You’ve still got plenty of time to send in some pictures, if you’d like! It has been so much fun seeing all the different parts of our wonderful world.

  3. Gail Puckett says:

    loved the pictures and so glad that Mrs. Vernie is doing well. It is amazing what a beautiful world God created for us to live in. It is so much fun seeing where everyone is from. The pictures from England are so beautiful, it makes me know more than ever I want to visit there (with my camera)

    • Becky says:


      “With my camera” is definitely the operative part of your sentence about visiting England. What a fabulous place for a photographer!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    Hope Vernie’s recovery is a smooth and pain-free one.

    btw, loved the photos!

    mrs pam

  5. Becky says:

    Thanks for putting the UK photos up 🙂 seeing them online makes me realise what a beautiful country I live in, and especially what a pretty church i’ll be married on next year! Beautiful photos of all other countries too – we’re all do lucky!

    • Becky says:


      It was a joy to put up the UK photos. I just wanted to jump right into the middle of them and start sightseeing! You’re right; our world is blessed with so much beauty.

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